#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = 'solivr'
__license__ = "GPL"

import csv
import json
import os
import string
from functools import reduce
from glob import glob
from typing import List, Union
import pandas as pd

class CONST:
    DIMENSION_REDUCTION_W_POOLING = 2*2  # 2x2 pooling in dimension W on layer 1 and 2
    PREPROCESSING_FOLDER = 'preprocessed'

class Alphabet:
    Class for alphabet / symbols units.

    :ivar _blank_symbol: Blank symbol used for CTC
    :vartype _blank_symbol: str
    :ivar _alphabet_units: list of elements composing the alphabet. The units may be a single character or multiple characters.
    :vartype _alphabet_units: List[str]
    :ivar _codes: Each alphabet unit has a unique corresponding code.
    :vartype _codes: List[int]
    :ivar _nclasses: number of alphabet units.
    :vartype _nclasses: int
    def __init__(self, lookup_alphabet_file: str=None, blank_symbol: str='$'):

        self._blank_symbol = blank_symbol

        if lookup_alphabet_file:
            lookup_alphabet = self.load_lookup_from_json(lookup_alphabet_file)
            # Blank symbol must have the largest value
            if self._blank_symbol in lookup_alphabet.keys():

                # TODO : check if blank symbol is the last one
                assert lookup_alphabet[self._blank_symbol] == max(lookup_alphabet.values()), \
                    "Blank symbol should have the largest code integer"
                lookup_alphabet[self._blank_symbol] = max(lookup_alphabet.values()) + 1
                lookup_alphabet.update({self._blank_symbol: max(lookup_alphabet.values()) + 1})

            self._alphabet_units = list(lookup_alphabet.keys())
            self._codes = list(lookup_alphabet.values())
            self._nclasses = len(self.codes) + 1  # n_classes should be + 1 of labels codes

            if 0 in self._codes:
                raise ValueError('0 code is in the lookup table, you should''nt use it.')

            self.lookup_int2str = dict(zip(self.codes, self.alphabet_units))

    def check_input_file_alphabet(self, csv_filenames: List[str],
                                  discarded_chars: str=';|{}'.format(string.whitespace[1:]),
                                  csv_delimiter: str=";") -> None:
        Checks if labels of input files contains only characters that are in the Alphabet.

        :param csv_filenames: list of the csv filename
        :param discarded_chars: discarded characters
        :param csv_delimiter: character delimiting field in the csv file
        assert isinstance(csv_filenames, list), 'csv_filenames argument is not a list'

        alphabet_set = set(self.alphabet_units)

        for filename in csv_filenames:
            input_chars_set = set()

            with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
                csvreader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=csv_delimiter, escapechar='\\', quoting=0)
                for line in csvreader:

            # Discard all whitespaces except space ' '
            for whitespace in discarded_chars:

            extra_chars = input_chars_set - alphabet_set
            assert len(extra_chars) == 0, 'There are {} unknown chars in {} : {}'.format(len(extra_chars),
                                                                                         filename, extra_chars)

    def map_lookup(cls, lookup_table: dict, unique_entry: bool = True) -> dict:
        Converts an existing lookup table with minimal range code ([1, len(lookup_table)-1])
        and avoids multiple instances of the same code label (bijectivity)

        :param lookup_table: dictionary to be mapped {alphabet_unit : code label}
        :param unique_entry: If each alphabet unit has a unique code and each code a unique alphabet unique ('bijective'),
                            only True is implemented for now
        :return: a mapped dictionary

        # Create tuple (alphabet unit, code)
        tuple_char_code = list(zip(list(lookup_table.keys()), list(lookup_table.values())))
        # Sort by code
        tuple_char_code.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])

        # If each alphabet unit has a unique code and each code a unique alphabet unique ('bijective')
        if unique_entry:
            mapped_lookup = [[tp[0], i + 1] for i, tp in enumerate(tuple_char_code)]
            raise NotImplementedError
            # Todo

        return dict(mapped_lookup)

    def create_lookup_from_labels(cls, csv_files: List[str], export_lookup_filename: str,
                                  original_lookup_filename: str=None):
        Create a lookup dictionary for csv files containing labels. Exports a json file with the Alphabet.

        :param csv_files: list of files to get the labels from (should be of format path;label)
        :param export_lookup_filename: filename to export alphabet lookup dictionary
        :param original_lookup_filename: original lookup filename to update (optional)
        if original_lookup_filename:
            with open(original_lookup_filename, 'r') as f:
                lookup = json.load(f)
            set_chars = set(list(lookup.keys()))
            set_chars = set(list(string.ascii_letters) + list(string.digits))
            lookup = dict()

        for filename in csv_files:
            data = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=';', encoding='utf8', error_bad_lines=False, header=None,
                               names=['path', 'transcription'], escapechar='\\')
            for index, row in data.iterrows():

        # Update (key, values) of lookup table
        for el in set_chars:
            if el not in lookup.keys():
                lookup[el] = max(lookup.values()) + 1 if lookup.values() else 0

        lookup = cls.map_lookup(lookup)

