"""Client for Google's BrowserChannel protocol.

BrowserChannel allows simulating a bidirectional socket in a web browser using
long-polling requests. It is used by the Hangouts web client to receive state
updates from the server. The "forward channel" sends "maps" (dictionaries) to
the server. The "backwards channel" receives "arrays" (lists) from the server.

Google provides a JavaScript BrowserChannel client as part of closure-library:

Source code is available here:

Unofficial protocol documentation is available here:

import asyncio
import codecs
import json
import logging
import re

import aiohttp
import async_timeout

from hangups import event, exceptions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Utf8IncrementalDecoder = codecs.getincrementaldecoder('utf-8')
LEN_REGEX = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)\n', re.MULTILINE)
CHANNEL_URL = 'https://0.client-channel.google.com/client-channel/channel/bind'
# Long-polling requests send heartbeats every 15-30 seconds, so if we miss two
# in a row, consider the connection dead.
MAX_READ_BYTES = 1024 * 1024

class ChannelSessionError(exceptions.HangupsError):
    """hangups channel session error"""

def _best_effort_decode(data_bytes):
    """Decode as much of data_bytes as possible as UTF-8."""
    decoder = Utf8IncrementalDecoder()
    return decoder.decode(data_bytes)

class ChunkParser(object):
    """Parse data from the backward channel into chunks.

    Responses from the backward channel consist of a sequence of chunks which
    are streamed to the client. Each chunk is prefixed with its length,
    followed by a newline. The length allows the client to identify when the
    entire chunk has been received.

    def __init__(self):
        # Buffer for bytes containing utf-8 text:
        self._buf = b''

    def get_chunks(self, new_data_bytes):
        """Yield chunks generated from received data.

        The buffer may not be decodable as UTF-8 if there's a split multi-byte
        character at the end. To handle this, do a "best effort" decode of the
        buffer to decode as much of it as possible.

        The length is actually the length of the string as reported by
        JavaScript. JavaScript's string length function returns the number of
        code units in the string, represented in UTF-16. We can emulate this by
        encoding everything in UTF-16 and multiplying the reported length by 2.

        Note that when encoding a string in UTF-16, Python will prepend a
        byte-order character, so we need to remove the first two bytes.
        self._buf += new_data_bytes

        while True:

            buf_decoded = _best_effort_decode(self._buf)
            buf_utf16 = buf_decoded.encode('utf-16')[2:]

            length_str_match = LEN_REGEX.match(buf_decoded)
            if length_str_match is None:
                length_str = length_str_match.group(1)
                # Both lengths are in number of bytes in UTF-16 encoding.
                # The length of the submission:
                length = int(length_str) * 2
                # The length of the submission length and newline:
                length_length = len((length_str + '\n').encode('utf-16')[2:])
                if len(buf_utf16) - length_length < length:

                submission = buf_utf16[length_length:length_length + length]
                yield submission.decode('utf-16')
                # Drop the length and the submission itself from the beginning
                # of the buffer.
                drop_length = (len((length_str + '\n').encode()) +
                self._buf = self._buf[drop_length:]

def _parse_sid_response(res):
    """Parse response format for request for new channel SID.

    Example format (after parsing JS):
    [   [0,["c","SID_HERE","",8]],

    Returns (SID, gsessionid) tuple.
    res = json.loads(list(ChunkParser().get_chunks(res))[0])
    sid = res[0][1][1]
    gsessionid = res[1][1][0]['gsid']
    return (sid, gsessionid)

class Channel(object):
    """BrowserChannel client."""

    # Public methods

    def __init__(self, session, max_retries, retry_backoff_base):
        """Create a new channel.

            session (http_utils.Session): Request session.
            max_retries (int): Number of retries for long-polling request.
            retry_backoff_base (int): The base term for the long-polling
                exponential backoff.

        # Event fired when channel connects with arguments ():
        self.on_connect = event.Event('Channel.on_connect')
        # Event fired when channel reconnects with arguments ():
        self.on_reconnect = event.Event('Channel.on_reconnect')
        # Event fired when channel disconnects with arguments ():
        self.on_disconnect = event.Event('Channel.on_disconnect')
        # Event fired when an array is received with arguments (array):
        self.on_receive_array = event.Event('Channel.on_receive_array')

        self._max_retries = max_retries
        self._retry_backoff_base = retry_backoff_base

        # True if the channel is currently connected:
        self._is_connected = False
        # True if the on_connect event has been called at least once:
        self._on_connect_called = False
        # Parser for assembling messages:
        self._chunk_parser = None
        # Session for HTTP requests:
        self._session = session

        # Discovered parameters:
        self._sid_param = None
        self._gsessionid_param = None

    def is_connected(self):
        """Whether the channel is currently connected."""
        return self._is_connected

    async def listen(self):
        """Listen for messages on the backwards channel.

