import os
import re
import sys
import inspect
import warnings
import functools
import threading
from timeit import default_timer

from flask import request, make_response, current_app
from flask import Flask, Response
from flask.views import MethodViewType
from werkzeug.serving import is_running_from_reloader
from prometheus_client import Counter, Histogram, Gauge, Summary
from prometheus_client import generate_latest, CONTENT_TYPE_LATEST

if sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 4):
    # Python v3.4+ has a built-in has __wrapped__ attribute
    wraps = functools.wraps
    # in previous Python version we have to set the missing attribute
    def wraps(wrapped, assigned=functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS,
        def wrapper(f):
            f = functools.wraps(wrapped, assigned, updated)(f)
            f.__wrapped__ = wrapped
            return f

        return wrapper

    # try to convert http.HTTPStatus to int status codes
    from http import HTTPStatus

    def _to_status_code(response_status):
        if isinstance(response_status, HTTPStatus):
            return response_status.value
            return response_status
except ImportError:
    # otherwise simply use the status as is
    def _to_status_code(response_status):
        return response_status

NO_PREFIX = '#no_prefix'
Constant indicating that default metrics should not have any prefix applied.
It purposely uses invalid characters defined for metrics names as specified in Prometheus
documentation (see:

class PrometheusMetrics(object):
    Prometheus metrics export configuration for Flask.

    The default metrics include a Histogram for HTTP request latencies
    and number of HTTP requests plus a Counter for the total number
    of HTTP requests.

    Sample usage:

        app = Flask(__name__)
        metrics = PrometheusMetrics(app)

        # static information as metric'app_info', 'Application info', version='1.0.3')

        def main():
            pass  # requests tracked by default

        def skip():
            pass  # default metrics are not collected

        @metrics.counter('invocation_by_type', 'Number of invocations by type',
                 labels={'item_type': lambda: request.view_args['type']})
        def by_type(item_type):
            pass  # only the counter is collected, not the default metrics

        @metrics.gauge('in_progress', 'Long running requests in progress')
        def long_running():

        @metrics.summary('requests_by_status', 'Request latencies by status',
                         labels={'status': lambda r: r.status_code})
        @metrics.histogram('requests_by_status_and_path', 'Request latencies by status and path',
                           labels={'status': lambda r: r.status_code, 'path': lambda: request.path})
        def echo_status(status):
            return 'Status: %s' % status, status

    Label values can be defined as callables:

        - With a single argument that will be the Flask Response object
        - Without an argument, possibly to use with the Flask `request` object

    def __init__(self, app, path='/metrics',
                 export_defaults=True, defaults_prefix='flask',
                 group_by='path', buckets=None, static_labels=None,
                 excluded_paths=None, registry=None, **kwargs):
        Create a new Prometheus metrics export configuration.

        :param app: the Flask application
        :param path: the metrics path (defaults to `/metrics`)
        :param export_defaults: expose all HTTP request latencies
            and number of HTTP requests
        :param defaults_prefix: string to prefix the default exported
            metrics name with (when either `export_defaults=True` or
            `export_defaults(..)` is called) or in case you don't want
            any prefix then use `NO_PREFIX` constant
        :param group_by: group default HTTP metrics by
            this request property, like `path`, `endpoint`, `url_rule`, etc.
            (defaults to `path`)
        :param buckets: the time buckets for request latencies
            (will use the default when `None`)
        :param static_labels: static labels to attach to each of the
            metrics exposed by this `PrometheusMetrics` instance
        :param excluded_paths: regular expression(s) as a string or
            a list of strings for paths to exclude from tracking
        :param registry: the Prometheus Registry to use
        """ = app
        self.path = path
        self._export_defaults = export_defaults
        self._defaults_prefix = defaults_prefix or 'flask'
        self._static_labels = static_labels or {}
        self.buckets = buckets
        self.version = __version__

        if registry:
            self.registry = registry
            # load the default registry from the underlying
            # Prometheus library here for easier unit testing
            # see
            from prometheus_client import REGISTRY as DEFAULT_REGISTRY
            self.registry = DEFAULT_REGISTRY

        if kwargs.get('group_by_endpoint') is True:
                'The `group_by_endpoint` argument of `PrometheusMetrics` is '
                'deprecated since 0.4.0, please use the '
                'new `group_by` argument.', DeprecationWarning

            self.group_by = 'endpoint'

        elif group_by:
            self.group_by = group_by

            self.group_by = 'path'

        if excluded_paths:
            if PrometheusMetrics._is_string(excluded_paths):
                excluded_paths = [excluded_paths]

            self.excluded_paths = [
                re.compile(p) for p in excluded_paths
            self.excluded_paths = None

        if app is not None:

    def for_app_factory(cls, **kwargs):
        A convenience method to create a new instance that is
        suitable for Flask "app factory" configurations. Please

        Note, that you will need to call `init_app(...)` later
        with the Flask application as its parameter.

