import os
import sys
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import tempfile
import pytest
import h5py
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spalg
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import simnibs.simulation.fem as fem
import simnibs.simulation.coil_numpy as coil_lib
import simnibs.msh.mesh_io as mesh_io
import simnibs.simulation.analytical_solutions.sphere as analytical_solutions
from simnibs.cython_code import petsc_solver

def sphere3_msh():
    fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(
        __file__)), '..', 'testing_files', 'sphere3.msh')
    return mesh_io.read_msh(fn)

def sphere_el_msh():
    fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(
        __file__)), '..', 'testing_files', 'sphere_w_electrodes.msh')
    return mesh_io.read_msh(fn)

def cube_msh():
    fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(
        __file__)), '..', 'testing_files', 'cube_w_electrodes.msh')
    return mesh_io.read_msh(fn)

def cube_lr():
    fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(
        __file__)), '..', 'testing_files', 'cube.msh')
    return mesh_io.read_msh(fn)

def tms_sphere(sphere3_msh):
    m = sphere3_msh.crop_mesh(elm_type=4)
    dipole_pos = np.array([0., 0., 300])
    dipole_moment = np.array([1., 0., 0.])
    didt = 1e6
    r = (m.nodes.node_coord - dipole_pos) * 1e-3
    dAdt = 1e-7 * didt * np.cross(dipole_moment, r) / (np.linalg.norm(r, axis=1)[:, None] ** 3)
    dAdt = mesh_io.NodeData(dAdt, mesh=m)
    dAdt.field_name = 'dAdt'
    dAdt.mesh = m
    pos = m.elements_baricenters().value
    E_analytical = analytical_solutions.tms_E_field(dipole_pos * 1e-3,
                                                    dipole_moment, didt,
                                                    pos * 1e-3)
    cond = mesh_io.ElementData(np.ones(
    cond.mesh = m
    return m, cond, dAdt, E_analytical

def rdm(a, b):
    return np.linalg.norm(a / np.linalg.norm(a) -
                          b / np.linalg.norm(b))

def mag(a, b):
    return np.abs(np.log(np.linalg.norm(a) / np.linalg.norm(b)))

class TestCalcJ:
    @pytest.mark.parametrize('d_type', [np.array, mesh_io.ElementData])
    def test_calc_j_scalar(self, d_type):
        E = np.ones((10, 3))
        s = np.arange(10)
        J = fem.calc_J(d_type(E), d_type(s))
        assert np.allclose(J, np.tile(np.arange(10), (3, 1)).T)

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('d_type', [np.array, mesh_io.ElementData])
    def test_calc_j_tensor(self, d_type):
        E = np.ones((10, 3))
        s = np.tile((1, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0.01), (10, 1))
        J = fem.calc_J(d_type(E), d_type(s))
        assert np.allclose(J[:, 0], 1)
        assert np.allclose(J[:, 1], 0.1)
        assert np.allclose(J[:, 2], 0.01)

class Testcalc_fields:
    def test_calc_vEJgs(self, sphere3_msh):
        phi = sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, 0] + \
            2 * sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] + \
            -3 * sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, 2]
        potential = mesh_io.NodeData(phi, mesh=sphere3_msh)

        E = np.zeros((, 3))
        E[:] = [-1., -2., 3.]
        E = mesh_io.ElementData(E, mesh=sphere3_msh)

        cond = sphere3_msh.elm.tag1
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond, mesh=sphere3_msh)

        m = fem.calc_fields(potential, 'vJEgsej', cond)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['v'].value, potential.value)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['E'].value, E.value * 1e3)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['J'].value, cond.value[:, None] * E.value * 1e3)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['g'].value, -E.value * 1e3)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['conductivity'].value, cond.value)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['normE'].value, np.linalg.norm(E.value, axis=1) * 1e3)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['normJ'].value,
                           np.linalg.norm(cond.value[:, None] * E.value, axis=1) * 1e3)

    def test_calc_dadt(self, sphere3_msh):
        phi = sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, 0] + \
            2 * sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] + \
            -3 * sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, 2]
        potential = mesh_io.NodeData(phi, mesh=sphere3_msh)

        dadt = .2 * sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord
        dadt = mesh_io.NodeData(dadt, mesh=sphere3_msh)

