r"""Compute the sound field generated by a sound source.

.. include:: math-definitions.rst

.. plot::
    :context: reset

    import sfs
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 8, 4.5  # inch

    x0 = 1.5, 1, 0
    f = 500  # Hz
    omega = 2 * np.pi * f

    normalization_point = 4 * np.pi
    normalization_line = \
        np.sqrt(8 * np.pi * omega / sfs.default.c) * np.exp(1j * np.pi / 4)

    grid = sfs.util.xyz_grid([-2, 3], [-1, 2], 0, spacing=0.02)

    # Grid for vector fields:
    vgrid = sfs.util.xyz_grid([-2, 3], [-1, 2], 0, spacing=0.1)

from itertools import product as _product

import numpy as _np
from scipy import special as _special

from .. import default as _default
from .. import util as _util

def point(omega, x0, grid, *, c=None):
    r"""Sound pressure of a point source.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Sound pressure at positions given by *grid*.

    .. math::

        G(\x-\x_0,\w) = \frac{1}{4\pi} \frac{\e{-\i\wc|\x-\x_0|}}{|\x-\x_0|}

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        p = sfs.fd.source.point(omega, x0, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid)
        plt.title("Point Source at {} m".format(x0))

    Normalization ...

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p * normalization_point, grid,
                             colorbar_kwargs=dict(label="p / Pa"))
        plt.title("Point Source at {} m (normalized)".format(x0))

    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)

    r = _np.linalg.norm(grid - x0)
    # If r is 0, the sound pressure is complex infinity
    numerator = _np.exp(-1j * k * r) / (4 * _np.pi)
    with _np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'):
        return numerator / r

def point_velocity(omega, x0, grid, *, c=None, rho0=None):
    """Particle velocity of a point source.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.
    rho0 : float, optional
        Static density of air.

        Particle velocity at positions given by *grid*.

    The particle velocity can be plotted on top of the sound pressure:

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        v = sfs.fd.source.point_velocity(omega, x0, vgrid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p * normalization_point, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.vectors(v * normalization_point, vgrid)
        plt.title("Sound Pressure and Particle Velocity")

    if c is None:
        c = _default.c
    if rho0 is None:
        rho0 = _default.rho0
    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)
    offset = grid - x0
    r = _np.linalg.norm(offset)
    v = point(omega, x0, grid, c=c)
    v *= (1+1j*k*r) / (rho0 * c * 1j*k*r)
    return _util.XyzComponents([v * o / r for o in offset])

def point_averaged_intensity(omega, x0, grid, *, c=None, rho0=None):
    """Velocity of a point source.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.
    rho0 : float, optional
        Static density of air.

        Averaged intensity at positions given by *grid*.

    if c is None:
        c = _default.c
    if rho0 is None:
        rho0 = _default.rho0
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)
    offset = grid - x0
    r = _np.linalg.norm(offset)
    i = 1 / (2 * rho0 * c)
    return _util.XyzComponents([i * o / r**2 for o in offset])

def point_dipole(omega, x0, n0, grid, *, c=None):
    r"""Point source with dipole characteristics.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source.
    n0 : (3,) array_like
        Normal vector (direction) of dipole.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Sound pressure at positions given by *grid*.

    .. math::

        G(\x-\x_0,\w) = \frac{1}{4\pi} \left(\i\wc + \frac{1}{|\x-\x_0|}\right)

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        n0 = 0, 1, 0
        p = sfs.fd.source.point_dipole(omega, x0, n0, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid)
        plt.title("Dipole Point Source at {} m".format(x0))

    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)
    n0 = _util.asarray_1d(n0)
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)

    offset = grid - x0
    r = _np.linalg.norm(offset)
    return 1 / (4 * _np.pi) * (1j * k + 1 / r) * _np.inner(offset, n0) / \
        _np.power(r, 2) * _np.exp(-1j * k * r)

def point_modal(omega, x0, grid, L, *, N=None, deltan=0, c=None):
    """Point source in a rectangular room using a modal room model.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    L : (3,) array_like
        Dimensionons of the rectangular room.
    N : (3,) array_like or int, optional
        For all three spatial dimensions per dimension maximum order or
        list of orders. A scalar applies to all three dimensions. If no
        order is provided it is approximately determined.
    deltan : float, optional
        Absorption coefficient of the walls.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Sound pressure at positions given by *grid*.