        This method takes the same keyword arguments as the
        default constructor.

        return cls(app=None, **kwargs)

    def init_app(self, app):
        This callback can be used to initialize an application for the
        use with this prometheus reporter setup.

        This is usually used with a Flask "app factory" configuration. Please

        Note, that you need to use `PrometheusMetrics.for_app_factory()`
        for this mode, otherwise it is called automatically.

        :param app: the Flask application

        if self.path:
            self.register_endpoint(self.path, app)

        if self._export_defaults:
                self.buckets, self.group_by,
                self._defaults_prefix, app

    def register_endpoint(self, path, app=None):
        Register the metrics endpoint on the Flask application.

        :param path: the path of the endpoint
        :param app: the Flask application to register the endpoint on
            (by default it is the application registered with this class)

        if is_running_from_reloader() and not os.environ.get('DEBUG_METRICS'):

        if app is None:
            app = or current_app

        def prometheus_metrics():
            # import these here so they don't clash with our own multiprocess module
            from prometheus_client import multiprocess, CollectorRegistry

            if 'prometheus_multiproc_dir' in os.environ:
                registry = CollectorRegistry()
                registry = self.registry

            if 'name[]' in request.args:
                registry = registry.restricted_registry(request.args.getlist('name[]'))

            if 'prometheus_multiproc_dir' in os.environ:

            headers = {'Content-Type': CONTENT_TYPE_LATEST}
            return generate_latest(registry), 200, headers

    def start_http_server(self, port, host='', endpoint='/metrics'):
        Start an HTTP server for exposing the metrics.
        This will be an individual Flask application,
        not the one registered with this class.

        :param port: the HTTP port to expose the metrics endpoint on
        :param host: the HTTP host to listen on (default: ``)
        :param endpoint: the URL path to expose the endpoint on
            (default: `/metrics`)

        if is_running_from_reloader():

        app = Flask('prometheus-flask-exporter-%d' % port)
        self.register_endpoint(endpoint, app)

        def run_app():
  , port=port)

        thread = threading.Thread(target=run_app)

    def export_defaults(self, buckets=None, group_by='path',
                        prefix='flask', app=None, **kwargs):
        Export the default metrics:
            - HTTP request latencies
            - Number of HTTP requests

        :param buckets: the time buckets for request latencies
            (will use the default when `None`)
        :param group_by: group default HTTP metrics by
            this request property, like `path`, `endpoint`, `rule`, etc.
            (defaults to `path`)
        :param prefix: prefix to start the default metrics names with
            or `NO_PREFIX` (to skip prefix)
        :param app: the Flask application

        if app is None:
            app = or current_app

        if not prefix:
            prefix = self._defaults_prefix or 'flask'

        # use the default buckets from prometheus_client if not given here
        buckets_as_kwargs = {}
        if buckets is not None:
            buckets_as_kwargs['buckets'] = buckets

        if kwargs.get('group_by_endpoint') is True:
                'The `group_by_endpoint` argument of '
                '`PrometheusMetrics.export_defaults` is deprecated since 0.4.0, '
                'please use the new `group_by` argument.', DeprecationWarning

            duration_group = 'endpoint'

        elif group_by:
            duration_group = group_by

            duration_group = 'path'

        if callable(duration_group):
            duration_group_name = duration_group.__name__

            duration_group_name = duration_group

        if prefix == NO_PREFIX:
            prefix = ""
            prefix = prefix + "_"

        additional_labels = self._static_labels.items()

        histogram = Histogram(
            '%shttp_request_duration_seconds' % prefix,
            'Flask HTTP request duration in seconds',
            ('method', duration_group_name, 'status') + tuple(map(lambda kv: kv[0], additional_labels)),

        counter = Counter(
            '%shttp_request_total' % prefix,
            'Total number of HTTP requests',
            ('method', 'status') + tuple(map(lambda kv: kv[0], additional_labels)),
            '%sexporter_info' % prefix,
            'Information about the Prometheus Flask exporter',
            version=self.version, **self._static_labels

        def before_request():
            request.prom_start_time = default_timer()

