#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import inspect
import traceback
import yaml
import pycurl
import json
import csv
import logging
import threading
from optparse import OptionParser
from email import message_from_string  # For headers handling
import time

    from cStringIO import StringIO as MyIO
        from StringIO import StringIO as MyIO
    except ImportError:
        from io import BytesIO as MyIO

ESCAPE_DECODING = 'string-escape'
# Python 3 compatibility
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    from past.builtins import basestring
    from builtins import range as xrange
    ESCAPE_DECODING = 'unicode_escape'

# Dirty hack to allow for running this as a script :-/
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pyresttest.six import text_type
    from pyresttest.binding import Context
    from pyresttest import generators
    from pyresttest import validators
    from pyresttest import tests
    from pyresttest.generators import parse_generator
    from pyresttest.parsing import flatten_dictionaries, lowercase_keys, safe_to_bool, safe_to_json

    from pyresttest.validators import Failure
    from pyresttest.tests import Test, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
    from pyresttest.benchmarks import Benchmark, AGGREGATES, METRICS, parse_benchmark
else:  # Normal imports
    from . import six
    from .six import text_type

    # Pyresttest internals
    from . import binding
    from .binding import Context
    from . import generators
    from .generators import parse_generator
    from . import parsing
    from .parsing import flatten_dictionaries, lowercase_keys, safe_to_bool, safe_to_json
    from . import validators
    from .validators import Failure
    from . import tests
    from .tests import Test, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
    from . import benchmarks
    from .benchmarks import Benchmark, AGGREGATES, METRICS, parse_benchmark

Executable class, ties everything together into the framework.
Module responsibilities:
- Read & import test test_files
- Parse test configs
- Provide executor methods for sets of tests and benchmarks
- Collect and report on test/benchmark results
- Perform analysis on benchmark results
HEADER_ENCODING ='ISO-8859-1' # Per RFC 2616
LOGGING_LEVELS = {'debug': logging.DEBUG,
                  'info': logging.INFO,
                  'warning': logging.WARNING,
                  'error': logging.ERROR,
                  'critical': logging.CRITICAL}

logger = logging.getLogger('pyresttest')

DIR_LOCK = threading.RLock()  # Guards operations changing the working directory
class cd:
    """Context manager for changing the current working directory"""
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/431684/how-do-i-cd-in-python/13197763#13197763

    def __init__(self, newPath):
        self.newPath = newPath

    def __enter__(self):
        if self.newPath:  # Don't CD to nothingness
            self.savedPath = os.getcwd()

    def __exit__(self, etype, value, traceback):
        if self.newPath:  # Don't CD to nothingness            

class TestConfig:
    """ Configuration for a test run """
    timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT  # timeout of tests, in seconds
    print_bodies = False  # Print response bodies in all cases
    print_headers = False  # Print response bodies in all cases
    retries = 0  # Retries on failures
    test_parallel = False  # Allow parallel execution of tests in a test set, for speed?
    interactive = False
    verbose = False
    ssl_insecure = False
    skip_term_colors = False  # Turn off output term colors

    # Binding and creation of generators
    variable_binds = None
    generators = None  # Map of generator name to generator function

    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self, default=safe_to_json)

class TestSet:
    """ Encapsulates a set of tests and test configuration for them """
    tests = list()
    benchmarks = list()
    config = TestConfig()

    def __init__(self):
        self.config = TestConfig()
        self.tests = list()
        self.benchmarks = list()

    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self, default=safe_to_json)

class BenchmarkResult:
    """ Stores results from a benchmark for reporting use """
    group = None
    name = u'unnamed'

    results = dict()  # Benchmark output, map the metric to the result array for that metric
    aggregates = list()  # List of aggregates, as tuples of (metricname, aggregate, result)
    failures = 0  # Track call count that failed

    def __init__(self):
        self.aggregates = list()
        self.results = list()

    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self, default=safe_to_json)

class TestResponse:
    """ Encapsulates everything about a test response """
    test = None  # Test run
    response_code = None

    body = None  # Response body, if tracked

    passed = False
    response_headers = None
    failures = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.failures = list()

