#!/usr/bin/env python3
Module to process log files from Google's Android GNSS Logger app
import datetime
import math
import re
import sys

# Flags to check wether the measurement is correct or not
# https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/GnssMeasurement.html#getState()
STATE_2ND_CODE_LOCK = int(0x00010000)
STATE_BDS_D2_BIT_SYNC = int(0x00000100)
STATE_BDS_D2_SUBFRAME_SYNC = int(0x00000200)
STATE_BIT_SYNC = int(0x00000002)
STATE_CODE_LOCK = int(0x00000001)
STATE_GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK = int(0x00000400)
STATE_GAL_E1B_PAGE_SYNC = int(0x00001000)
STATE_GAL_E1C_2ND_CODE_LOCK = int(0x00000800)
STATE_GLO_STRING_SYNC = int(0x00000040)
STATE_GLO_TOD_DECODED = int(0x00000080)
STATE_GLO_TOD_KNOWN = int(0x00008000)
STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS = int(0x00000010)
STATE_SBAS_SYNC = int(0x00002000)
STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC = int(0x00000004)
STATE_SYMBOL_SYNC = int(0x00000020)
STATE_TOW_DECODED = int(0x00000008)
STATE_TOW_KNOWN = int(0x00004000)
STATE_UNKNOWN = int(0x00000000)

ADR_STATE_UNKNOWN = int(0x00000000)
ADR_STATE_VALID = int(0x00000001)
ADR_STATE_RESET = int(0x00000002)
ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP = int(0x00000004)

# Define constants
SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299792458.0  # [m/s]
GPS_WEEKSECS = 604800  # Number of seconds in a week
NS_TO_S = 1.0e-9
NS_TO_M = NS_TO_S * SPEED_OF_LIGHT  # Constant to transform from nanoseconds to meters
BDST_TO_GPST = 14  # Leap seconds difference between BDST and GPST
GLOT_TO_UTC = 10800  # Time difference between GLOT and UTC in seconds
# Origin of the GPS time scale
GPSTIME = datetime.datetime(1980, 1, 6)
DAYSEC = 86400  # Number of seconds in a day
OBS_LIST = ['C', 'L', 'D', 'S']

EPOCH_STR = 'epoch'

GLO_L1_CENTER_FREQ = 1.60200e9
GLO_L1_DFREQ = 0.56250e6

# Constellation types


class GnssLogHeader(object):
    Class that manages the header from the log file.

    def __init__(self, filename):
        Initializes the header from a file handler to the file. Loads the
        parameters and field names present in the header part of the log

        self.parameters = {}
        self.fields = {}

        with open(filename, 'r') as fh:

                for line in fh:

                        # Detect end of header
                        if not line.startswith('#'):

                        # Skip empty lines
                        if line.strip() == '#':

                        fields = re.split('[: ,]', line.strip())

                        method_name = 'parse_{0}'.format(fields[1].lower())

                        # Call the method that processes the line
                        getattr(GnssLogHeader, method_name)(self, line)

    def get_fieldnames(self, line):

        fields = [f.strip() for f in line[2:].strip().split(',')] # Skip initial hash character

        key = fields[0]
        field_names = fields[1:]

        self.fields[key] = field_names


    def parse_header(self, line):
        Get parameters from header line, in this case do nothing

    def parse_version(self, line):
        Return a dictionary

        fields = line.strip().split(' ')

        for field in fields[1:]:

            if field.endswith(':'):
                key = field[:-1]
                self.parameters[key] = ''


                self.parameters[key] += ' ' + field

        # Clean superfluous spaces
        self.parameters = { k:self.parameters[k].strip() for k in self.parameters }

    def parse_fix(self, line):


    def parse_raw(self, line):

    def parse_nav(self, line):

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

class GnssLog(object):

        'AccumulatedDeltaRangeState' : int,
        'ConstellationType' : int,
        'MultipathIndicator' : int,
        'State' : int,
        'Svid' : int

    def __init__(self, filename):