    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)
    x, y, z = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)

    if _np.isscalar(N):
        N = N * _np.ones(3, dtype=int)

    if N is None:
            N = [None, None, None]

    orders = [0, 0, 0]
    for i in range(3):
        if N[i] is None:
            # compute max order
            orders[i] = range(int(_np.ceil(L[i] / _np.pi * k) + 1))
        elif _np.isscalar(N[i]):
            # use given max order
            orders[i] = range(N[i] + 1)
            # use given orders
            orders[i] = N[i]

    kmp0 = [((kx + 1j * deltan)**2, _np.cos(kx * x) * _np.cos(kx * x0[0]))
            for kx in [m * _np.pi / L[0] for m in orders[0]]]
    kmp1 = [((ky + 1j * deltan)**2, _np.cos(ky * y) * _np.cos(ky * x0[1]))
            for ky in [n * _np.pi / L[1] for n in orders[1]]]
    kmp2 = [((kz + 1j * deltan)**2, _np.cos(kz * z) * _np.cos(kz * x0[2]))
            for kz in [l * _np.pi / L[2] for l in orders[2]]]
    ksquared = k**2
    p = 0
    for (km0, p0), (km1, p1), (km2, p2) in _product(kmp0, kmp1, kmp2):
        km = km0 + km1 + km2
        p = p + 8 / (ksquared - km) * p0 * p1 * p2
    return p

def point_modal_velocity(omega, x0, grid, L, *, N=None, deltan=0, c=None):
    """Velocity of point source in a rectangular room using a modal room model.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    L : (3,) array_like
        Dimensionons of the rectangular room.
    N : (3,) array_like or int, optional
        Combination of modal orders in the three-spatial dimensions to
        calculate the sound field for or maximum order for all
        dimensions.  If not given, the maximum modal order is
        approximately determined and the sound field is computed up to
        this maximum order.
    deltan : float, optional
        Absorption coefficient of the walls.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Particle velocity at positions given by *grid*.

    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)
    x, y, z = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)

    if N is None:
        # determine maximum modal order per dimension
        Nx = int(_np.ceil(L[0] / _np.pi * k))
        Ny = int(_np.ceil(L[1] / _np.pi * k))
        Nz = int(_np.ceil(L[2] / _np.pi * k))
        mm = range(Nx)
        nn = range(Ny)
        ll = range(Nz)
    elif _np.isscalar(N):
        # compute up to a given order
        mm = range(N)
        nn = range(N)
        ll = range(N)
        # compute field for one order combination only
        mm = [N[0]]
        nn = [N[1]]
        ll = [N[2]]

    kmp0 = [((kx + 1j * deltan)**2, _np.sin(kx * x) * _np.cos(kx * x0[0]))
            for kx in [m * _np.pi / L[0] for m in mm]]
    kmp1 = [((ky + 1j * deltan)**2, _np.sin(ky * y) * _np.cos(ky * x0[1]))
            for ky in [n * _np.pi / L[1] for n in nn]]
    kmp2 = [((kz + 1j * deltan)**2, _np.sin(kz * z) * _np.cos(kz * x0[2]))
            for kz in [l * _np.pi / L[2] for l in ll]]
    ksquared = k**2
    vx = 0+0j
    vy = 0+0j
    vz = 0+0j
    for (km0, p0), (km1, p1), (km2, p2) in _product(kmp0, kmp1, kmp2):
        km = km0 + km1 + km2
        vx = vx - 8*1j / (ksquared - km) * p0
        vy = vy - 8*1j / (ksquared - km) * p1
        vz = vz - 8*1j / (ksquared - km) * p2
    return _util.XyzComponents([vx, vy, vz])

def point_image_sources(omega, x0, grid, L, *, max_order, coeffs=None, c=None):
    """Point source in a rectangular room using the mirror image source model.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    L : (3,) array_like
        Dimensions of the rectangular room.
    max_order : int
        Maximum number of reflections for each image source.
    coeffs : (6,) array_like, optional
        Reflection coeffecients of the walls.
        If not given, the reflection coefficients are set to one.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Sound pressure at positions given by *grid*.

    if coeffs is None:
        coeffs = _np.ones(6)

    xs, order = _util.image_sources_for_box(x0, L, max_order)
    source_strengths = _np.prod(coeffs**order, axis=1)

    p = 0
    for position, strength in zip(xs, source_strengths):
        if strength != 0:
            # point can be complex infinity
            with _np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
                p += strength * point(omega, position, grid, c=c)

    return p

def line(omega, x0, grid, *, c=None):
    r"""Line source parallel to the z-axis.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source. Note: third component of x0 is ignored.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Sound pressure at positions given by *grid*.