    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self, default=safe_to_json)

def read_test_file(path):
    """ Read test file at 'path' in YAML """
    # TODO allow use of safe_load_all to handle multiple test sets in a given
    # doc
    teststruct = yaml.safe_load(read_file(path))
    return teststruct

def parse_headers(header_string):
    """ Parse a header-string into individual headers
        Implementation based on: http://stackoverflow.com/a/5955949/95122
        Note that headers are a list of (key, value) since duplicate headers are allowed

        NEW NOTE: keys & values are unicode strings, but can only contain ISO-8859-1 characters
    # First line is request line, strip it out
    if not header_string:
        return list()
    request, headers = header_string.split('\r\n', 1)
    if not headers:
        return list()

    # Python 2.6 message header parsing fails for Unicode strings, 2.7 is fine. Go figure.
    if sys.version_info < (2,7):
        header_msg = message_from_string(headers.encode(HEADER_ENCODING))
        return [(text_type(k.lower(), HEADER_ENCODING), text_type(v, HEADER_ENCODING))
            for k, v in header_msg.items()]
        header_msg = message_from_string(headers)
        # Note: HTTP headers are *case-insensitive* per RFC 2616
        return [(k.lower(), v) for k, v in header_msg.items()]

def parse_testsets(base_url, test_structure, test_files=set(), working_directory=None, vars=None):
    """ Convert a Python data structure read from validated YAML to a set of structured testsets
    The data structure is assumed to be a list of dictionaries, each of which describes:
        - a tests (test structure)
        - a simple test (just a URL, and a minimal test is created)
        - or overall test configuration for this testset
        - an import (load another set of tests into this one, from a separate file)
            - For imports, these are recursive, and will use the parent config if none is present

    Note: test_files is used to track tests that import other tests, to avoid recursive loops

    This returns a list of testsets, corresponding to imported testsets and in-line multi-document sets

    tests_out = list()
    test_config = TestConfig()
    testsets = list()
    benchmarks = list()

    if working_directory is None:
        working_directory = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())

    if vars and isinstance(vars, dict):
        test_config.variable_binds = vars

    # returns a testconfig and collection of tests
    for node in test_structure:  # Iterate through lists of test and configuration elements
        if isinstance(node, dict):  # Each config element is a miniature key-value dictionary
            node = lowercase_keys(node)
            for key in node:
                if key == u'import':
                    importfile = node[key]  # import another file
                    if importfile not in test_files:
                        logger.debug("Importing test sets: " + importfile)
                        import_test_structure = read_test_file(importfile)
                        with cd(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(importfile))):
                            import_testsets = parse_testsets(
                                base_url, import_test_structure, test_files, vars=vars)
                elif key == u'url':  # Simple test, just a GET to a URL
                    mytest = Test()
                    val = node[key]
                    assert isinstance(val, basestring)
                    mytest.url = base_url + val
                elif key == u'test':  # Complex test with additional parameters
                    with cd(working_directory):
                        child = node[key]
                        mytest = Test.parse_test(base_url, child)
                elif key == u'benchmark':
                    benchmark = parse_benchmark(base_url, node[key])
                elif key == u'config' or key == u'configuration':
                    test_config = parse_configuration(
                        node[key], base_config=test_config)
    testset = TestSet()
    testset.tests = tests_out
    testset.config = test_config
    testset.benchmarks = benchmarks
    return testsets

def parse_configuration(node, base_config=None):
    """ Parse input config to configuration information """
    test_config = base_config
    if not test_config:
        test_config = TestConfig()

    node = lowercase_keys(flatten_dictionaries(node))  # Make it usable

    for key, value in node.items():
        if key == u'timeout':
            test_config.timeout = int(value)
        elif key == u'print_bodies':
            test_config.print_bodies = safe_to_bool(value)
        elif key == u'retries':
            test_config.retries = int(value)
        elif key == u'variable_binds':
            if not test_config.variable_binds:
                test_config.variable_binds = dict()
        elif key == u'generators':
            flat = flatten_dictionaries(value)
            gen_map = dict()
            for generator_name, generator_config in flat.items():
                gen = parse_generator(generator_config)
                gen_map[str(generator_name)] = gen
            test_config.generators = gen_map

    return test_config

def read_file(path):
    """ Read an input into a file, doing necessary conversions around relative path handling """
    with open(path, "r") as f:
        string = f.read()
    return string

def run_test(mytest, test_config=TestConfig(), context=None, curl_handle=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Put together test pieces: configure & run actual test, return results """