        def after_request(response):
            if hasattr(request, 'prom_do_not_track') or hasattr(request, 'prom_exclude_all'):
                return response

            if self.excluded_paths:
                if any(pattern.match(request.path) for pattern in self.excluded_paths):
                    return response

            if hasattr(request, 'prom_start_time'):
                total_time = max(default_timer() - request.prom_start_time, 0)

                if callable(duration_group):
                    group = duration_group(request)
                    group = getattr(request, duration_group)

                    request.method, group, _to_status_code(response.status_code),
                    *map(lambda kv: kv[1], additional_labels)

                request.method, _to_status_code(response.status_code),
                *map(lambda kv: kv[1], additional_labels)

            return response

        def teardown_request(exception=None):
            if not exception or hasattr(request, 'prom_do_not_track') or hasattr(request, 'prom_exclude_all'):

            if self.excluded_paths:
                if any(pattern.match(request.path) for pattern in self.excluded_paths):

            if hasattr(request, 'prom_start_time'):
                total_time = max(default_timer() - request.prom_start_time, 0)

                if callable(duration_group):
                    group = duration_group(request)
                    group = getattr(request, duration_group)

                    request.method, group, 500,
                    *map(lambda kv: kv[1], additional_labels)

                request.method, 500,
                *map(lambda kv: kv[1], additional_labels)



    def register_default(self, *metric_wrappers, **kwargs):
        Registers metric wrappers to track all endpoints,
        similar to `export_defaults` but with user defined metrics.
        Call this function after all routes have been set up.

        Use the metric wrappers as arguments:
          - metrics.counter(..)
          - metrics.gauge(..)
          - metrics.summary(..)
          - metrics.histogram(..)

        :param metric_wrappers: one or more metric wrappers to register
            for all available endpoints
        :param app: the Flask application to register the default metric for
            (by default it is the application registered with this class)

        app = kwargs.get('app')
        if app is None:
            app = or current_app

        for endpoint, view_func in app.view_functions.items():
            for wrapper in metric_wrappers:
                view_func = wrapper(view_func)
                app.view_functions[endpoint] = view_func

    def histogram(self, name, description, labels=None, **kwargs):
        Use a Histogram to track the execution time and invocation count
        of the method.

        :param name: the name of the metric
        :param description: the description of the metric
        :param labels: a dictionary of `{labelname: callable_or_value}` for labels
        :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments for creating the Histogram

        return self._track(
            lambda metric, time: metric.observe(time),
            kwargs, name, description, labels,

    def summary(self, name, description, labels=None, **kwargs):
        Use a Summary to track the execution time and invocation count
        of the method.

        :param name: the name of the metric
        :param description: the description of the metric
        :param labels: a dictionary of `{labelname: callable_or_value}` for labels
        :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments for creating the Summary

        return self._track(
            lambda metric, time: metric.observe(time),
            kwargs, name, description, labels,

    def gauge(self, name, description, labels=None, **kwargs):
        Use a Gauge to track the number of invocations in progress
        for the method.

        :param name: the name of the metric
        :param description: the description of the metric
        :param labels: a dictionary of `{labelname: callable_or_value}` for labels
        :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments for creating the Gauge

        return self._track(
            lambda metric, time: metric.dec(),
            kwargs, name, description, labels,
            before=lambda metric:,
            revert_when_not_tracked=lambda metric: metric.dec()

    def counter(self, name, description, labels=None, **kwargs):
        Use a Counter to track the total number of invocations of the method.

        :param name: the name of the metric
        :param description: the description of the metric
        :param labels: a dictionary of `{labelname: callable_or_value}` for labels
        :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments for creating the Counter

        return self._track(
            lambda metric, time:,
            kwargs, name, description, labels,

    def _track(self, metric_type, metric_call, metric_kwargs, name, description, labels,
               registry, before=None, revert_when_not_tracked=None):
        Internal method decorator logic.

