#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

# aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools
# to automagically synchronize audio and text (aka forced alignment)
# Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Alberto Pettarin (www.albertopettarin.it)
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015, ReadBeyond Srl   (www.readbeyond.it)
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017, Alberto Pettarin (www.albertopettarin.it)
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Global common functions.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import io
import math
import os
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import uuid

from aeneas.exacttiming import TimeValue
import aeneas.globalconstants as gc


# ANSI codes to color output in terminal
ANSI_END = u"\033[0m"
ANSI_ERROR = u"\033[91m"
ANSI_OK = u"\033[92m"
ANSI_WARNING = u"\033[93m"

# timing regex patterns
HHMMSS_MMM_PATTERN = re.compile(r"([0-9]*):([0-9]*):([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)")
HHMMSS_MMM_PATTERN_COMMA = re.compile(r"([0-9]*):([0-9]*):([0-9]*),([0-9]*)")

# True if running from a frozen binary (e.g., compiled with pyinstaller)
FROZEN = getattr(sys, "frozen", False)

# True if running under Python 2
PY2 = (sys.version_info[0] == 2)


def safe_print(msg):
    Safely print a given Unicode string to stdout,
    possibly replacing characters non-printable
    in the current stdout encoding.

    :param string msg: the message
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
            # NOTE encoding and decoding so that in Python 3 no b"..." is printed
            encoded = msg.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, "replace")
            decoded = encoded.decode(sys.stdout.encoding, "replace")
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError):
            print(u"[ERRO] An unexpected error happened while printing to stdout.")
            print(u"[ERRO] Please check that your file/string encoding matches the shell encoding.")
            print(u"[ERRO] If possible, set your shell encoding to UTF-8 and convert any files with legacy encodings.")

def print_error(msg, color=True):
    Print an error message.

    :param string msg: the message
    :param bool color: if ``True``, print with POSIX color
    if color and is_posix():
        safe_print(u"%s[ERRO] %s%s" % (ANSI_ERROR, msg, ANSI_END))
        safe_print(u"[ERRO] %s" % (msg))

def print_info(msg, color=True):
    Print an info message.

    :param string msg: the message
    :param bool color: if ``True``, print with POSIX color
    safe_print(u"[INFO] %s" % (msg))

def print_success(msg, color=True):
    Print a success message.

    :param string msg: the message
    :param bool color: if ``True``, print with POSIX color
    if color and is_posix():
        safe_print(u"%s[INFO] %s%s" % (ANSI_OK, msg, ANSI_END))
        safe_print(u"[INFO] %s" % (msg))

def print_warning(msg, color=True):
    Print a warning message.

    :param string msg: the message
    :param bool color: if ``True``, print with POSIX color
    if color and is_posix():
        safe_print(u"%s[WARN] %s%s" % (ANSI_WARNING, msg, ANSI_END))
        safe_print(u"[WARN] %s" % (msg))

def uuid_string():
    Return a uuid4 as a Unicode string.

    :rtype: string
    return safe_unicode(str(uuid.uuid4())).lower()

def custom_tmp_dir():
    Return the path of the temporary directory to use.

    On POSIX OSes (Linux and OS X), return the value of
    (e.g., ``/tmp/``).

    On non-POSIX OSes, return the value of
    (i.e., ``None``), so that ``tempfile``
    will use the directory specified by the
    environment/user ``TMP`` or ``TEMP`` variable.

    :rtype: string
    if is_posix():
        return gc.TMP_PATH_DEFAULT_POSIX

def tmp_directory(root=None):
    Return the path of a temporary directory created by ``tempfile``.

    :param string root: path to the root temporary directory;
                        if ``None``, the default temporary directory
                        will be used instead
    :rtype: string
    if root is None:
        root = custom_tmp_dir()
    return tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=root)

def tmp_file(suffix=u"", root=None):
    Return a (handler, path) tuple
    for a temporary file with given suffix created by ``tempfile``.