        # Save new lookup
        with open(export_lookup_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
            json.dump(lookup, f)

    def load_lookup_from_json(cls, json_filenames: Union[List[str], str]) -> dict:
        Load a lookup table from a json file to a dictionnary
        :param json_filenames: either a filename or a list of filenames

        lookup = dict()
        if isinstance(json_filenames, list):
            for file in json_filenames:
                with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
                    data_dict = json.load(f)

        elif isinstance(json_filenames, str):
            with open(json_filenames, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
                lookup = json.load(f)

        return cls.map_lookup(lookup)

    def make_json_lookup_alphabet(cls, string_chars: str = None) -> dict:

        :param string_chars: for example string.ascii_letters, string.digits
        lookup = dict()
        if string_chars:
            # Add characters to lookup table
            lookup.update({char: ord(char) for char in string_chars})

        return cls.map_lookup(lookup)

    def n_classes(self):
        return self._nclasses

    def blank_symbol(self):
        return self._blank_symbol

    def codes(self):
        return self._codes

    def alphabet_units(self):
        return self._alphabet_units

class Params:
    Class for parameters of the model and the experiment

    :ivar input_shape: input shape of the image to batch (this is the shape after data augmentation).
        The original will either be resized or pad depending on its original size
    :vartype input_shape: Tuple[int, int]
    :ivar input_channels: number of color channels for input image (default: 1)
    :vartype input_channels: int
    :ivar cnn_features_list: a list of length `n_layers` containing the number of features for each convolutionl layer
        (default: [16, 32, 64, 96, 128])
    :vartype cnn_features_list: List(int)
    :ivar cnn_kernel_size: a list of length `n_layers` containing the size of the kernel for each convolutionl layer
        (default: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3])
    :vartype cnn_kernel_size: List(int)
    :ivar cnn_stride_size: a list of length `n_layers` containing the stride size each convolutionl layer
        (default: [(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)])
    :vartype cnn_stride_size: List((int, int))
    :ivar cnn_pool_size: a list of length `n_layers` containing the pool size each MaxPool layer
        default: ([(2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2), (1, 1)])
    :vartype cnn_pool_size: List((int, int))
    :ivar cnn_batch_norm: a list of length `n_layers` containing a bool that indicated wether or not to use batch normalization
        (default: [False, False, False, False, False])
    :vartype cnn_batch_norm: List(bool)
    :ivar rnn_units: a list containing the number of units per rnn layer (default: 256)
    :vartype rnn_units: List(int)
    :ivar num_beam_paths: number of paths (transcriptions) to return for ctc beam search (only used when predicting)
    :vartype num_beam_paths: int
    :ivar csv_delimiter: character to delimit csv input files (default: ';')
    :vartype csv_delimiter: str
    :ivar string_split_delimiter: character that delimits each alphabet unit in the labels (default: '|')
    :vartype string_split_delimiter: str
    :ivar csv_files_train: csv filename which contains the (path;label) of each training sample
    :vartype csv_files_train: str
    :ivar csv_files_eval: csv filename which contains the (path;label) of each eval sample
    :vartype csv_files_eval: str
    :ivar lookup_alphabet_file: json file that contains the mapping alphabet units <-> codes
    :vartype lookup_alphabet_file: str
    :ivar blank_symbol: symbol for to be considered as blank by the CTC decoder (default: '$')
    :vartype blank_symbol: str
    :ivar max_chars_per_string: maximum characters per sample (to avoid CTC decoder errors) (default: 75)
    :vartype max_chars_per_string: int
    :ivar data_augmentation: if True augments data on the fly (default: true)
    :vartype data_augmentation: bool
    :ivar data_augmentation_max_rotation: max permitted roation to apply to image during training in radians (default: 0.005)
    :vartype data_augmentation_max_rotation: float
    :ivar data_augmentation_max_slant: maximum angle for slant augmentation (default: 0.7)
    :vartype data_augmentation_max_slant: float
    :ivar n_epochs: numbers of epochs to run the training (default: 50)
    :vartype n_epochs: int
    :ivar train_batch_size: batch size during training (default: 64)
    :vartype train_batch_size: int
    :ivar eval_batch_size: batch size during evaluation (default: 128)
    :vartype eval_batch_size: int
    :ivar learning_rate: initial learning rate (default: 1e-4)
    :vartype learning_rate: float
    :ivar evaluate_every_epoch: evaluate every 'evaluate_every_epoch' epoch (default: 5)
    :vartype evaluate_every_epoch: int
    :ivar save_interval: save the model every 'save_interval' epoch (default: 20)
    :vartype save_interval: int
    :ivar optimizer: which optimizer to use ('adam', 'rms', 'ada') (default: 'adam')
    :vartype optimizer: str
    :ivar output_model_dir: output directory where the model will be saved and exported
    :vartype output_model_dir: str
    :ivar restore_model: boolean to continue training with saved weights (default: False)
    :vartype restore_model: bool
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # model params
        self.input_shape = kwargs.get('input_shape', (96, 1400))
        self.input_channels = kwargs.get('input_channels', 1)
        self.cnn_features_list = kwargs.get('cnn_features_list', [16, 32, 64, 96, 128])
        self.cnn_kernel_size = kwargs.get('cnn_kernel_size', [3, 3, 3, 3, 3])
        self.cnn_stride_size = kwargs.get('cnn_stride_size', [(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1)])
        self.cnn_pool_size = kwargs.get('cnn_pool_size', [(2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 2), (1, 1)])
        self.cnn_batch_norm = kwargs.get('cnn_batch_norm', [False, False, False, False, False])
        self.rnn_units = kwargs.get('rnn_units', [256, 256])
        # self._keep_prob_dropout = kwargs.get('keep_prob_dropout', 0.5)
        self.num_beam_paths = kwargs.get('num_beam_paths', 1)
        # csv params
        self.csv_delimiter = kwargs.get('csv_delimiter', ';')
        self.string_split_delimiter = kwargs.get('string_split_delimiter', '|')
        self.csv_files_train = kwargs.get('csv_files_train')
        self.csv_files_eval = kwargs.get('csv_files_eval')
        # alphabet params
        self.blank_symbol = kwargs.get('blank_symbol', '$')
        self.max_chars_per_string = kwargs.get('max_chars_per_string', 75)
        self.lookup_alphabet_file = kwargs.get('lookup_alphabet_file')
        # data augmentation params
        self.data_augmentation = kwargs.get('data_augmentation', True),
        self.data_augmentation_max_rotation = kwargs.get('data_augmentation_max_rotation', 0.005)
        self.data_augmentation_max_slant = kwargs.get('data_augmentation_max_slant', 0.7)
        # training params
        self.n_epochs = kwargs.get('n_epochs', 50)
        self.train_batch_size = kwargs.get('train_batch_size', 64)
        self.eval_batch_size = kwargs.get('eval_batch_size', 128)
        self.learning_rate = kwargs.get('learning_rate', 1e-4)
        self.optimizer = kwargs.get('optimizer', 'adam')
        self.output_model_dir = kwargs.get('output_model_dir', '')
        self.evaluate_every_epoch = kwargs.get('evaluate_every_epoch', 5)
        self.save_interval = kwargs.get('save_interval', 20)
        self.restore_model = kwargs.get('restore_model', False)