        # Criteria by which the different data batches are delimited
        self.BATCH_DELIMITER = 'TimeNanos'

        self.filename = filename

        self.header = GnssLogHeader(self.filename)

    def __field_conversion__(self, fname, valuestr):
        Convert the field, by default will be float, unless it exists in
        the CONVERTER structure. If an exception occurs, the field will be
        left as is.

        if fname in GnssLog.CONVERTER:
                return GnssLog.CONVERTER[fname](valuestr)

                return float(valuestr)
        except ValueError:
                return valuestr

    def __parse_line__(self, line):

        line_fields = line.strip().split(',')

        field_names = self.header.fields[line_fields[0]]

        fields = { field_names[i] :  \
                   self.__field_conversion__(field_names[i], line_fields[i + 1]) \
                                        for i in range(len(line_fields) - 1)}

        return fields

    def raw_batches(self):
        Generator function use to yield a batch

        batch = []

        with open(self.filename, 'r') as fh:

            for line in fh:

                if not line.startswith('Raw'):

                line_fields = self.__parse_line__(line)

                if len(batch) > 0 and line_fields[self.BATCH_DELIMITER] != batch[0][self.BATCH_DELIMITER]:
                        yield batch
                        batch = []


            # Yield last batch
            yield batch

    def fix_batches(self):
        Generator function used to yield a position batch

        with open(self.filename, 'r') as fh:

            for line in fh:

                if not line.startswith('Fix'):

                yield self.__parse_line__(line)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_rnx_band_from_freq(frequency):
    Obtain the frequency band

    >>> get_rnx_band_from_freq(1575420030.0)
    >>> get_rnx_band_from_freq(1600875010.0)
    >>> get_rnx_band_from_freq(1176450050.0)
    >>> get_rnx_band_from_freq(1561097980.0)

    # Backwards compatibility with empty fields (assume GPS L1)
    ifreq = 154 if frequency == '' else round(frequency / 10.23e6)

    # QZSS L1 (154), GPS L1 (154), GAL E1 (154), and GLO L1 (156)
    if ifreq >= 154:
        return 1
    # QZSS L5 (115), GPS L5 (115), GAL E5 (115)
    elif ifreq == 115:
        return 5
    # BDS B1I (153)
    elif ifreq == 153:
        return 2
        raise ValueError("Cannot get Rinex frequency band from frequency [ {0} ]. "
        "Got the following integer frequency multiplier [ {1:.2f} ]\n".format(frequency, ifreq))

    return ifreq

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_rnx_attr(band, constellation='G', state=0x00):
    Generate the RINEX 3 attribute from a given band. Assumes 'C' for L1/E1
    frequency and 'Q' for L5/E5a frequency. For E5a it assumes Q tracking.

    attr = 'C'

    # Make distinction between GAL E1C and E1B code
    if band == 1 and constellation == 'E':
        if (state & STATE_GAL_E1C_2ND_CODE_LOCK) == 0 and (state & STATE_GAL_E1B_PAGE_SYNC) != 0:
            attr = 'B'

    # GAL E5, QZSS L5, and GPS L5 (Q)
    if band == 5:
        attr = 'Q'

    # BDS B1I
    if band == 2 and constellation == 'C':
        attr = 'I'

    return attr

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_frequency(measurement):

    v = measurement['CarrierFrequencyHz']

    return 154 * 10.23e6 if v == '' else v

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_obscode(measurement):
    Obtain the measurement code (RINEX 3 format)

    >>> get_obscode({'CarrierFrequencyHz': 1575420030.0, 'ConstellationType': 1})
    >>> get_obscode({'CarrierFrequencyHz': 1176450050.0, 'ConstellationType': 5})

    band = get_rnx_band_from_freq(get_frequency(measurement))

    attr = get_rnx_attr(band, constellation=get_constellation(measurement), state=measurement['State'])

    return '{0}{1}'.format(band, attr)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_obslist(batches):
    Obtain the observable list (array of RINEX 3.0 observable codes), particularized
    per each constellation, e.g.

