# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Song Dejia
# @Date:   2018-11-09 17:22:06
# @Last Modified by:   Song Dejia
# @Last Modified time: 2018-11-21 16:58:12
import sys
import os
import os.path as osp
import time
import cv2
import torch
import random
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageStat, ImageDraw
from torchvision import datasets, transforms, utils
import numpy as np
def get_transform_for_train():
    transform_list = []

    return transforms.Compose(transform_list)

class Anchor_ms():
    def __init__(self,feature_w,feature_h):
        self.w = feature_w
        self.h = feature_h
        self.base   = 64 #target area in detection is about 3000 
        self.stride = 15
        self.scale  = [1/3, 1/2, 1, 2, 3]
        self.width  = 256
        self.height = 256

    def gen_single_anchor(self):
        # return corner(inside or outside)
        scale=np.array(self.scale, dtype = np.float32)
        s=self.base * self.base
        anchor=np.vstack([c_x*np.ones_like(scale, dtype=np.float32),c_y*np.ones_like(scale, dtype=np.float32),w,h])
        anchor=anchor.transpose()           #[x,y,w,h]
        return anchor

    def gen_anchors(self):
        shift_x=[x*self.stride for x in range(self.w)]
        shift_y=[y*self.stride for y in range(self.h)]
        shift_x,shift_y=np.meshgrid(shift_x,shift_y) #(17, 17) (17, 17)
        shifts=np.vstack([shift_x.ravel(),shift_y.ravel(),shift_x.ravel(),shift_y.ravel()]).transpose()#(289, 4)
        anchors=anchor.reshape((1,k,4))+shifts.reshape((a,1,4)) # corner
        return anchors

    def diff_anchor_gt(self, gt):
        #gt [x,y,w,h]
        eps = 0.01
        anchors = self.anchors.copy()
        gt = gt.copy()
        diff = np.zeros_like(anchors, dtype = np.float32)
        diff[:,0] = (gt[0] - anchors[:,0])/(anchors[:,2] + eps)
        diff[:,1] = (gt[1] - anchors[:,1])/(anchors[:,3] + eps)
        diff[:,2] = np.log((gt[2] + eps)/(anchors[:,2] + eps))
        diff[:,3] = np.log((gt[3] + eps)/(anchors[:,3] + eps))
        return diff#[dx,dy,dw,dh]

    def center_to_corner(self, box):
        box_ = np.zeros_like(box, dtype = np.float32)
        box_ = box_.astype(np.int32)
        return box_

    def corner_to_center(self, box):
        box = box.copy()
        box_ = np.zeros_like(box, dtype = np.float32)
        box_ = box_.astype(np.int32)
        return box_

    def pos_neg_anchor(self, gt):
        gt = gt.copy()
        gt_corner = self.center_to_corner(np.array(gt, dtype = np.float32).reshape(1, 4))
        an_corner = self.center_to_corner(np.array(self.anchors, dtype = np.float32))
        iou_value = self.iou(an_corner, gt_corner).reshape(-1) #(1445)
        max_iou = max(iou_value)
        pos, neg = np.zeros_like(iou_value), np.zeros_like(iou_value)
        pos_index = np.argsort(iou_value)[::-1][:16]

        neg_cand = np.where(iou_value < 0.2)[0]
        neg_ind = np.random.choice(neg_cand, 48, replace = False)
        if max_iou > 0.3:
            pos[pos_index] = 1

        neg[neg_ind] = 1
        return pos, neg        

    def iou(self, box1, box2):
        box1, box2 = box1.copy(), box2.copy()
        return over_square/all_square

class TrainDataLoader(object):
    def __init__(self, img_dir_path, out_feature = 17, max_inter = 5, check = False, tmp_dir = '../tmp/visualization'):
        self.anchor_generator = Anchor_ms(out_feature, out_feature)
        self.img_dir_path = img_dir_path # this is a root dir contain subclass
        self.max_inter = max_inter
        self.sub_class_dir = [sub_class_dir for sub_class_dir in os.listdir(img_dir_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(img_dir_path, sub_class_dir))] 
        self.anchors = self.anchor_generator.gen_anchors() #centor
        self.ret = {}
        self.check = check
        self.tmp_dir = self.init_dir(tmp_dir)
        self.count = 0
        self.ret['tmp_dir'] = tmp_dir

