<Program Name>

  Joshua Lock <jlock@vmware.com>

  April 9, 2020

  See LICENSE for licensing information.

  Provides an interface for filesystem interactions, StorageBackendInterface.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import errno
import logging
import os
import shutil

import six

import securesystemslib.exceptions

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if six.PY2:
  FileNotFoundError = OSError # pragma: no cover

class StorageBackendInterface():
  Defines an interface for abstract storage operations which can be implemented
  for a variety of storage solutions, such as remote and local filesystems.

  __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

  def get(self, filepath):
      A context manager for 'with' statements that is used for retrieving files
      from a storage backend and cleans up the files upon exit.

        with storage_backend.get('/path/to/file') as file_object:
          # operations
        # file is now closed

        The full path of the file to be retrieved.

      securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError, if the file does not exist or is
      no accessible.

      A ContextManager object that emits a file-like object for the file at
    raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover

  def put(self, fileobj, filepath):
      Store a file-like object in the storage backend.
      The file-like object is read from the beginning, not its current
      offset (if any).

        The file-like object to be stored.

        The full path to the location where 'fileobj' will be stored.

      securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError, if the file can not be stored.

    raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover

  def remove(self, filepath):
      Remove the file at 'filepath' from the storage.

        The full path to the file.

      securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError, if the file can not be removed.

    raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover

  def getsize(self, filepath):
      Retrieve the size, in bytes, of the file at 'filepath'.

        The full path to the file.

      securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError, if the file does not exist or is
      not accessible.

      The size in bytes of the file at 'filepath'.
    raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover

  def create_folder(self, filepath):
      Create a folder at filepath and ensure all intermediate components of the
      path exist.
      Passing an empty string for filepath does nothing and does not raise an

        The full path of the folder to be created.

      securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError, if the folder can not be

    raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover

  def list_folder(self, filepath):
      List the contents of the folder at 'filepath'.

        The full path of the folder to be listed.

      securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError, if the file does not exist or is
      not accessible.

      A list containing the names of the files in the folder. May be an empty
    raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover

class FilesystemBackend(StorageBackendInterface):
    A concrete implementation of StorageBackendInterface which interacts with
    local filesystems using Python standard library functions.

  class GetFile(object):
    # Implementing get() as a function with the @contextmanager decorator
    # doesn't allow us to cleanly capture exceptions thrown by the underlying
    # implementation and bubble up our generic
    # securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError, therefore we implement get as
    # a class and also assign the class to the 'get' attribute of the parent
    # FilesystemBackend class.

    def __init__(self, filepath):
      self.filepath = filepath

    def __enter__(self):
        self.file_object = open(self.filepath, 'rb')
        return self.file_object
      except (FileNotFoundError, IOError):
        raise securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError(
            "Can't open %s" % self.filepath)

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, traceback):

  # Map our class ContextManager implementation to the function expected of the
  # securesystemslib.storage.StorageBackendInterface.get definition
  get = GetFile

  def put(self, fileobj, filepath):
    # If we are passed an open file, seek to the beginning such that we are
    # copying the entire contents
    if not fileobj.closed:

      with open(filepath, 'wb') as destination_file:
        shutil.copyfileobj(fileobj, destination_file)
        # Force the destination file to be written to disk from Python's internal
        # and the operating system's buffers.  os.fsync() should follow flush().
    except (OSError, IOError):
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError(
          "Can't write file %s" % filepath)

  def remove(self, filepath):
    except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError, OSError):  # pragma: no cover
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError(
          "Can't remove file %s" % filepath)

  def getsize(self, filepath):
      return os.path.getsize(filepath)
    except OSError:
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError(
          "Can't access file %s" % filepath)

  def create_folder(self, filepath):
    # If called with an empty string, return immediately
    if not filepath:

    except OSError as e:
      # 'OSError' raised if the leaf directory already exists or cannot be
      # created. Check for case where 'filepath' has already been created and
      # silently ignore.
      if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
        raise securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError(
            "Can't create folder at %s" % filepath)

  def list_folder(self, filepath):
      return os.listdir(filepath)
    except FileNotFoundError:
      raise securesystemslib.exceptions.StorageError(
          "Can't list folder at %s" % filepath)