import html
import base64
import datetime
import gzip
import shlex
import string
import urllib

from ..util import hexdump, printable_data, copy_to_clipboard, clipboard_contents, encode_basic_auth, parse_basic_auth
from ..console import CommandError
from io import StringIO

def print_maybe_bin(s):
    binary = False
    for c in s:
        if chr(c) not in string.printable:
            binary = True
    if binary:
def asciihex_encode_helper(s):
    return ''.join('{0:x}'.format(c) for c in s).encode()

def asciihex_decode_helper(s):
    ret = []
        for a, b in zip(s[0::2], s[1::2]):
            c = chr(a)+chr(b)
            ret.append(chr(int(c, 16)))
        return ''.join(ret).encode()
    except Exception as e:
        raise CommandError(e)
def gzip_encode_helper(s):
    out = StringIO.StringIO()
    with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=out, mode="w") as f:
    return out.getvalue()
def gzip_decode_helper(s):
    dec_data = gzip.GzipFile('', 'rb', 9, StringIO.StringIO(s))
    dec_data =
    return dec_data

def base64_decode_helper(s):
        return base64.b64decode(s)
    except TypeError:
        for i in range(1, 5):
                s_padded = base64.b64decode(s + '='*i)
                return s_padded
        raise CommandError("Unable to base64 decode string")
def url_decode_helper(s):
    bs = s.decode()
    return urllib.parse.unquote(bs).encode()

def url_encode_helper(s):
    bs = s.decode()
    return urllib.parse.quote_plus(bs).encode()

def html_encode_helper(s):
    return ''.join(['&#x{0:x};'.format(c) for c in s]).encode()

def html_decode_helper(s):
    return html.unescape(s.decode()).encode()

def _code_helper(args, func, copy=True):
    if len(args) == 0:
        s = clipboard_contents().encode()
        print('Will decode:')
        s = func(s)
        if copy:
            except Exception as e:
                print('Result cannot be copied to the clipboard. Result not copied.')
                raise e
        return s
        s = func(args[0].encode())
        if copy:
            except Exception as e:
                print('Result cannot be copied to the clipboard. Result not copied.')
                raise e
        return s

def base64_decode(client, args):
    Base64 decode a string.
    If no string is given, will decode the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, base64_decode_helper))

def base64_encode(client, args):
    Base64 encode a string.
    If no string is given, will encode the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, base64.b64encode))

def url_decode(client, args):
    URL decode a string.
    If no string is given, will decode the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, url_decode_helper))

def url_encode(client, args):
    URL encode special characters in a string.
    If no string is given, will encode the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, url_encode_helper))

def asciihex_decode(client, args):
    Decode an ascii hex string.
    If no string is given, will decode the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, asciihex_decode_helper))

def asciihex_encode(client, args):
    Convert all the characters in a line to hex and combine them.
    If no string is given, will encode the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, asciihex_encode_helper))

def html_decode(client, args):
    Decode an html encoded string.
    If no string is given, will decode the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, html_decode_helper))

def html_encode(client, args):
    Encode a string and escape html control characters.
    If no string is given, will encode the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, html_encode_helper))
def gzip_decode(client, args):
    Un-gzip a string.
    If no string is given, will decompress the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, gzip_decode_helper))

def gzip_encode(client, args):
    Gzip a string.
    If no string is given, will decompress the contents of the clipboard.
    Results are NOT copied to the clipboard.
    print_maybe_bin(_code_helper(args, gzip_encode_helper, copy=False))

def base64_decode_raw(client, args):
    Same as base64_decode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, base64_decode_helper, copy=False))

def base64_encode_raw(client, args):
    Same as base64_encode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, base64.b64encode, copy=False))

def url_decode_raw(client, args):
    Same as url_decode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, url_decode_helper, copy=False))

def url_encode_raw(client, args):
    Same as url_encode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, url_encode_helper, copy=False))

def asciihex_decode_raw(client, args):
    Same as asciihex_decode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, asciihex_decode_helper, copy=False))

def asciihex_encode_raw(client, args):
    Same as asciihex_encode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, asciihex_encode_helper, copy=False))
def html_decode_raw(client, args):
    Same as html_decode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, html_decode_helper, copy=False))

def html_encode_raw(client, args):
    Same as html_encode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, html_encode_helper, copy=False))

def gzip_decode_raw(client, args):
    Same as gzip_decode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, gzip_decode_helper, copy=False))

def gzip_encode_raw(client, args):
    Same as gzip_encode but the output will never be printed as a hex dump and
    results will not be copied. It is suggested you redirect the output
    to a file.
    print(_code_helper(args, gzip_encode_helper, copy=False))
def unix_time_decode_helper(line):
    unix_time = int(line.strip())
    dtime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_time)
    return dtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

def unix_time_decode(client, args):
    print(_code_helper(args, unix_time_decode_helper))
def http_auth_encode(client, args):
    if len(args) != 2:
        raise CommandError('Usage: http_auth_encode <username> <password>')
    username, password = args
    print(encode_basic_auth(username, password))

def http_auth_decode(client, args):
    username, password = decode_basic_auth(args[0])
def load_cmds(cmd):
        'base64_decode': (base64_decode, None),
        'base64_encode': (base64_encode, None),
        'asciihex_decode': (asciihex_decode, None),
        'asciihex_encode': (asciihex_encode, None),
        'url_decode': (url_decode, None),
        'url_encode': (url_encode, None),
        'html_decode': (html_decode, None),
        'html_encode': (html_encode, None),
        'gzip_decode': (gzip_decode, None),
        'gzip_encode': (gzip_encode, None),
        'base64_decode_raw': (base64_decode_raw, None),
        'base64_encode_raw': (base64_encode_raw, None),
        'asciihex_decode_raw': (asciihex_decode_raw, None),
        'asciihex_encode_raw': (asciihex_encode_raw, None),
        'url_decode_raw': (url_decode_raw, None),
        'url_encode_raw': (url_encode_raw, None),
        'html_decode_raw': (html_decode_raw, None),
        'html_encode_raw': (html_encode_raw, None),
        'gzip_decode_raw': (gzip_decode_raw, None),
        'gzip_encode_raw': (gzip_encode_raw, None),
        'unixtime_decode': (unix_time_decode, None),
        'httpauth_encode': (http_auth_encode, None),
        'httpauth_decode': (http_auth_decode, None)
        ('base64_decode', 'b64d'),
        ('base64_encode', 'b64e'),
        ('asciihex_decode', 'ahd'),
        ('asciihex_encode', 'ahe'),
        ('url_decode', 'urld'),
        ('url_encode', 'urle'),
        ('html_decode', 'htmld'),
        ('html_encode', 'htmle'),
        ('gzip_decode', 'gzd'),
        ('gzip_encode', 'gze'),
        ('base64_decode_raw', 'b64dr'),
        ('base64_encode_raw', 'b64er'),
        ('asciihex_decode_raw', 'ahdr'),
        ('asciihex_encode_raw', 'aher'),
        ('url_decode_raw', 'urldr'),
        ('url_encode_raw', 'urler'),
        ('html_decode_raw', 'htmldr'),
        ('html_encode_raw', 'htmler'),
        ('gzip_decode_raw', 'gzdr'),
        ('gzip_encode_raw', 'gzer'),
        ('unixtime_decode', 'uxtd'),
        ('httpauth_encode', 'hae'),
        ('httpauth_decode', 'had'),