    .. math::

        G(\x-\x_0,\w) = -\frac{\i}{4} \Hankel{2}{0}{\wc|\x-\x_0|}

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        p = sfs.fd.source.line(omega, x0, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid)
        plt.title("Line Source at {} m".format(x0[:2]))

    Normalization ...

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p * normalization_line, grid,
                             colorbar_kwargs=dict(label="p / Pa"))
        plt.title("Line Source at {} m (normalized)".format(x0[:2]))

    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)[:2]  # ignore z-component
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)

    r = _np.linalg.norm(grid[:2] - x0)
    p = -1j/4 * _hankel2_0(k * r)
    return _duplicate_zdirection(p, grid)

def line_velocity(omega, x0, grid, *, c=None, rho0=None):
    """Velocity of line source parallel to the z-axis.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source. Note: third component of x0 is ignored.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Particle velocity at positions given by *grid*.

    The particle velocity can be plotted on top of the sound pressure:

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        v = sfs.fd.source.line_velocity(omega, x0, vgrid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p * normalization_line, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.vectors(v * normalization_line, vgrid)
        plt.title("Sound Pressure and Particle Velocity")

    if c is None:
        c = _default.c
    if rho0 is None:
        rho0 = _default.rho0
    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)[:2]  # ignore z-component
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)

    offset = grid[:2] - x0
    r = _np.linalg.norm(offset)
    v = -1/(4 * c * rho0) * _special.hankel2(1, k * r)
    v = [v * o / r for o in offset]

    assert v[0].shape == v[1].shape

    if len(grid) > 2:

    return _util.XyzComponents([_duplicate_zdirection(vi, grid) for vi in v])

def line_dipole(omega, x0, n0, grid, *, c=None):
    r"""Line source with dipole characteristics parallel to the z-axis.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source. Note: third component of x0 is ignored.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Normal vector of the source.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

    .. math::

        G(\x-\x_0,\w) = \frac{\i k}{4} \Hankel{2}{1}{\wc|\x-\x_0|} \cos{\phi}

    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)[:2]  # ignore z-components
    n0 = _util.asarray_1d(n0)[:2]
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)
    dx = grid[:2] - x0

    r = _np.linalg.norm(dx)
    p = 1j*k/4 * _special.hankel2(1, k * r) * _np.inner(dx, n0) / r
    return _duplicate_zdirection(p, grid)

def line_bandlimited(omega, x0, grid, *, max_order=None, c=None):
    r"""Spatially bandlimited (modal) line source parallel to the z-axis.

    omega : float
        Frequency of source.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of source. Note: third component of x0 is ignored.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    max_order : int, optional
        Number of elements for series expansion of the source.
        No bandlimitation if not given.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Sound pressure at positions given by *grid*.

    .. math::

        G(\x-\x_0,\w) = -\frac{\i}{4} \sum_{\nu = - N}^{N}
        e^{j \nu (\alpha - \alpha_0)}
        J_\nu(\frac{\omega}{c} r) H_\nu^\text{(2)}(\frac{\omega}{c} r_0)
        & \text{for } r \leq r_0 \\
        J_\nu(\frac{\omega}{c} r_0) H_\nu^\text{(2)}(\frac{\omega}{c} r)
        & \text{for } r > r_0 \\

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        p = sfs.fd.source.line_bandlimited(omega, x0, grid, max_order=10)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p * normalization_line, grid)
        plt.title("Bandlimited Line Source at {} m".format(x0[:2]))

    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)[:2]  # ignore z-components
    r0 = _np.linalg.norm(x0)
    phi0 = _np.arctan2(x0[1], x0[0])