    # Initialize a context if not supplied
    my_context = context
    if my_context is None:
        my_context = Context()

    templated_test = mytest.realize(my_context)
    curl = templated_test.configure_curl(
        timeout=test_config.timeout, context=my_context, curl_handle=curl_handle)
    result = TestResponse()
    result.test = templated_test

    # reset the body, it holds values from previous runs otherwise
    headers = MyIO()
    body = MyIO()
    curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, body.write)
    curl.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, headers.write)
    if test_config.verbose:
        curl.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, True)
    if test_config.ssl_insecure:
        curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
        curl.setopt(pycurl.SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0)

    result.passed = None

    if test_config.interactive:
        print("%s" % mytest.name)
        print("%s %s" % (templated_test.method, templated_test.url))
        print("%s" % (templated_test.headers))
        if mytest.body is not None:
            print("\n%s" % templated_test.body)

        if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
            input("Press ENTER when ready (%d): " % (mytest.delay))
            raw_input("Press ENTER when ready (%d): " % (mytest.delay))

    if mytest.delay > 0:
        print("Delaying for %ds" % mytest.delay)

        curl.perform()  # Run the actual call
    except Exception as e:
        # Curl exception occurred (network error), do not pass go, do not
        # collect $200
        trace = traceback.format_exc()
        result.failures.append(Failure(message="Curl Exception: {0}".format(
            e), details=trace, failure_type=validators.FAILURE_CURL_EXCEPTION))
        result.passed = False
        return result

    # Retrieve values
    result.body = body.getvalue()
    result.response_headers = text_type(headers.getvalue(), HEADER_ENCODING)  # Per RFC 2616

    response_code = curl.getinfo(pycurl.RESPONSE_CODE)
    result.response_code = response_code

    logger.debug("Initial Test Result, based on expected response code: " +
                 str(response_code in mytest.expected_status))

    if response_code in mytest.expected_status:
        result.passed = True
        # Invalid response code
        result.passed = False
        failure_message = "Invalid HTTP response code: response code {0} not in expected codes [{1}]".format(
            response_code, mytest.expected_status)
            message=failure_message, details=None, failure_type=validators.FAILURE_INVALID_RESPONSE))

    # Parse HTTP headers
        result.response_headers = parse_headers(result.response_headers)
    except Exception as e:
        trace = traceback.format_exc()
        result.failures.append(Failure(message="Header parsing exception: {0}".format(
            e), details=trace, failure_type=validators.FAILURE_TEST_EXCEPTION))
        result.passed = False
        return result

    # print str(test_config.print_bodies) + ',' + str(not result.passed) + ' ,
    # ' + str(test_config.print_bodies or not result.passed)

    head = result.response_headers

    # execute validator on body
    if result.passed is True:
        body = result.body
        if mytest.validators is not None and isinstance(mytest.validators, list):
            logger.debug("executing this many validators: " +
            failures = result.failures
            for validator in mytest.validators:
                validate_result = validator.validate(
                    body=body, headers=head, context=my_context)
                if not validate_result:
                    result.passed = False
                # Proxy for checking if it is a Failure object, because of
                # import issues with isinstance there
                if hasattr(validate_result, 'details'):
                # TODO add printing of validation for interactive mode
            logger.debug("no validators found")

        # Only do context updates if test was successful
        mytest.update_context_after(result.body, head, my_context)

    # Print response body if override is set to print all *OR* if test failed
    # (to capture maybe a stack trace)
    if test_config.print_bodies or not result.passed:
        if test_config.interactive:

    if test_config.print_headers or not result.passed:
        if test_config.interactive:
            print("RESPONSE HEADERS:")