    :param string suffix: the suffix (e.g., the extension) of the file
    :param string root: path to the root temporary directory;
                        if ``None``, the default temporary directory
                        will be used instead
    :rtype: tuple
    if root is None:
        root = custom_tmp_dir()
    return tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, dir=root)

def file_extension(path):
    Return the file extension.

    Examples: ::

        /foo/bar.baz => baz
        None         => None

    :param string path: the file path
    :rtype: string
    if path is None:
        return None
    ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[1]
    if ext.startswith("."):
        ext = ext[1:]
    return ext

def mimetype_from_path(path):
    Return a mimetype from the file extension.

    :param string path: the file path
    :rtype: string
    extension = file_extension(path)
    if extension is not None:
        extension = extension.lower()
        if extension in gc.MIMETYPE_MAP:
            return gc.MIMETYPE_MAP[extension]
    return None

def file_name_without_extension(path):
    Return the file name without extension.

    Examples: ::

        /foo/bar.baz => bar
        /foo/bar     => bar
        None         => None

    :param string path: the file path
    :rtype: string
    if path is None:
        return None
    return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]

def datetime_string(time_zone=False):
    Return a string representing the current date and time,
    in ``YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss`` or ``YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm`` format

    :param boolean time_zone: if ``True``, add the time zone offset.

    :rtype: string
    time = datetime.datetime.now()
    template = u"%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d"
    if time_zone:
        template += u"+00:00"
    return template % (

def safe_float(string, default=None):
    Safely parse a string into a float.

    On error return the ``default`` value.

    :param string string: string value to be converted
    :param float default: default value to be used in case of failure
    :rtype: float
    value = default
        value = float(string)
    except TypeError:
    except ValueError:
    return value

def safe_int(string, default=None):
    Safely parse a string into an int.

    On error return the ``default`` value.

    :param string string: string value to be converted
    :param int default: default value to be used in case of failure
    :rtype: int
    value = safe_float(string, default)
    if value is not None:
        value = int(value)
    return value

def safe_get(dictionary, key, default_value, can_return_none=True):
    Safely perform a dictionary get,
    returning the default value if the key is not found.

    :param dict dictionary: the dictionary
    :param string key: the key
    :param variant default_value: the default value to be returned
    :param bool can_return_none: if ``True``, the function can return ``None``;
                                 otherwise, return ``default_value`` even if the
                                 dictionary lookup succeeded
    :rtype: variant
    return_value = default_value
        return_value = dictionary[key]
        if (return_value is None) and (not can_return_none):
            return_value = default_value
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
        # KeyError if key is not present in dictionary
        # TypeError if dictionary is None
    return return_value

def norm_join(prefix, suffix):
    Join ``prefix`` and ``suffix`` paths
    and return the resulting path, normalized.

    :param string prefix: the prefix path
    :param string suffix: the suffix path
    :rtype: string
    if (prefix is None) and (suffix is None):
        return "."
    if prefix is None:
        return os.path.normpath(suffix)
    if suffix is None:
        return os.path.normpath(prefix)
    return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(prefix, suffix))

def config_txt_to_string(string):
    Convert the contents of a TXT config file
    into the corresponding configuration string ::


    Leading and trailing blank characters will be stripped
    and empty lines (after stripping) will be ignored.

    :param string string: the contents of a TXT config file
    :rtype: string
    if string is None:
        return None
    pairs = [l.strip() for l in string.splitlines() if len(l.strip()) > 0]
    return gc.CONFIG_STRING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL.join(pairs)

def config_string_to_dict(string, result=None):
    Convert a given configuration string ::


    into the corresponding dictionary ::

        dictionary[key_1] = value_1
        dictionary[key_2] = value_2
        dictionary[key_n] = value_n

