#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import logging
from modules.payload_builder import PayloadBuilder
import shutil
import os
from modules.obfuscate_names import ObfuscateNames
from modules.obfuscate_form import ObfuscateForm
from modules.obfuscate_strings import ObfuscateStrings
from modules.uac_bypass import UACBypass

class VBAGenerator(PayloadBuilder):
    """ Module used to generate VBA file from working dir content"""
    def transformAndObfuscate(self):
        Call this method to apply transformation and obfuscation on the content of temp directory 
        This method does obfuscation for all VBA and VBA like types
        # Enable UAC bypass
        if self.mpSession.uacBypass:
            uacBypasser = UACBypass(self.mpSession)
        # Macro obfuscation
        if self.mpSession.obfuscateNames:
            obfuscator = ObfuscateNames(self.mpSession)
        # Mask strings
        if self.mpSession.obfuscateStrings:
            obfuscator = ObfuscateStrings(self.mpSession)
        # Macro obfuscation
        if self.mpSession.obfuscateForm:
            obfuscator = ObfuscateForm(self.mpSession)

    def check(self):
        return True
    def printFile(self):
        """ Display generated code on stdout """
        logging.info(" [+] Generated VB code:\n")
        if len(self.getVBAFiles())==1: 
            vbaFile = self.getMainVBAFile() 
            with open(vbaFile,'r') as f:
            logging.info("   [!] More then one VB file generated")
            for vbaFile in self.getVBAFiles():
                with open(vbaFile,'r') as f:
                    print(" =======================  %s  ======================== " % vbaFile)
    def generate(self):
        if len(self.getVBAFiles())>0:
            logging.info(" [+] Analyzing generated VBA files...")
            if len(self.getVBAFiles())==1:
                shutil.copy2(self.getMainVBAFile(), self.outputFilePath)
                logging.info("   [-] Generated VBA file: %s" % self.outputFilePath) 
                logging.info("   [!] More then one VBA file generated, files will be copied in same dir as %s" % self.outputFilePath)
                for vbaFile in self.getVBAFiles():
                    if vbaFile != self.getMainVBAFile():
                        shutil.copy2(vbaFile, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.outputFilePath),os.path.basename(vbaFile)))
                        logging.info("   [-] Generated VBA file: %s" % os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.outputFilePath),os.path.basename(vbaFile))) 
                        shutil.copy2(self.getMainVBAFile(), self.outputFilePath)
                        logging.info("   [-] Generated VBA file: %s" % self.outputFilePath)
    def getAutoOpenVbaFunction(self):
        return "AutoOpen"
    def resetVBAEntryPoint(self):
        If macro has an autoopen like mechanism, this will replace the entry_point with what is given in newEntrPoin param
        Ex for Excel it will replace "Sub AutoOpen ()" with "Sub Workbook_Open ()"
        mainFile = self.getMainVBAFile()
        if mainFile != "" and  self.startFunction is not None:
            if self.startFunction != self.getAutoOpenVbaFunction():
                logging.info("   [-] Changing auto open function from %s to %s..." % (self.startFunction, self.getAutoOpenVbaFunction()))
                #1 Replace line in VBA
                f = open(mainFile)
                content = f.readlines()
                for n,line in enumerate(content):
                    if line.find(" " + self.startFunction) != -1:  
                        #logging.info("     -> %s becomes %s" %(content[n], self.getAutoOpenVbaSignature()))  
                        content[n] = self.getAutoOpenVbaSignature() + "\n"
                f = open(mainFile, 'w')
                # 2 Change  cure module start function
                self._startFunction = self.getAutoOpenVbaFunction()