Module implementing download client that is adjusted to download from AWS
import logging
import warnings

import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import NoCredentialsError

from ..exceptions import AwsDownloadFailedException
from .client import DownloadClient, get_json, get_xml
from .handlers import fail_missing_file

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AwsDownloadClient(DownloadClient):
    """ An AWS download client class


    def _execute_download(self, request):
        """ Executes a download procedure
        if not self.is_s3_request(request):
            return super()._execute_download(request)

        s3_client = self._get_s3_client()

        response_content = self._do_download(request, s3_client)

        LOGGER.debug('Successful download from %s', request.url)
        return response_content

    def _get_s3_client(self):
        """ Provides a s3 client object
        key_args = {}
        if self.config.aws_access_key_id and self.config.aws_secret_access_key:
            key_args = {
                'aws_access_key_id': self.config.aws_access_key_id,
                'aws_secret_access_key': self.config.aws_secret_access_key

        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=ResourceWarning, message='unclosed.*<ssl.SSLSocket.*>')
            s3_client = boto3.Session().client('s3', **key_args)
            AwsDownloadClient.GLOBAL_S3_CLIENT = s3_client
        except KeyError:  # Sometimes creation of client fails and we use the global client if it exists
            if AwsDownloadClient.GLOBAL_S3_CLIENT is None:
                raise ValueError('Failed to create a client for download from AWS')
            s3_client = AwsDownloadClient.GLOBAL_S3_CLIENT

        return s3_client

    def _do_download(request, s3_client):
        """ Does the download from s3
        _, _, bucket_name, url_key = request.url.split('/', 3)

            response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=url_key, RequestPayer='requester')
            return response['Body'].read()
        except NoCredentialsError:
            raise ValueError(
                'The requested data is in Requester Pays AWS bucket. In order to download the data please set '
                'your access key either in AWS credentials file or in sentinelhub config.json file using '
                'command line:\n'
                '$ sentinelhub.config --aws_access_key_id <your AWS key> --aws_secret_access_key '
                '<your AWS secret key>')
        except s3_client.exceptions.NoSuchKey:
            raise AwsDownloadFailedException('File in location %s is missing' % request.url)
        except s3_client.exceptions.NoSuchBucket:
            raise ValueError('Aws bucket %s does not exist' % bucket_name)

    def is_s3_request(request):
        """ Checks if data has to be downloaded from AWS s3 bucket

        :return: `True` if url describes location at AWS s3 bucket and `False` otherwise
        :rtype: bool
        return request.url.startswith('s3://')

def get_aws_json(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Download a json from AWS
    return get_json(*args, download_client_class=AwsDownloadClient, **kwargs)

def get_aws_xml(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Download an xml from AWS
    return get_xml(*args, download_client_class=AwsDownloadClient, **kwargs)