    # TODO add string escape on body output

    return result

def run_benchmark(benchmark, test_config=TestConfig(), context=None, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Perform a benchmark, (re)using a given, configured CURL call to do so
        The actual analysis of metrics is performed separately, to allow for testing

    # Context handling
    my_context = context
    if my_context is None:
        my_context = Context()

    warmup_runs = benchmark.warmup_runs
    benchmark_runs = benchmark.benchmark_runs
    message = ''  # Message is name of benchmark... print it?

    if (benchmark_runs <= 0):
        raise Exception(
            "Invalid number of benchmark runs, must be > 0 :" + benchmark_runs)

    result = TestResponse()

    # TODO create and use a curl-returning configuration function
    # TODO create and use a post-benchmark cleanup function
    # They should use is_dynamic/is_context_modifier to determine if they need to
    #  worry about context and re-reading/retemplating and only do it if needed
    #    - Also, they will need to be smart enough to handle extraction functions
    #  For performance reasons, we don't want to re-run templating/extraction if
    #   we do not need to, and do not want to save request bodies.

    # Initialize variables to store output
    output = BenchmarkResult()
    output.name = benchmark.name
    output.group = benchmark.group
    metricnames = list(benchmark.metrics)
    # Metric variable for curl, to avoid hash lookup for every metric name
    metricvalues = [METRICS[name] for name in metricnames]
    # Initialize arrays to store results for each metric
    results = [list() for x in xrange(0, len(metricnames))]
    curl = pycurl.Curl()

    # Benchmark warm-up to allow for caching, JIT compiling, on client
    logger.info('Warmup: ' + message + ' started')
    for x in xrange(0, warmup_runs):
        templated = benchmark.realize(my_context)
        curl = templated.configure_curl(
            timeout=test_config.timeout, context=my_context, curl_handle=curl)
        # Do not store actual response body at all.
        curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, lambda x: None)

    logger.info('Warmup: ' + message + ' finished')

    logger.info('Benchmark: ' + message + ' starting')

    for x in xrange(0, benchmark_runs):  # Run the actual benchmarks
        # Setup benchmark
        templated = benchmark.realize(my_context)
        curl = templated.configure_curl(
            timeout=test_config.timeout, context=my_context, curl_handle=curl)
        # Do not store actual response body at all.
        curl.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, lambda x: None)

        try:  # Run the curl call, if it errors, then add to failure counts for benchmark
        except Exception:
            output.failures = output.failures + 1
            curl = pycurl.Curl()
            continue  # Skip metrics collection

        # Get all metrics values for this run, and store to metric lists
        for i in xrange(0, len(metricnames)):

    logger.info('Benchmark: ' + message + ' ending')

    temp_results = dict()
    for i in xrange(0, len(metricnames)):
        temp_results[metricnames[i]] = results[i]
    output.results = temp_results
    return analyze_benchmark_results(output, benchmark)

def analyze_benchmark_results(benchmark_result, benchmark):
    """ Take a benchmark result containing raw benchmark results, and do aggregation by
    applying functions

    Aggregates come out in format of metricname, aggregate_name, result """

    output = BenchmarkResult()
    output.name = benchmark_result.name
    output.group = benchmark_result.group
    output.failures = benchmark_result.failures

    # Copy raw metric arrays over where necessary
    raw_results = benchmark_result.results
    temp = dict()
    for metric in benchmark.raw_metrics:
        temp[metric] = raw_results[metric]
    output.results = temp

    # Compute aggregates for each metric, and add tuples to aggregate results
    aggregate_results = list()
    for metricname, aggregate_list in benchmark.aggregated_metrics.items():
        numbers = raw_results[metricname]
        for aggregate_name in aggregate_list:
            if numbers:  # Only compute aggregates if numbers exist
                aggregate_function = AGGREGATES[aggregate_name]
                    (metricname, aggregate_name, aggregate_function(numbers)))
                aggregate_results.append((metricname, aggregate_name, None))

    output.aggregates = aggregate_results
    return output

def metrics_to_tuples(raw_metrics):
    """ Converts metric dictionary of name:values_array into list of tuples
        Use case: writing out benchmark to CSV, etc