    :param string string: the configuration string
    :rtype: dict
    if string is None:
        return {}
    pairs = string.split(gc.CONFIG_STRING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL)
    return pairs_to_dict(pairs, result)

def config_xml_to_dict(contents, result, parse_job=True):
    Convert the contents of a XML config file
    into the corresponding dictionary ::

        dictionary[key_1] = value_1
        dictionary[key_2] = value_2
        dictionary[key_n] = value_n

    :param bytes contents: the XML configuration contents
    :param bool parse_job: if ``True``, parse the job properties;
                           if ``False``, parse the tasks properties
    :rtype: dict (``parse_job=True``) or list of dict (``parse_job=False``)
    from lxml import etree
        root = etree.fromstring(contents)
        pairs = []
        if parse_job:
            # parse job
            for elem in root:
                if (elem.tag != gc.CONFIG_XML_TASKS_TAG) and (elem.text is not None):
                    pairs.append(u"%s%s%s" % (
            return pairs_to_dict(pairs)
            # parse tasks
            output_list = []
            for task in root.find(gc.CONFIG_XML_TASKS_TAG):
                if task.tag == gc.CONFIG_XML_TASK_TAG:
                    pairs = []
                    for elem in task:
                        if elem.text is not None:
                            pairs.append(u"%s%s%s" % (
            return output_list
        if result is not None:
            result.passed = False
            result.add_error("An error occurred while parsing XML file")
        if parse_job:
            return {}
            return []

def config_dict_to_string(dictionary):
    Convert a given config dictionary ::

        dictionary[key_1] = value_1
        dictionary[key_2] = value_2
        dictionary[key_n] = value_n

    into the corresponding string ::


    :param dict dictionary: the config dictionary
    :rtype: string
    parameters = []
    for key in dictionary:
        parameters.append(u"%s%s%s" % (
    return gc.CONFIG_STRING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL.join(parameters)

def pairs_to_dict(pairs, result=None):
    Convert a given list of ``key=value`` strings ::

        ["key_1=value_1", "key_2=value_2", ..., "key_n=value_n"]

    into the corresponding dictionary ::

        dictionary[key_1] = value_1
        dictionary[key_2] = value_2
        dictionary[key_n] = value_n

    :param list pairs: the list of key=value strings
    :rtype: dict
    dictionary = {}
    for pair in pairs:
        if len(pair) > 0:
            tokens = pair.split(gc.CONFIG_STRING_ASSIGNMENT_SYMBOL)
            if ((len(tokens) == 2) and
                    (len(tokens[0])) > 0 and
                    (len(tokens[1]) > 0)):
                dictionary[tokens[0]] = tokens[1]
            elif result is not None:
                result.add_warning("Invalid key=value string: '%s'" % pair)
    return dictionary

def copytree(source_directory, destination_directory, ignore=None):
    Recursively copy the contents of a source directory
    into a destination directory.
    Both directories must exist.

    This function does not copy the root directory ``source_directory``
    into ``destination_directory``.

    Since ``shutil.copytree(src, dst)`` requires ``dst`` not to exist,
    we cannot use for our purposes.

    Code adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/12686557

    :param string source_directory: the source directory, already existing
    :param string destination_directory: the destination directory, already existing
    if os.path.isdir(source_directory):
        if not os.path.isdir(destination_directory):
        files = os.listdir(source_directory)
        if ignore is not None:
            ignored = ignore(source_directory, files)
            ignored = set()
        for f in files:
            if f not in ignored:
                    os.path.join(source_directory, f),
                    os.path.join(destination_directory, f),
        shutil.copyfile(source_directory, destination_directory)

def ensure_parent_directory(path, ensure_parent=True):
    Ensures the parent directory exists.

    :param string path: the path of the file
    :param bool ensure_parent: if ``True``, ensure the parent directory of ``path`` exists;
                               if ``False``, ensure ``path`` exists
    :raises: OSError: if the path cannot be created
    parent_directory = os.path.abspath(path)
    if ensure_parent:
        parent_directory = os.path.dirname(parent_directory)
    if not os.path.exists(parent_directory):
        except (IOError, OSError):
            raise OSError(u"Directory '%s' cannot be created" % parent_directory)

def time_from_ttml(string):
    Parse the given ``SS.mmms`` string
    (TTML values have an "s" suffix, e.g. ``1.234s``)
    and return a time value.

