import torch

def smooth_l1_loss(input, target, beta=1. / 9, size_average=True):
    very similar to the smooth_l1_loss from pytorch, but with
    the extra beta parameter

    Modified according to detectron2's fvcore,
    refer to
    if beta < 1e-5:
        # if beta == 0, then torch.where will result in nan gradients when
        # the chain rule is applied due to pytorch implementation details
        # (the False branch "0.5 * n ** 2 / 0" has an incoming gradient of
        # zeros, rather than "no gradient"). To avoid this issue, we define
        # small values of beta to be exactly l1 loss.
        loss = torch.abs(input - target)
        n = torch.abs(input - target)
        cond = n < beta
        loss = torch.where(cond, 0.5 * n ** 2 / beta, n - 0.5 * beta)

    if size_average:
        return loss.mean()
    return loss.sum()

def smooth_l1_loss_LW(bbox_pred, bbox_targets, bbox_inside_weights, bbox_outside_weights, beta=1.0):
    SmoothL1(x) = 0.5 * x^2 / beta      if |x| < beta
                  |x| - 0.5 * beta      otherwise.
    1 / N * sum_i alpha_out[i] * SmoothL1(alpha_in[i] * (y_hat[i] - y[i])).
    N is the number of batch elements in the input predictions
    box_diff = bbox_pred - bbox_targets
    in_box_diff = bbox_inside_weights * box_diff
    abs_in_box_diff = torch.abs(in_box_diff)
    smoothL1_sign = (abs_in_box_diff < beta).detach().float()
    in_loss_box = smoothL1_sign * 0.5 * torch.pow(in_box_diff, 2) / beta + \
                  (1 - smoothL1_sign) * (abs_in_box_diff - (0.5 * beta))
    out_loss_box = bbox_outside_weights * in_loss_box
    loss_box = out_loss_box
    N = loss_box.size(0)  # batch size
    loss_box = loss_box.view(-1).sum(0) / N
    return loss_box