from binascii import hexlify
from binascii import unhexlify
from collections import namedtuple
from hashlib import sha256

import base58
from ecdsa import SigningKey
from ecdsa import VerifyingKey
from ecdsa import SECP256k1
from ecdsa.ellipticcurve import Point as _ECDSA_Point
from ecdsa.numbertheory import square_root_mod_prime
import six

from import BitcoinMainNet
from .utils import chr_py2
from .utils import ensure_bytes
from .utils import ensure_str
from .utils import hash160
from .utils import is_hex_string
from .utils import long_or_int
from .utils import long_to_hex
from .utils import memoize

PublicPair = namedtuple("PublicPair", ["x", "y"])

class Key(object):
    def __init__(self, network, compressed=False):
        """Construct a Key."""
        # Set network first because set_key needs it = network
        self.compressed = compressed

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (other and
       == and
                type(self) == type(other))

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    __hash__ = object.__hash__

    def get_key(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class PrivateKey(Key):
    def __init__(self, secret_exponent, network=BitcoinMainNet,
                 *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(secret_exponent, six.integer_types):
            raise ValueError("secret_exponent must be a long")
        super(PrivateKey, self).__init__(network=network, *args, **kwargs)
        self._private_key = SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(
            secret_exponent, curve=SECP256k1)

    def get_key(self):
        """Get the key - a hex formatted private exponent for the curve."""
        return ensure_bytes(hexlify(self._private_key.to_string()))

    def get_public_key(self):
        """Get the PublicKey for this PrivateKey."""
        return PublicKey.from_verifying_key(
  , compressed=self.compressed)

    def get_extended_key(self):
        """Get the extended key.

        Extended keys contain the network bytes and the public or private
        network_hex_chars = hexlify(
        return ensure_bytes(network_hex_chars + self.get_key())

    def export_to_wif(self, compressed=None):
        """Export a key to WIF.

        :param compressed: False if you want a standard WIF export (the most
            standard option). True if you want the compressed form (Note that
            not all clients will accept this form). Defaults to None, which
            in turn uses the self.compressed attribute.
        :type compressed: bool
        See for a full
        # Add the network byte, creating the "extended key"
        extended_key_hex = self.get_extended_key()
        extended_key_bytes = unhexlify(extended_key_hex)
        if compressed is None:
            compressed = self.compressed
        if compressed:
            extended_key_bytes += '\01'
        # And return the base58-encoded result with a checksum
        return ensure_str(base58.b58encode_check(extended_key_bytes))

    def _public_child(child_number):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def from_wif(cls, wif, network=BitcoinMainNet):
        """Import a key in WIF format.

        WIF is Wallet Import Format. It is a base58 encoded checksummed key.
        See for a full

        This supports compressed WIFs - see this for an explanation:  # nopep8
        # Decode the base58 string and ensure the checksum is valid
        wif = ensure_str(wif)
            extended_key_bytes = base58.b58decode_check(wif)
        except ValueError as e:
            # Invalid checksum!
            raise ChecksumException(e)

        # Verify we're on the right network
        network_bytes = extended_key_bytes[0]
        # py3k interprets network_byte as an int already
        if not isinstance(network_bytes, six.integer_types):
            network_bytes = ord(network_bytes)
        if (network_bytes != network.SECRET_KEY):
            raise incompatible_network_exception_factory(

        # Drop the network bytes
        extended_key_bytes = extended_key_bytes[1:]

        # Check for comprssed public key
        # This only affects the way in which addresses are generated.
        compressed = False
        if len(extended_key_bytes) == 33:
            # We are supposed to use compressed form!
            extended_key_bytes = extended_key_bytes[:-1]
            compressed = True

        # And we should finally have a valid key
        return cls(long_or_int(hexlify(extended_key_bytes), 16), network,

    def from_hex_key(cls, key, network=BitcoinMainNet):
        if len(key) == 32:
            # Oh! we have bytes instead of a hex string
            key = hexlify(key)
        key = ensure_bytes(key)
        if not is_hex_string(key) or len(key) != 64:
            raise ValueError("Invalid hex key")
        return cls(long_or_int(key, 16), network)

    def from_master_password(cls, password, network=BitcoinMainNet):
        """Generate a new key from a master password.

        This password is hashed via a single round of sha256 and is highly
        breakable, but it's the standard brainwallet approach.

        See `PrivateKey.from_master_password_slow` for a slightly more
        secure generation method (which will still be subject to a rainbow
        table attack :\)
        password = ensure_bytes(password)
        key = sha256(password).hexdigest()
        return cls.from_hex_key(key, network)

    __hash__ = Key.__hash__

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (super(PrivateKey, self).__eq__(other) and
                self._private_key.curve == other._private_key.curve and
                (self._private_key.to_string() ==
                 other._private_key.to_string()) and
                (self._private_key.privkey.secret_multiplier ==
                 other._private_key.privkey.secret_multiplier) and
                self.get_public_key() == other.get_public_key())

    def __sub__(self, other):
        assert isinstance(other, self.__class__)
        assert ==
        k1 = self._private_key.privkey.secret_multiplier
        k2 = other._private_key.privkey.secret_multiplier
        result = (k1 - k2) % SECP256k1.order
        return self.__class__(result,

class PublicKey(Key):
    def __init__(self, verifying_key, network=BitcoinMainNet, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a public key.

        :param verifying_key: The ECDSA VerifyingKey corresponding to this
            public key.
        :type verifying_key: ecdsa.VerifyingKey
        :param network: The network you want (Networks just define certain
            constants, like byte-prefixes on public addresses).
        :type network: See ``
        super(PublicKey, self).__init__(network=network, *args, **kwargs)
        self._verifying_key = verifying_key
        self.x = verifying_key.pubkey.point.x()
        self.y = verifying_key.pubkey.point.y()

    def get_key(self, compressed=None):
        """Get the hex-encoded key.