    :param string string: the string to be parsed
    :rtype: :class:`~aeneas.exacttiming.TimeValue`
    if (string is None) or (len(string) < 2):
        return 0
    # strips "s" at the end
    string = string[:-1]
    return time_from_ssmmm(string)

def time_to_ttml(time_value):
    Format the given time value into a ``SS.mmms`` string
    (TTML values have an "s" suffix, e.g. ``1.234s``).

    Examples: ::

        12        => 12.000s
        12.345    => 12.345s
        12.345432 => 12.345s
        12.345678 => 12.346s

    :param float time_value: a time value, in seconds
    :rtype: string
    if time_value is None:
        time_value = 0
    return "%ss" % time_to_ssmmm(time_value)

def time_from_ssmmm(string):
    Parse the given ``SS.mmm`` string and return a time value.

    :param string string: the string to be parsed
    :rtype: :class:`~aeneas.exacttiming.TimeValue`
    if (string is None) or (len(string) < 1):
        return TimeValue("0.000")
    return TimeValue(string)

def time_to_ssmmm(time_value):
    Format the given time value into a ``SS.mmm`` string.

    Examples: ::

        12        => 12.000
        12.345    => 12.345
        12.345432 => 12.345
        12.345678 => 12.346

    :param float time_value: a time value, in seconds
    :rtype: string
    if time_value is None:
        time_value = 0
    return "%.3f" % (time_value)

def time_from_hhmmssmmm(string, decimal_separator="."):
    Parse the given ``HH:MM:SS.mmm`` string and return a time value.

    :param string string: the string to be parsed
    :param string decimal_separator: the decimal separator to be used
    :rtype: :class:`~aeneas.exacttiming.TimeValue`
    if decimal_separator == ",":
        pattern = HHMMSS_MMM_PATTERN_COMMA
        pattern = HHMMSS_MMM_PATTERN
    v_length = TimeValue("0.000")
        match = pattern.search(string)
        if match is not None:
            v_h = int(match.group(1))
            v_m = int(match.group(2))
            v_s = int(match.group(3))
            v_f = TimeValue("0." + match.group(4))
            v_length = v_h * 3600 + v_m * 60 + v_s + v_f
    return v_length

def time_to_hhmmssmmm(time_value, decimal_separator="."):
    Format the given time value into a ``HH:MM:SS.mmm`` string.

    Examples: ::

        12        => 00:00:12.000
        12.345    => 00:00:12.345
        12.345432 => 00:00:12.345
        12.345678 => 00:00:12.346
        83        => 00:01:23.000
        83.456    => 00:01:23.456
        83.456789 => 00:01:23.456
        3600      => 01:00:00.000
        3612.345  => 01:00:12.345

    :param float time_value: a time value, in seconds
    :param string decimal_separator: the decimal separator, default ``.``
    :rtype: string
    if time_value is None:
        time_value = 0
    tmp = time_value
    hours = int(math.floor(tmp / 3600))
    tmp -= (hours * 3600)
    minutes = int(math.floor(tmp / 60))
    tmp -= minutes * 60
    seconds = int(math.floor(tmp))
    tmp -= seconds
    milliseconds = int(math.floor(tmp * 1000))
    return "%02d:%02d:%02d%s%03d" % (

def time_from_srt(string):
    Parse the given ``HH:MM:SS,mmm`` string and return a time value.

    :param string string: the string to be parsed
    :rtype: :class:`~aeneas.exacttiming.TimeValue`
    return time_from_hhmmssmmm(string, decimal_separator=",")

def time_to_srt(time_value):
    Format the given time value into a ``HH:MM:SS,mmm`` string,
    as used in the SRT format.

