"""DHI MIKE21 mesh functions

# Author: Robert Wall

import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import datetime as dt
import os
import clr
from . import config

# Set path to MIKE SDK
sdk_path = config.MIKE_SDK
dfs_dll = config.MIKE_DFS
eum_dll = config.MIKE_EUM
clr.AddReference(os.path.join(sdk_path, dfs_dll))
clr.AddReference(os.path.join(sdk_path, eum_dll))

# Import .NET libraries
import DHI.Generic.MikeZero.DFS as dfs
from DHI.Generic.MikeZero import eumQuantity
import System
from System import Array

from . import _utils
from . import units

class Mesh(object):
    MIKE21 mesh class. Contains many attributes read in from the input `.mesh`

    filename : str
        Path to .mesh

    filename : str
        Path to .mesh
    nodes : ndarray, shape (num_nodes, 3)
        (x,y,z) coordinate for each node
    elements : ndarray, shape (num_ele, 3)
        (x,y,z) coordinate for each element
    element_table : ndarray, shape (num_ele, 3)
        Defines for each element the nodes that define the element.
    node_table : ndarray, shape (num_nodes, n)
        Defines for each node the element adjacent to this node. May contain
        padded zeros
    node_ids : ndarray, shape (num_nodes, )
        Ordered node ids
    node_boundary_code : ndarray, shape (num_nodes, )
        Each nodes boundary code
    element_ids : ndarray, shape (num_elements, )
        Ordered element ids
    num_nodes : int
        Number of nodes elements
    num_elements : int
        Number of mesh elements
    projection : str
        .mesh spatial projection string in WKT format
    zUnitKey : int
        EUM unit designating quantity of Z variable:

        * 1000 = metres
        * 1014 = U.S. feet
    lyrs : dict
        Stores additional layers from :func:`lyr_from_shape()`

    See Also

    * Many of these methods have been adapated from the `DHI MATLAB Toolbox <https://github.com/DHI/DHI-MATLAB-Toolbox>`_
    * Method :func:`grid_res()`: Grid interpolation paramters which have additional attributes if calculated

    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        self.filename = filename
        self._file_input = False
        self.zUnitKey = 1000  # Default value (1000 = meter)
        self.lyrs = {}  # Dict for model input layers ie. roughness

        # Grid interpolation flags [see method grid_res()]
        self._grid_calc = False
        self._grid_res = None
        self._grid_node = None

        if filename is not None:

    def read_mesh(self, filename=None):
        Read in .mesh file

        filename : str
            File path to .mesh file
        if filename is None:
            filename = self.filename
            self.filename = filename

        if filename.endswith('.mesh'):
            dfs_obj = dfs.mesh.MeshFile.ReadMesh(filename)
            self.projection = str(dfs_obj.ProjectionString)
            self.zUnitKey = dfs_obj.EumQuantity.Unit
        elif filename.endswith('.dfsu'):
            dfs_obj = dfs.DfsFileFactory.DfsuFileOpen(filename)
            self.projection = str(dfs_obj.Projection.WKTString)
            self.zUnitKey = dfs_obj.get_ZUnit()
            self.nodata = dfs_obj.DeleteValueFloat

        mesh_in = _read_mesh(dfs_obj)

        self.nodes = mesh_in[0]
        self.node_ids = mesh_in[1]
        self.node_boundary_codes = mesh_in[2]
        self.element_table = mesh_in[3]
        self.node_table = mesh_in[4]
        self.elements = mesh_in[5]
        self.element_ids = mesh_in[6]
        self._file_input = True
        self.num_elements = len(self.elements)
        self.num_nodes = len(self.nodes)

        if filename.endswith('.dfsu'):

    def summary(self):
        Prints a summary of the mesh
        if self._file_input:
            print("Input mesh file: {}".format(self.filename))
            print("No .mesh input file")

            print("Num. Elmts = {}".format(self.num_elements))
            print("Num. Nodes = {}".format(self.num_nodes))
            print("Mean elevation = {}".format(np.mean(self.nodes[:, 2])))
            print("Projection = \n {}".format(self.projection))
        except AttributeError:
            print("Object has no element or node properties. Read in mesh.")

