import sys
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import defaultdict
from os import getcwd, environ
from os.path import basename
from math import pi, e
from subprocess import run
from pprint import pprint

def _myPrompt():
    BLUE = '\033[94m'
    GREEN = '\033[92m'
    NORM = '\033[0m'

    cwd = getcwd()
    cwdStr = '%s%s%s ' % (
        '~' if cwd == environ.get('HOME') else basename(cwd),

    # Note that if git fails to find a repo, it prints to stderr and exits
    # non-zero (both of which we ignore).
    status = run('git symbolic-ref HEAD --short', shell=True,
                 universal_newlines=True, capture_output=True).stdout.strip()
    gitStr = '%s(%s)%s ' % (BLUE, status, NORM) if status else ''

    return '%s%s>>> ' % (cwdStr, gitStr)

sys.ps1 = _myPrompt

def pp():
    "Pretty print the current pipeline value."
    return _

def sus(n=None, print_=True):
    """Perform the shell equivalent of sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r

    @param n: The C{int} maximum number of items to return.
    @param print_: If C{True}, output is printed. Else a C{list} of
        C{(count, word)} C{tuple}s is returned (thus becoming the value of
        C{_} that will be available to the next pipeline command)
    lines = defaultdict(int)

    for line in _:
        lines[line] += 1

    it = enumerate(
        sorted(lines.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True), start=1)

    if print_:
        for i, (line, count) in it:
            print('%d %s' % (count, line))
            if n is not None and i >= n:
        result = []
        for i, (line, count) in it:
            result.append((count, line))
            if n is not None and i >= n:
        return result

def ll():
    "Get the last line of a list of lines (of shell output)."
    return _[-1]

def fl():
    "Get the first line of a list of lines (of shell output)."
    return _[0]

def push(*args):
    "Treat _ as a stack (a list) and push args onto it."
    if isinstance(_, list):
        return _
        return [_] + list(args)

def pop():
    "Treating _ as a stack (a list), pop & print the top of the stack."
    print(_.pop(), file=sys.stderr)
    return _

def clear():
    "Treating _ as a stack (a list), clear the stack."
    return []

def apply(n=None):
    """Treating _ as a stack (a list), pop a function from the top of
       the stack and apply it to a given number of arguments"""
    if _:
        if n is not None:
            if len(_) < n + 1:
                print('Could not apply - not enough stack items',
                func = _.pop()
                args = reversed(_[-n:])
            func = _.pop()
            args = reversed(_)
        return func(*args)
        print('Empty stack!', file=sys.stderr)
        return _