# This file is part of Scapy
# Copyright (C) 2008 Arnaud Ebalard <arno@natisbad.org>
#   2015, 2016, 2017 Maxence Tury <maxence.tury@ssi.gouv.fr>
# This program is published under a GPLv2 license

PKCS #1 methods as defined in RFC 3447.

We cannot rely solely on the cryptography library, because the openssl package
used by the cryptography library may not implement the md5-sha1 hash, as with
Ubuntu or OSX. This is why we reluctantly keep some legacy crypto here.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from scapy.compat import bytes_encode, hex_bytes, bytes_hex
import scapy.modules.six as six

from scapy.config import conf, crypto_validator
from scapy.error import warning
if conf.crypto_valid:
    from cryptography import utils
    from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature, UnsupportedAlgorithm
    from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes import HashAlgorithm

# Some helpers

def pkcs_os2ip(s):
    OS2IP conversion function from RFC 3447.

    :param s: octet string to be converted
    :return: n, the corresponding nonnegative integer
    return int(bytes_hex(s), 16)

def pkcs_i2osp(n, sLen):
    I2OSP conversion function from RFC 3447.
    The length parameter allows the function to perform the padding needed.
    Note that the user is responsible for providing a sufficient xLen.

    :param n: nonnegative integer to be converted
    :param sLen: intended length of the resulting octet string
    :return: corresponding octet string
    # if n >= 256**sLen:
    #    raise Exception("Integer too large for provided sLen %d" % sLen)
    fmt = "%%0%dx" % (2 * sLen)
    return hex_bytes(fmt % n)

def pkcs_ilen(n):
    This is a log base 256 which determines the minimum octet string
    length for unequivocal representation of integer n by pkcs_i2osp.
    i = 0
    while n > 0:
        n >>= 8
        i += 1
    return i

def _legacy_pkcs1_v1_5_encode_md5_sha1(M, emLen):
    Legacy method for PKCS1 v1.5 encoding with MD5-SHA1 hash.
    M = bytes_encode(M)
    md5_hash = hashes.Hash(_get_hash("md5"), backend=default_backend())
    sha1_hash = hashes.Hash(_get_hash("sha1"), backend=default_backend())
    H = md5_hash.finalize() + sha1_hash.finalize()
    if emLen < 36 + 11:
        warning("pkcs_emsa_pkcs1_v1_5_encode: "
                "intended encoded message length too short")
        return None
    PS = b'\xff' * (emLen - 36 - 3)
    return b'\x00' + b'\x01' + PS + b'\x00' + H

# Hash and padding helpers

_get_hash = None
if conf.crypto_valid:

    # first, we add the "md5-sha1" hash from openssl to python-cryptography
    class MD5_SHA1(object):
        name = "md5-sha1"
        digest_size = 36
        block_size = 64

    _hashes = {
        "md5": hashes.MD5,
        "sha1": hashes.SHA1,
        "sha224": hashes.SHA224,
        "sha256": hashes.SHA256,
        "sha384": hashes.SHA384,
        "sha512": hashes.SHA512,
        "md5-sha1": MD5_SHA1

    def _get_hash(hashStr):
            return _hashes[hashStr]()
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("Unknown hash function %s" % hashStr)

    def _get_padding(padStr, mgf=padding.MGF1, h=hashes.SHA256, label=None):
        if padStr == "pkcs":
            return padding.PKCS1v15()
        elif padStr == "pss":
            # Can't find where this is written, but we have to use the digest
            # size instead of the automatic padding.PSS.MAX_LENGTH.
            return padding.PSS(mgf=mgf(h), salt_length=h.digest_size)
        elif padStr == "oaep":
            return padding.OAEP(mgf=mgf(h), algorithm=h, label=label)
            warning("Key.encrypt(): Unknown padding type (%s)", padStr)
            return None

# Asymmetric Cryptography wrappers

# Make sure that default values are consistent across the whole TLS module,
# lest they be explicitly set to None between cert.py and pkcs1.py.

class _EncryptAndVerifyRSA(object):

    def encrypt(self, m, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
        mgf = mgf or padding.MGF1
        h = _get_hash(h)
        pad = _get_padding(t, mgf, h, L)
        return self.pubkey.encrypt(m, pad)

    def verify(self, M, S, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
        M = bytes_encode(M)
        mgf = mgf or padding.MGF1
        h = _get_hash(h)
        pad = _get_padding(t, mgf, h, L)
                self.pubkey.verify(S, M, pad, h)
            except UnsupportedAlgorithm:
                if t != "pkcs" and h != "md5-sha1":
                    raise UnsupportedAlgorithm("RSA verification with %s" % h)
                self._legacy_verify_md5_sha1(M, S)
            return True
        except InvalidSignature:
            return False

    def _legacy_verify_md5_sha1(self, M, S):
        k = self._modulusLen // 8
        if len(S) != k:
            warning("invalid signature (len(S) != k)")
            return False
        s = pkcs_os2ip(S)
        n = self._modulus
        if isinstance(s, int) and six.PY2:
            s = long(s)  # noqa: F821
        if (six.PY2 and not isinstance(s, long)) or s > n - 1:  # noqa: F821
            warning("Key._rsaep() expects a long between 0 and n-1")
            return None
        m = pow(s, self._pubExp, n)
        EM = pkcs_i2osp(m, k)
        EMPrime = _legacy_pkcs1_v1_5_encode_md5_sha1(M, k)
        if EMPrime is None:
            warning("Key._rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_verify(): unable to encode.")
            return False
        return EM == EMPrime

class _DecryptAndSignRSA(object):

    def decrypt(self, C, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
        mgf = mgf or padding.MGF1
        h = _get_hash(h)
        pad = _get_padding(t, mgf, h, L)
        return self.key.decrypt(C, pad)

    def sign(self, M, t="pkcs", h="sha256", mgf=None, L=None):
        M = bytes_encode(M)
        mgf = mgf or padding.MGF1
        h = _get_hash(h)
        pad = _get_padding(t, mgf, h, L)
            return self.key.sign(M, pad, h)
        except UnsupportedAlgorithm:
            if t != "pkcs" and h != "md5-sha1":
                raise UnsupportedAlgorithm("RSA signature with %s" % h)
            return self._legacy_sign_md5_sha1(M)

    def _legacy_sign_md5_sha1(self, M):
        M = bytes_encode(M)
        k = self._modulusLen // 8
        EM = _legacy_pkcs1_v1_5_encode_md5_sha1(M, k)
        if EM is None:
            warning("Key._rsassa_pkcs1_v1_5_sign(): unable to encode")
            return None
        m = pkcs_os2ip(EM)
        n = self._modulus
        if isinstance(m, int) and six.PY2:
            m = long(m)  # noqa: F821
        if (six.PY2 and not isinstance(m, long)) or m > n - 1:  # noqa: F821
            warning("Key._rsaep() expects a long between 0 and n-1")
            return None
        privExp = self.key.private_numbers().d
        s = pow(m, privExp, n)
        return pkcs_i2osp(s, k)