        E = np.zeros((, 3))
        E = [-1, -2, 3] - dadt.node_data2elm_data().value
        E = mesh_io.ElementData(E, mesh=sphere3_msh)

        cond = sphere3_msh.elm.tag1
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond, mesh=sphere3_msh)

        m = fem.calc_fields(potential, 'vDJEgsej', cond, dadt=dadt,
        assert np.allclose(m.field['v'].value, potential.value)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['D'].value, dadt.value)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['g'].value, [1, 2, -3])
        assert np.allclose(m.field['E'].value, E.value)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['J'].value, cond.value[:, None] * E.value)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['conductivity'].value, cond.value)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['normE'].value, np.linalg.norm(E.value, axis=1))
        assert np.allclose(m.field['normJ'].value,
                           np.linalg.norm(cond.value[:, None] * E.value, axis=1))

    def test_calc_tensor(self, sphere3_msh):
        phi = sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, 0] + \
            2 * sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] + \
            -3 * sphere3_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, 2]
        potential = mesh_io.NodeData(phi, mesh=sphere3_msh)

        o = np.ones(
        z = np.zeros(
        cond = np.reshape(np.eye(3) * np.array([1, 2, 3]), -1)
        cond = np.tile(cond, [, 1])
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond, mesh=sphere3_msh)
        m = fem.calc_fields(potential, 'vJEgsej', cond, units='m')

        assert np.allclose(m.field['v'].value, potential.value)
        assert np.allclose(m.field['g'].value, [1, 2, -3])
        assert np.allclose(m.field['E'].value, [-1, -2, 3])
        assert np.allclose(m.field['J'].value, [-1, -4, 9])

class TestDOFMap:
    def test_define_dof_map(self):
        dof_map = fem.dofMap(inverse=[1, 2, 5, 3])
        assert dof_map[1] == 0
        assert dof_map[2] == 1
        assert dof_map[5] == 2
        assert dof_map[3] == 3

class TestDirichlet:
    def test_dirichlet_apply(self):
        bc = fem.DirichletBC([1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6])
        dof_map = fem.dofMap(np.arange(1, 7))
        A = sparse.diags(1 + np.arange(6)).tocsc()
        b = -np.arange(6)
        A, b, dof_map = bc.apply(A, b, dof_map)
        A = A.toarray()
        assert A.shape == (3, 3)
        assert b.shape == (3, 1)
        assert A[0, 0] == 2
        assert A[1, 1] == 4
        assert A[2, 2] == 6
        assert np.all(dof_map.inverse == [2, 4, 6])
        assert dof_map[2] == 0

    def test_add_to_solution(self):
        bc = fem.DirichletBC([1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 5])
        dof_map = fem.dofMap([2, 6, 4])
        x = -np.arange(3)
        x, dof_map = bc.apply_to_solution(x, dof_map)
        assert np.all(dof_map.inverse == [2, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5])
        assert np.allclose(x.T, [0, -1, -2, 1, 3, 5])

    def test_appy_to_vector(self):
        bc = fem.DirichletBC([1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6])
        dof_map = fem.dofMap(np.arange(0, 6))
        b = np.arange(6)
        b, dof_map = bc.apply_to_vector(b, dof_map)
        assert np.all(dof_map.inverse == [0, 2, 4])
        assert np.allclose(b, [0, 2, 4])

    def test_join(self):
        bc1 = fem.DirichletBC([1], [2])
        bc2 = fem.DirichletBC([3, 5], [4, 6])
        bc = fem.DirichletBC.join([bc1, bc2])
        assert np.all(bc.nodes == [1, 3, 5])
        assert np.all(bc.values == [2, 4, 6])

class TestSolve:
    def test_solve_petsc_diagonal(self):
        n = 5
        A = sparse.diags(2 * np.ones(n)).tocsr()
        b = np.ones(n)
        options = '-ksp_type cg -pc_type ilu -ksp_rtol 1e-10'
        x = petsc_solver.petsc_solve(options, A, b).squeeze()
        assert np.allclose(, b)

    def test_solve_petsc_random(self):
        n = 5
        A = np.random.random((5, 5))
        A += A.T
        A = sparse.csr_matrix(A)
        b = np.ones(n)
        options = '-ksp_type gmres -pc_type ilu -ksp_rtol 1e-10'
        x = petsc_solver.petsc_solve(options, A, b).squeeze()
        assert np.allclose(, b)

    def test_multiple_rhs(self):
        n = 5
        A = np.random.random((n, n))
        A += A.T
        A = sparse.csr_matrix(A)
        b = np.random.random((n, 3))
        #b = np.ones((n, 3))
        options = '-ksp_type gmres -pc_type ilu -ksp_rtol 1e-10'
        x = petsc_solver.petsc_solve(options, A, b)
        assert np.allclose(, b)

class TestAssemble:
    def test_gradient_operator(self, cube_msh):
        G = fem._gradient_operator(cube_msh)
        z = cube_msh.nodes[
                cube_msh.elm.elm_type == 4]][:, :, 2]
        grad = np.einsum('aij,ai->aj', G, z)
        assert np.allclose(grad, np.array([0, 0, 1]))