    obs = {
        'G' : [C1C, L1C, D1C, S1C, C5Q],
        'E' : [C1C, L1C, D1C, C5Q],
        'R' : [C1P, C2P]

    obslist = {}

    for batch in batches:

        for measurement in batch:

                obscode = get_obscode(measurement)

                constellation = get_constellation(measurement)

                if constellation not in obslist:
                        obslist[constellation] = []

                arr = obslist[constellation]

                if obscode not in arr:

    # Sort observable list for all constellations
    for c in obslist:
        arr = sorted(obslist[c])
        obslist[c] = [ m + o for o in arr for m in OBS_LIST  ]

    return obslist

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_glo_freq_chn_list(batches):
    Obtain the GLO frequency channel list (array of RINEX 3.0 observable codes), particularized
    per each constellation


    freq_chn_list = {}

    for batch in batches:

        for measurement in batch:

            if measurement['ConstellationType'] == CONSTELLATION_GLONASS:
                    sat = get_satname(measurement)
                except ValueError as e:
                if sat not in freq_chn_list:
                    freq = get_frequency(measurement)
                    freq_chn = round((freq - GLO_L1_CENTER_FREQ)/GLO_L1_DFREQ)
                    freq_chn_list[sat] = freq_chn

    return freq_chn_list

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_glo_cod_phs_bis_list(batches):
    Obtain the GLO code phase bias for the receiver used. This is unknown for the moment


    cod_phs_bis_list = {}

    return cod_phs_bis_list

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def check_adr_state(measurement):
    Checks if measurement is valid or not based on the Sync bits
    # Obtain state, constellation type and frquency value to apply proper sync state
    state = measurement['AccumulatedDeltaRangeState']

    if (state & ADR_STATE_VALID) == 0:
        raise ValueError("ADR State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has ADR_STATE_VALID [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, ADR_STATE_VALID))
    return True

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def check_sync_state(measurement):
    Checks if measurement is valid or not based on the Sync bits
    # Obtain state, constellation type and frquency value to apply proper sync state
    state = measurement['State']
    constellation = measurement['ConstellationType']
    frequency = get_frequency(measurement)
    frequency_band = get_rnx_band_from_freq(frequency)

    # Filtering measurements for GPS constellation (common and non optional for L1 and L5 signals)
    if constellation == CONSTELLATION_GPS:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_BIT_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_BIT_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_BIT_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

    # Filtering measurements for SBAS constellation
    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_SBAS:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_BIT_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_BIT_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_BIT_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_SYMBOL_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_SYMBOL_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_SYMBOL_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_SBAS_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_SBAS_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_SBAS_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

    # Filtering measurements for GLO constellation
    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_GLONASS:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_SYMBOL_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_SYMBOL_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_SYMBOL_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_BIT_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_BIT_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_BIT_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_GLO_TOD_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_GLO_TOD_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_GLO_TOD_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_GLO_STRING_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_GLO_STRING_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_GLO_STRING_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_QZSS:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_BIT_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_BIT_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_BIT_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_BIT_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_BIT_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_BIT_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_GALILEO:
        if frequency_band == 1:
            if (state & STATE_GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
                raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK))

            # State value indicates presence of E1B code
            if (state & STATE_GAL_E1C_2ND_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
                if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
                    raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

                if (state & STATE_BIT_SYNC) == 0:
                    raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_BIT_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_BIT_SYNC))

                if (state & STATE_GAL_E1B_PAGE_SYNC) == 0:
                    raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_GAL_E1B_PAGE_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_GAL_E1B_PAGE_SYNC))

                if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state,

            # State value indicates presence of E1C code
                if (state & STATE_GAL_E1C_2ND_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(
                            state, STATE_GAL_E1C_2ND_CODE_LOCK))