    def init_dir(self, tmp_dir):
        if not osp.exists(tmp_dir):
        return tmp_dir

    def _pick_img_pairs(self, index_of_subclass):
        img_dir_path -> sub_class_dir_path -> template_img_path
        assert index_of_subclass < len(self.sub_class_dir), 'index_of_subclass should less than total classes'
        sub_class_dir_basename = self.sub_class_dir[index_of_subclass]
        sub_class_dir_path = os.path.join(self.img_dir_path, sub_class_dir_basename)
        sub_class_img_name = [img_name for img_name in os.listdir(sub_class_dir_path) if not img_name.find('.jpg') == -1]        
        sub_class_img_name = sorted(sub_class_img_name)
        sub_class_img_num = len(sub_class_img_name)
        sub_class_gt_name  = 'groundtruth.txt'

        # select template, detection
        # template_index = random.choice(range(0, sub_class_img_num - self.max_inter))
        # detection_index= random.choice(range(self.max_inter)) + template_index
        template_index  = 0
        detection_index = template_index + 1

        template_name, detection_name  = sub_class_img_name[template_index], sub_class_img_name[detection_index]
        template_img_path, detection_img_path = osp.join(sub_class_dir_path, template_name), osp.join(sub_class_dir_path, detection_name)
        gt_path = osp.join(sub_class_dir_path, sub_class_gt_name)
        with open(gt_path, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        self.ret['template_img_path']    = template_img_path
        self.ret['detection_img_path']   = detection_img_path
        self.ret['template_target_x1y1wh'] = [int(float(i)) for i in lines[template_index].strip('\n').split(',')]
        self.ret['detection_target_x1y1wh']= [int(float(i)) for i in lines[detection_index].strip('\n').split(',')]
        t1, t2 = self.ret['template_target_x1y1wh'].copy(), self.ret['detection_target_x1y1wh'].copy()
        self.ret['template_target_xywh'] = [t1[0]+t1[2]//2, t1[1]+t1[3]//2, t1[2], t1[3]]
        self.ret['detection_target_xywh']= [t2[0]+t2[2]//2, t2[1]+t2[3]//2, t2[2], t2[3]]
        self.ret['anchors'] = self.anchors

        if self.check:
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '0_check_label')
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            template = Image.open(self.ret['template_img_path'])
            x, y, w, h = self.ret['template_target_xywh'].copy()
            x1, y1, x3, y3 = x-w//2, y-h//2, x+w//2, y+h//2 
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(template)
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x3, y1), (x3, y3), (x1, y3), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
            save_path = osp.join(s,'idx_{:04d}_class_{}_template_idx_{}.jpg'.format(self.count, sub_class_dir_basename, template_index))

            detection = Image.open(self.ret['detection_img_path'])
            x, y, w, h = self.ret['detection_target_xywh'].copy()
            x1, y1, x3, y3 = x-w//2, y-h//2, x+w//2, y+h//2 
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(detection)
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x3, y1), (x3, y3), (x1, y3), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
            save_path = osp.join(s,'idx_{:04d}_class_{}_detection_idx_{}.jpg'.format(self.count, sub_class_dir_basename, detection_index))

    def _average(self):
        assert self.ret.__contains__('template_img_path'), 'no template path'
        assert self.ret.__contains__('detection_img_path'),'no detection path'
        template = Image.open(self.ret['template_img_path'])
        detection= Image.open(self.ret['detection_img_path'])
        mean_template = tuple(map(round, ImageStat.Stat(template).mean))
        mean_detection= tuple(map(round, ImageStat.Stat(detection).mean))
        self.ret['mean_template'] = mean_template
        self.ret['mean_detection']= mean_detection