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('split', [False, True])
    def test_grad_matrix(self, split, cube_msh):
        cube_msh = cube_msh.crop_mesh(elm_type=4)
        D = fem.grad_matrix(cube_msh, split=split)
        if not split:
            for i in range(3):
                z = cube_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, i]
                t = [0, 0, 0]
                t[i] = 1
                assert np.allclose(, 3), t, atol=1e-2)
        if split:
            for i in range(3):
                z = cube_msh.nodes.node_coord[:, i]
                assert np.allclose(D[i].dot(z), 1, atol=1e-2)

    def test_vol(self, sphere3_msh):
        v = fem._vol(sphere3_msh)
        assert np.isclose(np.sum(v), 4./3.*np.pi*(95**3), rtol=1e-2)

    def test_mass_matrix(self, sphere3_msh):
        v = np.ones(
        M = fem.assemble_diagonal_mass_matrix(sphere3_msh)
        assert np.isclose(,
                          1e-9 * 4./3. * np.pi * 95 ** 3,

class TestFEMSystem:
    def test_assemble_fem_matrix(self, sphere3_msh):
        msh = sphere3_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        s = fem.FEMSystem(msh, cond)
        assert np.allclose([0])), 0)
        assert np.allclose(*np.ones(s.A.shape[0])), 0)
        assert np.allclose(s.A.T.toarray(), s.A.toarray())
        cond = np.tile(np.eye(3), (, 1, 1))
        s = fem.FEMSystem(msh, cond)
        assert np.allclose(*np.ones(s.A.shape[0])), 0)
        assert np.allclose(s.A.T.toarray(), s.A.toarray())

    def test_set_up_tms(self, tms_sphere):
        m, cond, dAdt, E_analytical = tms_sphere
        S = fem.FEMSystem.tms(m, cond)
        b = S.assemble_tms_rhs(dAdt)
        x = spalg.spsolve(S.A, b)
        v = mesh_io.NodeData(x, 'FEM', mesh=m)
        E = -v.gradient().value * 1e3 - dAdt.node_data2elm_data().value
        m.elmdata = [mesh_io.ElementData(E_analytical, 'analytical'),
                     mesh_io.ElementData(E, 'E_FEM'),
                     mesh_io.ElementData(E_analytical + dAdt.node_data2elm_data().value, 'grad_analytical'),

        m.nodedata = [mesh_io.NodeData(x, 'FEM')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(E, E_analytical) < .2
        assert np.abs(mag(E, E_analytical)) < np.log(1.1)

    def test_dirichlet_problem_cube(self, cube_lr):
        m = cube_lr.crop_mesh(5)
        cond = np.ones(len(m.elm.tetrahedra))
        top = m.nodes.node_number[m.nodes.node_coord[:, 2] > 49]
        bottom = m.nodes.node_number[m.nodes.node_coord[:, 2] < -49]
        bcs = [fem.DirichletBC(top, np.ones(len(top))),
               fem.DirichletBC(bottom, -np.ones(len(bottom)))]
        S = fem.FEMSystem(m, cond)
        A = S.A
        b = np.zeros(
        dof_map = S.dof_map
        for bc in bcs:
            A, b, dof_map = bc.apply(A, b, dof_map)
        x = spalg.spsolve(A, b)
        for bc in bcs:
            x, dof_map = bc.apply_to_solution(x, dof_map)
        order = dof_map.inverse.argsort()
        x = x[order]
        sol = m.nodes.node_coord[:, 2]/50.
        assert np.allclose(sol, x.T)