    Examples: ::

        12        => 00:00:12,000
        12.345    => 00:00:12,345
        12.345432 => 00:00:12,345
        12.345678 => 00:00:12,346
        83        => 00:01:23,000
        83.456    => 00:01:23,456
        83.456789 => 00:01:23,456
        3600      => 01:00:00,000
        3612.345  => 01:00:12,345

    :param float time_value: a time value, in seconds
    :rtype: string
    return time_to_hhmmssmmm(time_value, decimal_separator=",")

def split_url(url):
    Split the given URL ``base#anchor`` into ``(base, anchor)``,
    or ``(base, None)`` if no anchor is present.

    In case there are two or more ``#`` characters,
    return only the first two tokens: ``a#b#c => (a, b)``.

    :param string url: the url
    :rtype: list of str
    if url is None:
        return (None, None)
    array = url.split("#")
    if len(array) == 1:
    return tuple(array[0:2])

def is_posix():
    Return ``True`` if running on a POSIX OS.

    :rtype: bool
    # from https://docs.python.org/2/library/os.html#os.name
    # the registered values of os.name are:
    # "posix", "nt", "os2", "ce", "java", "riscos"
    return os.name == "posix"

def is_linux():
    Return ``True`` if running on Linux.

    :rtype: bool
    return (is_posix()) and (os.uname()[0] == "Linux")

def is_osx():
    Return ``True`` if running on Mac OS X (Darwin).

    :rtype: bool
    return (is_posix()) and (os.uname()[0] == "Darwin")

def is_windows():
    Return ``True`` if running on Windows.

    :rtype: bool
    return os.name == "nt"

def is_py2_narrow_build():
    Return ``True`` if running on a Python 2 narrow build.

    :rtype: bool
    return (PY2) and (sys.maxunicode == 65535)

def fix_slash(path):
    On non-POSIX OSes, change the slashes in ``path``
    for loading in the browser.

    Example: ::

        c:\\abc\\def => c:/abc/def

    :param string path: the path
    :rtype: string
    if not is_posix():
        path = path.replace("\\", "/")
    return path

def can_run_c_extension(name=None):
    Determine whether the given Python C extension loads correctly.

    If ``name`` is ``None``, tests all Python C extensions,
    and return ``True`` if and only if all load correctly.

    :param string name: the name of the Python C extension to test
    :rtype: bool
    def can_run_cdtw():
        """ Python C extension for computing DTW """
            import aeneas.cdtw.cdtw
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False

    def can_run_cmfcc():
        """ Python C extension for computing MFCC """
            import aeneas.cmfcc.cmfcc
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False

    def can_run_cew():
        """ Python C extension for synthesizing with eSpeak """
            import aeneas.cew.cew
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False

    def can_run_cfw():
        """ Python C extension for synthesizing with Festival """
            import aeneas.cfw.cfw
            return True
        except ImportError:
            return False

    if name == "cdtw":
        return can_run_cdtw()
    elif name == "cmfcc":
        return can_run_cmfcc()
    elif name == "cew":
        return can_run_cew()
    elif name == "cfw":
        return can_run_cfw()
        # NOTE cfw is still experimental!
        return can_run_cdtw() and can_run_cmfcc() and can_run_cew()

def run_c_extension_with_fallback(
    Run a function calling a C extension, falling back
    to a pure Python function if the former does not succeed.

    :param function log_function: a logger function
    :param string extension: the name of the extension
    :param function c_function: the (Python) function calling the C extension
    :param function py_function: the (Python) function providing the fallback
    :param rconf: the runtime configuration
    :type  rconf: :class:`aeneas.runtimeconfiguration.RuntimeConfiguration`
    :rtype: depends on the extension being called
    :raises: RuntimeError: if both the C extension and
                           the pure Python code did not succeed.

