import os
import sys
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime
from shutil import copyfile

import aiohttp
import discord
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from discord.ext import commands

from firetail.lib import ESI, db
from firetail.utils import ExitCodes

# Lets check the config file exists before we continue..
if os.getenv("CONFIG") is not None:
    if not os.path.exists(os.getenv("CONFIG") + "/"):
        print("Copying to " + os.getenv("CONFIG") + "/")
        copyfile("/firetail/firetail/", "/config/") # for some reason os.getcwd() doesn't work inside a container ??

if os.getenv("CONFIG") is not None:
    sys.path.insert(0, os.getenv("CONFIG"))
    import config
    from firetail import config

async def prefix_manager(bot, message):
    if not message.guild:
        return commands.when_mentioned_or(bot.default_prefix)(bot, message)

    prefix = bot.prefixes.get( or bot.default_prefix
    return commands.when_mentioned_or(prefix)(bot, message)

class Firetail(commands.Bot):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.default_prefix = config.bot_prefix
        self.owner = config.bot_master
        self._shutdown_mode = ExitCodes.CRITICAL
        self.counter = Counter()
        self.core_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
        self.config = config
        self.default_prefix = config.bot_prefix[0]
        self.prefixes = {}
        self.bot_users = []
        self.repeat_offender = []
        self.last_command = None
        self.token = config.bot_token
        self.req_perms = discord.Permissions(config.bot_permissions)
        self.co_owners = config.bot_coowners
        self.preload_ext = config.preload_extensions
        kwargs["command_prefix"] = prefix_manager
        kwargs["pm_help"] = True
        # kwargs["command_prefix"] = self.db.prefix_manager
        kwargs["owner_id"] = self.owner
        self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop)
        self.esi_data = ESI(self.session)

    async def load_db(self):
        await db.create_tables()
        data = await"SELECT * FROM prefixes")
        self.prefixes = dict(data)

    async def send_cmd_help(self, ctx):
        if ctx.invoked_subcommand:
            pages = await self.formatter.format_help_for(
                ctx, ctx.invoked_subcommand)
            for page in pages:
            pages = await self.formatter.format_help_for(
                ctx, ctx.command)
            for page in pages:

    async def shutdown(self, *, restart=False):
        """Shutdown the bot.
        Safely ends the bot connection while passing the exit code based
        on if the intention was to restart or close.
        if not restart:
            self._shutdown_mode = ExitCodes.SHUTDOWN
            self._shutdown_mode = ExitCodes.RESTART
        await self.logout()

    def invite_url(self):
        invite_url = discord.utils.oauth_url(,
        return invite_url

    def uptime(self):
        return relativedelta(datetime.utcnow(), self.launch_time)

    def uptime_str(self):
        uptime = self.uptime
        year_str, month_str, day_str, hour_str = ('',)*4
        if uptime.years >= 1:
            year_str = "{0}y ".format(uptime.years)
        if uptime.months >= 1 or year_str:
            month_str = "{0}m ".format(uptime.months)
        if uptime.days >= 1 or month_str:
            d_unit = 'd' if month_str else ' days'
            day_str = "{0}{1} ".format(uptime.days, d_unit)
        if uptime.hours >= 1 or day_str:
            h_unit = ':' if month_str else ' hrs'
            hour_str = "{0}{1}".format(uptime.hours, h_unit)
        m_unit = '' if month_str else ' mins'
        mins = uptime.minutes if month_str else ' {0}'.format(uptime.minutes)
        secs = '' if day_str else ' {0} secs'.format(uptime.seconds)
        min_str = "{0}{1}{2}".format(mins, m_unit, secs)

        uptime_str = ''.join((year_str, month_str, day_str, hour_str, min_str))

        return uptime_str

    def command_count(self):
        return self.counter["processed_commands"]

    def message_count(self):
        return self.counter["messages_read"]

    def resumed_count(self):
        return self.counter["sessions_resumed"]