# Copyright 2018 Spotify AB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at

#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import argparse
import functools as ft
import itertools as it
import logging
import os
import re

import jsonschema
import pkg_resources
import yaml

from .. import util

class Plugin:
    Abstract base class for plugins.
    ENABLED = True
    SCHEMA = {}
    ORDER = None
    COMMANDS = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        self.arguments = {}

    def add_argument(self, parser, path, name=None, schema=None, **kwargs):
        Add an argument to the `parser` based on a schema definition.

        parser : argparse.ArgumentParser
            parser to add an argument to
        path : str
            path in the configuration document to add an argument for
        name : str or None
            name of the command line parameter (defaults to the name in the schema)
        schema : dict
            JSON schema definition (defaults to the schema of the plugin)

        arg :
            command line argument definition
        schema = schema or self.SCHEMA
        name = name or ('--%s' % os.path.basename(path))
        self.arguments[name.strip('-')] = path
        # Build a path to the help in the schema
        path = util.split_path(path)
        path = os.path.sep.join(
            it.chain([os.path.sep], *zip(it.repeat("properties"), path)))
        property_ = util.get_value(schema, path)
        kwargs.setdefault('choices', property_.get('enum'))
        kwargs.setdefault('help', property_.get('description'))
        type_ = property_.get('type')
        if type_:
            kwargs.setdefault('type', util.TYPES[type_])
        return parser.add_argument(name, **kwargs)

    def add_arguments(self, parser):
        Add arguments to the parser.

        Inheriting plugins should implement this method to add parameters to the command line

        parser : argparse.ArgumentParser
            parser to add arguments to

    def apply(self, configuration, schema, args):
        Apply the plugin to the configuration.

        Inheriting plugins should implement this method to add additional functionality.

        configuration : dict
        schema : dict
            JSON schema
        args : argparse.NameSpace
            parsed command line arguments

        configuration : dict
            updated configuration after applying the plugin
        # Set values from the command line
        for name, path in self.arguments.items():
            value = getattr(args, name.replace('-', '_'))
            if value is not None:
                util.set_value(configuration, path, value)

        return configuration

    def load_plugins():
        Load all availabe plugins.

        plugin_cls : dict
            mapping from plugin names to plugin classes
        plugin_cls = {}
        for entry_point in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('docker_interface.plugins'):
            cls = entry_point.load()
            assert cls.COMMANDS is not None, \
                "plugin '%s' does not define its commands" % entry_point.name
            assert cls.ORDER is not None, \
                "plugin '%s' does not define its priority" % entry_point.name
            plugin_cls[entry_point.name] = cls
        return plugin_cls

    def cleanup(self):
        Tear down the plugin and clean up any resources used.

        Inheriting plugins should implement this method to add additional functionality.

class ValidationPlugin(Plugin):
    Validate the configuration document.
    COMMANDS = 'all'
    ORDER = 990

    def apply(self, configuration, schema, args):
        super(ValidationPlugin, self).apply(configuration, schema, args)
        validator = jsonschema.validators.validator_for(schema)(schema)
        errors = list(validator.iter_errors(configuration))
        if errors: # pragma: no cover
            for error in errors:
            raise ValueError("failed to validate configuration")
        return configuration

class ExecutePlugin(Plugin):
    Base class for plugins that execute shell commands.

    Inheriting classes should define the method :code:`build_command` which takes a configuration
    document as its only argument.
    def build_command(self, configuration):
        Construct a command and return its parts.

        configuration : dict

        args : list
            sequence of command line arguments
        raise NotImplementedError

    def apply(self, configuration, schema, args):
        super(ExecutePlugin, self).apply(configuration, schema, args)
        parts = self.build_command(configuration)
        if parts:
            configuration['status-code'] = self.execute_command(parts, configuration['dry-run'])
            configuration['status-code'] = 0
        return configuration

    def execute_command(self, parts, dry_run):
        Execute a command.

        parts : list
            Sequence of strings constituting a command.
        dry_run : bool
            Whether to just log the command instead of executing it.

        status : int
            Status code of the executed command or 0 if `dry_run` is `True`.
        if dry_run:
            self.logger.info("dry-run command '%s'", " ".join(map(str, parts)))
            return 0
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            self.logger.debug("executing command '%s'", " ".join(map(str, parts)))
            status_code = os.spawnvpe(os.P_WAIT, parts[0], parts, os.environ)
            if status_code:
                self.logger.warning("command '%s' returned status code %d",
                                    " ".join(map(str, parts)), status_code)
            return status_code