    def test_dirichlet_problem_sphere(self, sphere3_msh):
        m = sphere3_msh.crop_mesh(elm_type=4)
        cond = np.ones(len(m.elm.tetrahedra))
        cond[m.elm.tag1 == 4] = .01
        anode = m.nodes.node_number[m.nodes.node_coord[:, 2].argmax()]
        cathode = m.nodes.node_number[m.nodes.node_coord[:, 2].argmin()]
        bcs = [fem.DirichletBC([anode], [1]),
               fem.DirichletBC([cathode], [-1])]
        S = fem.FEMSystem(m, cond)
        A = S.A
        b = np.zeros(
        dof_map = S.dof_map
        for bc in bcs:
            A, b, dof_map = bc.apply(A, b, dof_map)
        x = spalg.spsolve(A, b)
        for bc in bcs:
            x, dof_map = bc.apply_to_solution(x, dof_map)
        order = dof_map.inverse.argsort()
        x = x[order].squeeze()
        v_analytical = analytical_solutions.potential_3layers_surface_electrodes(
            [85, 90, 95], [1., .01, 1.], [0, 0, -95], [0, 0, 95], m.nodes.node_coord)
        v_analytical /= v_analytical[anode - 1]
        v_analytical -= v_analytical[0]
        x -= x[0]
        m.nodedata = [mesh_io.NodeData(v_analytical, 'Analytical'),
                      mesh_io.NodeData(x, 'FEM')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        m = m.crop_mesh(3)
        assert rdm(m.nodedata[0].value, m.nodedata[1].value) < .1

    def test_solve_petsc(self, tms_sphere):
        m, cond, dAdt, E_analytical = tms_sphere
        S = fem.FEMSystem.tms(m, cond)
        b = S.assemble_tms_rhs(dAdt)
        x = S.solve(b)
        v = mesh_io.NodeData(x, 'FEM', mesh=m)
        E = -v.gradient().value * 1e3 - dAdt.node_data2elm_data().value
        m.elmdata = [mesh_io.ElementData(E_analytical, 'analytical'),
                     mesh_io.ElementData(E, 'E_FEM'),
                     mesh_io.ElementData(E_analytical + dAdt.node_data2elm_data().value, 'grad_analytical'),

        m.nodedata = [mesh_io.NodeData(x, 'FEM')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(E, E_analytical) < .2
        assert np.abs(mag(E, E_analytical)) < np.log(1.1)

    def test_solve_dirichlet_petsc(self, cube_msh):
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        cond[m.elm.tag1 > 5] = 1e3
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond)
        el_tags = [1100, 1101]
        potentials = [1, -1]
        S = fem.FEMSystem.tdcs(m, cond, el_tags, potentials)
        x = S.solve()
        sol = m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1]/50.
        m.nodedata = [mesh_io.NodeData(x, 'FEM'), mesh_io.NodeData(sol, 'Analytical')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(sol, x.T) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x, sol)) < np.log(1.1)

    def test_solve_assemble_neumann_petsc(self, cube_msh):
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        cond[m.elm.tag1 > 5] = 25
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond)
        el_tags = [1100, 1101]
        currents = [1, -1]
        S = fem.FEMSystem.tdcs_neumann(m, cond, el_tags[0])
        b = S.assemble_tdcs_neumann_rhs(el_tags[1:], currents[1:])
        x = S.solve(b)
        sol = (m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] - 50) / 10
        m.nodedata = [mesh_io.NodeData(x, 'FEM'), mesh_io.NodeData(sol, 'Analytical')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(sol, x.T) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x, sol)) < np.log(1.5)

    def test_solve_assemble_aniso(self, cube_msh):
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.tile(np.eye(3), (, 1, 1))
        cond[m.elm.tag1 > 5] *= 100
        cond[m.elm.tag1 < 5, 0, :] = 0.01
        cond[m.elm.tag1 < 5, 1, :] = 0.1
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond.reshape(-1, 9))
        el_tags = [1100, 1101]
        currents = [1, -1]
        S = fem.FEMSystem.tdcs_neumann(m, cond, el_tags[0])
        b = S.assemble_tdcs_neumann_rhs(el_tags[1:], currents[1:])
        x = S.solve(b)
        sol = (m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] - 50) / 10
        m.nodedata = [mesh_io.NodeData(x, 'FEM'), mesh_io.NodeData(sol, 'Analytical')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(sol, x.T) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x, sol)) < np.log(1.5)

    def test_calc_gradient(self, cube_msh):
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond)
        S = fem.FEMSystem.tdcs_neumann(m, cond, 1100)