        :param metric_type: the type of the metric from the `prometheus_client` library
        :param metric_call: the invocation to execute as a callable with `(metric, time)`
        :param metric_kwargs: additional keyword arguments for creating the metric
        :param name: the name of the metric
        :param description: the description of the metric
        :param labels: a dictionary of `{labelname: callable_or_value}` for labels
        :param registry: the Prometheus Registry to use
        :param before: an optional callable to invoke before executing the
            request handler method accepting the single `metric` argument
        :param revert_when_not_tracked: an optional callable to invoke when
            a non-tracked endpoint is being handled to undo any actions already
            done on it, accepts a single `metric` argument

        if labels is not None and not isinstance(labels, dict):
            raise TypeError('labels needs to be a dictionary of {labelname: callable}')

        if self._static_labels:
            if not labels:
                labels = self._static_labels
                # merge the default labels and the specific ones for this metric
                combined = dict()
                labels = combined

        label_names = labels.keys() if labels else tuple()
        parent_metric = metric_type(
            name, description, labelnames=label_names, registry=registry,

        def argspec(func):
            if hasattr(inspect, 'getfullargspec'):
                return inspect.getfullargspec(func)
                return inspect.getargspec(func)

        def label_value(f):
            if not callable(f):
                return lambda x: f
            if argspec(f).args:
                return lambda x: f(x)
                return lambda x: f()

        label_generator = tuple(
            (key, label_value(call))
            for key, call in labels.items()
        ) if labels else tuple()

        def get_metric(response):
            if label_names:
                return parent_metric.labels(
                    **{key: call(response) for key, call in label_generator}
                return parent_metric

        def decorator(f):
            def func(*args, **kwargs):
                if before:
                    metric = get_metric(None)

                    metric = None

                exception = None

                start_time = default_timer()
                        # execute the handler function
                        response = f(*args, **kwargs)
                    except Exception as ex:
                        # let Flask decide to wrap or reraise the Exception
                        response = current_app.handle_user_exception(ex)
                except Exception as ex:
                    # if it was re-raised, treat it as an InternalServerError
                    exception = ex
                    response = make_response('Exception: %s' % ex, 500)

                if hasattr(request, 'prom_exclude_all'):
                    if metric and revert_when_not_tracked:
                        # special handling for Gauge metrics

                    return response

                total_time = max(default_timer() - start_time, 0)

                if not metric:
                    if not isinstance(response, Response) and request.endpoint:
                        view_func = current_app.view_functions[request.endpoint]

                        # There may be decorators 'above' us,
                        # but before the function is registered with Flask
                        while view_func and view_func != f:
                                view_func = view_func.__wrapped__
                            except AttributeError:

                        if view_func == f:
                            # we are in a request handler method
                            response = make_response(response)

                        elif hasattr(view_func, 'view_class') and isinstance(view_func.view_class, MethodViewType):
                            # we are in a method view (for Flask-RESTful for example)
                            response = make_response(response)

                    metric = get_metric(response)

                metric_call(metric, time=total_time)

                if exception:
                        # re-raise for the Flask error handler
                        raise exception
                    except Exception as ex:
                        return current_app.handle_user_exception(ex)

                    return response

            return func

        return decorator

    def do_not_track():
        Decorator to skip the default metrics collection for the method.

        *Note*: explicit metrics decorators will still collect the data

        def decorator(f):
            def func(*args, **kwargs):
                request.prom_do_not_track = True
                return f(*args, **kwargs)

            return func

        return decorator

    def exclude_all_metrics():
        Decorator to skip all metrics collection for the method.

        def decorator(f):
            def func(*args, **kwargs):
                request.prom_exclude_all = True
                return f(*args, **kwargs)

            return func

        return decorator

    def info(self, name, description, labelnames=None, labelvalues=None, **labels):
        Report any information as a Prometheus metric.
        This will create a `Gauge` with the initial value of 1.

        The easiest way to use it is:

            metrics = PrometheusMetrics(app)
                'app_info', 'Application info',
                version='1.0', major=1, minor=0

        If the order of the labels matters:

            metrics = PrometheusMetrics(app)
                'app_info', 'Application info',
                ('version', 'major', 'minor'),
                ('1.0', 1, 0)

        :param name: the name of the metric
        :param description: the description of the metric
        :param labelnames: the names of the labels
        :param labelvalues: the values of the labels
        :param labels: the names and values of the labels
        :return: the newly created `Gauge` metric

        if labels and labelnames:
            raise ValueError(
                'Cannot have labels defined as `dict` '
                'and collections of names and values'

        if labelnames is None and labels:
            labelnames = labels.keys()

        elif labelnames and labelvalues:
            for idx, label_name in enumerate(labelnames):
                labels[label_name] = labelvalues[idx]

        gauge = Gauge(
            name, description, labelnames or tuple(),

        if labels:
            gauge = gauge.labels(**labels)


        return gauge

    def _is_string(value):
            return isinstance(value, basestring)  # python2
        except NameError:
            return isinstance(value, str)  # python3

__version__ = '0.14.1'