        {'metric':[value1,value2...], 'metric2':[value1,value2,...]...}

        Output: list, with tuple header row, then list of tuples of values
        [('metric','metric',...), (metric1_value1,metric2_value1, ...) ... ]
    if not isinstance(raw_metrics, dict):
        raise TypeError("Input must be dictionary!")

    metrics = sorted(raw_metrics.keys())
    arrays = [raw_metrics[metric] for metric in metrics]

    num_rows = len(arrays[0])  # Assume all same size or this fails
    output = list()
    output.append(tuple(metrics))  # Add headers

    # Create list of tuples mimicking 2D array from input
    for row in xrange(0, num_rows):
        new_row = tuple([arrays[col][row] for col in xrange(0, len(arrays))])
    return output

def write_benchmark_json(file_out, benchmark_result, benchmark, test_config=TestConfig()):
    """ Writes benchmark to file as json """
    json.dump(benchmark_result, file_out, default=safe_to_json)

def write_benchmark_csv(file_out, benchmark_result, benchmark, test_config=TestConfig()):
    """ Writes benchmark to file as csv """
    writer = csv.writer(file_out)
    writer.writerow(('Benchmark', benchmark_result.name))
    writer.writerow(('Benchmark Group', benchmark_result.group))
    writer.writerow(('Failures', benchmark_result.failures))

    # Write result arrays
    if benchmark_result.results:
        writer.writerow(('Results', ''))
    if benchmark_result.aggregates:
        writer.writerow(('Aggregates', ''))

# Method to call when writing benchmark file
OUTPUT_METHODS = {u'csv': write_benchmark_csv, u'json': write_benchmark_json}

def log_failure(failure, context=None, test_config=TestConfig()):
    """ Log a failure from a test """
    logger.error("Test Failure, failure type: {0}, Reason: {1}".format(
        failure.failure_type, failure.message))
    if failure.details:
        logger.error("Validator/Error details:" + str(failure.details))

def run_testsets(testsets):
    """ Execute a set of tests, using given TestSet list input """
    group_results = dict()  # results, by group
    group_failure_counts = dict()
    total_failures = 0
    myinteractive = False
    curl_handle = pycurl.Curl()

    for testset in testsets:
        mytests = testset.tests
        myconfig = testset.config
        mybenchmarks = testset.benchmarks
        context = Context()

        # Bind variables & add generators if pertinent
        if myconfig.variable_binds:
        if myconfig.generators:
            for key, value in myconfig.generators.items():
                context.add_generator(key, value)

        # Make sure we actually have tests to execute
        if not mytests and not mybenchmarks:
            # no tests in this test set, probably just imports.. skip to next
            # test set

        myinteractive = True if myinteractive or myconfig.interactive else False

        # Run tests, collecting statistics as needed
        for test in mytests:
            # Initialize the dictionaries to store test fail counts and results
            if test.group not in group_results:
                group_results[test.group] = list()
                group_failure_counts[test.group] = 0

            result = run_test(test, test_config=myconfig, context=context, curl_handle=curl_handle)
            result.body = None  # Remove the body, save some memory!

            if not result.passed:  # Print failure, increase failure counts for that test group
                # Use result test URL to allow for templating
                logger.error('Test Failed: ' + test.name + " URL=" + result.test.url +
                             " Group=" + test.group + " HTTP Status Code: " + str(result.response_code))

                # Print test failure reasons
                if result.failures:
                    for failure in result.failures:
                        log_failure(failure, context=context,

                # Increment test failure counts for that group (adding an entry
                # if not present)
                failures = group_failure_counts[test.group]
                failures = failures + 1
                group_failure_counts[test.group] = failures

            else:  # Test passed, print results
                logger.info('Test Succeeded: ' + test.name +
                            " URL=" + test.url + " Group=" + test.group)