    def _pad_crop_and_resize(self):
        template_img_path = self.ret['template_img_path']
        template_img = Image.open(template_img_path)
        detection_img_path= self.ret['detection_img_path']
        detection_img = Image.open(detection_img_path)

        w, h = template_img.size
        cx, cy, tw, th = self.ret['template_target_xywh']
        p = round((tw + th)/2, 2)
        template_square_size  = int(np.sqrt((tw + p)*(th + p))) #a
        detection_square_size = int(template_square_size * 2)   #A
        # pad
        detection_lt_x, detection_lt_y = cx - detection_square_size//2, cy - detection_square_size//2
        detection_rb_x, detection_rb_y = cx + detection_square_size//2, cy + detection_square_size//2
        left   = -detection_lt_x if detection_lt_x < 0 else 0
        top    = -detection_lt_y if detection_lt_y < 0 else 0
        right  =  detection_rb_x - w if detection_rb_x > w else 0
        bottom =  detection_rb_y - h if detection_rb_y > h else 0
        padding = (int(left), int(top), int(right), int(bottom))

        self.ret['new_template_img_padding'] = ImageOps.expand(template_img,  border=padding, fill=self.ret['mean_template'])
        self.ret['new_detection_img_padding']= ImageOps.expand(detection_img, border=padding, fill=self.ret['mean_detection'])
        new_w, new_h = left + right + w, top + bottom + h
        # crop part
        ## template part
        tl = cx + left - template_square_size//2
        tt = cy + top  - template_square_size//2
        tr = new_w - tl - template_square_size
        tb = new_h - tt - template_square_size
        self.ret['template_cropped'] = ImageOps.crop(self.ret['new_template_img_padding'], (tl, tt, tr, tb))

        ## detection part
        dl = np.clip(cx + left - detection_square_size//2, 0, new_w - detection_square_size)
        dt = np.clip(cy + top  - detection_square_size//2, 0, new_h - detection_square_size)
        dr = np.clip(new_w - dl - detection_square_size, 0, new_w - detection_square_size)
        db = np.clip(new_h - dt - detection_square_size, 0, new_h - detection_square_size ) 
        self.ret['detection_cropped']= ImageOps.crop(self.ret['new_detection_img_padding'],(dl, dt, dr, db))  

        self.ret['detection_tlcords_of_original_image'] = (cx - detection_square_size//2 , cy - detection_square_size//2)
        self.ret['detection_tlcords_of_padding_image']  = (cx - detection_square_size//2 + left, cy - detection_square_size//2 + top)
        self.ret['detection_rbcords_of_padding_image']  = (cx + detection_square_size//2 + left, cy + detection_square_size//2 + top)
        # resize
        self.ret['template_cropped_resized'] = self.ret['template_cropped'].copy().resize((127, 127))
        self.ret['detection_cropped_resized']= self.ret['detection_cropped'].copy().resize((256, 256))
        self.ret['template_cropprd_resized_ratio'] = round(127/template_square_size, 2)
        self.ret['detection_cropped_resized_ratio'] = round(256/detection_square_size, 2)
        # compute target in detection, and then we will compute IOU
        # whether target in detection part
        x, y, w, h = self.ret['detection_target_xywh']
        self.ret['target_tlcords_of_padding_image'] = (x+left-w//2, y+top-h//2)
        self.ret['target_rbcords_of_padding_image'] = (x+left+w//2, y+top+h//2)
        if self.check:
            # 在 padding图上作出各部分
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '1_padding_img_with_detection_and_target')
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            im = self.ret['new_detection_img_padding']
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            x1, y1 = self.ret['target_tlcords_of_padding_image']
            x2, y2 = self.ret['target_rbcords_of_padding_image']
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red') # target in padding

            x1, y1 = self.ret['detection_tlcords_of_padding_image']
            x2, y2 = self.ret['detection_rbcords_of_padding_image']
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green') # detection in padding

            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))