                if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state,
        # Measurement is E5a
        elif frequency_band == 5:
            if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
                raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

            if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
                raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

            if (state & STATE_BIT_SYNC) == 0:
                raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_BIT_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_BIT_SYNC))

            if (state & STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC) == 0:
                raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC))

            if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state,

    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

        raise ValueError("ConstellationType [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] is not valid".format(constellation))

    return True

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def check_trck_state(measurement):
    Checks if measurement is valid or not based on the Sync bits
    # Obtain state, constellation type and frequency value to apply proper sync state
    state = measurement['State']
    constellation = measurement['ConstellationType']
    frequency = get_frequency(measurement)
    frequency_band = get_rnx_band_from_freq(frequency)

    # Filtering measurements for GPS constellation (common and non optional for L1 and L5 signals)
    if constellation == CONSTELLATION_GPS:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

    # Filtering measurements for SBAS constellation
    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_SBAS:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

    # Filtering measurements for GLO constellation
    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_GLONASS:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_GLO_TOD_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_GLO_TOD_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_GLO_TOD_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_QZSS:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state,

    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_GALILEO:
        if frequency_band == 1:
            if (state & STATE_GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
                raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK))

            # State value indicates presence of E1B code
            if (state & STATE_GAL_E1C_2ND_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
                if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
                    raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

                if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state,

            # State value indicates presence of E1C code
                if (state & STATE_GAL_E1C_2ND_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_GAL_E1BC_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(
                            state, STATE_GAL_E1C_2ND_CODE_LOCK))

                if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state,
        # Measurement is E5a
        elif frequency_band == 5:
            if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
                raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

            if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
                raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

            if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state,

    elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN:
        if (state & STATE_CODE_LOCK) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_CODE_LOCK [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_CODE_LOCK))

        if (state & STATE_TOW_DECODED) == 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_TOW_DECODED [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_TOW_DECODED))

        if (state & STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS) != 0:
            raise ValueError("State [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] has STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS [ 0x{1:2x} {1:8b} ] not valid".format(state, STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS))

        raise ValueError("ConstellationType [ 0x{0:2x} {0:8b} ] is not valid".format(constellation))

    return True

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_constellation(measurement):
    Return the constellation letter from a given measurement

    >>> get_constellation({'ConstellationType': 1})
    >>> get_constellation({'ConstellationType': 6})
    >>> get_constellation({'ConstellationType': 3})
    >>> get_constellation({'ConstellationType': 5})

    ctype = measurement['ConstellationType']

    return CONSTELLATION_LETTER[ctype]

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_satname(measurement):
    Obtain the satellite name from a GNSS Logger measurement

    >>> get_satname({'ConstellationType': 1, 'Svid': 5})
    >>> get_satname({'ConstellationType': 6, 'Svid': 11})
    >>> get_satname({'ConstellationType': 3, 'Svid': 24})

    c = get_constellation(measurement)

    svid = measurement['Svid']

    satname = '{0}{1:02d}'.format(c, svid)

    # Make sure that we report GLONASS OSN (PRN) instead of FCN
    # https://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/GnssStatus.html#getSvid(int)
        raise ValueError("-- WARNING: Skipping measurement for GLONASS sat "
                         "without OSN [ {0} ]".format(satname))

    return satname

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def process(measurement, fullbiasnanos=None, integerize=False, pseudorange_bias=0.0, filter_mode="sync"):
    Process a log measurement. This method computes the pseudorange, carrier-phase (in cycles)
    Doppler (cycles/s) as well as CN/0

