"""Miscellaneous tools, somewhat random mix yet often helpful."""
# Copyright 2018-2020 TeNPy Developers, GNU GPLv3

import numpy as np
from .optimization import bottleneck
from .process import omp_set_nthreads
from .params import Config
import random
import os
import itertools
import argparse
import warnings

__all__ = [
    'to_iterable', 'to_iterable_of_len', 'to_array', 'anynan', 'argsort', 'lexsort',
    'inverse_permutation', 'list_to_dict_list', 'atleast_2d_pad', 'transpose_list_list',
    'zero_if_close', 'pad', 'any_nonzero', 'add_with_None_0', 'chi_list', 'build_initial_state',

def to_iterable(a):
    """If `a` is a not iterable or a string, return ``[a]``, else return ``a``."""
    if type(a) == str:
        return [a]
    except TypeError:
        return [a]
        return a

def to_iterable_of_len(a, L):
    """If a is a non-string iterable of length `L`, return `a`, otherwise return [a]*L.

    Raises ValueError if `a` is already an iterable of different length.
    if type(a) == str:
        return [a] * L
    except TypeError:
        return [a] * L
    # else:
    if len(a) != L:
        raise ValueError("wrong length: got {0:d}, expected {1:d}".format(len(a), L))
    return a

def to_array(a, shape=(None, )):
    """Convert `a` to an numpy array and tile to matching dimension/shape.

    This function provides similar functionality as numpys broadcast, but not quite the same:
    Only scalars are broadcasted to higher dimensions,
    for a non-scalar, we require the number of dimension to match.
    If the shape does not match, we repeat periodically, e.g. we tile ``(3, 4) -> (6, 16)``,
    but ``(4, 4) -> (6, 16)`` will raise an error.

    a : scalar | array_like
        The input to be converted to an array. A scalar is reshaped to the desired dimension.
    shape : tuple of {None | int}
        The desired shape of the array. An entry ``None`` indicates arbitrary len >=1.
        For int entries, tile the array periodically to fit the len.

    a_array : ndarray
        A copy of `a` converted to a numpy ndarray of desired dimension and shape.
    a = np.array(a)  # copy
    if a.ndim != len(shape):
        if a.size == 1:
            a = np.reshape(a, [1] * len(shape))
        else:  # extending dimensions is ambiguous, so we better raise an Error.
            raise ValueError("don't know how to cast `a` to required dimensions.")
    reps = [1] * a.ndim
    for i in range(a.ndim):
        if shape[i] is None:
        if shape[i] % a.shape[i] != 0:
            raise ValueError("incomensurate len for tiling from {0:d} to {1:d}".format(
                a.shape[i], shape[i]))
        reps[i] = shape[i] // a.shape[i]
    return np.tile(a, reps)

if bottleneck is not None:
    anynan = bottleneck.anynan

    def anynan(a):
        """check whether any entry of a ndarray `a` is 'NaN'."""
        return np.isnan(np.sum(a))  # still faster than 'np.isnan(a).any()'

def argsort(a, sort=None, **kwargs):
    """wrapper around np.argsort to allow sorting ascending/descending and by magnitude.

    a : array_like
        The array to sort.
    sort : ``'m>', 'm<', '>', '<', None``
        Specify how the arguments should be sorted.

        ==================== =============================
        `sort`               order
        ==================== =============================
        ``'m>', 'LM'``       Largest magnitude first
        -------------------- -----------------------------
        ``'m<', 'SM'``       Smallest magnitude first
        -------------------- -----------------------------
        ``'>', 'LR', 'LA'``  Largest real part first
        -------------------- -----------------------------
        ``'<', 'SR', 'SA'``  Smallest real part first
        -------------------- -----------------------------
        ``'LI'``             Largest imaginary part first
        -------------------- -----------------------------
        ``'Si'``             Smallest imaginary part first
        -------------------- -----------------------------
        ``None``             numpy default: same as '<'
        ==================== =============================

    **kwargs :
        Further keyword arguments given directly to :func:`numpy.argsort`.

    index_array : ndarray, int
        Same shape as `a`, such that ``a[index_array]`` is sorted in the specified way.
    if sort is not None:
        if sort == 'm<' or sort == 'SM':
            a = np.abs(a)
        elif sort == 'm>' or sort == 'LM':
            a = -np.abs(a)
        elif sort == '<' or sort == 'SR' or sort == 'SA':
            a = np.real(a)
        elif sort == '>' or sort == 'LR' or sort == 'LA':
            a = -np.real(a)
        elif sort == 'SI':
            a = np.imag(a)
        elif sort == 'LI':
            a = -np.imag(a)
            raise ValueError("unknown sort option " + repr(sort))
    return np.argsort(a, **kwargs)

def lexsort(a, axis=-1):
    """wrapper around ``np.lexsort``: allow for trivial case ``a.shape[0] = 0`` without sorting"""
    if any([s == 0 for s in a.shape]):
        return np.arange(a.shape[axis], dtype=np.intp)
    return np.lexsort(a, axis=axis)

def inverse_permutation(perm):
    """reverse sorting indices.