    .. versionadded:: 1.4.0
    computed = False
    if not rconf[u"c_extensions"]:
        log_function(u"C extensions disabled")
    elif extension not in rconf:
        log_function([u"C extension '%s' not recognized", extension])
    elif not rconf[extension]:
        log_function([u"C extension '%s' disabled", extension])
        log_function([u"C extension '%s' enabled", extension])
        if c_function is None:
            log_function(u"C function is None")
        elif can_run_c_extension(extension):
            log_function([u"C extension '%s' enabled and it can be loaded", extension])
            computed, result = c_function(*args)
            log_function([u"C extension '%s' enabled but it cannot be loaded", extension])
    if not computed:
        if py_function is None:
            log_function(u"Python function is None")
            log_function(u"Running the pure Python code")
            computed, result = py_function(*args)
    if not computed:
        raise RuntimeError(u"Both the C extension and the pure Python code failed. (Wrong arguments? Input too big?)")
    return result

def file_can_be_read(path):
    Return ``True`` if the file at the given ``path`` can be read.

    :param string path: the file path
    :rtype: bool

    .. versionadded:: 1.4.0
    if path is None:
        return False
        with io.open(path, "rb") as test_file:
        return True
    except (IOError, OSError):
    return False

def file_can_be_written(path):
    Return ``True`` if a file can be written at the given ``path``.

    :param string path: the file path
    :rtype: bool

    .. warning:: This function will attempt to open the given ``path``
                 in write mode, possibly destroying the file previously existing there.

    .. versionadded:: 1.4.0
    if path is None:
        return False
        with io.open(path, "wb") as test_file:
        delete_file(None, path)
        return True
    except (IOError, OSError):
    return False

def directory_exists(path):
    Return ``True`` if the given ``path`` string
    points to an existing directory.

    :param string path: the file path
    :rtype: bool
    if (path is None) or (not os.path.isdir(path)):
        return False
    return True

def file_exists(path):
    Return ``True`` if the given ``path`` string
    points to an existing file.

    :param string path: the file path
    :rtype: bool
    if (path is None) or (not os.path.isfile(path)):
        return False
    return True

def file_size(path):
    Return the size, in bytes, of the file at the given ``path``.
    Return ``-1`` if the file does not exist or cannot be read.

    :param string path: the file path
    :rtype: int
        return os.path.getsize(path)
    except OSError:
        return -1

def delete_directory(path):
    Safely delete a directory.

    :param string path: the file path
    if path is not None:

def close_file_handler(handler):
    Safely close the given file handler.

    :param object handler: the file handler (as returned by tempfile)
    if handler is not None:

def delete_file(handler, path):
    Safely delete file.

    :param object handler: the file handler (as returned by tempfile)
    :param string path: the file path
    if path is not None:

def relative_path(path, from_file):
    Return the relative path of a file or directory, specified
    as ``path`` relative to (the parent directory of) ``from_file``.

    This method is intented to be called with ``__file__``
    as second argument.

    The returned path is relative to the current working directory.

    If ``path`` is ``None``, return ``None``.

    Example: ::

        => "abc/def/res/foo.bar"

    :param string path: the file path
    :param string from_file: the reference file
    :rtype: string
    if path is None:
        return None
    abs_path_target = absolute_path(path, from_file)
    abs_path_cwd = os.getcwd()
    if is_windows():
        # NOTE on Windows, if the two paths are on different drives,
        #      the notion of relative path is not defined:
        #      return the absolute path of the target instead.
        t_drive, t_tail = os.path.splitdrive(abs_path_target)
        c_drive, c_tail = os.path.splitdrive(abs_path_cwd)
        if t_drive != c_drive:
            return abs_path_target
    return os.path.relpath(abs_path_target, start=abs_path_cwd)

def absolute_path(path, from_file):
    Return the absolute path of a file or directory, specified
    as ``path`` relative to (the parent directory of) ``from_file``.

    This method is intented to be called with ``__file__``
    as second argument.

    If ``path`` is ``None``, return ``None``.

