import re
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from itertools import takewhile, repeat
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Iterable
from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict

class common:

    def normalize_word(word):
        stripped = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z]', '', word)
        if len(stripped) == 0:
            return word.lower()
            return stripped.lower()

    def _load_vocab_from_histogram(path, min_count=0, start_from=0, return_counts=False):
        with open(path, 'r') as file:
            word_to_index = {}
            index_to_word = {}
            word_to_count = {}
            next_index = start_from
            for line in file:
                line_values = line.rstrip().split(' ')
                if len(line_values) != 2:
                word = line_values[0]
                count = int(line_values[1])
                if count < min_count:
                if word in word_to_index:
                word_to_index[word] = next_index
                index_to_word[next_index] = word
                word_to_count[word] = count
                next_index += 1
        result = word_to_index, index_to_word, next_index - start_from
        if return_counts:
            result = (*result, word_to_count)
        return result

    def load_vocab_from_histogram(path, min_count=0, start_from=0, max_size=None, return_counts=False):
        if max_size is not None:
            word_to_index, index_to_word, next_index, word_to_count = \
                common._load_vocab_from_histogram(path, min_count, start_from, return_counts=True)
            if next_index <= max_size:
                results = (word_to_index, index_to_word, next_index)
                if return_counts:
                    results = (*results, word_to_count)
                return results
            # Take min_count to be one plus the count of the max_size'th word
            min_count = sorted(word_to_count.values(), reverse=True)[max_size] + 1
        return common._load_vocab_from_histogram(path, min_count, start_from, return_counts)

    def load_json(json_file):
        data = []
        with open(json_file, 'r') as file:
            for line in file:
                current_program = common.process_single_json_line(line)
                if current_program is None:
                for element, scope in current_program.items():
                    data.append((element, scope))
        return data

    def load_json_streaming(json_file):
        with open(json_file, 'r') as file:
            for line in file:
                current_program = common.process_single_json_line(line)
                if current_program is None:
                for element, scope in current_program.items():
                    yield (element, scope)

    def save_word2vec_file(output_file, index_to_word, vocab_embedding_matrix: np.ndarray):
        assert len(vocab_embedding_matrix.shape) == 2
        vocab_size, embedding_dimension = vocab_embedding_matrix.shape
        output_file.write('%d %d\n' % (vocab_size, embedding_dimension))
        for word_idx in range(0, vocab_size):
            assert word_idx in index_to_word
            word_str = index_to_word[word_idx]
            output_file.write(word_str + ' ')
            output_file.write(' '.join(map(str, vocab_embedding_matrix[word_idx])) + '\n')

    def calculate_max_contexts(file):
        contexts_per_word = common.process_test_input(file)
        return max(
            [max(l, default=0) for l in [[len(contexts) for contexts in prog.values()] for prog in contexts_per_word]],

    def binary_to_string(binary_string):
        return binary_string.decode("utf-8")

    def binary_to_string_list(binary_string_list):
        return [common.binary_to_string(w) for w in binary_string_list]

    def binary_to_string_matrix(binary_string_matrix):
        return [common.binary_to_string_list(l) for l in binary_string_matrix]

    def load_file_lines(path):
        with open(path, 'r') as f:

    def split_to_batches(data_lines, batch_size):
        for x in range(0, len(data_lines), batch_size):
            yield data_lines[x:x + batch_size]

    def legal_method_names_checker(special_words, name):
        return name != special_words.OOV and re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z|]+$', name)

    def filter_impossible_names(special_words, top_words):
        result = list(filter(lambda word: common.legal_method_names_checker(special_words, word), top_words))
        return result

    def get_subtokens(str):
        return str.split('|')

    def parse_prediction_results(raw_prediction_results, unhash_dict, special_words, topk: int = 5) -> List['MethodPredictionResults']:
        prediction_results = []
        for single_method_prediction in raw_prediction_results:
            current_method_prediction_results = MethodPredictionResults(single_method_prediction.original_name)
            for i, predicted in enumerate(single_method_prediction.topk_predicted_words):
                if predicted == special_words.OOV:
                suggestion_subtokens = common.get_subtokens(predicted)
                    suggestion_subtokens, single_method_prediction.topk_predicted_words_scores[i].item())
            topk_attention_per_context = [
                (key, single_method_prediction.attention_per_context[key])
                for key in sorted(single_method_prediction.attention_per_context,
                                  key=single_method_prediction.attention_per_context.get, reverse=True)
            for context, attention in topk_attention_per_context:
                token1, hashed_path, token2 = context
                if hashed_path in unhash_dict:
                    unhashed_path = unhash_dict[hashed_path]
                    current_method_prediction_results.append_attention_path(attention.item(), token1=token1,
                                                                            path=unhashed_path, token2=token2)
        return prediction_results

    def tf_get_first_true(bool_tensor: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        bool_tensor_as_int32 = tf.cast(bool_tensor, dtype=tf.int32)
        cumsum = tf.cumsum(bool_tensor_as_int32, axis=-1, exclusive=False)
        return tf.logical_and(tf.equal(cumsum, 1), bool_tensor)

    def count_lines_in_file(file_path: str):
        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            bufgen = takewhile(lambda x: x, ( * 1024) for _ in repeat(None)))
            return sum(buf.count(b'\n') for buf in bufgen)

    def squeeze_single_batch_dimension_for_np_arrays(arrays):
        assert all(array is None or isinstance(array, np.ndarray) or isinstance(array, tf.Tensor) for array in arrays)
        return tuple(
            None if array is None else np.squeeze(array, axis=0)
            for array in arrays

    def get_first_match_word_from_top_predictions(special_words, original_name, top_predicted_words) -> Optional[Tuple[int, str]]:
        normalized_original_name = common.normalize_word(original_name)
        for suggestion_idx, predicted_word in enumerate(common.filter_impossible_names(special_words, top_predicted_words)):
            normalized_possible_suggestion = common.normalize_word(predicted_word)
            if normalized_original_name == normalized_possible_suggestion:
                return suggestion_idx, predicted_word
        return None

    def now_str():
        return"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S: ")

    def chunks(l, n):
        """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
        for i in range(0, len(l), n):
            yield l[i:i + n]

    def get_unique_list(lst: Iterable) -> list:
        return list(OrderedDict(((item, 0) for item in lst)).keys())

class MethodPredictionResults:
    def __init__(self, original_name):
        self.original_name = original_name
        self.predictions = list()
        self.attention_paths = list()

    def append_prediction(self, name, probability):
        self.predictions.append({'name': name, 'probability': probability})

    def append_attention_path(self, attention_score, token1, path, token2):
        self.attention_paths.append({'score': attention_score,
                                     'path': path,
                                     'token1': token1,
                                     'token2': token2})