    :param measurement: GNSS Logger measurement line to process
    :param fullbiasnanos: Full Bias Nanos, used to either fix it to a certain
                          value (if value is provided) or update it with the
                          data if None (default value)
    :param integerize: Boolean to control whether to integerize the measurements
                       to the nearest "integerized" time stamp (in this case
                       to the nearest second)
    :param pseudorange_bias: Add an externally computed bias to the pseudorange.
                             Default is 0.0
    :param filter_mode: Specify the filtering scheme for the raw file. Acceptable values are
                        sync: TOW/TOD known, code locked, no ambiguities are
                        detected, and all remaining flags for the signal are set
                        trck: TOW/TOD known, code locked and no ambiguities are detected

        satname = get_satname(measurement)
    except ValueError as e:
        return None

    obscode = get_obscode(measurement)

    # Set the fullbiasnanos if not set or if we need to update the fullbiasnanos at each epoch
    fullbiasnanos = measurement['FullBiasNanos'] if fullbiasnanos is None else fullbiasnanos

    # Obtain time nanos and bias nanos. Skip if None
        timenanos = float(measurement['TimeNanos'])
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError("-- WARNING: Invalid value of TimeNanos or satellite  [ {0} ]\n".format(satname))

        biasnanos = float(measurement['BiasNanos'])
    except ValueError:
        biasnanos = 0.0

    # Compute the GPS week number and reception time (i.e. clock epoch)
    gpsweek = math.floor(-fullbiasnanos * NS_TO_S / GPS_WEEKSECS)
    local_est_GPS_time = timenanos - (fullbiasnanos + biasnanos)
    gpssow = local_est_GPS_time * NS_TO_S - gpsweek * GPS_WEEKSECS

    # Fractional part of the integer seconds
    frac = gpssow - int(gpssow+0.5) if integerize else 0.0

    # Convert the epoch to Python's buiit-in datetime class
    gpst_epoch = GPSTIME + datetime.timedelta(weeks=gpsweek, seconds=gpssow-frac)

        timeoffsetnanos = float(measurement['TimeOffsetNanos'])
    except ValueError:
        timeoffsetnanos = 0.0

    # Compute the reception times
    tRxSeconds = gpssow - timeoffsetnanos * NS_TO_S

    # Compute wavelength for metric conversion in cycles
    wavelength = SPEED_OF_LIGHT / get_frequency(measurement)

    # Check sync state of the satellite for range computation
        if filter_mode == "sync":
        elif filter_mode == "trck":
            raise ValueError("-- ERROR: Invalid value of --filter-mode option")
    except ValueError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("-- WARNING: {0} for satellite [ {1} ]\n".format(e, satname))
        range = 0
        # Compute transmit time (depends on constellation of origin)
        constellation = measurement['ConstellationType']
        # GLOT is given as TOD, need to change to TOW
        if constellation == CONSTELLATION_GLONASS:
            # Compute the UTC time
            tod_secs = measurement['ReceivedSvTimeNanos'] * NS_TO_S
            tTxSeconds = glot_to_gpst(gpst_epoch, tod_secs)
            # Compute the travel time, which will be eventually the pseudorange
            tau = check_week_crossover(tRxSeconds, tTxSeconds)

        # BDST uses different epoch as GPS
        elif constellation == CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU:
            tTxSeconds = measurement['ReceivedSvTimeNanos'] * NS_TO_S + BDST_TO_GPST
            # Compute the travel time, which will be eventually the pseudorange
            tau = check_week_crossover(tRxSeconds, tTxSeconds)

        # GPS, QZSS, GAL and SBAS share the same epoch time
            tTxSeconds = measurement['ReceivedSvTimeNanos'] * NS_TO_S
            # Compute the travel time, which will be eventually the pseudorange
            tau = check_week_crossover(tRxSeconds, tTxSeconds)

        # Compute the range as the difference between the received time and
        # the transmitted time
        range = tau * SPEED_OF_LIGHT - pseudorange_bias

        # Check if the range needs to be modified with the range rate in
        # order to make it consistent with the timestamp
        if integerize:
            range -= frac * measurement['PseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond']

