import collections
import logging
import datetime
import re
import argparse
import yaml
import requests

from os.path import exists, expanduser, expandvars
from shutil import copyfile
from six.moves import input
from six import iteritems
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from reviewrot.gerritstack import GerritService
from reviewrot.githubstack import GithubService
from reviewrot.gitlabstack import GitlabService
from reviewrot.pagurestack import PagureService
from reviewrot.phabricatorstack import PhabricatorService
from reviewrot.basereview import Age

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Valid values of choices for arguments
    'format': ['oneline', 'indented', 'json'],
    'sort': ['submitted', 'updated', 'commented'],

def get_git_service(git):
    Returns git service as per requested.

        git (str): String indicating git service requested.

        Returns desired git service
    if git == "github":
        return GithubService()
    elif git == "gitlab":
        return GitlabService()
    elif git == "pagure":
        return PagureService()
    elif git == "gerrit":
        return GerritService()
    elif git == "phabricator":
        return PhabricatorService()
        raise ValueError('requested git service %s is not valid' % (git))

def get_arguments(cli_arguments, config):
       Parse the arguments provided in configuration file
       and command line arguments
            cli_arguments (argparse.Namespace): Arguments provided by command
                                                line interface
            config (dict): Configuration from file
             arguments (dict): Returns the parsed arguments

    config_arguments = config.get('arguments', {})

    if config_arguments is None:
        raise ValueError(
            'Argument section in config can\'t be empty,'
            ' remove the section or add arguments'
    config_mailer = config.get('mailer', {})
    config_irc = config.get('irc', {})

    parsed_arguments = {}
    command_line_args = vars(cli_arguments)

    for arg in command_line_args:
        if command_line_args.get(arg) is not None:
            parsed_arguments[arg] = command_line_args.get(arg)

    for argument in config_arguments:
        # Explicitly commandline arguments cannot be specified
        # false or none.
        if (
                command_line_args.get(argument) is None
                or command_line_args.get(argument) is False

            config_value = config_arguments.get(argument)
            if is_valid_choice(argument, config_value):
                parsed_arguments[argument] = config_value
                    "Invalid choice '%s' provided for '%s' in"
                    " config file" % (config_value, argument)

    # --debug, --reverse and --insecure or --cacert flags are used to
    # specify arguments from command line. If not specified, value will
    # be False or None. In this case, if these arguments are specified in
    # config file, then the value will be taken from the config file.
    if config_arguments.get('debug'):
        parsed_arguments['debug'] = True

    if config_arguments.get('reverse'):
        parsed_arguments['reverse'] = True

    email_in_config = config_arguments.get('email')
    if email_in_config:
        parsed_arguments['email'] = [
            email.strip() for email in email_in_config.split(',')

    irc_in_config = config_arguments.get('irc')
    if irc_in_config:
        parsed_arguments['irc'] = [
            channel.strip() for channel in irc_in_config.split(',')

    age_in_config = config_arguments.get('age')
    if age_in_config:
        values = age_in_config.split(" ")
        parsed_arguments['age'] = ParseAge.parse(values)

    insecure = cli_arguments.insecure or config_arguments.get('insecure')
    cacert = cli_arguments.cacert or config_arguments.get('cacert')

    if insecure and cacert:
        raise ValueError("Certificate file can't be used with insecure flag")

    if insecure:
        parsed_arguments['ssl_verify'] = False
    elif cacert:
        cacert = expanduser(expandvars(cacert))
        if not exists(cacert):
            raise IOError("No CA certificate file found at %s" % cacert)
        parsed_arguments['ssl_verify'] = cacert
        parsed_arguments['ssl_verify'] = True

    format = parsed_arguments.get('format')
    show_last_comment = parsed_arguments.get('show_last_comment')
    if (format == 'oneline' and
            show_last_comment is not None):
        raise ValueError(
            '{} format doesn\'t support last comment functionality'.format(

    irc = parsed_arguments.get('irc')
    email = parsed_arguments.get('email')
    if email and format:
        raise ValueError(
            'No format should be specified when selecting email output'

    if email and any(property not in config_mailer
                     for property in ['server', 'sender']):
        raise ValueError(
            'Missing mailer configuration.'
            ' Check examples/sampleinput_email.yaml '
            'for correct configuration.'

    if irc and format:
        raise ValueError(
            'No format should be specified when selecting irc output'

    if irc and any(property not in config_irc for property in ['server', 'port']):
        raise ValueError(
            'Missing irc configuration.'
            ' Check examples/sampleinput_irc.yaml '
            'for correct configuration.'

    return parsed_arguments

class ParseAge(argparse.Action):
    Custom argument parsing class that handles
    the --age argument

