import sys
import argparse
import cv2
from libfaceid.detector import FaceDetectorModels, FaceDetector
from libfaceid.encoder  import FaceEncoderModels, FaceEncoder

# Use flask for web app
from flask import Flask, render_template, Response
app = Flask(__name__)

# Set the input directories
INPUT_DIR_DATASET               = "datasets"
INPUT_DIR_MODEL_DETECTION       = "models/detection/"
INPUT_DIR_MODEL_ENCODING        = "models/encoding/"
INPUT_DIR_MODEL_TRAINING        = "models/training/"
INPUT_DIR_MODEL_ESTIMATION      = "models/estimation/"

# Set width and height
RESOLUTION_QVGA   = (320, 240)
RESOLUTION_VGA    = (640, 480)
RESOLUTION_HD     = (1280, 720)
RESOLUTION_FULLHD = (1920, 1080)

def cam_init(cam_index, width, height): 
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(cam_index)
    if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
        cap.set(, 30)
        cap.set(,  width)
        cap.set(, height)
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS, 30)
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH,  width)
        cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, height)
    return cap

def label_face(frame, face_rect, face_id, confidence):
    (x, y, w, h) = face_rect
    cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255, 255, 255), 1)
    if face_id is not None:
        cv2.putText(frame, "{} {:.2f}%".format(face_id, confidence), 
            (x+5,y+h-5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)

def process_facerecognition():

    cam_index = 0
    cam_resolution = RESOLUTION_QVGA
#    model_detector=FaceDetectorModels.DLIBHOG
#    model_detector=FaceDetectorModels.DLIBCNN
#    model_detector=FaceDetectorModels.SSDRESNET
#    model_detector=FaceDetectorModels.MTCNN
#    model_detector=FaceDetectorModels.FACENET

#    model_recognizer=FaceEncoderModels.OPENFACE
#    model_recognizer=FaceEncoderModels.DLIBRESNET
#    model_recognizer=FaceEncoderModels.FACENET

    # Initialize the camera
    camera = cam_init(cam_index, cam_resolution[0], cam_resolution[1])

        # Initialize face detection
        face_detector = FaceDetector(model=model_detector, path=INPUT_DIR_MODEL_DETECTION)
        # Initialize face recognizer
        face_encoder = FaceEncoder(model=model_recognizer, path=INPUT_DIR_MODEL_ENCODING, path_training=INPUT_DIR_MODEL_TRAINING, training=False)
        face_encoder = None
        print("Warning, check if models and trained dataset models exists!")
    face_id, confidence = (None, 0)

    while (True):

        # Capture frame from webcam
        ret, frame =
        if frame is None:
            print("Error, check if camera is connected!")

        # Detect and identify faces in the frame
        faces = face_detector.detect(frame)
        for (index, face) in enumerate(faces):
            (x, y, w, h) = face
            # Indentify face based on trained dataset (note: should run
            if face_encoder is not None:
                face_id, confidence = face_encoder.identify(frame, (x, y, w, h))
            # Set text and bounding box on face
            label_face(frame, (x, y, w, h), face_id, confidence)

            # Process 1 face only

        # Display updated frame to web app
        yield (b'--frame\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame)[1].tobytes() + b'\r\n\r\n')

    # Release the camera

# Initialize for web app
def index():
    return render_template('web_app_flask.html')

# Entry point for web app
def video_viewer():
    return Response(process_facerecognition(), mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("\n\nNote: Open browser and type or http://ip_address:5000/ \n\n")
    # Run flask for web app'', threaded=True, debug=True)