        cnn_params = zip(self.cnn_pool_size, self.cnn_stride_size)
        self.downscale_factor = reduce(lambda i, j: i * j, map(lambda k: k[0][1] * k[1][1], cnn_params))

        # TODO add additional checks for the architecture
        assert len(self.cnn_features_list) == len(self.cnn_kernel_size) == len(self.cnn_stride_size) \
               == len(self.cnn_pool_size) == len(self.cnn_batch_norm), \
            "Length of parameters of model are not the same, check that all the layers parameters have the same length."

        max_input_width = (self.max_chars_per_string + 1) * self.downscale_factor
        assert max_input_width <= self.input_shape[1], "Maximum length of labels is {}, input width should be greater or " \
                                                       "equal to {} but is {}".format(self.max_chars_per_string,

        assert self.optimizer in ['adam', 'rms', 'ada'], 'Unknown optimizer {}'.format(self.optimizer)

        if os.path.isdir(self.output_model_dir):
            print('WARNING : The output directory {} already exists.'.format(self.output_model_dir))

    def show_experiment_params(self) -> dict:
        Returns a dictionary with the variables of the class.

        return vars(self)

    def _assign_alphabet(self):
        self.alphabet = Alphabet(lookup_alphabet_file=self.lookup_alphabet_file, blank_symbol=self.blank_symbol)

    # @property
    # def keep_prob_dropout(self):
    #     return self._keep_prob_dropout
    # @keep_prob_dropout.setter
    # def keep_prob_dropout(self, value):
    #     assert (0.0 < value <= 1.0), 'Must be 0.0 < value <= 1.0'
    #     self._keep_prob_dropout = value

    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        Returns the parameters as a dictionary

        new_dict = self.__dict__.copy()
        del new_dict['alphabet']
        del new_dict['downscale_factor']
        return new_dict

    def from_json_file(cls, json_file: str):
        Given a json file, creates a ``Params`` object.

        :param json_file: path to the json file
        :return: ``Params`` object
        with open(json_file, 'r') as file:
            config = json.load(file)

        return cls(**config)

def import_params_from_json(model_directory: str=None, json_filename: str=None) -> dict:
    Read the exported json file with parameters of the experiment.

    :param model_directory: Direcoty where the odel was exported
    :param json_filename: filename of the file
    :return: a dictionary containing the parameters of the experiment

    assert not all(p is None for p in [model_directory, json_filename]), 'One argument at least should not be None'

    if model_directory:
        # Import parameters from the json file
            json_filename = glob(os.path.join(model_directory, 'model_params*.json'))[-1]
        except IndexError:
            print('No json found in dir {}'.format(model_directory))
            raise FileNotFoundError
        if not os.path.isfile(json_filename):
            print('No json found with filename {}'.format(json_filename))
            raise FileNotFoundError

    with open(json_filename, 'r') as data_json:
        params_json = json.load(data_json)

    # Remove 'private' keys
    keys = list(params_json.keys())
    for key in keys:
        if key[0] == '_':

    return params_json