    def write_mesh(self, output_name):
        Write new mesh file

        output_name : str
            File path to write node (x, y, z) to .mesh file
            Include .mesh at the end of string

    def interpolate_rasters(self, raster_list, method='nearest'):
        Interpolate multiple raster elevations to mesh nodes

        raster_list : list
            List of filepaths to each raster to interpolate from
            Order listed will be order in which interpolation is performed
        method : str
            'nearest' or 'linear'

        Updates mesh.nodes z coordinates : :class:`Mesh.nodes` z update

        See Also
        Interpolation methods:

        * `NearestNDInterpolator <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator.html#scipy.interpolate.NearestNDInterpolator>`_

        * `LinearNDInterpolator <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.14.0/reference/generated/scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator.html#scipy.interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator>`_

        from . import _raster_interpolate as _ri

        for r in raster_list:
            interp_z = _ri.interpolate_from_raster(r, self.nodes[:, :2], method)

            # Just consider nodes that overlay raster
            # Prepend node_ids
            updated_z = np.column_stack((self.node_ids, interp_z))

            # Sort by node_id
            updated_z_sorted = updated_z[updated_z[:, 0].argsort()]

            # Boolean mask for only updated nodes
            updated_bool = ~np.isnan(updated_z_sorted[:, 1])

            # Drop NaN
            only_updated_z = updated_z_sorted[:, 1][~np.isnan(updated_z_sorted[:, 1])]

            # Update mesh obj nodes only where node was interpolated
            self.nodes[:, 2][updated_bool] = only_updated_z

    def to_gpd(self, elements=True, output_shp=None):
        Export mesh elements or nodes to GeoDataFrame with option to write to
        shape file

        elements : boolean
            if True, export element points
            if False, export nodes points
        output_shp : str, optional
            output path to write to .shp file

        mesh_df : GeoDataFrame, shape (nrows, 2)
            Geopandas df with field for element or node id if specified

        from shapely.geometry import Point
        import pycrs

        # Sort input depending on elements or nodes
        if elements:
            field_name = 'Ele_num'
            point_data = self.elements
            point_id = self.element_ids
            field_name = 'Node_num'
            point_data = self.nodes
            point_id = self.node_ids

        # Create geometry series from points
        mesh_points = [Point(pt[0], pt[1]) for pt in point_data]
        mesh_series = gpd.GeoSeries(mesh_points)

        # Create GeoDataframe
        mesh_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(point_id, geometry=mesh_series,

        # Set crs
        proj4_crs = pycrs.parser.from_ogc_wkt(self.projection).to_proj4()
        mesh_df.crs = proj4_crs

        if output_shp is not None:

        return mesh_df

    def lyr_from_shape(self, lyr_name, input_shp, field_attribute,
        Create a model input layer at mesh element coordinates.

        For example, input_shp is a roughness map containing polygons with
        roughness values. A spatial join  is performed for mesh element points
        within input_shp polygons and returns field_attributeat element points.

        lyr_name : str
            Layer name as key to `lyrs` attribute dictionary
        input_shp : str
            Path to input shape file
        field_attributes : str
            Attribute in `input_shp` to extract at mesh elements
        output_shp : str, optional
            output path to write to .shp file

        Inserts `lyr_name` into the `lyrs` attribute dictionary as an ndarray,
        shape (num_elements,) with extracted `field_attributes` value for each
        mesh element

        # Load input_shp to GeoDF
        input_df = gpd.read_file(input_shp)

        # Load mesh element points as GeoDF
        mesh_df = self.to_gpd()

        # Perform spatial join
        join_df = gpd.sjoin(mesh_df, input_df, how='left', op='within')

        # Drop duplicated points; there is the potential to have duplicated
        # points when they intersect two different polygons. Keep the first
        join_df = join_df[~join_df.index.duplicated(keep='first')]

        self.lyrs[lyr_name] = np.array(join_df[field_attribute])

        if output_shp is not None:

    def lyr_to_dfsu(self, lyr_name, output_dfsu,
        Create model layer .dfsu file `lyr` attribute. References `lyrs`
        attribute dictionary as value at element coordinates to write to
        .dfsu file.

