Author: Soubhik Sanyal
Copyright (c) 2019, Soubhik Sanyal
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More information about RingNet is available at https://ringnet.is.tue.mpg.de.

## A function to load the dynamic contour and the static landmarks on a template mesh
## Please cite the updated citaion from https://ringnet.is.tue.mpg.de if you use the dynamic contour for FLAME
## The use of static and dynamic contours for any project follows the liscencing from FLAME (http://flame.is.tue.mpg.de/)

import numpy as np
import pyrender
import trimesh
from smpl_webuser.serialization import load_model
from psbody.mesh import Mesh
import cPickle as pickle

def load_static_embedding(static_embedding_path):
    with open(static_embedding_path, 'rb') as f:
        lmk_indexes_dict = pickle.load(f)
    lmk_face_idx = lmk_indexes_dict[ 'lmk_face_idx' ].astype( np.uint32 )
    lmk_b_coords = lmk_indexes_dict[ 'lmk_b_coords' ]
    return lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords

def mesh_points_by_barycentric_coordinates(mesh_verts, mesh_faces, lmk_face_idx, lmk_b_coords):
    # function: evaluation 3d points given mesh and landmark embedding
    # modified from https://github.com/Rubikplayer/flame-fitting/blob/master/fitting/landmarks.py
    dif1 = np.vstack([(mesh_verts[mesh_faces[lmk_face_idx], 0] * lmk_b_coords).sum(axis=1),
                    (mesh_verts[mesh_faces[lmk_face_idx], 1] * lmk_b_coords).sum(axis=1),
                    (mesh_verts[mesh_faces[lmk_face_idx], 2] * lmk_b_coords).sum(axis=1)]).T
    return dif1

def load_dynamic_contour(template_flame_path='None', contour_embeddings_path='None', static_embedding_path='None', angle=0):
    template_mesh = Mesh(filename=template_flame_path)
    contour_embeddings_path = contour_embeddings_path
    dynamic_lmks_embeddings = np.load(contour_embeddings_path, allow_pickle=True).item()
    lmk_face_idx_static, lmk_b_coords_static = load_static_embedding(static_embedding_path)
    lmk_face_idx_dynamic = dynamic_lmks_embeddings['lmk_face_idx'][angle]
    lmk_b_coords_dynamic = dynamic_lmks_embeddings['lmk_b_coords'][angle]
    dynamic_lmks = mesh_points_by_barycentric_coordinates(template_mesh.v, template_mesh.f, lmk_face_idx_dynamic, lmk_b_coords_dynamic)
    static_lmks = mesh_points_by_barycentric_coordinates(template_mesh.v, template_mesh.f, lmk_face_idx_static, lmk_b_coords_static)
    total_lmks = np.vstack([dynamic_lmks, static_lmks])

    # Visualization of the pose dependent contour on the template mesh
    vertex_colors = np.ones([template_mesh.v.shape[0], 4]) * [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8]
    tri_mesh = trimesh.Trimesh(template_mesh.v, template_mesh.f,
    mesh = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(tri_mesh)
    scene = pyrender.Scene()
    sm = trimesh.creation.uv_sphere(radius=0.005)
    sm.visual.vertex_colors = [0.9, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0]
    tfs = np.tile(np.eye(4), (len(total_lmks), 1, 1))
    tfs[:, :3, 3] = total_lmks
    joints_pcl = pyrender.Mesh.from_trimesh(sm, poses=tfs)
    pyrender.Viewer(scene, use_raymond_lighting=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # angle = 35.0 #in degrees
    angle = 0.0 #in degrees
    # angle = -16.0 #in degrees
    if angle < 0:
        angle = 39 - angle
    contour_embeddings_path = './flame_model/flame_dynamic_embedding.npy'
    static_embedding_path = './flame_model/flame_static_embedding.pkl'
    load_dynamic_contour(template_flame_path='./flame_model/FLAME_sample.ply', contour_embeddings_path=contour_embeddings_path, static_embedding_path=static_embedding_path, angle=int(angle))