This syntax highlighter is modified from the following code:

License: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:BSD-3-Clause

from PyQt5.QtCore import QRegExp
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor, QTextCharFormat, QFont, QSyntaxHighlighter

def format(color, style=""):
    """Return a QTextCharFormat with the given attributes."""
    _color = QColor()
    _format = QTextCharFormat()
    if "bold" in style:
    if "italic" in style:
    return _format

# Syntax styles
    "instr_general": format("lightGreen"),
    "instr_cmp": format("green"),
    "instr_branch": format("green"),
    "instr_arith": format("darkOrange"),
    "instr_vm": format("red", "bold"),
    "keywords_vm": format("darkMagenta"),
    "instr_stack": format("lightBlue"),
    "instr_bitwise": format("red"),
    "operator": format("red"),
    "brace": format("darkMagenta"),
    "comment": format("darkGreen", "italic"),
    "numbers": format("brown"),

class AsmHighlighter(QSyntaxHighlighter):
    """Syntax highlighter for the x86 ASM language."""

    instr_general = ["mov", "movzx", "movsx", "movsx", "lea"]
    instr_cmp = ["cmp", "test"]
    instr_branch = ["jmp", "call"]
    instr_arith = ["add", "sub", "dec", "inc", "mul"]
    instr_vm = ["nor", "load", "exit", "enter", "init"]
    instr_stack = ["push", "pushad", "pushfd", "pushal", "pop", "popfd"]
    instr_bitwise = ["xor", "and", "or", "shl", "shr", "bswap",
                     "rol", "ror", "neg", "not", "btc", "bts",

    # Operators
    operators = [
        # Comparison
        "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">", ">=",
        # Arithmetic
        "\+", "-", "\*", "/", "//", "\%", "\*\*",
        # In-place
        "\+=", "-=", "\*=", "/=", "\%=",
        # Bitwise
        "\^", "\|", "\&", "\~", ">>", "<<",

    # Braces
    braces = ["\[", "\]"]

    def __init__(self, document):
        QSyntaxHighlighter.__init__(self, document)

        rules = []

        # Keyword, operator, and brace rules
        rules += [
            (r"\b%s\b" % w, 0, STYLES["instr_general"])
            for w in AsmHighlighter.instr_general

        rules += [
            (r"\b%s\b" % w, 0, STYLES["instr_cmp"]) for w in AsmHighlighter.instr_cmp

        rules += [
            (r"\b%s\b" % w, 0, STYLES["instr_branch"])
            for w in AsmHighlighter.instr_branch

        rules += [
            (r"\b%s\b" % w, 0, STYLES["instr_arith"])
            for w in AsmHighlighter.instr_arith

        rules += [
            (r"\b%s\b" % w, 0, STYLES["instr_vm"]) for w in AsmHighlighter.instr_vm

        rules += [
            (r"\b%s\b" % w, 0, STYLES["instr_stack"])
            for w in AsmHighlighter.instr_stack

        rules += [
            (r"\b%s\b" % w, 0, STYLES["instr_bitwise"])
            for w in AsmHighlighter.instr_bitwise

        rules += [(r"%s" % o, 0, STYLES["operator"]) for o in AsmHighlighter.operators]

        rules += [(r"%s" % b, 0, STYLES["brace"]) for b in AsmHighlighter.braces]

        # All other rules
        rules += [
            # Numeric literals
            (r"\b[+-]?[0-9]+[lL]?\b", 0, STYLES["numbers"]),
            (r"\b[+-]?0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+[lL]?\b", 0, STYLES["numbers"]),
            (r"\b[+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\b", 0, STYLES["numbers"]),
            # From 'vm_' until a space or a comma
            (r"vm_[^ ,]*", 0, STYLES["keywords_vm"]),
            # From '#' until a newline
            (r"#[^\n]*", 0, STYLES["comment"]),
            # From ';' until a newline
            (r";[^\n]*", 0, STYLES["comment"]),

        # Build a QRegExp for each pattern
        self.rules = [(QRegExp(pat), index, fmt) for (pat, index, fmt) in rules]

    def highlightBlock(self, text):
        """Apply syntax highlighting to the given block of text."""
        # Do other syntax formatting
        for expression, nth, format in self.rules:
            index = expression.indexIn(text, 0)

            while index >= 0:
                # We actually want the index of the nth match
                index = expression.pos(nth)
                length = len(expression.cap(nth))
                self.setFormat(index, length, format)
                index = expression.indexIn(text, index + length)