        z = m.nodes.node_coord[:, 0]
        assert np.allclose(S.calc_gradient(z), [1, 0, 0])
        z = m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1]
        assert np.allclose(S.calc_gradient(z), [0, 1, 0])
        z = m.nodes.node_coord[:, 2]
        assert np.allclose(S.calc_gradient(z), [0, 0, 1])

        z = m.nodes.node_coord
        grad = S.calc_gradient(z) * [2, 3, 1]
        assert np.allclose(grad[:, :, 0], [2, 0, 0])
        assert np.allclose(grad[:, :, 1], [0, 3, 0])
        assert np.allclose(grad[:, :, 2], [0, 0, 1])

class TestTDCS:
    def test_tdcs_petsc(self, cube_msh):
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        cond[m.elm.tag1 > 5] = 1e3
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond)
        el_tags = [1100, 1101]
        currents = [1, -1]
        x = fem.tdcs(m, cond, currents, el_tags)
        sol = (m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] - 50) / 10
        m.nodedata = [x, mesh_io.NodeData(sol, 'Analytical')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(sol, x.value) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x.value, sol)) < np.log(1.1)

        currents = [-1, 1]
        x = fem.tdcs(m, cond, currents, el_tags)
        sol = -(m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] - 50) / 10
        assert rdm(sol, x.value) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x.value, sol)) < np.log(1.1)

    def test_tdcs_petsc_3_el(self, cube_msh):
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        cond[m.elm.tag1 > 5] = 1e3
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond)
        el_tags = [1100, 1101, 1101]
        currents = [.5, -1.5, 1.]
        x = fem.tdcs(m, cond, currents, el_tags)
        sol = (m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] - 50) / 20
        m.nodedata = [x, mesh_io.NodeData(sol, 'Analytical')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(sol, x.value) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x.value, sol)) < np.log(1.1)

    def test_tdcs_petsc_3_el_mp(self, cube_msh):
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        cond[m.elm.tag1 > 5] = 1e3
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond)
        el_tags = [1100, 1101, 1101]
        currents = [.5, -1.5, 1.]
        x = fem.tdcs(m, cond, currents, el_tags, n_workers=2)
        sol = (m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] - 50) / 20
        m.nodedata = [x, mesh_io.NodeData(sol, 'Analytical')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(sol, x.value) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x.value, sol)) < np.log(1.1)

class TestTDCSNeumann:
    def test_tdcs_neumann_petsc(self, cube_msh):
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        cond[m.elm.tag1 > 5] = 1e3
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond)
        el_tags = [1100, 1101]
        currents = [1, -1]
        x = fem.tdcs_neumann(m, cond, currents, el_tags)
        sol = (m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] - 50) / 10
        m.nodedata = [x, mesh_io.NodeData(sol, 'Analytical')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(sol, x.value) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x.value, sol)) < np.log(1.1)

        currents = [-1, 1]
        x = fem.tdcs_neumann(m, cond, currents, el_tags)
        sol = -(m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] - 50) / 10
        assert rdm(sol, x.value) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x.value, sol)) < np.log(1.1)

    def test_tdcs_neumann_3_el(self, cube_msh):
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        cond[m.elm.tag1 > 5] = 1e3
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond)
        el_tags = [1100, 1101, 1101]
        currents = [.5, -1.5, 1.]
        x = fem.tdcs_neumann(m, cond, currents, el_tags)
        sol = (m.nodes.node_coord[:, 1] - 50) / 20
        m.nodedata = [x, mesh_io.NodeData(sol, 'Analytical')]
        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(sol, x.value) < .1
        assert np.abs(mag(x.value, sol)) < np.log(1.1)

class TestTMS:
    def test_tms_dadt(self, tms_sphere):
        m, cond, dAdt, E_analytical = tms_sphere
        v = fem.tms_dadt(m, cond, dAdt)
        E = -v.gradient().value * 1e3 - dAdt.node_data2elm_data().value
        m.elmdata = [mesh_io.ElementData(E_analytical, 'analytical'),
                     mesh_io.ElementData(E, 'E_FEM'),
                     mesh_io.ElementData(E_analytical + dAdt.node_data2elm_data().value, 'grad_analytical'),

        #mesh_io.write_msh(m, '~/Tests/fem.msh')
        assert rdm(E, E_analytical) < .2
        assert np.abs(mag(E, E_analytical)) < np.log(1.1)