class BasePlugin(Plugin):
    Load or create a default configuration and set up logging.
    SCHEMA = {
        "title": "Declarative Docker Interface (DI) definition.",
        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema",
        "additionalProperties": False,
        "required": ["workspace", "docker"],
        "properties": {
            "workspace": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "Path defining the DI workspace (absolute or relative to the URI of this document). All subsequent path definitions must be absolute or relative to the `workspace`."
            "docker": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "Name of the docker CLI.",
                "default": "docker"
            "log-level": {
                "type": "string",
                "enum": ["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical", "fatal"],
                "default": "info"
            "dry-run": {
                "type": "boolean",
                "description": "Whether to just construct the docker command.",
                "default": False
            "status-code": {
                "type": "integer",
                "description": "status code returned by docker"
            "plugins": {
                "oneOf": [
                        "type": "array",
                        "description": "Enable the listed plugins and disable all plugins not listed.",
                        "items": {
                            "type": "string"
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "enable": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "description": "Enable the listed plugins.",
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "string"
                            "disable": {
                                "type": "array",
                                "description": "Disable the listed plugins.",
                                "items": {
                                    "type": "string"
                        "additionalProperties": False

    def add_arguments(self, parser):
        parser.add_argument('--file', '-f', help='Configuration file.', default='di.yml')
        self.add_argument(parser, '/workspace')
        self.add_argument(parser, '/docker')
        self.add_argument(parser, '/log-level')
        self.add_argument(parser, '/dry-run')
        parser.add_argument('command', help='Docker interface command to execute.',
                            choices=['run', 'build'])

    def apply(self, configuration, schema, args):
        # Load the configuration
        if configuration is None and os.path.isfile(args.file):
            filename = os.path.abspath(args.file)
            with open(filename) as fp:  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
                configuration = yaml.safe_load(fp)
            self.logger.debug("loaded configuration from '%s'", filename)
            dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)
            configuration['workspace'] = os.path.join(dirname, configuration.get('workspace', '.'))
        elif configuration is None:
            raise FileNotFoundError(
                "missing configuration; could not find configuration file '%s'" % args.file)

        configuration = super(BasePlugin, self).apply(configuration, schema, args)

        logging.basicConfig(level=configuration.get('log-level', 'info').upper())
        return configuration

class SubstitutionPlugin(Plugin):
    Substitute variables in strings.

    String values in the configuration document may

    * reference other parts of the configuration document using :code:`#{path}`, where :code:`path`
      may be an absolute or relative path in the document.
    * reference a variable using :code:`${path}`, where :code:`path` is assumed to be an absolute
      path in the :code:`VARIABLES` class attribute of the plugin.

    By default, the plugin provides environment variables using the :code:`env` prefix. For example,
    a value could reference the user name on the host using :code:`${env/USER}`. Other plugins can
    provide variables for substitution by extending the :code:`VARIABLES` class attribute and should
    do so using a unique prefix.
    REF_PATTERN = re.compile(r'#\{(?P<path>.*?)\}')
    VAR_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\$\{(?P<path>.*?)\}')
    COMMANDS = 'all'
    ORDER = 980
        'env': dict(os.environ)

    def substitute_variables(cls, configuration, value, ref):
        Substitute variables in `value` from `configuration` where any path reference is relative to

        configuration : dict
            configuration (required to resolve intra-document references)
        value :
            value to resolve substitutions for
        ref : str
            path to `value` in the `configuration`

        value :
            value after substitution
        if isinstance(value, str):
            # Substitute all intra-document references
            while True:
                match = cls.REF_PATTERN.search(value)
                if match is None:
                path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ref), match.group('path'))
                    value = value.replace(
                        match.group(0), str(util.get_value(configuration, path)))
                except KeyError:
                    raise KeyError(path)

            # Substitute all variable references
            while True:
                match = cls.VAR_PATTERN.search(value)
                if match is None:
                value = value.replace(
                    str(util.get_value(cls.VARIABLES, match.group('path'), '/')))
        return value

    def apply(self, configuration, schema, args):
        super(SubstitutionPlugin, self).apply(configuration, schema, args)
        return util.apply(configuration, ft.partial(self.substitute_variables, configuration))

class WorkspaceMountPlugin(Plugin):
    Mount the workspace inside the container.
    SCHEMA = {
        "properties": {
            "run": {
                "properties": {
                    "workspace-dir": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "Path at which to mount the workspace in the container.",
                        "default": "/workspace"
                    "workdir": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "default": "#{workspace-dir}"
                "additionalProperties": False
        "additionalProperties": False
    COMMANDS = ['run']
    ORDER = 500

    def add_arguments(self, parser):
        self.add_argument(parser, '/run/workspace-dir')
        self.add_argument(parser, '/run/workdir')

    def apply(self, configuration, schema, args):
        super(WorkspaceMountPlugin, self).apply(configuration, schema, args)
        configuration['run'].setdefault('mount', []).append({
            'type': 'bind',
            'source': '#{/workspace}',
            'destination': util.get_value(configuration, '/run/workspace-dir')
        return configuration

class HomeDirPlugin(Plugin):
    Mount a home directory placed in the current directory.
    ORDER = 520
    COMMANDS = ['run']

    def apply(self, configuration, schema, args):
        super(HomeDirPlugin, self).apply(configuration, schema, args)
        configuration['run'].setdefault('mount', []).append({
            'destination': '#{/run/env/HOME}',
            'source': '#{/workspace}/.di/home',
            'type': 'bind',
        configuration['run'].setdefault('env', {}).setdefault('HOME', '/${user/name}')
        return configuration