from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
from datasets import audio
import os
import numpy as np
from hparams import hparams
from datasets.util import mulaw_quantize, mulaw, is_mulaw, is_mulaw_quantize

def build_from_path(input_dirs, mel_dir, linear_dir, wav_dir, n_jobs=12, tqdm=lambda x: x):
	Preprocesses the speech dataset from a gven input path to given output directories

		- input_dir: input directory that contains the files to prerocess
		- mel_dir: output directory of the preprocessed speech mel-spectrogram dataset
		- linear_dir: output directory of the preprocessed speech linear-spectrogram dataset
		- wav_dir: output directory of the preprocessed speech audio dataset
		- n_jobs: Optional, number of worker process to parallelize across
		- tqdm: Optional, provides a nice progress bar

		- A list of tuple describing the train examples. this should be written to train.txt

	# We use ProcessPoolExecutor to parallelize across processes, this is just for
	# optimization purposes and it can be omited
	executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=n_jobs)
	futures = []
	index = 1
	for input_dir in input_dirs:
		with open(os.path.join(input_dir, 'metadata.csv'), encoding='utf-8') as f:
			for line in f:
				parts = line.strip().split('|')
				wav_path = os.path.join(input_dir, 'wavs', '{}.wav'.format(parts[0]))
				text = parts[2]
				futures.append(executor.submit(partial(_process_utterance, mel_dir, linear_dir, wav_dir, index, wav_path, text)))
				index += 1

	return [future.result() for future in tqdm(futures) if future.result() is not None]

def _process_utterance(mel_dir, linear_dir, wav_dir, index, wav_path, text):
	Preprocesses a single utterance wav/text pair

	this writes the mel scale spectogram to disk and return a tuple to write
	to the train.txt file

		- mel_dir: the directory to write the mel spectograms into
		- linear_dir: the directory to write the linear spectrograms into
		- wav_dir: the directory to write the preprocessed wav into
		- index: the numeric index to use in the spectogram filename
		- wav_path: path to the audio file containing the speech input
		- text: text spoken in the input audio file

		- A tuple: (audio_filename, mel_filename, linear_filename, time_steps, mel_frames, linear_frames, text)

		# Load the audio as numpy array
		wav = audio.load_wav(wav_path)
	except FileNotFoundError: #catch missing wav exception
		print('file {} present in csv metadata is not present in wav folder. skipping!'.format(
		return None

	#rescale wav
	if hparams.rescale:
		wav = wav / np.abs(wav).max() * hparams.rescaling_max

	#M-AILABS extra silence specific
	if hparams.trim_silence:
		wav = audio.trim_silence(wav)

	#Mu-law quantize
	if is_mulaw_quantize(hparams.input_type):
		#[0, quantize_channels)
		out = mulaw_quantize(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)

		#Trim silences
		start, end = audio.start_and_end_indices(out, hparams.silence_threshold)
		wav = wav[start: end]
		out = out[start: end]

		constant_values = mulaw_quantize(0, hparams.quantize_channels)
		out_dtype = np.int16

	elif is_mulaw(hparams.input_type):
		#[-1, 1]
		out = mulaw(wav, hparams.quantize_channels)
		constant_values = mulaw(0., hparams.quantize_channels)
		out_dtype = np.float32

		#[-1, 1]
		out = wav
		constant_values = 0.
		out_dtype = np.float32

	# Compute the mel scale spectrogram from the wav
	mel_spectrogram = audio.melspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32)
	mel_frames = mel_spectrogram.shape[1]

	#Compute the linear scale spectrogram from the wav
	linear_spectrogram = audio.linearspectrogram(wav).astype(np.float32)
	linear_frames = linear_spectrogram.shape[1]

	#sanity check
	assert linear_frames == mel_frames

	#Ensure time resolution adjustement between audio and mel-spectrogram
	l, r = audio.pad_lr(wav, hparams.fft_size, audio.get_hop_size())

	#Zero pad for quantized signal
	out = np.pad(out, (l, r), mode='constant', constant_values=constant_values)
	time_steps = len(out)
	assert time_steps >= mel_frames * audio.get_hop_size()

	#time resolution adjustement
	#ensure length of raw audio is multiple of hop size so that we can use
	#transposed convolution to upsample
	out = out[:mel_frames * audio.get_hop_size()]
	assert time_steps % audio.get_hop_size() == 0

	# Write the spectrogram and audio to disk
	audio_filename = 'speech-audio-{:05d}.npy'.format(index)
	mel_filename = 'speech-mel-{:05d}.npy'.format(index)
	linear_filename = 'speech-linear-{:05d}.npy'.format(index), audio_filename), out.astype(out_dtype), allow_pickle=False), mel_filename), mel_spectrogram.T, allow_pickle=False), linear_filename), linear_spectrogram.T, allow_pickle=False)

	# Return a tuple describing this training example
	return (audio_filename, mel_filename, linear_filename, time_steps, mel_frames, text)