    Sort functions (as :meth:`LegCharge.sort`) return a (1D) permutation `perm` array,
    such that ``sorted_array = old_array[perm]``.
    This function inverts the permutation `perm`,
    such that ``old_array = sorted_array[inverse_permutation(perm)]``.

    perm : 1D array_like
        The permutation to be reversed. *Assumes* that it is a permutation with unique indices.
        If it is, ``inverse_permutation(inverse_permutation(perm)) == perm``.

    inv_perm : 1D array (int)
        The inverse permutation of `perm` such that ``inv_perm[perm[j]] = j = perm[inv_perm[j]]``.
    perm = np.asarray(perm, dtype=np.intp)
    inv_perm = np.empty_like(perm)
    inv_perm[perm] = np.arange(perm.shape[0], dtype=perm.dtype)
    return inv_perm
    # equivalently: return np.argsort(perm) # would be O(N log(N))

def list_to_dict_list(l):
    """Given a list `l` of objects, construct a lookup table.

    This function will handle duplicate entries in `l`.

    l: iterable of iterabele of immutable
        A list of objects that can be converted to tuples to be used as keys for a dictionary.

    lookup : dict
        A dictionary with (key, value) pairs ``(key):[i1,i2,...]``
        where ``i1, i2, ...`` are the indices where `key` is found in `l`:
        i.e. ``key == tuple(l[i1]) == tuple(l[i2]) == ...``
    d = {}
    for i, r in enumerate(l):
        k = tuple(r)
        except KeyError:
            d[k] = [i]
    return d

def atleast_2d_pad(a, pad_item=0):
    """Transform `a` into a 2D array, filling missing places with `pad_item`.

    Given a list of lists, turn it to a 2D array (pad with 0), or turn a 1D list to 2D.

    a : list of lists
        to be converted into ad 2D array.

    a_2D : 2D ndarray
        a converted into a numpy array.

    >>> atleast_2d_pad([3, 4, 0])
    array([[3, 4, 0]])

    >>> atleast_2d_pad([[3, 4],[1, 6, 7]])
    array([[ 3.,  4.,  0.],
           [ 1.,  6.,  7.]])
    iter(a)  # check that a is at least 1D iterable
    if len(a) == 0:
        return np.zeros([0, 0])
    # Check if every element of a is a list
    is_list_of_list = True
    for s in a:
        except TypeError:
            is_list_of_list = False
    if not is_list_of_list:
        return np.array([a])
    maxlen = max([len(s) for s in a])
    # Pad if necessary
    a = [np.hstack([s, [pad_item] * (maxlen - len(s))]) for s in a]
    return np.array(a)

def transpose_list_list(D, pad=None):
    """Returns a list of lists T, such that ``T[i][j] = D[j][i]``.

    D : list of list
        to be transposed
    pad :
        Used to fill missing places, if D is not rectangular.

    T : list of lists
        transposed, rectangular version of `D`.
        constructed such that ``T[i][j] = D[j][i] if i < len(D[j]) else pad``
    nRow = len(D)
    if nRow == 0:
        return [[]]
    nCol = max([len(R) for R in D])
    T = [[pad] * nRow for i in range(nCol)]
    for j, R in enumerate(D):
        for i, e in enumerate(R):
            T[i][j] = e
    return T

def zero_if_close(a, tol=1.e-15):
    """set real and/or imaginary part to 0 if their absolute value is smaller than `tol`.

    a : ndarray
        numpy array to be rounded
    tol : float
        the threashold which values to consider as '0'.
    if a.dtype == np.complex128 or a.dtype == np.complex64:
        ar = np.choose(np.abs(a.real) < tol, [a.real, np.zeros(a.shape)])
        ai = np.choose(np.abs(a.imag) < tol, [a.imag, np.zeros(a.shape)])
        return ar + 1j * ai
        return np.choose(np.abs(a) < tol, [a, np.zeros_like(a)])

def pad(a, w_l=0, v_l=0, w_r=0, v_r=0, axis=0):
    """Pad an array along a given `axis`.