        See also :func:`lyr_from_shape()`.

        lyr_name : str
            Layer name as key to :class:`lyrs <dhitools.mesh.Mesh>` attribute
        output_dfsu : str
            Path to output .dfsu file
        item_type : int
            MIKE21 item code. See :func:`get_item() <dhitools.units.get_item>`.
            Default is "Mannings M"
        unit_type : int
            MIKE21 unit code. See :func:`get_unit() <dhitools.units.get_unit>`.
            Default is "Mannings M" unit "cube root metre per second"

        Creates a new dfsu file at output_dfsu : dfsu file

        # Check that lyr_name is correct
        assert self.lyrs[lyr_name].shape[0] == self.num_elements, \
            "Length of input layer must equal number of mesh elements"

        # Load mesh file and mesh object
        mesh_class = dfs.mesh.MeshFile()
        dhi_mesh = mesh_class.ReadMesh(self.filename)

        # Call dfsu builder
        builder = dfs.dfsu.DfsuBuilder.Create(dfs.dfsu.DfsuFileType.Dfsu2D)

        # Create arbitrary date and timestep; this is not a dynamic dfsu
        date = dt.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        time_step = 1.0
        builder.SetTimeInfo(System.DateTime(date.year, date.month, date.day),

        # Create dfsu attribute

        # Create file
        dfsu_file = builder.CreateFile(output_dfsu)

        # Add lyr_name values
        net_arr = Array.CreateInstance(System.Single, self.num_elements)
        for i, val in enumerate(self.lyrs[lyr_name]):
            net_arr[i] = val
        dfsu_file.WriteItemTimeStepNext(0, net_arr)

        # Close file

    def plot_mesh(self, fill=False, kwargs=None):
        Plot triangular mesh with triplot or tricontourf.

        See matplotlib kwargs for respective additional plot arguments.

        **Warning**: if mesh is large performance will be poor

        fill : boolean
            if True, plots filled contour mesh (tricontourf)
            if False, plots (x, y) triangular mesh (triplot)
        kwargs : dict
            Additional arguments supported by triplot/tricontourf

        fig : matplotlib figure obj
            Figure object
        ax : matplotlib axis obj
            Axis object

        If `fill` is True
            tf : matplotlib tricontourf obj
                Tricontourf object

        See Also
        * `Triplot <https://matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.triplot.html>`_
        * `Tricontourf <https://matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/matplotlib.pyplot.tricontourf.html>`_

        if fill:
            fig, ax, tf = _filled_mesh_plot(self.nodes[:,0],
            return fig, ax, tf

            fig, ax = _mesh_plot(self.nodes[:,0], self.nodes[:,1],
                                 self.element_table, kwargs)
            return fig, ax

    def grid_res(self, res, nodes=True):
        Calculate grid parameters at specified resolution for either nodes or
        element coordinates. These parameters are used for interpolating
        node or element values to regular spaced grids efficiently.

        res : int
            grid resolution
        nodes : bool
            If True, use node coordinates as input
            Else, use element coordinates

        Updates the following class attributes:

        grid_x : ndarray, shape (len_xgrid, len_ygrid)
            x grid at specified resolution
        grid_y : ndarray, shape (len_xgrid, len_ygrid)
            y grid at specified resolution
        grid_vertices : ndarray, shape (num_nodes/elements, 3)
            vertices for triangulation applied to (x, y) for input to
        grid_weights : ndarray, shape (num_nodes/elements, 3)
            weights for grid_x and grid_y based on unstructured node/element
            (x,y). Input for interpolation.

        from . import _gridded_interpolate as _gi

        if nodes:
            x = self.nodes[:,0]
            y = self.nodes[:,1]
            x = self.elements[:,0]
            y = self.elements[:,1]

        # Gridded (x, y)
        self.grid_x, self.grid_y = _gi.dfsu_XY_meshgrid(x, y, res=res)

        # Interpolation vertices and weights
        all_gridded_points = np.column_stack((self.grid_x.flatten(),
        xy = np.column_stack((x, y))
        self.grid_vertices, self.grid_weights = _gi.interp_weights(