        ### use cords about padding to compute cords about detection 
        ### modify cords because not all the object in the detection
        x11, y11 = self.ret['detection_tlcords_of_padding_image']
        x12, y12 = self.ret['detection_rbcords_of_padding_image']
        x21, y21 = self.ret['target_tlcords_of_padding_image']
        x22, y22 = self.ret['target_rbcords_of_padding_image']
        x1_of_d = x21 - x11
        y1_of_d = y21 - y11
        x3_of_d = x22 - x11
        y3_of_d = y22 - y11
        x1 = np.clip(x1_of_d, 0, x12-x11).astype(np.int32)
        y1 = np.clip(y1_of_d, 0, y12-y11).astype(np.int32)
        x2 = np.clip(x3_of_d, 0, x12-x11).astype(np.int32)
        y2 = np.clip(y3_of_d, 0, y12-y11).astype(np.int32)
        self.ret['target_in_detection_x1y1x2y2']=[x1, y1, x2, y2]
        if self.check:
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '2_cropped_detection')
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            im = self.ret['detection_cropped'].copy()
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))

        cords_in_cropped_detection = np.array((x1, y1, x2, y2))
        cords_in_cropped_resized_detection = (cords_in_cropped_detection * self.ret['detection_cropped_resized_ratio']).astype(np.int32)
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = cords_in_cropped_resized_detection
        cx, cy, w, h = (x1+x2)//2, (y1+y2)//2, x2-x1, y2-y1
        self.ret['target_in_resized_detection_x1y1x2y2'] = np.array((x1, y1, x2, y2)).astype(np.int32)
        self.ret['target_in_resized_detection_xywh'] = np.array((cx, cy, w, h)).astype(np.int32)
        self.ret['area_target_in_resized_detection'] = w * h

        if self.check:
            #画出resized detection图
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '3_resized_detection')
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            im = self.ret['detection_cropped_resized'].copy()
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))

    def _generate_pos_neg_diff(self):
        gt_box_in_detection = self.ret['target_in_resized_detection_xywh'].copy()
        pos, neg = self.anchor_generator.pos_neg_anchor(gt_box_in_detection) #mask
        diff     = self.anchor_generator.diff_anchor_gt(gt_box_in_detection)
        pos, neg, diff = pos.reshape((-1, 1)), neg.reshape((-1,1)), diff.reshape((-1, 4))
        class_target = np.array([-100.] * self.anchors.shape[0]) 
        pos_index = np.where(pos == 1)[0]

        self.ret['pos_anchors'] = np.array(self.ret['anchors'][pos_index, :], dtype=np.int32)
        pos_index = np.where(pos == 1)[0]
        pos_num = len(pos_index)
        if pos_num == 16:
            class_target[pos_index] = 1
        class_target[np.where(neg == 1)[0]] = 0 #pos 1 neg 0 ignore -100

        # draw pos and neg anchor box
        if self.check:
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '4_pos_neg_anchors')
            if not os.path.exists(s):
            pos = pos.squeeze()
            neg = neg.squeeze()
            pos_index = np.array(np.where(pos == 1)).reshape(-1)
            neg_index = np.array(np.where(neg == 1)).reshape(-1)
            if len(pos_index) != 16 and len(pos_index) != 0:
            im = self.ret['detection_cropped_resized'].copy()
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            if len(pos_index) == 16:
                for i in range(16):
                    index = pos_index[i]
                    cx ,cy, w, h = self.anchors[index]
                    if w == 0 or h == 0:
                        print('w h 0')
                    x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(cx-w/2), int(cy-h/2), int(cx+w/2), int(cy+h/2)
                    draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
            for i in range(48):
                index = neg_index[i]
                cx ,cy, w, h = self.anchors[index]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(cx-w/2), int(cy-h/2), int(cx+w/2), int(cy+h/2)
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green')  
                #print('{:02d} neg {:02d} cords {} {} {} {}'.format(count, i, cx ,cy, w, h))
            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))
        if self.check:
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '5_all_anchors') 
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            for i in range(self.anchors.shape[0]):
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.ret['target_in_resized_detection_x1y1x2y2']
                im = self.ret['detection_cropped_resized']
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')