    a : ndarray
        the array to be padded
    w_l : int
        the width to be padded in the front
    v_l : dtype
        the value to be inserted before `a`
    w_r : int
        the width to be padded after the last index
    v_r : dtype
        the value to be inserted after `a`
    axis : int
        the axis along which to pad

    padded : ndarray
        a copy of `a` with enlarged `axis`, padded with the given values.
    shp = list(a.shape)
    shp[axis] += w_r + w_l
    b = np.empty(shp, a.dtype)
    # tuple of full slices
    take = [slice(None) for j in range(len(shp))]
    # prepend
    take[axis] = slice(w_l)
    b[tuple(take)] = v_l
    # copy a
    take[axis] = slice(w_l, -w_r)
    b[tuple(take)] = a
    # append
    take[axis] = slice(-w_r, None)
    b[tuple(take)] = v_r
    return b

def any_nonzero(params, keys, verbose_msg=None):
    """Check for any non-zero or non-equal entries in some parameters.

    params : dict | Config
        A dictionary of parameters, or a :class:`~tenpy.tools.params.Config`
    keys : list of {key | tuple of keys}
        For a single key, check ``params[key]`` for non-zero entries.
        For a tuple of keys, all the ``params[key]`` have to be equal (as numpy arrays).
    verbose_msg : None | str
        If params['verbose'] >= 1, we print `verbose_msg` before checking,
        and a short notice with the `key`, if a non-zero entry is found.

    match : bool
        False, if all params[key] are zero or `None` and
        True, if any of the params[key] for single `key` in `keys`,
        or if any of the entries for a tuple of `keys`
    msg = ("tools.misc.any_nonzero() is deprecated in favor of "
    warnings.warn(msg, category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
    if isinstance(params, Config):
        return params.any_nonzero(keys, verbose_msg)
    verbose = (params.get('verbose', 0) > 1.)
    for k in keys:
        if isinstance(k, tuple):
            # check equality
            val = params.get(k[0], None)
            for k1 in k[1:]:
                if not np.array_equal(val, params.get(k1, None)):
                    if verbose:
                        print("{k0!r} and {k1!r} have different entries.".format(k0=k[0], k1=k1))
                    return True
            val = params.get(k, None)
            if val is not None and np.any(np.array(val) != 0.):  # count `None` as zero
                if verbose:
                    print(str(k) + " has nonzero entries")
                return True
    return False

def add_with_None_0(a, b):
    """Return ``a + b``, treating `None` as zero.

    a, b :
        The two things to be added, or ``None``.

    sum :
        ``a + b``, except if `a` or `b` is `None`, in which case the other variable is returned.
    if a is None:
        return b
    if b is None:
        return a
    return a + b

def chi_list(chi_max, dchi=20, nsweeps=20, verbose=0):
    warnings.warn("Deprecated: moved `chi_list` to `tenpy.algorithms.dmrg.chi_list`.",
    from tenpy.algorithms import dmrg
    chi_list = dmrg.chi_list(chi_max, dchi, nsweeps)
    if verbose:
        import pprint
        print("chi_list = ")
    return chi_list

def build_initial_state(size, states, filling, mode='random', seed=None):
        "Deprecated: moved `build_initial_state` to `tenpy.networks.mps.build_initial_state`.",
    from tenpy.networks import mps
    return mps.build_initial_state(size, states, filling, mode, seed)

def setup_executable(mod, run_defaults, identifier_list=None):
    """Read command line arguments and turn into useable dicts.

    Uses default values defined at:
    - model class for model_par
    - here for sim_par
    - executable file for run_par
    Alternatively, a model_defaults dictionary and identifier_list can be supplied without the model

    NB: for setup_executable to work with a model class, the model class needs to define two things:
            - defaults, a static (class level) dictionary with (key, value) pairs that have the name
              of the parameter (as string) as key, and the default value as value.
            - identifier, a static (class level) list or other iterable with the names of the parameters
              to be used in filename identifiers.

        mod (model | dict): Model class (or instance) OR a dictionary containing model defaults
        run_defaults (dict): default values for executable file parameters
        identifier_list (ieterable, optional) | Used only if mod is a dict. Contains the identifier

        model_par, sim_par, run_par (dicts) : containing all parameters.
        args | namespace with raw arguments for some backwards compatibility with executables.
        "Deprecated: `setup_executable` is not configured and too specific for this version of tenpy.",
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    # These deal with backwards compatibility (supplying a model)
    if type(mod) != dict and identifier_list == None:  # Assume we've been given a model class
            model_defaults = mod.defaults
            identifier_list = mod.identifier
        except AttributeError as err:
            print("Cannot get model defaults and identifer list from mod. Is mod a class/instance?")
            raise AttributeError
    elif type(mod) == dict and hasattr(identifier_list, '__iter__'):
        model_defaults = mod
        raise ValueError("If model_par are supplied as dict, identifier_list should be provided.")