    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)
    r = _np.linalg.norm(grid[:2])
    phi = _np.arctan2(grid[1], grid[0])

    if max_order is None:
        max_order = int(_np.ceil(k * _np.max(r)))

    p = _np.zeros((grid[1].shape[0], grid[0].shape[1]), dtype=complex)
    idxr = (r <= r0)
    for m in range(-max_order, max_order + 1):
        p[idxr] -= 1j/4 * _special.hankel2(m, k * r0) * \
            _special.jn(m, k * r[idxr]) * _np.exp(1j * m * (phi[idxr] - phi0))
        p[~idxr] -= 1j/4 * _special.hankel2(m, k * r[~idxr]) * \
            _special.jn(m, k * r0) * _np.exp(1j * m * (phi[~idxr] - phi0))

    return _duplicate_zdirection(p, grid)

def line_dirichlet_edge(omega, x0, grid, *, alpha=_np.pi*3/2, Nc=None, c=None):
    """Line source scattered at an edge with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

    :cite:`Moser2012`, eq.(10.18/19)

    omega : float
        Angular frequency.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of line source.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    alpha : float, optional
        Outer angle of edge.
    Nc : int, optional
        Number of elements for series expansion of driving function.
        Estimated if not given.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound

        Complex pressure at grid positions.

    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)
    phi_s = _np.arctan2(x0[1], x0[0])
    if phi_s < 0:
        phi_s = phi_s + 2 * _np.pi
    r_s = _np.linalg.norm(x0)

    grid = _util.XyzComponents(grid)

    r = _np.linalg.norm(grid[:2])
    phi = _np.arctan2(grid[1], grid[0])
    phi = _np.where(phi < 0, phi + 2 * _np.pi, phi)

    if Nc is None:
        Nc = _np.ceil(2 * k * _np.max(r) * alpha / _np.pi)

    epsilon = _np.ones(Nc)  # weights for series expansion
    epsilon[0] = 2

    p = _np.zeros((grid[1].shape[0], grid[0].shape[1]), dtype=complex)
    idxr = (r <= r_s)
    idxa = (phi <= alpha)
    for m in _np.arange(Nc):
        nu = m * _np.pi / alpha
        f = 1/epsilon[m] * _np.sin(nu*phi_s) * _np.sin(nu*phi)
        p[idxr & idxa] = p[idxr & idxa] + f[idxr & idxa] * \
            _special.jn(nu, k*r[idxr & idxa]) * _special.hankel2(nu, k*r_s)
        p[~idxr & idxa] = p[~idxr & idxa] + f[~idxr & idxa] * \
            _special.jn(nu, k*r_s) * _special.hankel2(nu, k*r[~idxr & idxa])

    p = p * -1j * _np.pi / alpha

    pl = line(omega, x0, grid, c=c)
    p[~idxa] = pl[~idxa]

    return p

def plane(omega, x0, n0, grid, *, c=None):
    r"""Plane wave.

    omega : float
        Frequency of plane wave.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of plane wave.
    n0 : (3,) array_like
        Normal vector (direction) of plane wave.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Sound pressure at positions given by *grid*.

    .. math::

        G(\x,\w) = \e{-\i\wc\n\x}

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        direction = 45  # degree
        n0 = sfs.util.direction_vector(np.radians(direction))
        p = sfs.fd.source.plane(omega, x0, n0, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid, colorbar_kwargs=dict(label="p / Pa"))
        plt.title("Plane wave with direction {} degree".format(direction))

    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    x0 = _util.asarray_1d(x0)
    n0 = _util.normalize_vector(n0)
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)
    return _np.exp(-1j * k * _np.inner(grid - x0, n0))

def plane_velocity(omega, x0, n0, grid, *, c=None, rho0=None):
    r"""Velocity of a plane wave.

    omega : float
        Frequency of plane wave.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of plane wave.
    n0 : (3,) array_like
        Normal vector (direction) of plane wave.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.
    rho0 : float, optional
        Static density of air.

        Particle velocity at positions given by *grid*.

