from maya import cmds, mel

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ROOT_PACKAGE = __name__.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

SHELF_NAME = "MiscTools"
    "label": "splineIK",
    "command": "import {0}.ui; {0}".format(ROOT_PACKAGE),
    "annotation": "Create spline IK setup",
    "image1": "SIK_icon.png",
    "sourceType": "python"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def shelf():
    Add a new shelf in Maya with the tools that is provided in the SHELF_TOOL
    variable. If the tab exists it will be checked to see if the button is
    already added. If this is the case the previous button will be deleted and
    a new one will be created in its place.
    # get top shelf
    gShelfTopLevel = mel.eval("$tmpVar=$gShelfTopLevel")

    # get top shelf names
    shelves = cmds.tabLayout(gShelfTopLevel, query=1, ca=1)

    # create shelf
    if SHELF_NAME not in shelves:
        cmds.shelfLayout(SHELF_NAME, parent=gShelfTopLevel)

    # get existing members
    names = cmds.shelfLayout(SHELF_NAME, query=True, childArray=True) or []
    labels = [cmds.shelfButton(n, query=True, label=True) for n in names]

    # delete existing button
    if SHELF_TOOL.get("label") in labels:
        index = labels.index(SHELF_TOOL.get("label"))

    # add button
    cmds.shelfButton(style="iconOnly", parent=SHELF_NAME, **SHELF_TOOL)