                cx, cy, w, h = self.anchors[i]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = cx-w//2,cy-h//2,cx+w//2,cy+h//2
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green')
                save_path = osp.join(s, 'img_{:04d}_anchor_{:05d}.jpg'.format(self.count, i))

            pos = pos.squeeze()
            neg = neg.squeeze()
            pos_index = np.where(pos != 0)
            pos_anchors = self.anchors[pos_index]
            neg_anchors = self.anchors[neg_index]
            for i in range(pos_anchors.shape[0]):
                cx ,cy, w, h = pos_anchors[i]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = cx-w//2,cy-h//2,cx+w//2,cy+h//2
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')

            for i in range(neg_anchors.shape[0]):
                cx ,cy, w, h = pos_anchors[i]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = cx-w//2,cy-h//2,cx+w//2,cy+h//2
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green')  
            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))

        class_logits = class_target.reshape(-1, 1)
        pos_neg_diff = np.hstack((class_logits, diff))
        return pos_neg_diff

    def _tranform(self):
        """PIL to Tensor"""
        template_pil = self.ret['template_cropped_resized'].copy()
        detection_pil= self.ret['detection_cropped_resized'].copy()
        pos_neg_diff = self.ret['pos_neg_diff'].copy()

        transform = get_transform_for_train()
        template_tensor = transform(template_pil)
        detection_tensor= transform(detection_pil)
        self.ret['template_tensor'] = template_tensor.unsqueeze(0)
        self.ret['detection_tensor']= detection_tensor.unsqueeze(0)
        self.ret['pos_neg_diff_tensor'] = torch.Tensor(pos_neg_diff)

    def __get__(self, index):
        self._pick_img_pairs(index) #ok
        self.ret['pos_neg_diff'] = self._generate_pos_neg_diff()
        self.count += 1
        return self.ret

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.sub_class_dir)

class TestDataLoader(object):
    def __init__(self, img_dir_path, out_feature = 17, max_inter = 100, check = False, tmp_dir = '../tmp/visualization'):
        self.anchor_generator = Anchor_ms(out_feature, out_feature)
        self.img_dir_path = img_dir_path
        self.max_inter = max_inter
        self.sub_class_dir = [sub_class_dir for sub_class_dir in os.listdir(img_dir_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(img_dir_path, sub_class_dir))] 
        self.anchors = self.anchor_generator.gen_anchors() #ok
        self.ret = {}
        self.check = check
        self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir 
        self.count = 0
        if not osp.exists(self.tmp_dir):

    def _pick_img_pairs(self, index_of_subclass):

        assert index_of_subclass < len(self.sub_class_dir), 'index_of_subclass should less than total classes'
        sub_class_dir_basename = self.sub_class_dir[index_of_subclass]
        sub_class_dir_path = os.path.join(self.img_dir_path, sub_class_dir_basename)
        sub_class_img_name = [img_name for img_name in os.listdir(sub_class_dir_path) if not img_name.find('.jpg') == -1]        
        sub_class_img_name = sorted(sub_class_img_name)
        sub_class_img_num = len(sub_class_img_name)
        sub_class_gt_name  = 'groundtruth.txt'

        # select template, detection
        template_index = random.choice(range(0, sub_class_img_num - self.max_inter))
        detection_index= random.choice(range(self.max_inter)) + template_index
        template_name  = sub_class_img_name[template_index]
        detection_name = sub_class_img_name[detection_index]
        template_img_path  = os.path.join(sub_class_dir_path, template_name)
        detection_img_path = os.path.join(sub_class_dir_path, detection_name)
        gt_path = osp.join(sub_class_dir_path, sub_class_gt_name)
        with open(gt_path, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        self.ret['template_img_path']    = template_img_path
        self.ret['detection_img_path']   = detection_img_path
        self.ret['template_target_x1y1wh'] = [float(i) for i in lines[template_index].strip('\n').split(',')]
        self.ret['detection_target_x1y1wh']= [float(i) for i in lines[detection_index].strip('\n').split(',')]
        t1, t2 = self.ret['template_target_x1y1wh'], self.ret['detection_target_x1y1wh']
        self.ret['template_target_xywh'] = t1[0]+t1[2]//2, t1[1]+t1[3]//2, t1[2], t1[3]
        self.ret['detection_target_xywh']= t2[0]+t2[2]//2, t2[1]+t2[3]//2, t2[2], t2[3]
        self.ret['anchors'] = self.anchors
        if self.check:
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '0_check_label')
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            template = Image.open(self.ret['template_img_path'])
            x, y, w, h = self.ret['template_target_xywh']
            x1, y1, x3, y3 = x-w//2, y-h//2, x+w//2, y+h//2 
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(template)
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x3, y1), (x3, y3), (x1, y3), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
            save_path = osp.join(s,'idx_{:04d}_class_{}_template_idx_{}.jpg'.format(self.count, sub_class_dir_basename, template_index))

            detection = Image.open(self.ret['detection_img_path'])
            x, y, w, h = self.ret['detection_target_xywh']
            x1, y1, x3, y3 = x-w//2, y-h//2, x+w//2, y+h//2 
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(detection)
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x3, y1), (x3, y3), (x1, y3), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
            save_path = osp.join(s,'idx_{:04d}_class_{}_detection_idx_{}.jpg'.format(self.count, sub_class_dir_basename, detection_index))

    def _average(self):
        assert self.ret.__contains__('template_img_path'), 'no template path'
        assert self.ret.__contains__('detection_img_path'),'no detection path'
        template = Image.open(self.ret['template_img_path'])
        detection= Image.open(self.ret['detection_img_path'])
        mean_template = tuple(map(round, ImageStat.Stat(template).mean))
        mean_detection= tuple(map(round, ImageStat.Stat(detection).mean))

        self.ret['mean_template'] = (mean_template[0], mean_template[1], mean_template[2])
        self.ret['mean_detection']= (mean_detection[0],mean_detection[1],mean_detection[2])

    def _pad_crop_and_resize(self):
        template_img_path = self.ret['template_img_path']
        template_img = Image.open(template_img_path)
        detection_img_path= self.ret['detection_img_path']
        detection_img = Image.open(detection_img_path)

        w, h = template_img.size
        cx, cy, tw, th = self.ret['template_target_xywh']
        p = round((tw + th)/2, 2)
        template_square_size = np.sqrt((tw + p)*(th + p)) #a
        detection_square_size = template_square_size * 2  #A
        # pad
        detection_lt_x, detection_lt_y = cx - detection_square_size//2, cy - detection_square_size//2
        detection_rb_x, detection_rb_y = cx + detection_square_size//2, cy + detection_square_size//2
        left   = -detection_lt_x if detection_lt_x < 0 else 0
        top    = -detection_lt_y if detection_lt_y < 0 else 0
        right  =  detection_rb_x - w if detection_rb_x > w else 0
        bottom =  detection_rb_y - h if detection_rb_y > h else 0
        padding = (int(left), int(top), int(right), int(bottom))

        self.ret['new_template_img_padding'] = ImageOps.expand(template_img,  border=padding, fill=self.ret['mean_template'])
        self.ret['new_detection_img_padding']= ImageOps.expand(detection_img, border=padding, fill=self.ret['mean_detection'])
        new_w, new_h = left + right + w, top + bottom + h
        # crop part
        ## template part
        tl = cx + left - template_square_size//2
        tt = cy + top  - template_square_size//2
        tr = new_w - tl - template_square_size
        tb = new_h - tt - template_square_size
        self.ret['template_cropped'] = ImageOps.crop(self.ret['new_template_img_padding'], (tl, tt, tr, tb))