            # Add results for this test group to the resultset

            # handle stop_on_failure flag
            if not result.passed and test.stop_on_failure is not None and test.stop_on_failure:
                    'STOP ON FAILURE! stopping test set execution, continuing with other test sets')

        for benchmark in mybenchmarks:  # Run benchmarks, analyze, write
            if not benchmark.metrics:
                logger.debug('Skipping benchmark, no metrics to collect')

            logger.info("Benchmark Starting: " + benchmark.name +
                        " Group: " + benchmark.group)
            benchmark_result = run_benchmark(
                benchmark, myconfig, context=context)
            logger.info("Benchmark Done: " + benchmark.name +
                        " Group: " + benchmark.group)

            if benchmark.output_file:  # Write file
                    'Writing benchmark to file in format: ' + benchmark.output_format)
                write_method = OUTPUT_METHODS[benchmark.output_format]
                my_file = open(benchmark.output_file, 'w')  # Overwrites file
                logger.debug("Benchmark writing to file: " +
                write_method(my_file, benchmark_result,
                             benchmark, test_config=myconfig)

    if myinteractive:
        # a break for when interactive bits are complete, before summary data

    # Print summary results
    for group in sorted(group_results.keys()):
        test_count = len(group_results[group])
        failures = group_failure_counts[group]
        total_failures = total_failures + failures

        passfail = {True: u'SUCCEEDED: ', False: u'FAILED: '}
        output_string = "Test Group {0} {1}: {2}/{3} Tests Passed!".format(group, passfail[failures == 0], str(test_count - failures), str(test_count)) 
        if myconfig.skip_term_colors:
            if failures > 0:
                print('\033[91m' + output_string + '\033[0m')
                print('\033[92m' + output_string + '\033[0m')

    return total_failures

def register_extensions(modules):
    """ Import the modules and register their respective extensions """
    if isinstance(modules, basestring):  # Catch supplying just a string arg
        modules = [modules]
    for ext in modules:
        # Get the package prefix and final module name
        segments = ext.split('.')
        module = segments.pop()
        package = '.'.join(segments)
        # Necessary to get the root module back
        module = __import__(ext, globals(), locals(), package)

        # Extensions are registered by applying a register function to sets of
        # registry name/function pairs inside an object
        extension_applies = {
            'VALIDATORS': validators.register_validator,
            'COMPARATORS': validators.register_comparator,
            'VALIDATOR_TESTS': validators.register_test,
            'EXTRACTORS': validators.register_extractor,
            'GENERATORS': generators.register_generator

        has_registry = False
        for registry_name, register_function in extension_applies.items():
            if hasattr(module, registry_name):
                registry = getattr(module, registry_name)
                for key, val in registry.items():
                    register_function(key, val)
                if registry:
                    has_registry = True

        if not has_registry:
            raise ImportError(
                "Extension to register did not contain any registries: {0}".format(ext))

# AUTOIMPORTS, these should run just before the main method, to ensure
# everything else is loaded
    import jsonschema
except ImportError as ie:
        "Failed to load jsonschema validator, make sure the jsonschema module is installed if you wish to use schema validators.")

    import jmespath
except ImportError as ie:
        "Failed to load jmespath extractor, make sure the jmespath module is installed if you wish to use jmespath extractor.")

def main(args):
    Execute a test against the given base url.

    Keys allowed for args:
        url           - REQUIRED - Base URL
        test          - REQUIRED - Test file (yaml)
        print_bodies  - OPTIONAL - print response body
        print_headers  - OPTIONAL - print response headers
        log           - OPTIONAL - set logging level {debug,info,warning,error,critical} (default=warning)
        interactive   - OPTIONAL - mode that prints info before and after test exectuion and pauses for user input for each test
        absolute_urls - OPTIONAL - mode that treats URLs in tests as absolute/full URLs instead of relative URLs
        skip_term_colors - OPTIONAL - mode that turn off the output term colors

    if 'log' in args and args['log'] is not None:
            args['log'].lower(), logging.NOTSET))

    if 'import_extensions' in args and args['import_extensions']:
        extensions = args['import_extensions'].split(';')

        # We need to add current folder to working path to import modules
        working_folder = args['cwd']
        if working_folder not in sys.path:
            sys.path.insert(0, working_folder)

    test_file = args['test']
    test_structure = read_test_file(test_file)

    my_vars = None
    if 'vars' in args and args['vars'] is not None:
        my_vars = yaml.safe_load(args['vars'])
    if my_vars and not isinstance(my_vars, dict):
        raise Exception("Variables must be a dictionary!")

