"""SSD1351 demo (bouncing sprite)."""
from ssd1351 import Display
from machine import Pin, SPI
from utime import sleep_us, ticks_us, ticks_diff

class BouncingSprite(object):
    """Bouncing Sprite."""

    def __init__(self, path, w, h, screen_width, screen_height,
                 speed, display):
        """Initialize sprite.

            path (string): Path of sprite image.
            w, h (int): Width and height of image.
            screen_width (int): Width of screen.
            screen_height (int): Width of height.
            size (int): Square side length.
            speed(int): Initial XY-Speed of sprite.
            display (SSD1351): OLED display object.
            color (int): RGB565 color value.
        self.buf = display.load_sprite(path, w, h)
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        self.screen_width = screen_width
        self.screen_height = screen_height
        self.display = display
        self.x_speed = speed
        self.y_speed = speed
        self.x = self.screen_width // 2
        self.y = self.screen_height // 2
        self.prev_x = self.x
        self.prev_y = self.y

    def update_pos(self):
        """Update sprite speed and position."""
        x = self.x
        y = self.y
        w = self.w
        h = self.h
        x_speed = abs(self.x_speed)
        y_speed = abs(self.y_speed)

        if x + w + x_speed >= self.screen_width:
            self.x_speed = -x_speed
        elif x - x_speed < 0:
            self.x_speed = x_speed

        if y + h + y_speed >= self.screen_height:
            self.y_speed = -y_speed
        elif y - y_speed <= 0:
            self.y_speed = y_speed

        self.prev_x = x
        self.prev_y = y

        self.x = x + self.x_speed
        self.y = y + self.y_speed

    def draw(self):
        """Draw sprite."""
        x = self.x
        y = self.y
        prev_x = self.prev_x
        prev_y = self.prev_y
        w = self.w
        h = self.h
        x_speed = abs(self.x_speed)
        y_speed = abs(self.y_speed)

        # Determine direction and remove previous portion of sprite
        if prev_x > x:
            # Left
            self.display.fill_vrect(x + w, prev_y, x_speed, h, 0)
        elif prev_x < x:
            # Right
            self.display.fill_vrect(x - x_speed, prev_y, x_speed, h, 0)
        if prev_y > y:
            # Upward
            self.display.fill_vrect(prev_x, y + h, w, y_speed, 0)
        elif prev_y < y:
            # Downward
            self.display.fill_vrect(prev_x, y - y_speed, w, y_speed, 0)

        self.display.draw_sprite(self.buf, x, y, w, h)

def test():
    """Bouncing sprite."""
        # Baud rate of 14500000 seems about the max
        spi = SPI(2, baudrate=14500000, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(23))
        display = Display(spi, dc=Pin(17), cs=Pin(5), rst=Pin(16))

        # Load sprite
        logo = BouncingSprite('images/Python41x49.raw',
                              41, 49, 128, 128, 1, display)

        while True:
            timer = ticks_us()
            # Attempt to set framerate to 30 FPS
            timer_dif = 33333 - ticks_diff(ticks_us(), timer)
            if timer_dif > 0:

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