        ## detection part
        dl = cx + left - detection_square_size//2
        dt = cy + top  - detection_square_size//2
        dr = new_w - dl - detection_square_size
        db = new_h - dt - detection_square_size 
        self.ret['detection_cropped']= ImageOps.crop(self.ret['new_detection_img_padding'],(dl, dt, dr, db))  

        self.ret['detection_tlcords_of_original_image'] = (cx - detection_square_size//2 , cy - detection_square_size//2)
        self.ret['detection_tlcords_of_padding_image']  = (cx - detection_square_size//2 + left, cy - detection_square_size//2 + top)
        self.ret['detection_rbcords_of_padding_image']  = (cx + detection_square_size//2 + left, cy + detection_square_size//2 + top)
        self.ret['template_cropped_resized'] = self.ret['template_cropped'].resize((127, 127))
        self.ret['detection_cropped_resized']= self.ret['detection_cropped'].resize((256, 256))
        self.ret['template_cropprd_resized_ratio'] = round(127/template_square_size, 2)
        self.ret['detection_cropped_resized_ratio'] = round(256/detection_square_size, 2)
        # compute target in detection, and then we will compute IOU
        # whether target in detection part
        x, y, w, h = self.ret['detection_target_xywh']
        self.ret['target_tlcords_of_padding_image'] = (x+left-w//2, y+top-h//2)
        self.ret['target_rbcords_of_padding_image'] = (x+left+w//2, y+top+h//2)
        if self.check:
            # 在 padding图上作出各部分
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '1_padding_img_with_detection_and_target')
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            im = self.ret['new_detection_img_padding']
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            x1, y1 = self.ret['target_tlcords_of_padding_image']
            x2, y2 = self.ret['target_rbcords_of_padding_image']
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red') # target in padding

            x1, y1 = self.ret['detection_tlcords_of_padding_image']
            x2, y2 = self.ret['detection_rbcords_of_padding_image']
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green') # detection in padding

            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))

        ### use cords about padding to compute cords about detection 
        x11, y11 = self.ret['detection_tlcords_of_padding_image']
        x12, y12 = self.ret['detection_rbcords_of_padding_image']
        x21, y21 = self.ret['target_tlcords_of_padding_image']
        x22, y22 = self.ret['target_rbcords_of_padding_image']
        x1_of_d = x21 - x11
        y1_of_d = y21 - y11
        x3_of_d = x22 - x11
        y3_of_d = y22 - y11
        x1 = np.clip(x1_of_d, 0, x12-x11)
        y1 = np.clip(y1_of_d, 0, y12-y11)
        x2 = np.clip(x3_of_d, 0, x12-x11)
        y2 = np.clip(y3_of_d, 0, y12-y11)
        if self.check:
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '2_cropped_detection')
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            im = self.ret['detection_cropped']
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))

        cords_in_cropped_detection = np.array((x1, y1, x2, y2))
        cords_in_cropped_resized_detection = (cords_in_cropped_detection * self.ret['detection_cropped_resized_ratio']).astype(np.int32)
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = cords_in_cropped_resized_detection
        cx, cy, w, h = (x1+x2)//2, (y1+y2)//2, x2-x1, y2-y1
        self.ret['target_in_resized_detection_x1y1x2y2'] = np.array((x1, y1, x2, y2)).astype(np.int32)
        self.ret['target_in_resized_detection_xywh'] = np.array((cx, cy, w, h)).astype(np.int32)
        self.ret['area_target_in_resized_detection'] = w * h

        if self.check:
            #画出resized detection图
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '3_resized_detection')
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            im = self.ret['detection_cropped_resized']
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))

    def _generate_pos_neg_diff(self):
        anchors = self.anchors
        gt_box_in_detection = self.ret['target_in_resized_detection_xywh']
        pos, neg = self.anchor_generator.pos_neg_ahchor(gt_box_in_detection, anchors) #mask
        diff = self.anchor_generator.diff_anchor_gt(gt_box_in_detection, anchors)
        pos, neg, diff = pos.reshape((-1, 1)), neg.reshape((-1,1)), diff.reshape((-1, 4)) # 5120
        class_target = np.array([-100.] * self.anchors.shape[0]).reshape((-1,1)) #5120
        class_target[np.where(pos == 1)] = 1
        class_target[np.where(neg == 1)] = 0 #pos 1 neg 0 ignore -100
        class_target = class_target.reshape(-1)