        :param compressed: False if you want a standard 65 Byte key (the most
            standard option). True if you want the compressed 33 Byte form.
            Defaults to None, which in turn uses the self.compressed attribute.
        :type compressed: bool

        PublicKeys consist of an ID byte, the x, and the y coordinates
        on the elliptic curve.

        In the case of uncompressed keys, the ID byte is 04.
        Compressed keys use the SEC1 format:
            If Y is odd: id_byte = 03
            else: id_byte = 02

        Note that I pieced this algorithm together from the pycoin source.

        This is documented in
        but, honestly, it's pretty confusing.

        I guess this is a pretty big warning that I'm not *positive* this
        will do the right thing in all cases. The tests pass, and this does
        exactly what pycoin does, but I'm not positive pycoin works either!
        if compressed is None:
            compressed = self.compressed
        if compressed:
            parity = 2 + (self.y & 1)  # 0x02 even, 0x03 odd
            return ensure_bytes(
                long_to_hex(parity, 2) +
                long_to_hex(self.x, 64))
            return ensure_bytes(
                b'04' +
                long_to_hex(self.x, 64) +
                long_to_hex(self.y, 64))

    def from_hex_key(cls, key, network=BitcoinMainNet):
        """Load the PublicKey from a compressed or uncompressed hex key.

        This format is defined in PublicKey.get_key()
        if len(key) == 130 or len(key) == 66:
            # It might be a hexlified byte array
                key = unhexlify(key)
            except TypeError:
        key = ensure_bytes(key)

        compressed = False
        id_byte = key[0]
        if not isinstance(id_byte, six.integer_types):
            id_byte = ord(id_byte)
        if id_byte == 4:
            # Uncompressed public point
            # 1B ID + 32B x coord + 32B y coord = 65 B
            if len(key) != 65:
                raise KeyParseError("Invalid key length")
            public_pair = PublicPair(
                long_or_int(hexlify(key[1:33]), 16),
                long_or_int(hexlify(key[33:]), 16))
        elif id_byte in [2, 3]:
            # Compressed public point!
            compressed = True
            if len(key) != 33:
                raise KeyParseError("Invalid key length")
            y_odd = bool(id_byte & 0x01)  # 0 even, 1 odd
            x = long_or_int(hexlify(key[1:]), 16)
            # The following x-to-pair algorithm was lifted from pycoin
            # I still need to sit down an understand it. It is also described
            # in
            curve = SECP256k1.curve
            p = curve.p()
            # For SECP256k1, curve.a() is 0 and curve.b() is 7, so this is
            # effectively (x ** 3 + 7) % p, but the full equation is kept
            # for just-in-case-the-curve-is-broken future-proofing
            alpha = (pow(x, 3, p) + curve.a() * x + curve.b()) % p
            beta = square_root_mod_prime(alpha, p)
            y_even = not y_odd
            if y_even == bool(beta & 1):
                public_pair = PublicPair(x, p - beta)
                public_pair = PublicPair(x, beta)
            raise KeyParseError("The given key is not in a known format.")
        return cls.from_public_pair(public_pair, network=network,

    def create_point(self, x, y):
        """Create an ECDSA point on the SECP256k1 curve with the given coords.

        :param x: The x coordinate on the curve
        :type x: long
        :param y: The y coodinate on the curve
        :type y: long
        if (not isinstance(x, six.integer_types) or
                not isinstance(y, six.integer_types)):
            raise ValueError("The coordinates must be longs.")
        return _ECDSA_Point(SECP256k1.curve, x, y)

    def to_point(self):
        return self._verifying_key.pubkey.point

    def from_point(cls, point, network=BitcoinMainNet, **kwargs):
        """Create a PublicKey from a point on the SECP256k1 curve.

        :param point: A point on the SECP256k1 curve.
        :type point: SECP256k1.point
        verifying_key = VerifyingKey.from_public_point(point, curve=SECP256k1)
        return cls.from_verifying_key(verifying_key, network=network, **kwargs)

    def from_verifying_key(
            cls, verifying_key, network=BitcoinMainNet, **kwargs):
        return cls(verifying_key, network=network, **kwargs)

    def to_address(self, compressed=None):
        """Create a public address from this key.

        :param compressed: False if you want a normal uncompressed address
            (the most standard option). True if you want the compressed form.
            Note that most clients will not accept compressed addresses.
            Defaults to None, which in turn uses the self.compressed attribute.
        :type compressed: bool
        key = unhexlify(self.get_key(compressed))
        # First get the hash160 of the key
        hash160_bytes = hash160(key)
        # Prepend the network address byte
        network_hash160_bytes = \
            chr_py2( + hash160_bytes
        # Return a base58 encoded address with a checksum
        return ensure_str(base58.b58encode_check(network_hash160_bytes))

    def to_public_pair(self):
        return PublicPair(self.x, self.y)

    def from_public_pair(cls, pair, network=BitcoinMainNet, **kwargs):
        point = _ECDSA_Point(SECP256k1.curve, pair.x, pair.y)
        return cls.from_point(point, network=network, **kwargs)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (super(PublicKey, self).__eq__(other) and
                self.x == other.x and
                self.y == other.y)

    __hash__ = Key.__hash__

class KeyParseError(Exception):

def incompatible_network_exception_factory(
        network_name, expected_prefix, given_prefix):
    return IncompatibleNetworkException(
        "Incorrect network. {net_name} expects a byte prefix of "
        "{expected_prefix}, but you supplied {given_prefix}".format(

class ChecksumException(Exception):

class IncompatibleNetworkException(Exception):

class InvalidChildException(Exception):