from nose import tools
import model_helpers

# Disable translation, We don't offer testing for translation functionality
model_helpers.ugettext_lazy = lambda x: x
model_helpers._ = lambda x: x

def test_choices_output():
    choices = model_helpers.Choices({
        "choice1": 1,
        "choice2": {"id": 2},
        "choice__xx": {"id": 3, "display": "Choice_XX"},
        "choice3": {"id": 3, "display": "Choice_3"}
    tools.assert_equal(choices(), [
        (1, "Choice1"),
        (2, "Choice2"),
        (3, "Choice_3"),
        (3, "Choice_XX")])

def test_choices_order():
    # Order by "display"  (default)
    choices = model_helpers.Choices([
        ("choice1", 1),
        ("choice2", {"id": 2}),
        ("choice3", {"id": 3, "display": "A_Choice_3"}),
    tools.assert_equal(choices(), [
        (3, "A_Choice_3"),
        (1, "Choice1"),
        (2, "Choice2")])
    # Order by "id"
    choices = model_helpers.Choices([
        ("choice1", 1),
        ("choice3", {"id": 3, "display": "A_Choice_3"}),
        ("choice2", {"id": 2}),
    ], order_by="id")
    tools.assert_equal(choices(), [
        (1, "Choice1"),
        (2, "Choice2"),
        (3, "A_Choice_3")])
    # Disable ordering
    choices = model_helpers.Choices([
        ("choice1", 1),
        ("choice3", {"id": 3, "display": "A_Choice_3"}),
        ("choice2", {"id": 2}),
    ], order_by=None)
    tools.assert_equal(choices(), [
        (1, "Choice1"),
        (3, "A_Choice_3"),
        (2, "Choice2")])

def test_choices_functions():
    # When an id is repeated, the last value is assumed
    choices = model_helpers.Choices([
        ("choice1", 1),
        ("choice_xx", {"id": 3, "display": "xxx"}),
        ("choice2", {"id": 2, "extra_key": "extra_value"}),
        ("choice3", {"id": 3, "display": "A_Choice_3"}),
    ], order_by=None)

    tools.assert_equal(choices["choice1"], {"id": 1, "display": "Choice1"})
    tools.assert_equal(choices["choice2"], {"id": 2, "display": "Choice2", "extra_key": "extra_value"})
    tools.assert_equal(choices["choice3"], {"id": 3, "display": "A_Choice_3"})

    tools.assert_equal(choices.choice1, 1)
    tools.assert_equal(choices.choice2, 2)
    tools.assert_equal(choices.choice3, 3)

    tools.assert_equal(choices.get_display_name(1), "Choice1")
    tools.assert_equal(choices.get_display_name(2), "Choice2")
    tools.assert_equal(choices.get_display_name(3), "A_Choice_3")

    tools.assert_equal(choices.get_code_name(1), "choice1")
    tools.assert_equal(choices.get_code_name(2), "choice2")
    tools.assert_equal(choices.get_code_name(3), "choice3")

    tools.assert_equal(choices.get_value(2, "extra_key"), "extra_value")
    tools.assert_raises(KeyError, choices.get_value, choice_id=1, choice_key="extra_key")
    tools.assert_equal(choices.get_value(1, "extra_key", raise_exception=False), None)

def test_concat_choices():

    choices1 = model_helpers.Choices({"X": 1, "Y": 2})
    choices2 = choices1 + model_helpers.Choices({}) + {"B": 4, "A": 5}
    # Items of each list are ordered by when concatenated they are not re-ordered
    # items of first list will appear first then items of second list
    tools.assert_equal(choices2(), [
        (1, "X"),
        (2, "Y"),
        (5, "A"),
        (4, "B")])

    # Duplicate key
    tools.assert_raises(ValueError, choices1.__add__, {"X": 7})

def test_errors():
    choices1 = model_helpers.Choices({"X": 1, "Y": 2})
    tools.assert_raises(TypeError, choices1.__setattr__, "X", 7)
    tools.assert_raises(TypeError, choices1.__setattr__, "X", 7)
    tools.assert_raises(TypeError, choices1.update, {"X": 7})

def test_dir_method():
    choices1 = model_helpers.Choices({"X": 1, "Y": 2})
    tools.assert_in("X", dir(choices1))
    tools.assert_in("Y", dir(choices1))
    # parent attributes should also be mentioned
    tools.assert_in("items", dir(choices1))