    # The model_par bit (for all model parameters)
    for label, value in model_defaults.items():
        if type(value) == bool:  # For boolean defaults, we want a true/false flag
            if value:
                parser.add_argument('-' + label, action='store_false')
                parser.add_argument('-' + label, action='store_true')
        else:  # For non-boolean defaults, take the type of the default as type for the cmdline var
            parser.add_argument('-' + label, type=type(value), default=value)

    # The run_par bit (for executable-level parameters). These are defined in the executable file
    # but need to be included for argparse to work correctly.
    for label, value in run_defaults.items():
        if type(value) == bool:  # For boolean defaults, we want a true/false flag
            if value:
                parser.add_argument('-' + label, action='store_false')
                parser.add_argument('-' + label, action='store_true')
        else:  # For non-boolean defaults, take the type of the default as type for the cmdline var
            print('Adding argument', label)
            parser.add_argument('-' + label, type=type(value), default=value)
    # The following parameters are run-time but so general they're defined here
    parser.add_argument('-ncores', type=int, default=1)
    parser.add_argument('-dir', type=str, default=None)
    parser.add_argument('-plots', action='store_true')  # Generic flag to activate plotting
    parser.add_argument('-seed', default=None)  # For anything random

    # The sim_par bit (for DMRG-related parameters). These don't vary, so we'll just define here.
    parser.add_argument('-chi', type=int, default=100)
    parser.add_argument('-dchi', type=int, default=20)  # Step size for chi ramp
    parser.add_argument('-dsweeps', type=int, default=20)  # Number of sweeps for chi step
    parser.add_argument('-min_sweeps', type=int, default=30)
    parser.add_argument('-max_sweeps', type=int, default=1000)
    #parser.add_argument('-n_steps', type=int, default=10)
    #parser.add_argument('-max_steps', type=int, default=2400)
    parser.add_argument('-mixer', action='store_true')  # To activate mixer
    parser.add_argument('-mix_str', type=float, default=1.e-3)
    parser.add_argument('-mix_dec', type=float, default=1.5)
    parser.add_argument('-mix_len', type=int, default=80)
    parser.add_argument('-start_env', type=int, default=0)
    parser.add_argument('-update_env', type=int)

    # Now parse and turn into manageable dicts.
    args = parser.parse_args()
    par_dict = vars(args)  # Turns args (='Namespace' object) into dict.

    model_par = {}
    for label in model_defaults.keys():  # Select the model-relevant parts of par_dict
        model_par[label] = par_dict[label]

    run_par = {}
    for label in run_defaults.keys():  # Select the executable-relevant parts of par_dict
        run_par[label] = par_dict[label]

        sim_par = {
            'chi_list': chi_list(args.chi, args.dchi, args.dsweeps),
            'N_sweeps_check': 10,
            'min_sweeps': args.min_sweeps,
            'max_sweeps': args.max_sweeps,
            'verbose': args.verbose,  # Take this from the model
            'lanczos_params': {
                'N_min': 2,
                'N_max': 40,
                'E_tol': 10**(-12)
    except AttributeError as err:
            'sim_par parsing has failed, most likely because model does not define verbose parameter.'
        raise AttributeError
    if args.mixer:
        sim_par['mixer'] = True
        sim_par['mixer_params'] = {
            'amplitude': args.mix_str,
            'decay': args.mix_dec,
            'disable_after': args.mix_len

    # Having set up all dictionaries, we can now do some other setting up
    if not args.dir == None:
    import matplotlib
    matplotlib.rcParams["savefig.directory"] = os.chdir(os.getcwd())

    # Build the identifier based on model-defined and general parameters
    identifier = "chi_{}_seed_{}_".format(args.chi, args.seed)  # Only use seed if supplied?
    for varname in identifier_list:
        if 'conserve' in varname:
            shortened = varname.replace('conserve',
                                                                       'ch').replace('spin', 'S')
            identifier += shortened + "_"
        elif model_par[varname] != 0:  # Parameters that are 0 are ignored. Only want supplied?
            identifier += varname + "_" + str(model_par[varname]) + "_"
    if args.mixer:
        identifier += 'mix_({},{},{})'.format(args.mix_str, args.mix_dec, args.mix_len)
    if identifier[-1] == "_":
        identifier = identifier[:-1]
    # Attempt to shorten the identifier
    identifier = identifier.replace('periodic', 'inf').replace('finite', 'fin').replace('.0_', '_')
    if len(identifier) >= 144:
        print("Warning: identifier has a lenght longer than max filename on encrypted Ubuntu!")

        'ncores': args.ncores,
        'dir': args.dir,
        'plots': args.plots,
        'identifier': identifier,
        'seed': args.seed,

    return model_par, sim_par, run_par, args