    Example: ::

        => "/abc/def/res/foo.bar"

    :param string path: the file path
    :param string from_file: the reference file
    :rtype: string
    if path is None:
        return None
    current_directory = os.path.dirname(from_file)
    target = os.path.join(current_directory, path)
    return os.path.abspath(target)

def read_file_bytes(input_file_path):
    Read the file at the given file path
    and return its contents as a byte string,
    or ``None`` if an error occurred.

    :param string input_file_path: the file path
    :rtype: bytes
    contents = None
        with io.open(input_file_path, "rb") as input_file:
            contents = input_file.read()
    return contents

def human_readable_number(number, suffix=""):
    Format the given number into a human-readable string.

    Code adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/1094933

    :param variant number: the number (int or float)
    :param string suffix: the unit of the number
    :rtype: string
    for unit in ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z"]:
        if abs(number) < 1024.0:
            return "%3.1f%s%s" % (number, unit, suffix)
        number /= 1024.0
    return "%.1f%s%s" % (number, "Y", suffix)

def is_unicode(string):
    Return ``True`` if the given string is a sequence of Unicode code points.

    :param variant string: the string to test
    :rtype: bool
    if PY2:
        return isinstance(string, unicode)
    return isinstance(string, str)

def is_bytes(string):
    Return ``True`` if the given string is a sequence of bytes.

    :param variant string: the string to test
    :rtype: bool
    if PY2:
        return isinstance(string, str)
    return isinstance(string, bytes)

def is_utf8_encoded(bstring):
    Return ``True`` if the given byte string can be decoded
    into a Unicode string using the UTF-8 decoder.

    :param bytes bstring: the string to test
    :rtype: bool
        return True
    except UnicodeDecodeError:
    return False

def safe_str(string):
    Safely return the given Unicode string
    from a ``__str__`` function: as a byte string
    in Python 2, or as a Unicode string in Python 3.

    :param string string: the string to return
    :rtype: bytes or string
    if string is None:
        return None
    if PY2:
        return string.encode("utf-8")
    return string

def safe_unichr(codepoint):
    Safely return a Unicode string of length one,
    containing the Unicode character with given codepoint.

    :param int codepoint: the codepoint
    :rtype: string
    if is_py2_narrow_build():
        return ("\\U%08x" % codepoint).decode("unicode-escape")
    elif PY2:
        return unichr(codepoint)
    return chr(codepoint)

def safe_unicode(string):
    Safely convert the given string to a Unicode string.

    :param variant string: the byte string or Unicode string to convert
    :rtype: string
    if string is None:
        return None
    if is_bytes(string):
        return string.decode("utf-8")
    return string

def safe_bytes(string):
    Safely convert the given string to a bytes string.

    :param variant string: the byte string or Unicode string to convert
    :rtype: bytes
    if string is None:
        return None
    if is_unicode(string):
        return string.encode("utf-8")
    return string

def safe_unicode_stdin(string):
    Safely convert the given string to a Unicode string,
    decoding using ``sys.stdin.encoding`` if needed.

    If running from a frozen binary, ``utf-8`` encoding is assumed.

    :param variant string: the byte string or Unicode string to convert
    :rtype: string
    if string is None:
        return None
    if is_bytes(string):
        if FROZEN:
            return string.decode("utf-8")
            return string.decode(sys.stdin.encoding)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return string.decode(sys.stdin.encoding, "replace")
            return string.decode("utf-8")
    return string

def object_to_unicode(obj):
    Return a sequence of Unicode code points from the given object.

    :param object obj: the object
    :rtype: string
    if PY2:
        return unicode(obj)
    return str(obj)

def object_to_bytes(obj):
    Return a sequence of bytes from the given object.

    :param object obj: the object
    :rtype: bytes
    if PY2:
        return str(obj)
    return bytes(obj, encoding="utf-8")

def bundle_directory():
    Return the absolute path of the bundle directory
    if running from a frozen binary; otherwise return ``None``.

    :rtype: string
    if FROZEN:
        return sys._MEIPASS
    return None