    # Set up base URL
    base_url = args['url']

    if 'absolute_urls' in args and args['absolute_urls']:
        base_url = ''

    tests = parse_testsets(base_url, test_structure,
                           working_directory=os.path.dirname(test_file), vars=my_vars)

    # Override configs from command line if config set
    for t in tests:
        if 'print_bodies' in args and args['print_bodies'] is not None and bool(args['print_bodies']):
            t.config.print_bodies = safe_to_bool(args['print_bodies'])

        if 'print_headers' in args and args['print_headers'] is not None and bool(args['print_headers']):
            t.config.print_headers = safe_to_bool(args['print_headers'])

        if 'interactive' in args and args['interactive'] is not None:
            t.config.interactive = safe_to_bool(args['interactive'])

        if 'verbose' in args and args['verbose'] is not None:
            t.config.verbose = safe_to_bool(args['verbose'])

        if 'ssl_insecure' in args and args['ssl_insecure'] is not None:
            t.config.ssl_insecure = safe_to_bool(args['ssl_insecure'])

        if 'skip_term_colors' in args and args['skip_term_colors'] is not None:
            t.config.skip_term_colors = safe_to_bool(args['skip_term_colors'])

    # Execute all testsets
    failures = run_testsets(tests)


def parse_command_line_args(args_in):
    """ Runs everything needed to execute from the command line, so main method is callable without arg parsing """
    parser = OptionParser(
        usage="usage: %prog base_url test_filename.yaml [options] ")
    parser.add_option(u"--print-bodies", help="Print all response bodies",
                      action="store", type="string", dest="print_bodies")
    parser.add_option(u"--print-headers", help="Print all response headers",
                      action="store", type="string", dest="print_headers")
    parser.add_option(u"--log", help="Logging level",
                      action="store", type="string")
    parser.add_option(u"--interactive", help="Interactive mode",
                      action="store", type="string")
        u"--url", help="Base URL to run tests against", action="store", type="string")
    parser.add_option(u"--test", help="Test file to use",
                      action="store", type="string")
                      help='Extensions to import, separated by semicolons', action="store", type="string")
        u'--vars', help='Variables to set, as a YAML dictionary', action="store", type="string")
    parser.add_option(u'--verbose', help='Put cURL into verbose mode for extra debugging power',
                      action='store_true', default=False, dest="verbose")
    parser.add_option(u'--ssl-insecure', help='Disable cURL host and peer cert verification',
                      action='store_true', default=False, dest="ssl_insecure")
    parser.add_option(u'--absolute-urls', help='Enable absolute URLs in tests instead of relative paths',
                      action="store_true", dest="absolute_urls")
    parser.add_option(u'--skip_term_colors', help='Turn off the output term colors',
                      action='store_true', default=False, dest="skip_term_colors")

    (args, unparsed_args) = parser.parse_args(args_in)
    args = vars(args)

    # Handle url/test as named, or, failing that, positional arguments
    if not args['url'] or not args['test']:
        if len(unparsed_args) == 2:
            args[u'url'] = unparsed_args[0]
            args[u'test'] = unparsed_args[1]
        elif len(unparsed_args) == 1 and args['url']:
            args['test'] = unparsed_args[0]
        elif len(unparsed_args) == 1 and args['test']:
            args['url'] = unparsed_args[0]
                "wrong number of arguments, need both url and test filename, either as 1st and 2nd parameters or via --url and --test")

    # So modules can be loaded from current folder
    args['cwd'] = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()))
    return args

def command_line_run(args_in):
    args = parse_command_line_args(args_in)

# Allow import into another module without executing the main method
if(__name__ == '__main__'):