    .. math::

        V(\x,\w) = \frac{1}{\rho c} \e{-\i\wc\n\x} \n

    The particle velocity can be plotted on top of the sound pressure:

    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        v = sfs.fd.source.plane_velocity(omega, x0, n0, vgrid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.vectors(v, vgrid)
        plt.title("Sound Pressure and Particle Velocity")

    if c is None:
        c = _default.c
    if rho0 is None:
        rho0 = _default.rho0
    v = plane(omega, x0, n0, grid, c=c) / (rho0 * c)
    return _util.XyzComponents([v * n for n in n0])

def plane_averaged_intensity(omega, x0, n0, grid, *, c=None, rho0=None):
    r"""Averaged intensity of a plane wave.

    omega : float
        Frequency of plane wave.
    x0 : (3,) array_like
        Position of plane wave.
    n0 : (3,) array_like
        Normal vector (direction) of plane wave.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.
    rho0 : float, optional
        Static density of air.

        Averaged intensity at positions given by *grid*.

    .. math::

        I(\x,\w) = \frac{1}{2\rho c} \n

    if c is None:
        c = _default.c
    if rho0 is None:
        rho0 = _default.rho0
    i = 1 / (2 * rho0 * c)
    return _util.XyzComponents([i * n for n in n0])

def pulsating_sphere(omega, center, radius, amplitude, grid, *, inside=False,
    """Sound pressure of a pulsating sphere.

    omega : float
        Frequency of pulsating sphere
    center : (3,) array_like
        Center of sphere.
    radius : float
        Radius of sphere.
    amplitude : float
        Amplitude of displacement.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    inside : bool, optional
        As default, `numpy.nan` is returned for inside the sphere.
        If ``inside=True``, the sound field inside the sphere is extrapolated.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Sound pressure at positions given by *grid*.
        If ``inside=False``, `numpy.nan` is returned for inside the sphere.


    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        radius = 0.25
        amplitude = 1 / (radius * omega * sfs.default.rho0 * sfs.default.c)
        p = sfs.fd.source.pulsating_sphere(omega, x0, radius, amplitude, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid)
        plt.title("Sound Pressure of a Pulsating Sphere")

    if c is None:
        c = _default.c
    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    center = _util.asarray_1d(center)
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)

    distance = _np.linalg.norm(grid - center)
    theta = _np.arctan(1, k * distance)
    impedance = _default.rho0 * c * _np.cos(theta) * _np.exp(1j * theta)
    radial_velocity = 1j * omega * amplitude * radius / distance \
        * _np.exp(-1j * k * (distance - radius))
    if not inside:
        radial_velocity[distance <= radius] = _np.nan
    return impedance * radial_velocity

def pulsating_sphere_velocity(omega, center, radius, amplitude, grid, *,
    """Particle velocity of a pulsating sphere.

    omega : float
        Frequency of pulsating sphere
    center : (3,) array_like
        Center of sphere.
    radius : float
        Radius of sphere.
    amplitude : float
        Amplitude of displacement.
    grid : triple of array_like
        The grid that is used for the sound field calculations.
        See `sfs.util.xyz_grid()`.
    c : float, optional
        Speed of sound.

        Particle velocity at positions given by *grid*.
        `numpy.nan` is returned for inside the sphere.


    .. plot::
        :context: close-figs

        v = sfs.fd.source.pulsating_sphere_velocity(omega, x0, radius, amplitude, vgrid)
        sfs.plot2d.amplitude(p, grid)
        sfs.plot2d.vectors(v, vgrid)
        plt.title("Sound Pressure and Particle Velocity of a Pulsating Sphere")

    if c is None:
        c = _default.c
    k = _util.wavenumber(omega, c)
    grid = _util.as_xyz_components(grid)

    center = _util.asarray_1d(center)
    offset = grid - center
    distance = _np.linalg.norm(offset)
    radial_velocity = 1j * omega * amplitude * radius / distance \
        * _np.exp(-1j * k * (distance - radius))
    radial_velocity[distance <= radius] = _np.nan
    return _util.XyzComponents(
        [radial_velocity * o / distance for o in offset])

def _duplicate_zdirection(p, grid):
    """If necessary, duplicate field in z-direction."""
    gridshape = _np.broadcast(*grid).shape
    if len(gridshape) > 2:
        return _np.tile(p, [1, 1, gridshape[2]])
        return p

def _hankel2_0(x):
    """Wrapper for Hankel function of the second type using fast versions
       of the Bessel functions of first/second kind in scipy"""
    return _special.j0(x) - 1j * _special.y0(x)