    @patch.object(coil_lib, 'set_up_tms')
    def test_tms_coil(self, mock_set_up, tms_sphere):
        m, cond, dAdt, E_analytical = tms_sphere
        mock_set_up.return_value = dAdt.node_data2elm_data()
        matsimnibs = 'MATSIMNIBS'
        didt = 6
        fn_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
        fem.tms_coil(m, cond, 'coil.ccd',
                     'EJ', [matsimnibs],
                     [didt], [fn_out])
        E = mesh_io.read_msh(fn_out).field['E'].value
        mock_set_up.assert_called_once_with(m, 'coil.ccd',
                                            matsimnibs, didt,
        assert rdm(E, E_analytical) < .2
        assert np.abs(mag(E, E_analytical)) < np.log(1.1)

    @patch.object(coil_lib, 'set_up_tms')
    def test_tms_coil_parallel(self, mock_set_up, tms_sphere):
        if sys.platform == 'win32':
            '''Won't run on windows because Mock does not work through multiprocessing '''
            assert True
        m, cond, dAdt, E_analytical = tms_sphere
        mock_set_up.return_value = dAdt.node_data2elm_data()
        matsimnibs = 'MATSIMNIBS'
        didt = 6
        fn_out = [tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name for i in range(4)]
        fem.tms_coil(m, cond, 'coil.ccd',
                     'EJ', 4*[matsimnibs],
                     4*[didt], fn_out, n_workers=2)
        for f in fn_out:
            E = mesh_io.read_msh(f).field['E'].value
            assert rdm(E, E_analytical) < .2
            assert np.abs(mag(E, E_analytical)) < np.log(1.1)

class TestLeadfield:
    @pytest.mark.parametrize('post_pro', [False, True])
    @pytest.mark.parametrize('field', ['E', 'J'])
    @pytest.mark.parametrize('n_workers', [1, 2])
    def test_leadfield(self, n_workers, field, post_pro, cube_msh):
        if sys.platform == 'win32' and n_workers > 1:
            ''' Same as above, does not work on windows '''
        m = cube_msh
        cond = np.ones(
        cond[m.elm.tag1 > 5] = 1e3
        cond = mesh_io.ElementData(cond, mesh=m)
        el_tags = [1100, 1101, 1101]
        fn_hdf5 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
        dataset = 'leadfield'
        if post_pro:
            def post(E):
                return E[:10]*2
            post = None

            m, cond, el_tags,
            fn_hdf5, dataset, roi=[5],

        if not post_pro:
            n_roi = np.sum(m.elm.tag1 == 5)
            with h5py.File(fn_hdf5) as f:
                assert f[dataset].shape == (2, n_roi, 3)
                assert rdm(f[dataset][0, ...],
                           np.tile([0., 100, 0.], (n_roi, 1))) < .2
                assert mag(f[dataset][0, ...],
                           np.tile([0., 100, 0.], (n_roi, 1))) < np.log(1.1)
        if post_pro:
            with h5py.File(fn_hdf5) as f:
                assert f[dataset].shape == (2, 10, 3)
                assert rdm(f[dataset][0, ...],
                           np.tile([0., 200, 0.], (10, 1))) < .2
                assert mag(f[dataset][0, ...],
                           np.tile([0., 200, 0.], (10, 1))) < np.log(1.1)


class TestTMSMany:
    @pytest.mark.parametrize('post_pro', [False, True])
    @pytest.mark.parametrize('n_workers', [1, 2])
    @patch.object(coil_lib, 'set_up_tms')
    def test_many_simulations(self, mock_set_up, n_workers, post_pro, tms_sphere):
        if sys.platform == 'win32' and n_workers > 1:
            ''' Same as above, does not work on windows '''
        m, cond, dAdt, E_analytical = tms_sphere
        mock_set_up.return_value = dAdt.node_data2elm_data()
        matsimnibs = np.eye(6)
        didt = 6
        fn_hdf5 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name
        dataset = 'leadfield'
        if post_pro:
            def post(E):
                return E[:10]*2
            post = None
            m, cond, 'coil.ccd',
            2*[matsimnibs], 2*[didt],
            fn_hdf5, dataset, roi=[3],
        roi_select = m.elm.tag1 == 3
        with h5py.File(fn_hdf5) as f:
            for E in f[dataset]:
                if post_pro:
                    assert rdm(E, post(E_analytical[roi_select])) < .3
                    assert mag(E, post(E_analytical[roi_select])) < np.log(1.1)
                    assert rdm(E, E_analytical[roi_select]) < .3
                    assert mag(E, E_analytical[roi_select]) < np.log(1.1)