# Copyright 2016-2018, Rigetti Computing
# This source code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 found in
# the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory of this source tree.

QuantumFlow tensorflow backend.

import math
import typing
import string
import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import transpose, minimum, exp, cos, sin        # noqa: F401
from tensorflow.math import real, imag, sqrt                    # noqa: F401
from tensorflow.math import conj                                # noqa: F401
from tensorflow import matmul                                   # noqa: F401
from tensorflow import abs as absolute                          # noqa: F401
from tensorflow.linalg import diag_part as diag                 # noqa: F401
from tensorflow.linalg import trace                             # noqa: F401
from tensorflow import einsum, reshape                          # noqa: F401
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

from .numpybk import rank
from .numpybk import set_random_seed as np_set_random_seed
from .numpybk import TensorLike, BKTensor

TL = tf
name = TL.__name__
version = TL.__version__

tf.compat.v1.InteractiveSession()             # TESTME: Is this safe to do?

CTYPE = tf.complex128
FTYPE = tf.float64

TENSOR = tf.Tensor

# Note if we use einsum in tensormul we will be limited to 26 qubits

def gpu_available() -> bool:
    local_device_protos = device_lib.list_local_devices()
    gpus = [x.name for x in local_device_protos if x.device_type == 'GPU']
    return len(gpus) != 0

DEVICE = 'gpu' if gpu_available() else 'cpu'

EINSUM_SUBSCRIPTS = string.ascii_lowercase
# Tensorflow's einsum only allows 26 indices alas

def ccast(value: complex) -> TensorLike:
    """Cast to complex tensor"""
    return tf.cast(value, CTYPE)

def fcast(value: float) -> TensorLike:
    return tf.cast(value, FTYPE)

def size(tensor: BKTensor) -> int:
    return np.prod(np.array(tensor.get_shape().as_list()))

def astensor(array: TensorLike) -> BKTensor:
    """Covert numpy array to tensorflow tensor"""
    tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor(value=array, dtype=CTYPE)
    return tensor

def astensorproduct(array: TensorLike) -> BKTensor:
    tensor = astensor(array)
    N = int(math.log2(size(tensor)))
    tensor = tf.reshape(tensor, ([2]*N))
    return tensor

def evaluate(tensor: BKTensor) -> TensorLike:
    """Return the value of a tensor"""
    return tensor.numpy()

def inner(tensor0: BKTensor, tensor1: BKTensor) -> BKTensor:
    """Return the inner product between two states"""
    # Note: Relying on fact that vdot flattens arrays
    N = rank(tensor0)
    axes = list(range(N))
    return tf.tensordot(tf.math.conj(tensor0), tensor1, axes=(axes, axes))

def outer(tensor0: BKTensor, tensor1: BKTensor) -> BKTensor:
    return tf.tensordot(tensor0, tensor1, axes=0)

def cis(theta: float) -> BKTensor:
    """ cis(theta) = cos(theta)+ i sin(theta) = exp(i theta) """
    return tf.exp(theta*1.0j)

def arccos(theta: float) -> BKTensor:
    """Backend arccos"""
    return tf.acos(theta)

def sum(tensor: BKTensor,
        axis: typing.Union[int, typing.Tuple[int]] = None,
        keepdims: bool = None) -> BKTensor:
    return tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor=tensor, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)

def set_random_seed(seed: int) -> None:

def getitem(tensor: BKTensor, key: typing.Any) -> BKTensor:
    return tensor.__getitem__(key)

def productdiag(tensor: BKTensor) -> BKTensor:
    N = rank(tensor)
    tensor = reshape(tensor, [2**(N//2), 2**(N//2)])
    tensor = tf.linalg.tensor_diag_part(tensor)
    tensor = reshape(tensor, [2]*(N//2))
    return tensor

def tensormul(tensor0: BKTensor, tensor1: BKTensor,
              indices: typing.List[int]) -> BKTensor:
    N = rank(tensor1)
    K = rank(tensor0) // 2
    assert K == len(indices)

    gate = reshape(tensor0, [2**K, 2**K])

    perm = list(indices) + [n for n in range(N) if n not in indices]
    inv_perm = np.argsort(perm)

    tensor = tensor1
    tensor = transpose(tensor, perm)
    tensor = reshape(tensor, [2**K, 2**(N-K)])
    tensor = matmul(gate, tensor)
    tensor = reshape(tensor, [2]*N)
    tensor = transpose(tensor, inv_perm)

    return tensor