import base64
import hashlib
import json
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from random import Random
from typing import Tuple, Dict

from randovania import get_data_path
from randovania.game_description.game_patches import GamePatches
from randovania.layout import game_patches_serializer
from randovania.layout.permalink import Permalink

def _shareable_hash_words():
    with (get_data_path() / "hash_words" / "hash_words.json").open() as hash_words_file:
        return json.load(hash_words_file)

class LayoutDescription:
    version: str
    permalink: Permalink
    all_patches: Dict[int, GamePatches]
    item_order: Tuple[str, ...]

    def __post_init__(self):
        object.__setattr__(self, "__cached_serialized_patches", None)

    def file_extension(cls) -> str:
        return "rdvgame"

    def from_json_dict(cls, json_dict: dict) -> "LayoutDescription":
        version = json_dict["info"]["version"]
        # version_as_obj = StrictVersion(version)
        # if version_as_obj < StrictVersion("0.26.0"):
        #     raise RuntimeError("Unsupported log file version '{}'.".format(version))

        # TODO: add try/catch to throw convert potential errors in "seed from future version broke"
        permalink = Permalink.from_json_dict(json_dict["info"]["permalink"])

        if not permalink.spoiler:
            raise ValueError("Unable to read details of seed log with spoiler disabled")

        return LayoutDescription(
                json_dict["game_modifications"], {
                    index: preset.layout_configuration
                    for index, preset in permalink.presets.items()

    def from_file(cls, json_path: Path) -> "LayoutDescription":
        with"r") as open_file:
            return cls.from_json_dict(json.load(open_file))

    def _serialized_patches(self):
        cached_result = object.__getattribute__(self, "__cached_serialized_patches")
        if cached_result is None:
            cached_result = game_patches_serializer.serialize(
                    index: preset.layout_configuration.game_data
                    for index, preset in self.permalink.presets.items()
            object.__setattr__(self, "__cached_serialized_patches", cached_result)

        return cached_result

    def as_json(self) -> dict:
        result = {
            "info": {
                "version": self.version,
                "permalink": self.permalink.as_json,

        if self.permalink.spoiler:
            result["game_modifications"] = self._serialized_patches
            result["item_order"] = self.item_order

        return result

    def _shareable_hash_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        bytes_representation = json.dumps(self._serialized_patches).encode()
        return hashlib.blake2b(bytes_representation, digest_size=5).digest()

    def shareable_hash(self) -> str:
        return base64.b32encode(self._shareable_hash_bytes).decode()

    def shareable_word_hash(self) -> str:
        rng = Random(sum([hash_byte * (2 ** 8) ** i for i, hash_byte in enumerate(self._shareable_hash_bytes)]))
        return " ".join(rng.sample(_shareable_hash_words(), 3))

    def save_to_file(self, json_path: Path):
        with"w") as open_file:
            json.dump(self.as_json, open_file, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

    def without_item_order(self) -> "LayoutDescription":
        A solver path is way too big to reasonably store for test purposes, so use LayoutDescriptions with an empty one.
        return LayoutDescription(