        This method only returns when the connection has been closed due to an
        retries = 0  # Number of retries attempted so far
        need_new_sid = True  # whether a new SID is needed

        while retries <= self._max_retries:
            # After the first failed retry, back off exponentially longer after
            # each attempt.
            if retries > 0:
                backoff_seconds = self._retry_backoff_base ** retries
                logger.info('Backing off for %s seconds', backoff_seconds)
                await asyncio.sleep(backoff_seconds)

            # Request a new SID if we don't have one yet, or the previous one
            # became invalid.
            if need_new_sid:
                await self._fetch_channel_sid()
                need_new_sid = False
            # Clear any previous push data, since if there was an error it
            # could contain garbage.
            self._chunk_parser = ChunkParser()
                await self._longpoll_request()
            except ChannelSessionError as err:
                logger.warning('Long-polling interrupted: %s', err)
                need_new_sid = True
            except exceptions.NetworkError as err:
                logger.warning('Long-polling request failed: %s', err)
                # The connection closed successfully, so reset the number of
                # retries.
                retries = 0

            retries += 1
            logger.info('retry attempt count is now %s', retries)
            if self._is_connected:
                self._is_connected = False
                await self.on_disconnect.fire()

            # If the request ended with an error, the client must account for
            # messages being dropped during this time.

        logger.error('Ran out of retries for long-polling request')

    async def send_maps(self, map_list):
        """Sends a request to the server containing maps (dicts)."""
        params = {
            'VER': 8,  # channel protocol version
            'RID': 81188,  # request identifier
            'ctype': 'hangouts',  # client type
        if self._gsessionid_param is not None:
            params['gsessionid'] = self._gsessionid_param
        if self._sid_param is not None:
            params['SID'] = self._sid_param
        data_dict = dict(count=len(map_list), ofs=0)
        for map_num, map_ in enumerate(map_list):
            for map_key, map_val in map_.items():
                data_dict['req{}_{}'.format(map_num, map_key)] = map_val
        res = await self._session.fetch(
            'post', CHANNEL_URL, params=params, data=data_dict
        return res

    # Private methods

    async def _fetch_channel_sid(self):
        """Creates a new channel for receiving push data.

        Sending an empty forward channel request will create a new channel on
        the server.

        There's a separate API to get the gsessionid alone that Hangouts for
        Chrome uses, but if we don't send a gsessionid with this request, it
        will return a gsessionid as well as the SID.

        Raises hangups.NetworkError if the channel can not be created.
        logger.info('Requesting new gsessionid and SID...')
        # Set SID and gsessionid to None so they aren't sent in by send_maps.
        self._sid_param = None
        self._gsessionid_param = None
        res = await self.send_maps([])
        self._sid_param, self._gsessionid_param = _parse_sid_response(res.body)
        logger.info('New SID: {}'.format(self._sid_param))
        logger.info('New gsessionid: {}'.format(self._gsessionid_param))

    async def _longpoll_request(self):
        """Open a long-polling request and receive arrays.

        This method uses keep-alive to make re-opening the request faster, but
        the remote server will set the "Connection: close" header once an hour.

        Raises hangups.NetworkError or ChannelSessionError.
        params = {
            'VER': 8,  # channel protocol version
            'gsessionid': self._gsessionid_param,
            'RID': 'rpc',  # request identifier
            't': 1,  # trial
            'SID': self._sid_param,  # session ID
            'CI': 0,  # 0 if streaming/chunked requests should be used
            'ctype': 'hangouts',  # client type
            'TYPE': 'xmlhttp',  # type of request
        logger.info('Opening new long-polling request')
            async with self._session.fetch_raw('GET', CHANNEL_URL,
                                               params=params) as res:

                if res.status != 200:
                    if res.status == 400 and res.reason == 'Unknown SID':
                        raise ChannelSessionError('SID became invalid')
                    raise exceptions.NetworkError(
                        'Request return unexpected status: {}: {}'.format(
                            res.status, res.reason))

                while True:
                    async with async_timeout.timeout(PUSH_TIMEOUT):
                        chunk = await res.content.read(MAX_READ_BYTES)
                    if not chunk:

                    await self._on_push_data(chunk)

        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            raise exceptions.NetworkError('Request timed out')
        except aiohttp.ServerDisconnectedError as err:
            raise exceptions.NetworkError(
                'Server disconnected error: %s' % err)
        except aiohttp.ClientPayloadError:
            raise ChannelSessionError('SID is about to expire')
        except aiohttp.ClientError as err:
            raise exceptions.NetworkError('Request connection error: %s' % err)

    async def _on_push_data(self, data_bytes):
        """Parse push data and trigger events."""
        logger.debug('Received chunk:\n{}'.format(data_bytes))
        for chunk in self._chunk_parser.get_chunks(data_bytes):

            # Consider the channel connected once the first chunk is received.
            if not self._is_connected:
                if self._on_connect_called:
                    self._is_connected = True
                    await self.on_reconnect.fire()
                    self._on_connect_called = True
                    self._is_connected = True
                    await self.on_connect.fire()

            # chunk contains a container array
            container_array = json.loads(chunk)
            # container array is an array of inner arrays
            for inner_array in container_array:
                # inner_array always contains 2 elements, the array_id and the
                # data_array.
                array_id, data_array = inner_array
                logger.debug('Chunk contains data array with id %r:\n%r',
                             array_id, data_array)
                await self.on_receive_array.fire(data_array)