import numpy as np

import copy as cp
import warnings
from inspect import signature

from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier

from skmultiflow.core import BaseSKMObject, ClassifierMixin, MetaEstimatorMixin, MultiOutputMixin
from skmultiflow.metrics import *

_CLASSIFIER_TYPE = "classifier"
_REGRESSOR_TYPE = "regressor"

class MultiOutputLearner(BaseSKMObject, ClassifierMixin, MetaEstimatorMixin, MultiOutputMixin):
    """ Multi-Output Learner for multi-target classification or regression.

    base_estimator: skmultiflow.core.BaseSKMObject or sklearn.BaseEstimator (default=SGDClassifier(max_iter=100))
        Each member of the ensemble is an instance of the base estimator.

    Use this meta learner to make single output predictors capable of learning
    a multi output problem, by applying them individually to each output. In
    the classification context, this is the "binary relevance" estimator.

    A Multi-Output Learner model learns to predict multiple outputs for each
    instance. The outputs may either be discrete (i.e., classification),
    or continuous (i.e., regression). This estimator takes any base learner
    (which by default is LogisticRegression) and builds a separate model
    for each output, and will distribute each instance to each model
    for individual learning and prediction.

    >>> from skmultiflow.meta.multi_output_learner import MultiOutputLearner
    >>> from import FileStream
    >>> from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron
    >>> # Setup the file stream
    >>> stream = FileStream(""
    ...                     "streaming-datasets/master/moving_squares.csv", 0, 6)
    >>> # Setup the MultiOutputLearner using sklearn Perceptron
    >>> classifier = MultiOutputLearner(base_estimator=Perceptron())
    >>> # Setup the pipeline
    >>> # Pre training the classifier with 150 samples
    >>> X, y = stream.next_sample(150)
    >>> classifier.partial_fit(X, y, classes=stream.target_values)
    >>> # Keeping track of sample count, true labels and predictions to later 
    >>> # compute the classifier's hamming score
    >>> count = 0
    >>> true_labels = []
    >>> predicts = []
    >>> while stream.has_more_samples():
    ...     X, y = stream.next_sample()
    ...     p = classifier.predict(X)
    ...     classifier.partial_fit(X, y)
    ...     predicts.extend(p)
    ...     true_labels.extend(y)
    ...     count += 1
    >>> perf = hamming_score(true_labels, predicts)
    >>> print('Total samples analyzed: ' + str(count))
    >>> print("The classifier's static Hamming score    : " + str(perf))

    def __init__(self, base_estimator=SGDClassifier(max_iter=100)):
        self.base_estimator = base_estimator
        self.ensemble = None
        self.n_targets = None

    def _check_estimator_type(self):
        if hasattr(self, "_estimator_type"):
            if self.base_estimator._estimator_type == _CLASSIFIER_TYPE:
                self._estimator_type = _CLASSIFIER_TYPE
            elif self.base_estimator._estimator_type == _REGRESSOR_TYPE:
                self._estimator_type = _REGRESSOR_TYPE
        warnings.warn("Unknown base-estimator type, default is classification.", RuntimeWarning)
        self._estimator_type = _CLASSIFIER_TYPE

    def __configure(self):
        self.ensemble = [cp.deepcopy(self.base_estimator) for _ in range(self.n_targets)]

    def fit(self, X, y, classes=None, sample_weight=None):
        """ Fit the model.

        Fit n-estimators, one for each learning task.

        X : numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The features to train the model.

        y: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_targets)
            An array-like with the target values of all samples in X.

        classes:  numpy.ndarray, optional (default=None)
            Array with all possible/known class labels. Usage varies depending on the base estimator.
            Not used for regression.

        sample_weight: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples), optional (default=None)
            Samples weight. If not provided, uniform weights are assumed. Usage varies depending on the base estimator.


        N, L = y.shape
        self.n_targets = L

        for j in range(self.n_targets):
            if 'sample_weight' and 'classes' in signature(self.ensemble[j].fit).parameters:
                self.ensemble[j].fit(X, y[:, j], classes=classes, sample_weight=sample_weight)
            elif 'sample_weight' in signature(self.ensemble[j].fit).parameters:
                self.ensemble[j].fit(X, y[:, j], sample_weight=sample_weight)
                self.ensemble[j].fit(X, y[:, j])
        return self

    def partial_fit(self, X, y, classes=None, sample_weight=None):
        """ Partially (incrementally) fit the model.

        Partially fit each of the estimators on the X matrix and the
        corresponding y matrix.

        X : numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The features to train the model.

        y: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_targets)
            An array-like with the target values of all samples in X.

        classes: numpy.ndarray, optional (default=None)
            Array with all possible/known class labels. This is an optional parameter, except
            for the first partial_fit call where it is compulsory. Not used for regression.

        sample_weight: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples), optional (default=None)
            Samples weight. If not provided, uniform weights are assumed. Usage varies depending on the base estimator.


        if self.n_targets is None:
            # This is the first time that the model is fit
  , y=y, classes=classes, sample_weight=sample_weight)
            return self

        N, self.n_targets = y.shape

        if self.ensemble is None:

        for j in range(self.n_targets):
            if 'sample_weight' and 'classes' in signature(self.ensemble[j].partial_fit).parameters:
                self.ensemble[j].partial_fit(X, y[:, j], classes=classes, sample_weight=sample_weight)
            elif 'sample_weight' in signature(self.ensemble[j].partial_fit).parameters:
                self.ensemble[j].partial_fit(X, y[:, j], sample_weight=sample_weight)
                self.ensemble[j].partial_fit(X, y[:, j])

        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        """ Predict target values for the passed data.

        Iterates over all the estimators, predicting with each one, to obtain
        the multi output prediction.
        X : numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The set of data samples to predict the target values for.
            numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_targets)
            All the predictions for the samples in X.

        N, D = X.shape
        predictions = np.zeros((N, self.n_targets))
        for j in range(self.n_targets):
            predictions[:, j] = self.ensemble[j].predict(X)
        return predictions

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        """ Estimates the probability of each sample in X belonging to each of
        the existing labels for each of the classification tasks.
        It's a simple call to all of the classifier's predict_proba function, 
        return the probabilities for all the classification problems.

        Not applicable for regression tasks.

        X : numpy.ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The set of data samples to predict the class labels for.

            An array of shape (n_samples, n_classification_tasks, n_labels), in which 
            we store the probability that each sample in X belongs to each of the labels, 
            in each of the classification tasks.
        N, D = X.shape
        proba = np.zeros((N,self.n_targets))
        for j in range(self.n_targets):
                proba[:, j] = self.ensemble[j].predict_proba(X)[:, 1]
            except NotImplementedError or AttributeError:
                raise AttributeError("Estimator {} has no predict_proba method".format(
        return proba

    def reset(self):
        self.ensemble = None
        self.n_targets = None

    def _more_tags(self):
        return {'multioutput': True,
                'multioutput_only': True}