    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):

        setattr(namespace, self.dest, self.parse(values))

    def parse(values):

        if len(values) < 2:
            raise ValueError("Missing arguments")

        if values[0] not in ['older', 'newer']:
            raise ValueError("Wrong or missing state, only older/newer is allowed")

        state = values[0]
        values = values[1:]

        regex = re.compile(r'^(?P<value>\d+)(?P<unit>y|m|d|h|min)$')
        parts = {}
        unit_mapping = {
            "y": "years",
            "m": "months",
            "d": "days",
            "h": "hours",
            "min": "minutes",
        for v in values:
            part =
            if part is None:
                raise ValueError("Invalid unit " + v)

            unit = unit_mapping['unit')]
            parts[unit] = int('value'))

        delta = relativedelta(**parts)
        date = - delta

        return Age(date=date, state=state)

def parse_cli_args(args):
       Parsing of command line arguments
           args (list): arguments passed to review-rot on command line

           parsed arguments (argparse.Namespace): Returns the parsed arguments

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Lists pull/merge/change requests for github, gitlab,'
                    ' pagure, gerrit and phabricator')
    default_config = expanduser('~/.reviewrot.yaml')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
                        help='Configuration file to use')
    parser.add_argument('--age', default=None, nargs="+", action=ParseAge,
                        help='Filter pull request based on their relative age',
                        metavar=('{older,newer}', '#y #m #d #h #min'))
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--format',
                        help='Choose from one of a few different styles')
                        help='Show text of last comment and '
                             'filter out pull requests in which '
                             'last comments are newer than '
                             'specified number of days')
    parser.add_argument('--reverse', action='store_true',
                        help='Display results with the most recent first')
    # With --sort argument added,  --comment-sort is kept for backwards
    # compatibility. Use --sort commented instead.
    parser.add_argument('--comment-sort', action='store_true',
    # Default value is left as None to ensure that the argument passed here
    # takes precedence over the value in configuration arguments.
                        help=('Display results sorted by the chosen event '
                              'time. Defaults to '
    parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true',
                        help='Display debug logs on console')
    parser.add_argument('--email', nargs="+",
                        help='send output to list of email adresses')
    parser.add_argument('--irc', nargs='+',
                        help='send output to list of irc channels')
                        help='Omit WIP PRs/MRs from output',
    ssl_group = parser.add_argument_group('SSL')
    ssl_group.add_argument('-k', '--insecure',
                           help='Disable SSL certificate verification '
                                '(not recommended)')
                           help='Path to CA certificate to use for SSL '
                                'certificate verification')

    return parser.parse_args(args)

def is_valid_choice(argument, value):
       Checks if value is valid choice or not for given argument
            value (str): argument value
            argument (str): argument as key
             Returns boolean value
    if CHOICES.get(argument) is None or value in CHOICES.get(argument):
        return True
    return False

def load_config_file(config_path):
       Loads the configuration file from the user's home directory
       or user specified location
            config_path (str): Path to the configuration file
           config(dict): Returns the configurations
    if not exists(config_path):
        raise RuntimeError("No config file found at %s" % config_path)

    # read input from the config file for pull requests
    config = load_ordered_config(config_path)
    if isinstance(config, list):
        # convert to new format
        config = dict(git_services=config, arguments=None)
        prompt = "Would you like to rewrite the config file in new " \
                 "format [y/n] :"

        input_choice = input(prompt)

        answer = str(input_choice).lower().strip()
        if answer == 'y' or answer == '':
            # Take the backup of configuration file and
            # save the configurations in new format
            backup_path = config_path + '.backup'
  "Creating back up at " + backup_path)
            copyfile(config_path, backup_path)
  "Rewriting %r in new format!" % config_path)
            with open(config_path, 'w') as f:
                f.write(yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False))

    return config

def load_ordered_config(config_path):
      Loads the configuration in the same order as it's defined in yaml file,
      so that, while saving it in new format, order is maintained
            config_path (str): Path to the configuration file
            config(dict): Returns the configurations in the defined ordered

    #  To load data from yaml in ordered dict format
    _mapping_tag = yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG

    def dict_representer(dumper, data):
        return dumper.represent_mapping(_mapping_tag, iteritems(data))

    def dict_constructor(loader, node):
        return collections.OrderedDict(loader.construct_pairs(node))

    yaml.add_representer(collections.OrderedDict, dict_representer)
    yaml.add_constructor(_mapping_tag, dict_constructor)

    #  format the output to print a blank scalar rather than null
    def represent_none(self, _):
        return self.represent_scalar(',2002:null', u'')

    yaml.add_representer(type(None), represent_none)

    # read input from home directory for pull requests
    with open(config_path, 'r') as f:
        config = yaml.safe_load(f)
    return config

def remove_wip(results):
    Removes WIP reviews from results

        results (list): list of BaseReview instances

        res (list): list of BaseReview instances with WIP
                    reviews removed

    res = []
    for result in results:
        match = re.match(r'^(\[WIP\]\s*|WIP:\s*|WIP\s+)+\s*',
                         str(result.title), re.IGNORECASE)
        if not match:

    return res