    # Check ADR state of the satellite for carrier phase computation
    except ValueError as e:
        sys.stderr.write("-- WARNING: {0} for satellite [ {1} ]\n".format(e, satname))
        cphase = 0
        # Process the accumulated delta range (i.e. carrier phase). This
        # needs to be translated from meters to cycles (i.e. RINEX format
        # specification)
        cphase = measurement['AccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters'] / wavelength

    doppler = - measurement['PseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond'] / wavelength

    cn0 = measurement['Cn0DbHz']

    return { EPOCH_STR : gpst_epoch,
             satname : { 'C' + obscode : range,
                         'L' + obscode : cphase,
                         'D' + obscode : doppler,
                         'S' + obscode : cn0}}

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def get_leap_seconds(current_epoch):
    Computes the number of leap seconds passed since the start of GPST 
    :param current_epoch: current datetime value representing the measurements epoch
    :return: number of leap seconds since GPST
    return None

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def glot_to_gpst(gpst_current_epoch, tod_seconds):
    Converts GLOT to GPST
    :param gpst_current_epoch: Current epoch of the measurement in GPST
    :param tod_seconds: Time of days as number of seconds
    :return: Time of week in seconds
    (tod_sec_frac, tod_sec) = math.modf(tod_seconds)
    tod_sec = int(tod_sec)

    # Get the GLONASS epoch given the current GPS time
    glo_epoch = datetime.datetime(year=gpst_current_epoch.year,
                                  + datetime.timedelta(
    # Adjust the GLONASS time with the TOD measurements
    glo_tod = datetime.datetime(year=glo_epoch.year,
                                day=glo_epoch.day) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=tod_sec)

    # The day of week in seconds needs to reflect the time passed before the current day starts
    day_of_week_sec = (glo_tod.isoweekday()) * DAYSEC

    # Compute time of week in seconds
    tow_sec = day_of_week_sec + tod_seconds - GLOT_TO_UTC + CURRENT_GPS_LEAP_SECOND

    return tow_sec

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def check_week_crossover(tRxSeconds, tTxSeconds):
    Checks time propagation time for week crossover
    :param tRxSeconds: received time in seconds of week
    :param tTxSeconds: transmitted time in seconds of week
    :return: corrected propagation time


    tau = tRxSeconds - tTxSeconds
    if tau > GPS_WEEKSECS / 2:
        del_sec = round(tau/GPS_WEEKSECS)*GPS_WEEKSECS
        rho_sec = tau - del_sec

        if rho_sec > 10:
            tau = 0.0
            tau = rho_sec

    return tau

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def check_day_crossover(tRxSeconds, tTxSeconds):
    Checks time propagation time for day crossover
    :param tRxSeconds: received time in seconds of week
    :param tTxSeconds: transmitted time in seconds of week
    :return: corrected propagation time


    tau = tRxSeconds - tTxSeconds
    if tau > DAYSEC / 2:
        del_sec = round(tau/DAYSEC)*DAYSEC
        rho_sec = tau - del_sec

        if rho_sec > 10:
            tau = 0.0
            tau = rho_sec

    return tau

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def merge(measdict):
    Merge a list of processed batches, which are dictionaries with an epoch
    and an internal dictionary with the satellite measurements


    res = None

    for m in measdict:

        # Skip empty measurements
        if m is None:

        # Initialize
        if res is None:
            res = m

        exp_epoch = res[EPOCH_STR]
        got_epoch = m[EPOCH_STR]

        if got_epoch != exp_epoch:
            sys.stderr.write("Wrong measurement when merging batches. Expected "
                             "[ {0} ], got [ {1} ]. Will be skipped\n".format(exp_epoch, got_epoch))

        # Lambda method to get the satellites from the batch
        satsin = lambda x : [k for k in x.keys() if k is not EPOCH_STR]

        exp_sats = satsin(res)
        got_sats = satsin(m)

        # Loop over all the got satellites and merge them
        for sat in got_sats:

            if sat in exp_sats:
                res[sat] = m[sat]

    return res

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest