Module for storing and accessing symmetry group information, including a Group class and
a Wyckoff_Position class. These classes are used for generation of random structures.
#Standard Libraries
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

#External Libraries
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import generate_full_symmops
from pandas import read_csv
from monty.serialization import loadfn

#PyXtal imports
from pyxtal.operations import *

letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

wyckoff_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/wyckoff_list.csv"))
wyckoff_symmetry_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/wyckoff_symmetry.csv"))
wyckoff_generators_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/wyckoff_generators.csv"))
layer_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/layer.csv"))
layer_symmetry_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/layer_symmetry.csv"))
layer_generators_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/layer_generators.csv"))
rod_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/rod.csv"))
rod_symmetry_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/rod_symmetry.csv"))
rod_generators_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/rod_generators.csv"))
point_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/point.csv"))
point_symmetry_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/point_symmetry.csv"))
point_generators_df = read_csv(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/point_generators.csv"))
symbols = loadfn(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/symbols.json"))

Identity = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,z')
Inversion = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('-x,-y,-z')
op_o = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,0,0')
op_x = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,0,0')
op_y = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,y,0')
op_z = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,0,z')

pglist = ['C1','Ci','C2','Cs','C2h','D2','C2v','D2h',
    'C5', 'C7', 'C8',
    'D5', 'D7', 'D8',
    'C5v', 'C7v', 'C8v',
    'D5h', 'D7h', 'D8h',
    'D4d', 'D5d', 'D6d', 'D7d', 'D8d',
    'S6', 'S8', 'S10', 'S12',
    'I', 'Ih',
    'C*', 'C*h']

#TODO: Add space, layer, and Rod group symbol lists

#Define functions
def list_point_groups():
    Prints out the numbers and symbols of the crystallographic point groups 
    print("-- Point group numbers and symbols --")
    for i, sym in enumerate(pglist):
        print("  " + str(i+1) + ": " + sym)

def symmetry_element_from_axis(axis):
    Given an axis, returns a SymmOp representing a symmetry element on the axis.
    For example, the symmetry element for the vector (0,0,2) would be (0,0,z).
        axis: a 3-vector representing the symmetry element

        a SymmOp object of form (ax, bx, cx), (ay, by, cy), or (az, bz, cz)
    if len(axis) != 3:
    #Vector must be non-zero
    if dsquared(axis) < 1e-6:
    v = np.array(axis) / np.linalg.norm(axis)
    #Find largest component (x, y, or z)
    abs_vals = [abs(a) for a in v]
    f1 = max(abs_vals)
    index1 = list(abs_vals).index(f1)
    #Initialize an affine matrix
    m = np.eye(4)
    m[:3] = [0.,0.,0.,0.]
    #Set values for affine matrix
    m[:3,index1] = v
    return SymmOp(m)

def get_wyckoffs(sg, organized=False, PBC=[1,1,1]):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff positions for a given space group. Has option to
    organize the list based on multiplicity (this is used for
    random_crystal.wyckoffs) For an unorganized list:

    1st index: index of WP in sg (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)

    2nd index: a SymmOp object in the WP

    For an organized list:

    1st index: specifies multiplicity (0 is the largest multiplicity)

    2nd index: corresponds to a Wyckoff position within the group of equal

    3nd index: corresponds to a SymmOp object within the Wyckoff position

    You may switch between organized and unorganized lists using the methods
    i_from_jk and jk_from_i. For example, if a Wyckoff position is the [i]
    entry in an unorganized list, it will be the [j][k] entry in an organized

        sg: the international spacegroup number
        organized: whether or not to organize the list based on multiplicity
        PBC: A periodic boundary condition list, where 1 means periodic, 0 means not periodic.
            Ex: [1,1,1] -> full 3d periodicity, [0,0,1] -> periodicity along the z axis
        a list of Wyckoff positions, each of which is a list of SymmOp's
    if PBC != [1,1,1]:
        coor = [0,0,0]
        for i, a in enumerate(PBC):
            if not a:
                coor[i] = 0.5
        coor = np.array(coor)

    wyckoff_strings = eval(wyckoff_df["0"][sg])
    wyckoffs = []
    for x in wyckoff_strings:
        if PBC != [1,1,1]:
            op = SymmOp.from_xyz_string(x[0])
            coor1 = op.operate(coor)
            invalid = False
            for i, a in enumerate(PBC):
                if not a:
                    if not abs(coor1[i]-0.5) < 1e-2:
                        #invalid wyckoffs for layer group
                        invalid = True
            if invalid is False:
                for y in x:
            for y in x:
    if organized:
        wyckoffs_organized = [[]] #2D Array of WP's organized by multiplicity
        old = len(wyckoffs[0])
        for wp in wyckoffs:
            mult = len(wp)
            if mult != old:
                old = mult
        return wyckoffs_organized
        return wyckoffs

def get_layer(num, organized=False):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff positions for a given 2D layer group. Has
    option to organize the list based on multiplicity (this is used for
    random_crystal_2D.wyckoffs) For an unorganized list:

    1st index: index of WP in layer group (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)

    2nd index: a SymmOp object in the WP

    For an organized list:

    1st index: specifies multiplicity (0 is the largest multiplicity)

    2nd index: corresponds to a Wyckoff position within the group of equal

    3nd index: corresponds to a SymmOp object within the Wyckoff position

    You may switch between organized and unorganized lists using the methods
    i_from_jk and jk_from_i. For example, if a Wyckoff position is the [i]
    entry in an unorganized list, it will be the [j][k] entry in an organized

    For layer groups with more than one possible origin, origin choice 2 is

        num: the international layer group number
        organized: whether or not to organize the list based on multiplicity
        a list of Wyckoff positions, each of which is a list of SymmOp's
    wyckoff_strings = eval(layer_df["0"][num])
    wyckoffs = []
    for x in wyckoff_strings:
        for y in x:
    if organized:
        wyckoffs_organized = [[]] #2D Array of WP's organized by multiplicity
        old = len(wyckoffs[0])
        for wp in wyckoffs:
            mult = len(wp)
            if mult != old:
                old = mult
        return wyckoffs_organized
        return wyckoffs

def get_rod(num, organized=False):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff positions for a given 1D Rod group. Has option to
    organize the list based on multiplicity (this is used for
    random_crystal_1D.wyckoffs) For an unorganized list:

    1st index: index of WP in layer group (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)

    2nd index: a SymmOp object in the WP

    For an organized list:

    1st index: specifies multiplicity (0 is the largest multiplicity)

    2nd index: corresponds to a Wyckoff position within the group of equal

    3nd index: corresponds to a SymmOp object within the Wyckoff position

    You may switch between organized and unorganized lists using the methods
    i_from_jk and jk_from_i. For example, if a Wyckoff position is the [i]
    entry in an unorganized list, it will be the [j][k] entry in an organized

    For Rod groups with more than one possible setting, setting choice 1
    is used.

        num: the international Rod group number
        organized: whether or not to organize the list based on multiplicity
        a list of Wyckoff positions, each of which is a list of SymmOp's
    wyckoff_strings = eval(rod_df["0"][num])
    wyckoffs = []
    for x in wyckoff_strings:
        for y in x:
    if organized:
        wyckoffs_organized = [[]] #2D Array of WP's organized by multiplicity
        old = len(wyckoffs[0])
        for wp in wyckoffs:
            mult = len(wp)
            if mult != old:
                old = mult
        return wyckoffs_organized
        return wyckoffs

def get_point(num, organized=False):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff positions for a given crystallographic point group.
    Has option to organize the list based on multiplicity.

    1st index: index of WP in layer group (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)

    2nd index: a SymmOp object in the WP

    For point groups except T, Th, O, Td, and Oh, unique axis z is used.

        num: the point group number (see bottom of source code for a list)
        organized: whether or not to organize the list based on multiplicity
        molecular: whether or not to convert to Euclidean reference frame
            (for hexagonal lattices: point groups 16-27)
        a list of Wyckoff positions, each of which is a list of SymmOp's
    wyckoff_strings = eval(point_df["0"][num])
    wyckoffs = []
    for x in wyckoff_strings:
        for y in x:
            op = SymmOp(y)
    if organized:
        wyckoffs_organized = [[]] #2D Array of WP's organized by multiplicity
        old = len(wyckoffs[0])
        for wp in wyckoffs:
            mult = len(wp)
            if mult != old:
                old = mult
        return wyckoffs_organized
        return wyckoffs

def get_wyckoff_symmetry(sg, PBC=[1,1,1], molecular=False):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff position site symmetry for a given space group.
    1st index: index of WP in sg (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)
    2nd index: a point within the WP
    3rd index: a site symmetry SymmOp of the point

        sg: the international spacegroup number
        PBC: A periodic boundary condition list, where 1 means periodic, 0 means not periodic.
            Ex: [1,1,1] -> full 3d periodicity, [0,0,1] -> periodicity along the z axis
        molecular: whether or not to return the Euclidean point symmetry
            operations. If True, cuts off translational part of operation, and
            converts non-orthogonal operations (3-fold and 6-fold rotations)
            to (orthogonal) pure rotations. Should be used when dealing with
            molecular crystals

        a 3d list of SymmOp objects representing the site symmetry of each
        point in each Wyckoff position
    if PBC != [1,1,1]:
        coor = [0,0,0]
        for i, a in enumerate(PBC):
            if not a:
                coor[i] = 0.5
        coor = np.array(coor)
    wyckoffs = get_wyckoffs(sg, PBC=PBC)

    P = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation([[1,-.5,0],[0,math.sqrt(3)/2,0],[0,0,1]], [0,0,0])
    symmetry_strings = eval(wyckoff_symmetry_df["0"][sg])
    symmetry = []
    convert = False
    if molecular is True:
        if sg >= 143 and sg <= 194:
            convert = True
    #Loop over Wyckoff positions
    for x, w in zip(symmetry_strings, wyckoffs):
        if PBC != [1,1,1]:
            op = w[0]
            coor1 = op.operate(coor)
            invalid = False
            for i, a in enumerate(PBC):
                if not a:
                    if not abs(coor1[i]-0.5) < 1e-2:
                        invalid = True
            if invalid == False:
                #Loop over points in WP
                for y in x:
                    #Loop over ops
                    for z in y:
                        op = SymmOp.from_xyz_string(z)
                        if convert is True:
                            #Convert non-orthogonal trigonal/hexagonal operations
                            op = P*op*P.inverse
                        if molecular is False:
                        elif molecular is True:
                            op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix,[0,0,0])
            #Loop over points in WP
            for y in x:
                #Loop over ops
                for z in y:
                    op = SymmOp.from_xyz_string(z)
                    if convert is True:
                        #Convert non-orthogonal trigonal/hexagonal operations
                        op = P*op*P.inverse
                    if molecular is False:
                    elif molecular is True:
                        op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix,[0,0,0])
    return symmetry

def get_layer_symmetry(num, molecular=False):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff position site symmetry for a given space group.
    1st index: index of WP in group (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)
    2nd index: a point within the WP
    3rd index: a site symmetry SymmOp of the point

        num: the layer group number
        molecular: whether or not to return the Euclidean point symmetry
            operations. If True, cuts off translational part of operation, and
            converts non-orthogonal operations (3-fold and 6-fold rotations)
            to (orthogonal) pure rotations. Should be used when dealing with
            molecular crystals

        a 3d list of SymmOp objects representing the site symmetry of each
        point in each Wyckoff position

    P = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation([[1,-.5,0],[0,math.sqrt(3)/2,0],[0,0,1]], [0,0,0])
    symmetry_strings = eval(layer_symmetry_df["0"][num])
    symmetry = []
    convert = False
    if molecular is True:
        if num >= 65:
            convert = True
    #Loop over Wyckoff positions
    for x in symmetry_strings:
        #Loop over points in WP
        for y in x:
            #Loop over ops
            for z in y:
                op = SymmOp.from_xyz_string(z)
                if convert is True:
                    #Convert non-orthogonal trigonal/hexagonal operations
                    op = P*op*P.inverse
                if molecular is False:
                elif molecular is True:
                    op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix,[0,0,0])
    return symmetry

def get_rod_symmetry(num, molecular=False):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff position site symmetry for a given Rod group.
    1st index: index of WP in group (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)
    2nd index: a point within the WP
    3rd index: a site symmetry SymmOp of the point

        num: the Rod group number
        molecular: whether or not to return the Euclidean point symmetry
            operations. If True, cuts off translational part of operation, and
            converts non-orthogonal operations (3-fold and 6-fold rotations)
            to (orthogonal) pure rotations. Should be used when dealing with
            molecular crystals

        a 3d list of SymmOp objects representing the site symmetry of each
        point in each Wyckoff position

    P = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation([[1,-.5,0],[0,math.sqrt(3)/2,0],[0,0,1]], [0,0,0])
    symmetry_strings = eval(rod_symmetry_df["0"][num])
    symmetry = []
    convert = False
    if molecular is True:
        if num >= 42:
            convert = True
    #Loop over Wyckoff positions
    for x in symmetry_strings:
        #Loop over points in WP
        for y in x:
            #Loop over ops
            for z in y:
                op = SymmOp.from_xyz_string(z)
                if convert is True:
                    #Convert non-orthogonal trigonal/hexagonal operations
                    op = P*op*P.inverse
                if molecular is False:
                elif molecular is True:
                    op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix,[0,0,0])
    return symmetry

def get_point_symmetry(num):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff position site symmetry for a given point group.
    1st index: index of WP in group (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)
    2nd index: a point within the WP
    3rd index: a site symmetry SymmOp of the point

        num: the point group number
        molecular: whether or not to convert to Euclidean reference frame
            (for hexagonal lattices: point groups 16-27)

        a 3d list of SymmOp objects representing the site symmetry of each
        point in each Wyckoff position
    symmetry_strings = eval(point_symmetry_df["0"][num])
    symmetry = []
    #Loop over Wyckoff positions
    for wp in symmetry_strings:
        #Loop over points in WP
        for point in wp:
            #Loop over ops
            for m in point:
                op = SymmOp(m)
    return symmetry

def get_wyckoff_generators(sg, PBC=[1,1,1], molecular=False):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff generators for a given space group.
    1st index: index of WP in sg (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)
    2nd index: a generator for the WP
    This function is useful for rotating molecules based on Wyckoff position,
    since special Wyckoff positions only encode positional information, but not
    information about the orientation. The generators for each Wyckoff position
    form a subset of the spacegroup's general Wyckoff position.
        sg: the international spacegroup number
        PBC: A periodic boundary condition list, where 1 means periodic, 0 means not periodic.
            Ex: [1,1,1] -> full 3d periodicity, [0,0,1] -> periodicity along the z axis
        molecular: whether or not to return the Euclidean point symmetry
            operations. If True, cuts off translational part of operation, and
            converts non-orthogonal operations (3-fold and 6-fold rotations)
            to (orthogonal) pure rotations. Should be used when dealing with
            molecular crystals
        a 2d list of SymmOp objects which can be used to generate a Wyckoff position given a
        single fractional (x,y,z) coordinate
    if PBC != [1,1,1]:
        coor = [0,0,0]
        for i, a in enumerate(PBC):
            if not a:
                coor[i] = 0.5
        coor = np.array(coor)
    wyckoffs = get_wyckoffs(sg, PBC=PBC)

    P = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation([[1,-.5,0],[0,math.sqrt(3)/2,0],[0,0,1]], [0,0,0])
    generator_strings = eval(wyckoff_generators_df["0"][sg])
    generators = []
    convert = False
    if molecular is True:
        if sg >= 143 and sg <= 194:
            convert = True
    #Loop over Wyckoff positions
    for x, w in zip(generator_strings, wyckoffs):
        if PBC != [1,1,1]:
            op = w[0]
            coor1 = op.operate(coor)
            invalid = False
            for i, a in enumerate(PBC):
                if not a:
                    if not abs(coor1[i]-0.5) < 1e-2:
                        invalid = True
            if invalid == False:
                #Loop over ops
                for y in x:
                    op = SymmOp.from_xyz_string(y)
                    if convert is True:
                        #Convert non-orthogonal trigonal/hexagonal operations
                        op = P*op*P.inverse
                    if molecular is False:
                    elif molecular is True:
                        op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix,[0,0,0])
            for y in x:
                op = SymmOp.from_xyz_string(y)
                if convert is True:
                    #Convert non-orthogonal trigonal/hexagonal operations
                    op = P*op*P.inverse
                if molecular is False:
                elif molecular is True:
                    op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix,[0,0,0])
    return generators

def get_layer_generators(num, molecular=False):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff generators for a given layer group.
    1st index: index of WP in group (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)
    2nd index: a generator for the WP
    This function is useful for rotating molecules based on Wyckoff position,
    since special Wyckoff positions only encode positional information, but not
    information about the orientation. The generators for each Wyckoff position
    form a subset of the group's general Wyckoff position.
        num: the layer group number
        molecular: whether or not to return the Euclidean point symmetry
            operations. If True, cuts off translational part of operation, and
            converts non-orthogonal operations (3-fold and 6-fold rotations)
            to (orthogonal) pure rotations. Should be used when dealing with
            molecular crystals
        a 2d list of SymmOp objects which can be used to generate a Wyckoff position given a
        single fractional (x,y,z) coordinate

    P = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation([[1,-.5,0],[0,math.sqrt(3)/2,0],[0,0,1]], [0,0,0])
    generator_strings = eval(layer_generators_df["0"][num])
    generators = []
    convert = False
    if molecular is True:
        if num >= 65:
            convert = True
    #Loop over Wyckoff positions
    for x in generator_strings:
        #Loop over ops
        for y in x:
            op = SymmOp.from_xyz_string(y)
            if convert is True:
                #Convert non-orthogonal trigonal/hexagonal operations
                op = P*op*P.inverse
            if molecular is False:
            elif molecular is True:
                op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix,[0,0,0])
    return generators

def get_rod_generators(num, molecular=False):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff generators for a given Rod group.
    1st index: index of WP in group (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)
    2nd index: a generator for the WP
    This function is useful for rotating molecules based on Wyckoff position,
    since special Wyckoff positions only encode positional information, but not
    information about the orientation. The generators for each Wyckoff position
    form a subset of the group's general Wyckoff position.
        num: the Rod group number
        molecular: whether or not to return the Euclidean point symmetry
            operations. If True, cuts off translational part of operation, and
            converts non-orthogonal operations (3-fold and 6-fold rotations)
            to (orthogonal) pure rotations. Should be used when dealing with
            molecular crystals
        a 2d list of SymmOp objects which can be used to generate a Wyckoff position given a
        single fractional (x,y,z) coordinate

    P = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation([[1,-.5,0],[0,math.sqrt(3)/2,0],[0,0,1]], [0,0,0])
    generator_strings = eval(rod_generators_df["0"][num])
    generators = []
    convert = False
    if molecular is True:
        if num >= 42:
            convert = True
    #Loop over Wyckoff positions
    for x in generator_strings:
        #Loop over ops
        for y in x:
            op = SymmOp.from_xyz_string(y)
            if convert is True:
                #Convert non-orthogonal trigonal/hexagonal operations
                op = P*op*P.inverse
            if molecular is False:
            elif molecular is True:
                op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix,[0,0,0])
    return generators

def get_point_generators(num):
    Returns a list of Wyckoff generators for a given point group.
    1st index: index of WP in group (0 is the WP with largest multiplicity)
    2nd index: a generator for the WP
    This function is useful for rotating molecules based on Wyckoff position,
    since special Wyckoff positions only encode positional information, but not
    information about the orientation. The generators for each Wyckoff position
    form a subset of the group's general Wyckoff position.
        num: the Rod group number
        molecular: whether or not to convert to Euclidean reference frame
            (for hexagonal lattices: point groups 16-27)
        a 2d list of SymmOp objects which can be used to generate a Wyckoff position given a
        single fractional (x,y,z) coordinate
    generator_strings = eval(point_generators_df["0"][num])
    generators = []
    #Loop over Wyckoff positions
    for x in generator_strings:
        #Loop over ops
        for y in x:
            op = SymmOp(y)
    return generators

def general_position(number, dim=3):
    Returns a Wyckoff_position object for the general Wyckoff position of the given

        number: the international number of the group
        dim: the dimension of the group 3: space group, 2: layer group, 1: Rod group

        a Wyckoff_position object for the general position
    return Wyckoff_position.from_group_and_index(number, 0, dim=dim)

def site_symm(point, gen_pos, tol=1e-3, lattice=Euclidean_lattice, PBC=None):
    Given a point and a general Wyckoff position, return the list of symmetry
    operations leaving the point (coordinate or SymmOp) invariant. The returned
    SymmOps are a subset of the general position. The site symmetry can be used
    for determining the Wyckoff position for a set of points, or for
    determining the valid orientations of a molecule within a given Wyckoff

        point: a 1x3 coordinate or SymmOp object to find the symmetry of. If a
            SymmOp is given, the returned symmetries must also preserve the
            point's orientaion
        gen_pos: the general position of the spacegroup. Can be a Wyckoff_position
            object or list of SymmOp objects.
            Can be obtained using general_position()
            the numberical tolerance for determining equivalent positions and
            a 3x3 matrix representing the lattice vectors of the unit cell
        PBC: A periodic boundary condition list, where 1 means periodic, 0 means not periodic.
            Ex: [1,1,1] -> full 3d periodicity, [0,0,1] -> periodicity along the z axis.
            Need not be defined here if gen_pos is a Wyckoff_position object.

        a list of SymmOp objects which leave the given point invariant
    if PBC == None:
        if type(gen_pos) == Wyckoff_position:
            PBC = gen_pos.PBC
    #Convert point into a SymmOp
    if type(point) != SymmOp:
        point = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation([[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]], np.array(point))
    symmetry = []
    for op in gen_pos:
        is_symmetry = True
        #Calculate the effect of applying op to point
        difference = SymmOp((op*point).affine_matrix - point.affine_matrix)
        #Check that the rotation matrix is unaltered by op
        if not np.allclose(difference.rotation_matrix, np.zeros((3,3)), rtol = 1e-3, atol = 1e-3):
            is_symmetry = False
        #Check that the displacement is less than tol
        displacement = difference.translation_vector
        if distance(displacement, lattice, PBC=PBC) > tol:
            is_symmetry = False
        if is_symmetry:
            """The actual site symmetry's translation vector may vary from op by
            a factor of +1 or -1 (especially when op contains +-1/2).
            We record this to distinguish between special Wyckoff positions.
            As an example, consider the point (-x+1/2,-x,x+1/2) in position 16c
            of space group Ia-3(206). The site symmetry includes the operations
            (-z+1,x-1/2,-y+1/2) and (y+1/2,-z+1/2,-x+1). These operations are
            not listed in the general position, but correspond to the operations
            (-z,x+1/2,-y+1/2) and (y+1/2,-z+1/2,-x), respectively, just shifted
            by (+1,-1,0) and (0,0,+1), respectively.
            el = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op.rotation_matrix, op.translation_vector - np.round(displacement))
    return symmetry

def check_wyckoff_position(points, group, tol=1e-3):
    Given a list of points, returns a single index of a matching Wyckoff
    position in the space group. Checks the site symmetry of each supplied
    point against the site symmetry for each point in the Wyckoff position.
    Also returns a point which can be used to generate the rest using the
    Wyckoff position operators
        points: a list of 3d coordinates or SymmOps to check
        group: a Group object
        tol: the max distance between equivalent points
        index, p: index is a single index for the Wyckoff position within
        the sg. If no matching WP is found, returns False. point is a
        coordinate taken from the list points. When plugged into the Wyckoff
        position, it will generate all the other points.
    points = np.array(points)
    wyckoffs = group.wyckoffs
    w_symm_all = group.w_symm
    PBC = group.PBC
    #new method
    #Store the squared distance tolerance
    t = tol**2
    #Loop over Wyckoff positions
    for i, wp in enumerate(wyckoffs):
        #Check that length of points and wp are equal
        if len(wp) != len(points): continue
        failed = False

        #Search for a generating point
        for p in points:
            failed = False
            #Check that point works as x,y,z value for wp
            xyz = filtered_coords_euclidean(wp[0].operate(p) - p, PBC=PBC)

            if dsquared(xyz) > t: continue
            #Calculate distances between original and generated points
            pw = np.array([op.operate(p) for op in wp])
            dw = distance_matrix(points, pw, None, PBC=PBC, metric="sqeuclidean")

            #Check each row for a zero
            for row in dw:
                num = (row < t).sum()
                if num < 1:
                    failed = True

            if failed is True: continue
            #Check each column for a zero
            for column in dw.T:
                num = (column < t).sum()
                if num < 1:
                    failed = True

            #Calculate distance between original and generated points
            ps = np.array([op.operate(p) for op in w_symm_all[i][0]])
            ds = distance_matrix([p], ps, None, PBC=PBC, metric="sqeuclidean")
            #Check whether any generated points are too far away
            num = (ds > t).sum()
            if num > 0:
                failed = True

            if failed is True: continue
            return i, p
    return False, None

#TODO: Use Group object instead of organized array
def letter_from_index(index, group, dim=3):
    Given a Wyckoff position's index within a spacegroup, return its number
    and letter e.g. '4a'

        index: a single integer describing the WP's index within the
            spacegroup (0 is the general position)
        group: an unorganized Wyckoff position array or Group object (preferred)
        dim: the periodicity dimension of the symmetry group. Used for consideration
            of "o" Wyckoff positions in point groups. Not used if group is a Group
        the Wyckoff letter corresponding to the Wyckoff position (for example,
        for position 4a, the function would return 'a')
    letters1 = letters
    #See whether the group has an "o" Wyckoff position
    checko = False
    if type(group) == Group and group.dim == 0:
        checko = True
    elif dim == 0:
        checko = True
    if checko is True:
        if len(group[-1]) == 1 and group[-1][0] == SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,0,0'):
            #o comes before a
            letters1 = "o" + letters
    length = len(group)
    return letters1[length - 1 - index]

def index_from_letter(letter, group, dim=3):
    Given the Wyckoff letter, returns the index of a Wyckoff position within
    the spacegroup

        letter: The wyckoff letter
        group: an unorganized Wyckoff position array or Group object (preferred)
        dim: the periodicity dimension of the symmetry group. Used for consideration
            of "o" Wyckoff positions in point groups. Not used if group is a Group

        a single index specifying the location of the Wyckoff position within
        the spacegroup (0 is the general position)
    letters1 = letters
    #See whether the group has an "o" Wyckoff position
    checko = False
    if type(group) == Group and group.dim == 0:
        checko = True
    elif dim == 0:
        checko = True
    if checko is True:
        if len(group[-1]) == 1 and group[-1][0] == SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,0,0'):
            #o comes before a
            letters1 = "o" + letters
    length = len(group)
    return length - 1 - letters1.index(letter)

def jk_from_i(i, olist):
    Given an organized list (Wyckoff positions or orientations), determine the
    two indices which correspond to a single index for an unorganized list.
    Used mainly for organized Wyckoff position lists, but can be used for other
    lists organized in a similar way

        i: a single index corresponding to the item's location in the
            unorganized list
        olist: the organized list

        [j, k]: two indices corresponding to the item's location in the
            organized list
    num = -1
    found = False
    for j , a in enumerate(olist):
        for k , b in enumerate(a):
            num += 1
            if num == i:
                return [j, k]
    printx("Error: Incorrect Wyckoff position list or index passed to jk_from_i", priority=1)
    return None

def i_from_jk(j, k, olist):
    Inverse operation of jk_from_i: gives one list index from 2

        j, k: indices corresponding to the location of an element in the
            organized list
        olist: the organized list of Wyckoff positions or molecular orientations

        i: one index corresponding to the item's location in the
            unorganized list    
    num = -1
    for x, a in enumerate(olist):
        for y, b in enumerate(a):
            num += 1
            if x == j and y == k:
                return num
    printx("Error: Incorrect Wyckoff position list or index passed to jk_from_i", priority=1)
    return None

def ss_string_from_ops(ops, number, dim=3, complete=True):
    Print the Hermann-Mauguin symbol for a site symmetry group, using a list of
    SymmOps as input. Note that the symbol does not necessarily refer to the
    x,y,z axes. For information on reading these symbols, see:

        ops: a list of SymmOp objects representing the site symmetry
        number: International number of the symmetry group. Used to determine which
            axes to show. For example, a 3-fold rotation in a cubic system is
            written as ".3.", whereas a 3-fold rotation in a trigonal system is
            written as "3.."
        dim: the dimension of the crystal. Also used to determine notation type
        complete: whether or not all symmetry operations in the group
            are present. If False, we generate the rest

        a string representing the site symmetry. Ex: "2mm"
    #TODO: Automatically detect which symm_type to use based on ops
    #Determine which notation to use
    symm_type = "high"
    if dim == 3:
        if number >= 1 and number <= 74:
            #Triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic
            symm_type = "low"
        elif number >= 75 and number <= 194:
            #Trigonal, Hexagonal, Tetragonal
            symm_type = "medium"
        elif number >= 195 and number <= 230:
            symm_type = "high"
    if dim == 2:
        if number >= 1 and number <= 48:
            #Triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic
            symm_type = "low"
        elif number >= 49 and number <= 80:
            #Trigonal, Hexagonal, Tetragonal
            symm_type = "medium"
    if dim == 1:
        if number >= 1 and number <= 22:
            #Triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic
            symm_type = "low"
        elif number >= 23 and number <= 75:
            #Trigonal, Hexagonal, Tetragonal
            symm_type = "medium"

    #TODO: replace sg with number, add dim variable
    #Return the symbol for a single axis
    #Will be called later in the function
    def get_symbol(opas, order, has_reflection):
        #ops: a list of Symmetry operations about the axis
        #order: highest order of any symmetry operation about the axis
        #has_reflection: whether or not the axis has mirror symmetry
        if has_reflection is True:
            #rotations have priority
            for opa in opas:
                if opa.order == order and opa.type == "rotation":
                    return str(opa.rotation_order)+"/m"
            for opa in opas:
                if (opa.order == order and opa.type == "rotoinversion"
                    and opa.order != 2):
                    return "-"+str(opa.rotation_order)
            return "m"
        elif has_reflection is False:
            #rotoinversion has priority
            for opa in opas:
                if opa.order == order and opa.type == "rotoinversion":
                    return "-"+str(opa.rotation_order)
            for opa in opas:
                if opa.order == order and opa.type == "rotation":
                    return str(opa.rotation_order)
            return "."
    #Given a list of single-axis symbols, return the one with highest symmetry
    #Will be called later in the function
    def get_highest_symbol(symbols):
        symbol_list = ['.','2','m','-2','2/m','3','4','-4','4/m','-3','6','-6','6/m']
        max_index = 0
        use_list = True
        for j, symbol in enumerate(symbols):
            if symbol in symbol_list:
                i = symbol_list.index(symbol)
                use_list = False
                num_str = ''.join(c for c in symbol if c.isdigit())
                i1 = int(num_str)
                if 'm' in symbol or '-' in symbol:
                    if i1 % 2 == 0:
                        i = i1
                    elif i1 % 2 == 1:
                        i = i1 * 2
                    i = i1
            if i > max_index:
                max_j = j
                max_index = i
        if use_list is True:
            return symbol_list[max_index]
            return symbols[max_j]
    #Return whether or not two axes are symmetrically equivalent
    #It is assumed that both axes possess the same symbol
    #Will be called within combine_axes
    def are_symmetrically_equivalent(index1, index2):
        axis1 = axes[index1]
        axis2 = axes[index2]
        condition1 = False
        condition2 = False
        #Check for an operation mapping one axis onto the other
        for op in ops:
            if condition1 is False or condition2 is False:
                new1 = op.operate(axis1)
                new2 = op.operate(axis2)
                if np.isclose(abs(np.dot(new1, axis2)), 1):
                    condition1 = True
                if np.isclose(abs(np.dot(new2, axis1)), 1):
                    condition2 = True
        if condition1 is True and condition2 is True:
            return True
            return False
    #Given a list of axis indices, return the combined symbol
    #Axes may or may not be symmetrically equivalent, but must be of the same
    #type (x/y/z, face-diagonal, body-diagonal)
    #Will be called for mid- and high-symmetry crystallographic point groups
    def combine_axes(indices):
        symbols = {}
        for index in deepcopy(indices):
            symbol = get_symbol(params[index],orders[index],reflections[index])
            if symbol == ".":
                symbols[index] = symbol
        if indices == []:
            return "."
        #Remove redundant axes
        for i in deepcopy(indices):
            for j in deepcopy(indices):
                if j > i:
                    if symbols[i] == symbols[j]:
                        if are_symmetrically_equivalent(i, j):
                            if j in indices:
        #Combine symbols for non-equivalent axes
        new_symbols = []
        for i in indices:
        symbol = ""
        while new_symbols != []:
            highest = get_highest_symbol(new_symbols)
            symbol += highest
        if symbol == "":
            printx("Error: could not combine site symmetry axes.", priority=1)
            return symbol
    #Generate needed ops
    if complete is False:
        ops = generate_full_symmops(ops, 1e-3)
    #Get OperationAnalyzer object for all ops
    opas = []
    for op in ops:
    #Store the symmetry of each axis
    params = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]
    has_inversion = False
    #Store possible symmetry axes for crystallographic point groups
    axes = [[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1],
    for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
        axes[i] = axis/np.linalg.norm(axis)
    for opa in opas:
        if opa.type != "identity" and opa.type != "inversion":
            found = False
            for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
                if np.isclose(abs(np.dot(opa.axis, axis)), 1):
                    found = True
            #Store uncommon axes for trigonal and hexagonal lattices
            if found is False:
                #Check that new axis is not symmetrically equivalent to others
                unique = True
                for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
                    if i != len(axes)-1:
                        if are_symmetrically_equivalent(i, len(axes)-1):
                            unique = False
                if unique is True:
                elif unique is False:
        elif opa.type == "inversion":
            has_inversion = True
    #Determine how many high-symmetry axes are present
    n_axes = 0
    #Store the order of each axis
    orders = []
    #Store whether or not each axis has reflection symmetry
    reflections = []
    for axis in params:
        order = 1
        high_symm = False
        has_reflection = False
        for opa in axis:
            if opa.order >= 3:
                high_symm = True
            if opa.order > order:
                order = opa.order
            if opa.order == 2 and opa.type == "rotoinversion":
                has_reflection = True
        if high_symm == True:
            n_axes += 1
    #Triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic
    #Positions in symbol refer to x,y,z axes respectively
    if symm_type == "low":
        symbol = (get_symbol(params[0], orders[0], reflections[0])+
                get_symbol(params[1], orders[1], reflections[1])+
                get_symbol(params[2], orders[2], reflections[2]))
        if symbol != "...":
            return symbol
        elif symbol == "...":
            if has_inversion is True:
                return "-1"
                return "1"
    #Trigonal, Hexagonal, Tetragonal
    elif symm_type == "medium":
        #1st symbol: z axis
        s1 = get_symbol(params[2], orders[2], reflections[2])
        #2nd symbol: x or y axes (whichever have higher symmetry)
        s2 = combine_axes([0,1])
        #3rd symbol: face-diagonal axes (whichever have highest symmetry)
        s3 = combine_axes(list(range(3, len(axes))))
        symbol = s1+" "+s2+" "+s3
        if symbol != ". . .":
            return symbol
        elif symbol == ". . .":
            if has_inversion is True:
                return "-1"
                return "1"
    elif symm_type == "high":
        #1st symbol: x, y, and/or z axes (whichever have highest symmetry)
        s1 = combine_axes([0,1,2])
        #2nd symbol: body-diagonal axes (whichever has highest symmetry)
        s2 = combine_axes([9,10,11,12])
        #3rd symbol: face-diagonal axes (whichever have highest symmetry)
        s3 = combine_axes([3,4,5,6,7,8])
        symbol = s1+" "+s2+" "+s3
        if symbol != ". . .":
            return symbol
        elif symbol == ". . .":
            if has_inversion is True:
                return "-1"
                return "1"
        printx("Error: invalid spacegroup number", priority=1)

def symbol_from_number(number, symbol):
    Returns the H-M symbol for a given international group number
    #TODO: Create database/lists of symbols for groups

def organized_wyckoffs(group):
    Takes a Group object or unorganized list of Wyckoff positions and returns
    a 2D list of Wyckoff positions organized by multiplicity.

        group: a pyxtal.symmetry.Group object
        a 2D list of Wyckoff_position objects if group is a Group object.
        a 3D list of SymmOp objects if group is a 2D list of SymmOps
    if type(group) == Group:
        wyckoffs = group.Wyckoff_positions
        wyckoffs = group
    wyckoffs_organized = [[]] #2D Array of WP's organized by multiplicity
    old = len(wyckoffs[0])
    for wp in wyckoffs:
        mult = len(wp)
        if mult != old:
            old = mult
    return wyckoffs_organized

def calculate_generators(wp, gen_pos, PBC=[1,1,1]):
    Calculate the generating operations for a WP given the general position
    and the site symmetry ops for the WP
        gen_pos: a list of SymmOp objects for the general position
        ss: a list of symmetry operations for each point in the WP
    gens = []
    for point in wp:
        for op in gen_pos:
            if op not in gens:
                transformed_matrix = np.dot(op.affine_matrix, wp[0].affine_matrix)
                if np.allclose(transformed_matrix, point.affine_matrix,atol=.01,rtol=.001):
    return gens

class Wyckoff_position():
    Class for a single Wyckoff position within a symmetry group
    def from_dict(dictionary):
        Constructs a Wyckoff_position object using a dictionary. Used mainly by the
        Wyckoff class for constructing a list of Wyckoff_position objects at once
        wp = Wyckoff_position()
        for key in dictionary:
            setattr(wp, key, dictionary[key])
        return wp

    def __str__(self):
            return self.string
            if self.dim not in list(range(4)):
                return "Error: invalid crystal dimension. Must be a number between 0 and 3."
            s = "Wyckoff position "+str(self.multiplicity)+self.letter+" in "
            if self.dim == 3:
                s += "space "
            elif self.dim == 2:
                s += "layer "
            elif self.dim == 1:
                s += "Rod "
            elif self.dim == 0:
                s += "Point group " + self.symbol
            if self.dim != 0:
                s += "group " + str(self.number)
            s += " with site symmetry "+ss_string_from_ops(self.symmetry_m[0], self.number, dim=self.dim)
            for op in self.ops:
                s += "\n" + op.as_xyz_string()
            self.string = s
            return self.string

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def from_group_and_index(group, index, dim=3, PBC=None):
        Creates a Wyckoff_position using the space group number and index
            group: the international number of the symmetry group
            index: the index or letter of the Wyckoff position within the group.
                0 is always the general position, and larger indeces represent positions
                with lower multiplicity. Alternatively, index can be the Wyckoff letter
                ("4a6" or "f")
            dim: the periodic dimension of the crystal
            PBC: the periodic boundary conditions
        wp = Wyckoff_position()
        wp.dim = dim
        if type(group) == int:
            wp.number = group
            number = group
            #TODO: add symbol interpretation
            printx("Error: must use an integer group number.", priority=1)
        use_letter = False
        if type(index) == int:
            wp.index = index
        elif type(index) == str:
            use_letter = True
            #Extract letter from number-letter combinations ("4d"->"d")
            for c in index:
                if c.isalpha():
                    index = c

        if dim == 3:
            if number not in range(1, 231):
                printx("Error: invalid symmetry group "+str(group)+" for dimension "+str(self.dim), priority=1)
            if PBC == None:
                wp.PBC = [1,1,1]
                wp.PBC = PBC
            ops_all = get_wyckoffs(wp.number)
            if use_letter is True:
                wp.index = index_from_letter(index, ops_all, dim=dim)
                wp.letter = index
                wp.letter = letter_from_index(wp.index, ops_all, dim=dim)
            if wp.index >= len(ops_all) or wp.index < 0:
                printx("Error while generating Wyckoff_position: index out of range for specified group", priority=1)
            wp.ops = ops_all[wp.index]
            """The Wyckoff positions for the crystal's spacegroup."""
            wp.multiplicity = len(wp.ops)
            wp.symmetry = get_wyckoff_symmetry(wp.number)[wp.index]
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)"""
            wp.symmetry_m = get_wyckoff_symmetry(wp.number, molecular=True)[wp.index]
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)"""
            wp.generators = get_wyckoff_generators(wp.number)[wp.index]
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=False)"""
            wp.generators_m = get_wyckoff_generators(wp.number, molecular=True)[wp.index]
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=True)"""
            wp.inverse_generators = get_inverse_ops(wp.generators)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=False)"""
            wp.inverse_generators_m = get_inverse_ops(wp.generators_m)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=True)"""

        elif dim == 2:
            if number not in range(1, 81):
                printx("Error: invalid symmetry group "+str(group)+" for dimension "+str(self.dim), priority=1)
            if PBC == None:
                wp.PBC = [1,1,0]
                wp.PBC = PBC
            ops_all = get_layer(wp.number)
            if use_letter is True:
                wp.index = index_from_letter(index, ops_all, dim=dim)
                wp.letter = index
                wp.letter = letter_from_index(wp.index, ops_all, dim=dim)
            if wp.index >= len(ops_all) or wp.index < 0:
                printx("Error while generating Wyckoff_position: index out of range for specified group", priority=1)
            wp.ops = ops_all[wp.index]
            """The Wyckoff positions for the crystal's spacegroup."""
            wp.multiplicity = len(wp.ops)
            wp.symmetry = get_layer_symmetry(wp.number)[wp.index]
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)"""
            wp.symmetry_m = get_layer_symmetry(wp.number, molecular=True)[wp.index]
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)"""
            wp.generators = get_layer_generators(wp.number)[wp.index]
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=False)"""
            wp.generators_m = get_layer_generators(wp.number, molecular=True)[wp.index]
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=True)"""
            wp.inverse_generators = get_inverse_ops(wp.generators)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=False)"""
            wp.inverse_generators_m = get_inverse_ops(wp.generators_m)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=True)"""

        elif dim == 1:
            if number not in range(1, 76):
                printx("Error: invalid symmetry group "+str(group)+" for dimension "+str(self.dim), priority=1)
            if PBC == None:
                wp.PBC = [0,0,1]
                wp.PBC = PBC
            ops_all = get_rod(wp.number)
            if use_letter is True:
                wp.index = index_from_letter(index, ops_all, dim=dim)
                wp.letter = index
                wp.letter = letter_from_index(wp.index, ops_all, dim=dim)
            if wp.index >= len(ops_all) or wp.index < 0:
                printx("Error while generating Wyckoff_position: index out of range for specified group", priority=1)
            wp.ops = ops_all[wp.index]
            """The Wyckoff positions for the crystal's spacegroup."""
            wp.multiplicity = len(wp.ops)
            wp.symmetry = get_rod_symmetry(wp.number)[wp.index]
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)"""
            wp.symmetry_m = get_rod_symmetry(wp.number, molecular=True)[wp.index]
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)"""
            wp.generators = get_rod_generators(wp.number)[wp.index]
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=False)"""
            wp.generators_m = get_rod_generators(wp.number, molecular=True)[wp.index]
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=True)"""
            wp.inverse_generators = get_inverse_ops(wp.generators)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=False)"""
            wp.inverse_generators_m = get_inverse_ops(wp.generators_m)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=True)"""

        elif dim == 0:
            if number not in range(1, 57):
                printx("Error: invalid symmetry group "+str(group)+" for dimension "+str(self.dim), priority=1)
            #Generate a Group and retrieve Wyckoff position from it
            g = Group(group, dim=0)
                wp = g[index]
                printx("Error while generating Wyckoff_position: index out of range for specified group", priority=1)
        return wp

    def wyckoff_from_generating_op(gen_op, gen_pos):
        Given a general position and generating operation (ex: "x,0,0"), returns a
        Wyckoff_position object.
            gen_op: a SymmOp into which the generating coordinate will be plugged
            gen_pos: a list of SymmOps representing the general position

            a list of SymmOps
        def is_valid_generator(op):
            m = op.affine_matrix
            #Check for x,y+ax,z+bx+cy format
            #Make sure y, z are not referred to before second and third slots, respectively
            if (np.array([m[0][1], m[0][2], m[1][2]]) != 0.0).any():
                if (np.array([m[2][0], m[2][1], m[1][0]]) != 0.0).any():
                    return False
            for i in range(0, 3):
                #Check for translation
                if m[i][i] != 0 and m[i][3] != 0:
                    return False
                #Check that x, y, z are present in desired spot and positive
                if np.linalg.norm(m[:,i]) > 0:
                    if m[i][i] == 0:
                        return False
            return True

        def filter_zeroes(op):
            m = op.affine_matrix
            m2 = m
            for i, x in enumerate(m):
                for j, y in enumerate(x):
                    if np.isclose(y, 0, atol=1e-3):
                        m2[i][j] = 0
            return SymmOp(m2)

        #new_ops = [filter_zeroes(op*gen_op) for op in gen_pos]
        new_ops = [filter_zeroes(SymmOp(np.dot(op.affine_matrix, gen_op.affine_matrix))) for op in gen_pos]

        #Remove redundant ops
        op_list = []
        for op1 in new_ops:
            passed = True
            for op2 in op_list:
                if np.allclose(op1.affine_matrix, op2.affine_matrix):
                    passed = False
            if passed is True:

        #Check for identity op
        if Identity in op_list:
            index = op_list.index(Identity)
            op2 = op_list[0]
            op_list[index] = op2
            op_list[0] = Identity
            return op_list

        #Check for generating op
        found = False
        for op in op_list:
            if is_valid_generator(op):
                #Place generating op at beginning of list
                index = op_list.index(op)
                op2 = op_list[0]
                op_list[index] = op2
                op_list[0] = op
                found = True
        if found is False:
            printx("Error: Could not find generating op.", priority=0)
            printx("gen_op: ")
            printx("gen_pos: ")
            return op_list

        #Make sure first op is normalized
        m = op_list[0].affine_matrix
        x_factor = 1
        y_factor = 1
        z_factor = 1
        if m[0][0] != 0:
            if m[0][0] != 1: x_factor = m[0][0]
        if m[1][1] != 0:
            if m[1][1] != 1: y_factor = m[1][1]
        if m[2][2] != 0:
            if m[2][2] != 1: z_factor = m[2][2]
        new_list = []
        for op in op_list:
            m = op.affine_matrix
            m2 = m
            m2[:,0] = m2[:,0] / x_factor
            m2[:,1] = m2[:,1] / y_factor
            m2[:,2] = m2[:,2] / z_factor

        return new_list

    def symmetry_from_wyckoff(wp, gen_pos):
        symm = []
        for op in wp:
            symm.append(site_symm(op, gen_pos))
        return symm

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from self.ops

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.ops[index]

    def __len__(self):
        return self.multiplicity

    def get_site_symmetry(self):
        return ss_string_from_ops(self.symmetry_m[0], self.number, dim=self.dim)

class Group():
    Class for storing a set of Wyckoff positions for a symmetry group. See the documentation
    for details about settings.

        group: the group symbol or international number
        dim: the periodic dimension of the group

    pglist_crystallographic = ['C1','Ci','C2','Cs','C2h','D2','C2v','D2h',
    """List of crystallographic point groups"""
    pglist = ['C1','Ci','C2','Cs','C2h','D2','C2v','D2h',
        'C5', 'C7', 'C8',
        'D5', 'D7', 'D8',
        'C5v', 'C7v', 'C8v',
        'D5h', 'D7h', 'D8h',
        'D4d', 'D5d', 'D6d', 'D7d', 'D8d',
        'S6', 'S8', 'S10', 'S12',
        'I', 'Ih',
        'C*', 'C*h']
    """List of chemically important point groups, based on:
    http://symmetry.jacobs-university.de/ """

    pgdict = {}
    """Dict of crystallographic point group symbols and their corresponding numbers
    (the number for initializing a Group object)"""
    for i, symbol in enumerate(pglist):
        pgdict[i+1] = symbol
    """Dict of crystallographic point groups, with the numbers used by PyXtal"""
    def __str__(self):
            return self.string
            if self.dim == 0:
                #TODO: implement point group symbols
                s = "-- Point group --"
            elif self.dim == 3:
                s = "-- Space group --"
            elif self.dim == 2:
                s = "-- Layer group --"
            elif self.dim == 1:
                s = "-- Rod group --"
                return "Error: invalid crystal dimension. Must be a number between 0 and 3."
            s += "# "+str(self.number)+" ("+self.symbol+")--"
            #TODO: implement H-M symbol
            for wp in self.Wyckoff_positions:
                s += "\n  "+str(wp.multiplicity)+wp.letter+"\tsite symm: " + ss_string_from_ops(wp.symmetry_m[0], self.number, dim=self.dim)
                #for op in wp.ops:
                #    s += "\n" + op.as_xyz_string()
            self.string = s
            return self.string

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)
    def __init__(self, group, dim=3):
        self.dim = dim
        #TODO: get symbol from number
        self.symbol, self.number = get_symbol_and_number(group, dim)
        number = self.number #QZ: needs to clean up
        if dim == 3:
            if self.number not in range(1, 231):
                printx("Error: invalid symmetry group "+str(group)+" for dimension "+str(self.dim), priority=1)
            self.PBC = [1,1,1]
            self.wyckoffs = get_wyckoffs(self.number)
            """The Wyckoff positions for the crystal's spacegroup."""
            self.w_symm = get_wyckoff_symmetry(self.number)
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)"""
            self.w_symm_m = get_wyckoff_symmetry(self.number, molecular=True)
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=True)"""
            self.wyckoff_generators = get_wyckoff_generators(self.number)
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=False)"""
            self.wyckoff_generators_m = get_wyckoff_generators(self.number, molecular=True)
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=True)"""
            self.inverse_generators = get_inverse_ops(self.wyckoff_generators)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=False)"""
            self.inverse_generators_m = get_inverse_ops(self.wyckoff_generators_m)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=True)"""
            if self.number <= 2:
                self.lattice_type = "triclinic"
            elif self.number <= 15:
                self.lattice_type = "monoclinic"
            elif self.number <= 74:
                self.lattice_type = "orthorhombic"
            elif self.number <= 142:
                self.lattice_type = "tetragonal"
            elif self.number <= 194:
                self.lattice_type = "hexagonal"
            elif self.number <= 230:
                self.lattice_type = "cubic"
        elif dim == 2:
            if self.number not in range(1, 81):
                printx("Error: invalid symmetry group "+str(group)+" for dimension "+str(self.dim), priority=1)
            self.PBC = [1,1,0]
            self.wyckoffs = get_layer(self.number)
            """The Wyckoff positions for the crystal's spacegroup."""
            self.w_symm = get_layer_symmetry(self.number)
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)."""
            self.w_symm_m = get_layer_symmetry(self.number, molecular=True)
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=True)"""
            self.wyckoff_generators = get_layer_generators(self.number)
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=False)"""
            self.wyckoff_generators_m = get_layer_generators(self.number, molecular=True)
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=True)"""
            self.inverse_generators = get_inverse_ops(self.wyckoff_generators)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=False)"""
            self.inverse_generators_m = get_inverse_ops(self.wyckoff_generators_m)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=True)"""
            if self.number <= 2:
                self.lattice_type = "triclinic"
            elif self.number <= 18:
                self.lattice_type = "monoclinic"
            elif self.number <= 48:
                self.lattice_type = "orthorhombic"
            elif self.number <= 64:
                self.lattice_type = "tetragonal"
            elif self.number <= 80:
                self.lattice_type = "hexagonal"
        elif dim == 1:
            if self.number not in range(1, 76):
                printx("Error: invalid symmetry group "+str(group)+" for dimension "+str(self.dim), priority=1)
            self.PBC = [0,0,1]
            self.wyckoffs = get_rod(self.number)
            """The Wyckoff positions for the crystal's spacegroup."""
            self.w_symm = get_rod_symmetry(self.number)
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)"""
            self.w_symm_m = get_rod_symmetry(self.number, molecular=True)
            """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=True)"""
            self.wyckoff_generators = get_rod_generators(self.number)
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=False)"""
            self.wyckoff_generators_m = get_rod_generators(self.number, molecular=True)
            """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=True)"""
            self.inverse_generators = get_inverse_ops(self.wyckoff_generators)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=False)"""
            self.inverse_generators_m = get_inverse_ops(self.wyckoff_generators_m)
            """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=True)"""
            if self.number <= 2:
                self.lattice_type = "triclinic"
            elif self.number <= 12:
                self.lattice_type = "monoclinic"
            elif self.number <= 22:
                self.lattice_type = "orthorhombic"
            elif self.number <= 41:
                self.lattice_type = "tetragonal"
            elif self.number <= 75:
                self.lattice_type = "hexagonal"
        elif dim == 0:
            #0-D clusters. Except for group "I" and "Ih", z axis is the high-symmetry axis
            self.dim = 0
            self.PBC = [0,0,0]
            #Check if string is for crystallographic point group
            if type(group) == str:
                if group in pglist:
                    group = pglist.index(group) + 1
            #Get crystallographic point group
            if type(group) == int or type(group) == float:
                if number in range(1, 57):

                    self.symbol = pglist[number-1]
                    symbol = self.symbol

                    #Retrive symmetry info from database
                    self.wyckoffs = get_point(self.number)
                    """The Wyckoff positions for the crystal's spacegroup."""
                    self.w_symm = get_point_symmetry(self.number)
                    """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                        from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=False)"""
                    self.w_symm_m = deepcopy(self.w_symm)
                    """A list of site symmetry operations for the Wyckoff positions, obtained
                        from get_wyckoff_symmetry (molecular=True)"""
                    self.wyckoff_generators = get_point_generators(self.number)
                    """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=False)"""
                    self.wyckoff_generators_m = deepcopy(self.wyckoff_generators)
                    """A list of Wyckoff generators (molecular=True)"""
                    self.inverse_generators = get_inverse_ops(self.wyckoff_generators)
                    """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=False)"""
                    self.inverse_generators_m = deepcopy(self.inverse_generators)
                    """A list of inverses of the generators (molecular=True)"""

                    #Assign lattice type
                    if self.symbol in ["C1","Ci""D2","D2h","T","Th","O","Td","Oh","I","Ih"]:
                        self.lattice_type = "spherical"
                        self.lattice_type = "ellipsoidal"
                    printx("Error: invalid symmetry group "+str(group)+" for dimension "+str(self.dim), priority=1)

            #Get other point groups

            #Should be elif
            if type(group) == str:

                #Remove whitespace
                symbol = ''.join(c for c in symbol if not c.isspace())
                #Find rotation order from symbol
                num_str = ''.join(c for c in symbol if not c.isalpha())
                if num_str == "*":
                    num = 0 #infinite rotation order
                elif num_str == "":
                    num = 1 #No rotation order
                        num = int(num_str) #rotation order
                        1 / num
                        printx("Error: invalid rotation order for point group symbol.", priority=1)
                gens = [Identity] # List of generator SymmOps
                generate = True
                #interpret symbol
                if symbol[0] == "I":
                    self.lattice_type = "spherical"
                    #Add 2, 3, and 5-fold rotations
                    tau = 0.5*(math.sqrt(5)+1)
                    m = aa2matrix([1., tau, 0.], 2*pi/5)
                    gens.append(SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m, [0,0,0]))
                    #Add Wyckoff generating operations
                    op_c = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,0,0')
                    op_b = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,x,x')
                    m = [[0,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,tau,0,0],[0,0,0,0]]
                    op_a = SymmOp(m)
                    gen_ops = [Identity, op_c, op_b, op_a, op_o]
                    if symbol == "Ih":
                        #Add horizontal mirror plane
                        mirror = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,-z') #m x,y,0
                        op_d = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,y,z')
                        gen_ops = [Identity, op_d, op_c, op_b, op_a, op_o]

                elif symbol[0] == "C" and symbol[-1] != "i":
                    #n-fold rotation
                    if num == 1:
                        self.lattice_type = "spherical"
                        self.lattice_type = "ellipsoidal"
                    op_b = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,y,z')
                    op_c = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,0,z')
                    op_d = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,x,z')
                    if symbol[-1] == "d":
                        printx("Error: Invalid point group symbol.", priority=1)
                    if num == 0:
                        #infinite-order rotation
                        self.symbol = "C*"
                        #Add rotation
                        self.symbol = "C" + str(num)
                        m = aa2matrix([0.,0.,1.], 2*pi/num)
                        gens.append(SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m, [0.,0.,0.]))
                        if num != 1:
                            gen_ops = [Identity, op_z]
                        elif num == 1:
                            gen_ops = [Identity]
                    if symbol[-1] == "v":
                        #Add vertical mirror plane
                        gens.append(SymmOp.from_xyz_string('-x,y,z')) #m 0,y,z
                        self.symbol += "v"
                        if num == 2:
                            gen_ops = [Identity, op_b, op_c, op_z]
                        elif num == 4:
                            gen_ops = [Identity, op_c, op_d, op_z]
                            gen_ops = [Identity, op_b, op_z]
                    if symbol[-1] == "h":
                        #Add horizontal mirror plane
                        gens.append(SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,-z')) #m x,y,0
                        self.symbol += "h"
                        op_xy = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,0')
                        gen_ops = [Identity, op_xy, op_z, op_o]
                    if symbol == "Cs":
                        gens = [Identity, SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,-z')]
                        gen_ops = [Identity, SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,0')]

                elif symbol[0] == "C" and symbol[-1] == "i":
                    #n-fold rotinversion, usually just Ci
                    if num == 1:
                        self.lattice_type = "spherical"
                        self.lattice_type = "ellipsoidal"
                    if "d" in symbol or "h" in symbol or "v" in symbol:
                        printx("Error: Invalid point group symbol.", priority=1)
                    if num == 0:
                        #infinite-order rotation
                        self.symbol = "C*i"
                        generate = False
                        #Add rotoinversion
                        m = np.dot(aa2matrix([0.,0.,1.], 2*pi/num), [[-1.,0.,0.],[0.,-1.,0.],[0.,0.,-1.]])
                        gens.append(SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m, [0.,0.,0.]))
                        if num == 1:
                            self.symbol = "Ci"
                            self.symbol = "C" + str(num) + "i"
                        if num != 1:
                            gen_ops = [Identity, op_z, op_o]
                        elif num == 1:
                            gen_ops = [Identity, op_o]

                elif (symbol[0] == "D") and ("v" not in symbol) and ("i" not in symbol):
                    #n-fold rotation and n 2-fold perpendicular rotations
                    if num == 2 and symbol[-1] == "h":
                        self.lattice_type = "spherical"
                        self.lattice_type = "ellipsoidal"
                    if num == 0:
                        #infinite-order rotation
                        self.symbol = "D*"
                        generate = False
                        #Add rotation
                        self.symbol = "D" + str(num)
                        #Rotation angle
                        angle = 2*pi/num
                        #Add n-fold rotation
                        m = aa2matrix([0.,0.,1.], angle)
                        gens.append(SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m, [0.,0.,0.]))
                        #Add 2-fold rotation
                        #Initialize gen_ops
                        gen_ops = [Identity]
                        if symbol[-1] == "d":
                            #Add half-angle plane
                            m_ref = [[math.cos(0.5*angle),math.sin(0.5*angle),0],[math.sin(0.5*angle),-math.cos(0.5*angle),0],[0,0,1]]
                            gens.append(SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m_ref, [0.,0.,0.]))
                            self.symbol += "d"
                            #Add quarter-angle plane
                            m_ref = [[math.cos(0.25*angle),0,0],[math.sin(0.25*angle),0,0],[0,0,1]]
                            if np.isclose(m_ref[0][0],0,rtol=.001,atol=.001):
                                m_ref = [[0,0,0],[0,math.sin(0.25*angle),0],[0,0,1]]
                            gen_ops.append(SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m_ref, [0.,0.,0.]))
                        elif symbol[-1] == "h":
                            #Add horizontal mirror plane
                            gens.append(SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,-z')) #m x,y,0
                            self.symbol += "h"
                            #Add horizontal plane
                            #Add vertical plane
                            if num % 2 == 0:
                                #Add extra plane
                                m_ref = [[math.cos(0.5*angle),0,0],[math.sin(0.5*angle),0,0],[0,0,1]]
                                if np.isclose(m_ref[0][0],0,rtol=.001,atol=.001):
                                    m_ref = [[0,0,0],[0,math.sin(0.5*angle),0],[0,0,1]]
                                gen_ops.append(SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m_ref, [0.,0.,0.]))
                                #Add extra axis
                                m = aa2matrix([0.,0.,1.], 0.5*angle)
                                axis = np.dot(m, [1,0,0])

                        #Add generator op for axis, as well as z-axis and origin
                            if num % 2 == 0:
                                m = aa2matrix([0.,0.,1.], 0.5*angle)
                                axis = np.dot(m, [1,0,0])
                        #Add common special positions
                        gen_ops += [op_x, op_z, op_o]

                elif symbol[0] == "S":
                    #2n-fold rotation-reflection axis
                    self.lattice_type = "ellipsoidal"
                    #Equivalent to Cnh for odd n
                    if num == 0 or symbol[-1]=="v" or symbol[-1]=="i" or symbol[-1]=="h" or symbol[-1]=="d":
                        printx("Error: invalid point group symbol.", priority=1)
                    m = np.dot(aa2matrix([0.,0.,1.], 2*pi/num), [[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,-1.]])
                    gens.append(SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(m, [0.,0.,0.]))
                    if num % 2 == 1:
                        op_xy = SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,0')
                        gen_ops = [Identity, op_xy, op_z, op_o]
                    elif num % 2 == 0:
                        gen_ops = [Identity, op_z, op_o]
                    printx("Error: Invalid point group symbol.", priority=1)
                #Generate full set of SymmOps
                if generate is True:
                    gen_pos = generate_full_symmops(gens, 0.03)
                if "*" not in self.symbol:
                    #Calculate Wyckoff positions
                    self.wyckoffs = []
                    for op in gen_ops:
                        wp = Wyckoff_position.wyckoff_from_generating_op(op, gen_pos)
                    #Calculate site symmetry and generators
                    self.w_symm = []
                    for wp in self.wyckoffs:
                        self.w_symm.append(Wyckoff_position.symmetry_from_wyckoff(wp, gen_pos))
                    self.w_symm_m = deepcopy(self.w_symm)
                    self.wyckoff_generators = [calculate_generators(wp, self.wyckoffs[0]) for wp in self.wyckoffs]
                    self.wyckoff_generators_m = deepcopy(self.wyckoff_generators)
                    self.inverse_generators = get_inverse_ops(self.wyckoff_generators)
                    self.inverse_generators_m = get_inverse_ops(self.wyckoff_generators_m)
                elif "*" in self.symbol:
                    #infinite rotational groups
                    """C* and C*h are the prototypes; the rest are redundant for molecules:
                    C*v = C*
                    S* = C*h
                    D* = C*h
                    D*h = C*h"""
                    if self.symbol in ['C*', 'C*v']:
                        self.symbol = 'C*'
                        self.number = pglist.index(self.symbol) + 1
                        #Linear, no reflection
                        self.wyckoffs = [[SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,0,z')]]
                        self.w_symm = [[[Identity]]]
                        self.w_symm_m = deepcopy(self.w_symm)
                        self.wyckoff_generators = [[Identity]]
                        self.wyckoff_generators_m = [[Identity]]
                        self.inverse_generators = [[Identity]]
                        self.inverse_generators_m = [[Identity]]
                    elif self.symbol in ['C*h', 'S*', 'D*', 'D*h']:
                        self.symbol = 'C*h'
                        self.number = pglist.index(self.symbol) + 1
                        #Linear, with reflection
                        self.wyckoffs = [[op_z, SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,0,-z')],[op_o]]
                        self.w_symm = [[[Identity],[Identity]],[[Identity, SymmOp.from_xyz_string('0,0,-z')]]]
                        self.w_symm_m = deepcopy(self.w_symm)
                        self.wyckoff_generators = [[Identity, SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,-z')],[Identity]]
                        self.wyckoff_generators_m = [[Identity, SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,-z')],[Identity]]
                        self.inverse_generators = [[Identity, SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,-z')],[Identity]]
                        self.inverse_generators_m = [[Identity, SymmOp.from_xyz_string('x,y,-z')],[Identity]]
                        printx("Error: Invalid point group symbol.", priority=1)
        #TODO: Add self.symbol to dictionary
        wpdicts = [{"index": i, "letter": letter_from_index(i, self.wyckoffs, dim=self.dim), "ops": self.wyckoffs[i],
            "multiplicity": len(self.wyckoffs[i]), "symmetry": self.w_symm[i], "symmetry_m": self.w_symm_m[i],
            "generators": self.wyckoff_generators[i], "generators_m": self.wyckoff_generators_m[i],
            "inverse_generators": self.inverse_generators[i], "inverse_generators_m": self.inverse_generators_m[i],
            "PBC": self.PBC, "dim": self.dim, "number": self.number, "symbol": self.symbol} for i in range(len(self.wyckoffs))]
        self.Wyckoff_positions = [Wyckoff_position.from_dict(wpdict) for wpdict in wpdicts]
        """A list of Wyckoff_position objects, sorted by descending multiplicity"""
        self.wyckoffs_organized = organized_wyckoffs(self)
        """A 2D list of Wyckoff_position objects, grouped and sorted by
    def get_wyckoff_position(self, index):
        Returns a single Wyckoff_position object
            index: the index of the Wyckoff position within the group
                The largest position is always 0

        Returns: a Wyckoff_position object
        if type(index) == int:
        elif type(index) == str:
            #Extract letter from number-letter combinations ("4d"->"d")
            for c in index:
                if c.isalpha():
                    letter = c
            index = index_from_letter(letter, self.wyckoffs, dim=self.dim)
        return self.Wyckoff_positions[index]

    def get_wyckoff_symmetry(self, index, molecular=False):
        Returns the site symmetry symbol for the Wyckoff position

            index: the index of the Wyckoff position within the group
                The largest position is always 0
            molecular: whether to use the Euclidean operations or not (for hexagonal groups)

        Returns: a Hermann-Mauguin style string for the site symmetry
        if type(index) == int:
        elif type(index) == str:
            #Extract letter from number-letter combinations ("4d"->"d")
            for c in index:
                if c.isalpha():
                    letter = c
            index = index_from_letter(letter, self.wyckoffs, dim=self.dim)
        if molecular is False:
            ops = self.w_symm[index][0]
        if molecular is True:
            ops = self.w_symm_m[index][0]
        return ss_string_from_ops(ops, self.number, dim=self.dim)

    def get_wyckoff_symmetry_m(self, index):
        Returns the site symmetry symbol for the Wyckoff position (with molecular=True)

            index: the index of the Wyckoff position within the group
                The largest position is always 0

        Returns: a Hermann-Mauguin style string for the site symmetry
        return self.get_wyckoff_symmetry(index, molecular=True)

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from self.Wyckoff_positions

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        return self.get_wyckoff_position(index)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.wyckoffs)

    def print_all(self):
        Prints useful information about the Group.
            if self.dim == 3:
                s = "-- Space "
            elif self.dim == 2:
                s = "-- Layer "
            elif self.dim == 1:
                s = "-- Rod "
            elif self.dim == 0:
                s = "-- Point "

            s += "group # "+str(self.number)+" ("+self.symbol+")--"
            for wp in self.Wyckoff_positions:
                s += "\n"+str(wp.multiplicity)+wp.letter+" site symm: "
                s += ss_string_from_ops(wp.symmetry_m[0], self.number, dim=self.dim)
                for op in wp.ops:
                    s += "\n  " + op.as_xyz_string()
            self.string_long = s

    def gen_pos(self):
        Returns the general Wyckoff position
        return self.Wyckoff_positions[0]

def get_symbol_and_number(group, dim=3):
    Function for quick conversion between symbols and numbers

        group: the group symbol or international number
        dim: the periodic dimension of the group

    keys = {3: 'space_group',
            2: 'layer_group',
            1: 'rod_group',
            0: 'point_group',

    found = False
    lists = symbols[keys[dim]]
    number = None
    symbol = None
    if dim not in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
        raise ValueError('Dimension ({:d}) should in [0, 1, 2, 3] '.format(dim))

    if type(group) == int:
        if 0 < group < len(lists) + 1:
            number = group
            symbol = lists[number-1]
            raise ValueError('group ({:d}) should between 0 and {:d} for {:s}'.\
                            format(group, len(lists), keys[dim]))
        for i, _symbol in enumerate(lists):
            if _symbol == group:
                number = i + 1
                symbol = group
                found = True
        if not found:
             raise ValueError('group ({:s}) not found for any of {:d} {:s}s'.\
                            format(group, len(lists), keys[dim]))
    return symbol, number

def list_groups(dim=3):
    Function for quick print of groups and symbols

        group: the group symbol or international number
        dim: the periodic dimension of the group
    import pandas as pd

    keys = {3: 'space_group',
            2: 'layer_group',
            1: 'rod_group',
            0: 'point_group',
    data = symbols[keys[dim]]
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(1, len(data)+1), 
    pd.set_option('display.max_rows', len(df))