        # Update grid calculations flag
        self._grid_calc = True
        self._grid_res = res
        self._grid_node = nodes

    def meshgrid(self, res):
        Create X and Y meshgrid covering node coordinates

        res : int
            grid resolution

        grid_x : ndarray, shape (len_xgrid, len_ygrid)
            x grid at specified resolution
        grid_y : ndarray, shape (len_xgrid, len_ygrid)
            y grid at specified resolution


        from . import _gridded_interpolate as _gi

        grid_x, grid_y = _gi.dfsu_XY_meshgrid(self.nodes[:,0],

        return grid_x, grid_y

    def mesh_details(self):
        Get min and max for input x and y ndarrays; shape (num_nodes,)

        min_x : float
        max_x : float
        min_y : float
        max_y : float
        from . import _gridded_interpolate as _gi

        min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = _gi.dfsu_details(self.nodes[:,0],

        return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y

    def mask(self):
        Create a Shapely polygon mesh domain mask.

        Determines mesh boundary from node boundary codes.

        poly_mask : shapely Polygon object
            Polygon of the mesh domain.


        # Select boundary nodes
        nb_idx = self.node_ids[self.node_boundary_codes != 0]

        # Determine boundary edges
        be_idx = _determine_boundary_edges_idx(nb_idx, self.element_table)

        # Order and seperate boundary edges in to respective polygons
        all_polygons = _extract_all_polygons(be_idx)

        # Determine polygon coordinates
        all_poly_coords = _polygon_coords(self.nodes, all_polygons)

        # Create mesh mask as polygon object
        poly_mask = _polygon_mask(all_poly_coords)

        return poly_mask

    def boolean_mask(self, res=1000, mesh_mask=None):
        Create a boolean mask of a regular grid at input resolution indicating
        if gridded points are within the model mesh.

        res : int
            Grid resolution
        mesh_mask : shapely Polygon object, optional
            Mesh domain mask output from the method :func:`mask()`. If this is
            not provided, it will be created by :func:`mask()`. `mesh_mask`
            will be used to determine gridded points that are within the

        bool_mask : ndarray, shape (len_xgrid, len_ygrid)
            Boolean mask covering the regular grid for the mesh domain

        from . import _gridded_interpolate as _gi
        from shapely.geometry import Point

        if mesh_mask is None:
            mesh_mask = self.mask()

        # Create (x,y) grid at input resolution
        X, Y = _gi.dfsu_XY_meshgrid(self.nodes[:,0], self.nodes[:,1], res=res)

        # Create boolean mask
        bool_mask = []
        for xp, yp in zip(X.ravel(), Y.ravel()):
            bool_mask.append(Point(xp, yp).within(mesh_mask))
        bool_mask = np.array(bool_mask)
        bool_mask = np.reshape(bool_mask, X.shape)

        return bool_mask

def _dfsu_builder(mesh_path):
    mesh_class = dfs.mesh.MeshFile()
    dhi_mesh = mesh_class.ReadMesh(mesh_path)

    # Call dfsu builder
    builder = dfs.dfsu.DfsuBuilder.Create(dfs.dfsu.DfsuFileType.Dfsu2D)

def _read_mesh(dfs_obj):
    """ See Mesh class description for output details """
    num_nodes = dfs_obj.NumberOfNodes
    num_elements = dfs_obj.NumberOfElements

    # Node coordinates
    nodes = _node_coordinates(dfs_obj)

    # Node ids
    node_ids = _utils.dotnet_arr_to_ndarr(dfs_obj.NodeIds)

    # Node boundary codes
    boundary_code = _utils.dotnet_arr_to_ndarr(dfs_obj.Code)

    # Element table
    ele_table = _element_table(dfs_obj)

    # Node table
    node_table = _node_table(num_nodes, num_elements, ele_table)

    # Element ids
    element_ids = _utils.dotnet_arr_to_ndarr(dfs_obj.ElementIds)

    # Element coordinates
    if dfs_obj.GetType().get_Name() == 'DfsuFile':
        # Use internal MIKE SDK method if dfsu file
        elements = _dfsu_element_coordinates(dfs_obj)

    elif dfs_obj.GetType().get_Name() == 'MeshFile':
        # Else derive coordinates from element table and nodes
        elements = _mesh_element_coordinates(ele_table, nodes)

    return nodes, node_ids, boundary_code, ele_table, node_table, elements, element_ids

def _node_coordinates(dfs_obj):
    """ Read in node (x,y,z) """
    xn = _utils.dotnet_arr_to_ndarr(dfs_obj.X)
    yn = _utils.dotnet_arr_to_ndarr(dfs_obj.Y)
    zn = _utils.dotnet_arr_to_ndarr(dfs_obj.Z)

    return np.column_stack([xn,yn,zn])

def _element_table(dfs_obj):
    """ Defines for each element the nodes that define the element """
    table_obj = dfs_obj.ElementTable
    ele_table = np.zeros((len(table_obj), 3), dtype=int)
    for i, e in enumerate(table_obj):
        ele_table[i, :] = _utils.dotnet_arr_to_ndarr(e)
    return ele_table

def _node_table(num_nodes, num_elements, ele_table):
    """ Create node_table from ele_table """

    # Set placeholders for constructing node-to-element-table (node_table)
    e = np.arange(num_elements)
    u = np.ones(num_elements)
    I = np.concatenate((e, e, e))
    J = np.concatenate((ele_table[:,0],ele_table[:,1],ele_table[:,2]))
    K = np.concatenate((u*1, u*2, u*3))

    # Construct node_table
    count = np.zeros((num_nodes,1))
    for i in range(len(I)):
        count[J[i-1]-1] = count[J[i-1]-1]+1
    num_cols = int(count.max())

    node_table = np.zeros((num_nodes,num_cols), dtype='int')
    count = np.zeros((num_nodes,1))
    for i in range(len(I)):
        count[J[i-1]-1] = count[J[i-1]-1]+1
        node_table[J[i-1]-1, int(count[J[i-1]-1])-1] = I[i]

    return node_table

def _mesh_element_coordinates(element_tables, nodes):
    """ Manual method to calc element coords from ele table and node coords"""
    # Node coords
    xn = nodes[:, 0]
    yn = nodes[:, 1]
    zn = nodes[:, 2]

    # Elmt node index mapping (minus 1 because python indexing)
    node_map = element_tables[:, 1:].astype('int') - 1

    # Take mean of nodes mapped to element
    xe = np.mean(xn[node_map], axis=1)
    ye = np.mean(yn[node_map], axis=1)
    ze = np.mean(zn[node_map], axis=1)

    return np.stack([xe, ye, ze], axis=1)

def _dfsu_element_coordinates(dfsu_object):
    """ Use MIKE SDK method to calc element coords from dfsu_object """

    element_coordinates = np.zeros(shape=(dfsu_object.NumberOfElements, 3))

    # Convert nodes to .NET System double to input to method
    xtemp = Array.CreateInstance(System.Double, 0)
    ytemp = Array.CreateInstance(System.Double, 0)
    ztemp = Array.CreateInstance(System.Double, 0)

    # Get element coords
    elemts_temp = dfs.dfsu.DfsuUtil.CalculateElementCenterCoordinates(dfsu_object, xtemp, ytemp, ztemp)

    # Place in array; need to get from .NET Array to numpy array
    for n in range(3):
        ele_coords_temp = []
        for ele in elemts_temp[n+1]:
        element_coordinates[:, n] = ele_coords_temp

    return element_coordinates

def _write_mesh(filename, nodes, node_id,
                node_boundary_code, element_table,
                element_ids, proj, zUnitKey=1000):
    """ See Mesh class description for input details """

    eum_type = 100079  # Specify item type as 'bathymetry' (MIKE convention)
    num_nodes = len(nodes)

    node_write_fmt = np.column_stack([node_id, nodes, node_boundary_code])
    ele_write_fmt = np.column_stack([element_ids, element_table])

    # Open file to write to
    with open(filename, 'w') as target:
        # Format first line
        first_line = '%i  %i  %i  %s\n' % (eum_type, zUnitKey, num_nodes, proj)

        # Nodes
        np.savetxt(target, node_write_fmt, fmt='%i %-17.15g %17.15g %17.15g %i',
                   newline='\n', delimiter=' ')

        # Element header
        num_elements = len(ele_write_fmt)

        # Specify only triangular elements
        elmt_header = '%i %i %i\n' % (num_elements, 3, 21)

        # Elements
        np.savetxt(target, ele_write_fmt, fmt='%i', newline='\n', delimiter=' ')

def _mesh_plot(x, y, element_table, kwargs=None):
    """ Triplot of the mesh """
    if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = {}

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.tri as tri

    # Subtract 1 from element table to align with Python indexing
    t = tri.Triangulation(x, y, element_table-1)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.triplot(t, **kwargs)

    return fig, ax

def _filled_mesh_plot(x, y, z, element_table, kwargs=None):
    """ Tricontourf of the mesh and input z"""
    if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = {}

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.tri as tri

    # Subtract 1 from element table to align with Python indexing
    t = tri.Triangulation(x, y, element_table-1)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    tf = ax.tricontourf(t, z, **kwargs)

    return fig, ax, tf

mesh mask

def _determine_boundary_edges_idx(nb_idx, element_table):
    Calculate the unordered mesh boundary edges and returns boundar edge

    nb_idx : ndarray, shape (num_boundary_nodes,)
        Boundary node indices
    element_table : ndarray, shape (num_ele, 3)
        Defines for each element the nodes that define the element.

    be_idx : ndarray, shape (num_boundary_edges, 2)
        Unordered boundary edges; has [start_node_idx, end_node_idx] for each

    # Get all element edges
    all_edges = element_table[:, [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0]]
    all_edges = all_edges.reshape((-1, 2))
    all_edges = np.sort(all_edges)

    # Select only edges that occurr once; these are potential
    # boundary edges
    unique_edges, edges_count = np.unique(all_edges, axis=0, return_counts=True)
    non_duplicate_edges = unique_edges[edges_count == 1]

    # Select only edges that have both nodes as boundary nodes
    # This is probably not needed but will make certain that edges
    # are boundary edges
    be_idx = non_duplicate_edges[np.isin(non_duplicate_edges, nb_idx).sum(axis=1) == 2]

    return be_idx

def _extract_all_polygons(be_idx):
    Determine polygons and each polygons node order from output of
    # List to store all polygons
    all_polygons = []

    # Boolean for if edge has been visited
    visited = np.zeros(len(be_idx), dtype=bool)

    # Start traversal
    while not np.all(visited):
        polygon = []

        # Determine which edges have not been visited
        remaining_edges = be_idx[~visited]

        # Select starting conditions
        first_edge = remaining_edges[0]
        node_start = first_edge[0]
        node_next = first_edge[1]


        next_edge = [np.nan, np.nan]

        # Loop through all edges in polygon until
        # we return to the first edge
        while not np.all(np.equal(first_edge, next_edge)):
            # Add next node to polygon

            # Find next edge

            # Edges with start node
            equal_start_idx = np.argwhere(node_start == be_idx)[:,0]
            # Edges with next node
            equal_next_idx = np.argwhere(node_next == be_idx)[:,0]

            # Want edge with next node but not the start node
            next_edge_idx = equal_next_idx[~np.isin(equal_next_idx, equal_start_idx)]
            next_edge = be_idx[next_edge_idx]

            # Update node_start
            node_start = node_next
            node_next = next_edge[next_edge != node_start][0]

            # Update edge as visited
            visited[next_edge_idx] = True

        polygon = np.array(polygon)

    return all_polygons

def _polygon_coords(nodes, mesh_polygons):
    Determine each polygons node (x,y) coordinates from _extract_all_polygons()
    poly_coords = []
    for p in mesh_polygons:
        poly_coords.append(nodes[p - 1, :2])
    return poly_coords

def _polygon_mask(polygon_coords):
    Create Shapely polygon covering mesh domain from _polygon_coords()

    from shapely.geometry import Polygon

    # Get largest area polygon
    poly_areas = [Polygon(p).area for p in polygon_coords]
    max_area_idx = np.argmax(poly_areas)

    # Select largest polygon; this is the boundary
    max_polygon = polygon_coords[max_area_idx]

    # Drop max area polygon
    internal_polygons = [p for i, p in enumerate(polygon_coords) if i != max_area_idx]

    boundary_polygon = Polygon(shell=max_polygon, holes=internal_polygons)

    return boundary_polygon