        # draw pos and neg anchor box
        if self.check:
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '4_pos_neg_anchors')
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            im = self.ret['detection_cropped_resized']
            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
            pos = pos.squeeze()
            neg = neg.squeeze()
            pos_index = np.array(np.where(pos == 1)).reshape(-1)
            neg_index = np.array(np.where(neg == 1)).reshape(-1)
            count = 0
            for i in range(16):
                if pos_index.shape[0] == 0:
                index = pos_index[i]
                cx ,cy, w, h = self.anchors[index]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(cx-w/2), int(cy-h/2), int(cx+w/2), int(cy+h/2)
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')
                #print('{:02d} pos {:02d} cords {} {} {} {}'.format(count, i, cx ,cy, w, h))

            for i in range(48):
                index = neg_index[i]
                cx ,cy, w, h = self.anchors[index]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(cx-w/2), int(cy-h/2), int(cx+w/2), int(cy+h/2)
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green')  
                #print('{:02d} neg {:02d} cords {} {} {} {}'.format(count, i, cx ,cy, w, h))

            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))

        if self.check:
            s = osp.join(self.tmp_dir, '5_all_anchors') 
            if not os.path.exists(s):

            for i in range(self.anchors.shape[0]):
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.ret['target_in_resized_detection_x1y1x2y2']
                im = self.ret['detection_cropped_resized']
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')

                cx, cy, w, h = self.anchors[i]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = cx-w//2,cy-h//2,cx+w//2,cy+h//2
                draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green')
                save_path = osp.join(s, 'img_{:04d}_anchor_{:05d}.jpg'.format(self.count, i))

            pos = pos.squeeze()
            neg = neg.squeeze()
            pos_index = np.where(pos != 0)
            pos_anchors = self.anchors[pos_index]
            neg_anchors = self.anchors[neg_index]
            for i in range(pos_anchors.shape[0]):
                cx ,cy, w, h = pos_anchors[i]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = cx-w//2,cy-h//2,cx+w//2,cy+h//2
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='red')

            for i in range(neg_anchors.shape[0]):
                cx ,cy, w, h = pos_anchors[i]
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = cx-w//2,cy-h//2,cx+w//2,cy+h//2
                draw.line([(x1, y1), (x2, y1), (x2, y2), (x1, y2), (x1, y1)], width=1, fill='green')  
            save_path = osp.join(s, '{:04d}.jpg'.format(self.count))

        class_logits = class_target.reshape(-1, 1)
        pos_neg_diff = np.hstack((class_logits, diff))
        return pos_neg_diff

    def _tranform(self):
        """PIL to Tensor"""
        template_pil = self.ret['template_cropped_resized']
        detection_pil= self.ret['detection_cropped_resized']
        pos_neg_diff = self.ret['pos_neg_diff']

        transform = get_transform_for_train()
        template_tensor = transform(template_pil)
        detection_tensor= transform(detection_pil)
        self.ret['template_tensor'] = template_tensor.unsqueeze(0)
        self.ret['detection_tensor']= detection_tensor.unsqueeze(0)
        self.ret['pos_neg_diff_tensor'] = torch.Tensor(pos_neg_diff)

    def __get__(self, index):
        self._pick_img_pairs(index) #ok
        #self.ret['pos_neg_diff'] = self._generate_pos_neg_diff()
        #self.count += 1
        return self.ret

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.sub_class_dir)

def compute_average_value(img_path):
    compute average value of several channels
    img = cv2.imread(img_path)
    w, h, c = img.shape
    num_pix = w * h
    avg = [np.sum(img[:, :, i])/num_pix for i in range(c)]
    return avg

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # we will do a test for dataloader
    loader = TrainDataLoader('/home/song/srpn/dataset/simple_vot13', check = True)
    index_list = range(loader.__len__())
    for i in range(1000):
        ret = loader.__get__(random.choice(index_list))
        label = ret['pos_neg_diff'][:, 0].reshape(-1)
        pos_index = list(np.where(label == 1)[0])
        pos_num = len(pos_index)
        if pos_num != 0 and pos_num != 16: