# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A series of test based on an analytical solution to simple
network problem.

import pywr.core
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pytest
from helpers import assert_model
from fixtures import simple_linear_model

import pywr.parameters

@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_flow, out_flow, benefit",
                         [(10.0, 10.0, 10.0), (10.0, 0.0, 0.0)])
def test_linear_model(simple_linear_model, in_flow, out_flow, benefit):
    Test the simple_linear_model with different basic input and output values

    simple_linear_model.nodes["Input"].max_flow = in_flow
    simple_linear_model.nodes["Output"].min_flow = out_flow
    simple_linear_model.nodes["Output"].cost = -benefit

    expected_sent = in_flow if benefit > 1.0 else out_flow

    expected_node_results = {
        "Input": expected_sent,
        "Link": expected_sent,
        "Output": expected_sent,
    assert_model(simple_linear_model, expected_node_results)

    (10.0, 5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    (10.0, 5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.0),
    (10.0, 5.0, 5.0, 0.0, 10.0, 2.0),
    (10.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 2.0),
def linear_model_with_storage(request):
    Make a simple model with a single Input and Output and an offline Storage Node

    Input -> Link -> Output
               |     ^
               v     |
    in_flow, out_flow, out_benefit, strg_benefit, current_volume, min_volume = request.param
    max_strg_out = 10.0
    max_volume = 10.0

    model = pywr.core.Model()
    inpt = pywr.core.Input(model, name="Input", min_flow=in_flow, max_flow=in_flow)
    lnk = pywr.core.Link(model, name="Link", cost=0.1)
    otpt = pywr.core.Output(model, name="Output", min_flow=out_flow, cost=-out_benefit)

    strg = pywr.core.Storage(model, name="Storage", max_volume=max_volume, min_volume=min_volume,
                             initial_volume=current_volume, cost=-strg_benefit)

    avail_volume = max(current_volume - min_volume, 0.0)
    avail_refill = max_volume - current_volume
    expected_sent = in_flow+min(max_strg_out, avail_volume) if out_benefit > strg_benefit else max(out_flow, in_flow-avail_refill)

    expected_node_results = {
        "Input": in_flow,
        "Link": in_flow,
        "Output": expected_sent,
        "Storage Output": 0.0,
        "Storage Input": min(max_strg_out, avail_volume) if out_benefit > 1.0 else 0.0,
        "Storage": min_volume if out_benefit > strg_benefit else max_volume,
    return model, expected_node_results

def test_linear_model_with_storage(linear_model_with_storage):

def two_domain_linear_model(request):
    Make a simple model with two domains, each with a single Input and Output

    Input -> Link -> Output  : river
                        | across the domain
    Output <- Link <- Input  : grid

    river_flow = 864.0  # Ml/d
    power_plant_cap = 24  # GWh/d
    power_plant_flow_req = 18.0  # Ml/GWh
    power_demand = 12  # GWh/d
    power_benefit = 10.0  # £/GWh

    river_domain = pywr.core.Domain('river')
    grid_domain = pywr.core.Domain('grid')

    model = pywr.core.Model()
    # Create river network
    river_inpt = pywr.core.Input(model, name="Catchment", max_flow=river_flow, domain=river_domain)
    river_lnk = pywr.core.Link(model, name="Reach", domain=river_domain)
    river_otpt = pywr.core.Output(model, name="Abstraction", domain=river_domain, cost=0.0)
    # Create grid network
    grid_inpt = pywr.core.Input(model, name="Power Plant", max_flow=power_plant_cap, domain=grid_domain,
    grid_lnk = pywr.core.Link(model, name="Transmission", cost=1.0, domain=grid_domain)
    grid_otpt = pywr.core.Output(model, name="Substation", max_flow=power_demand,
                                 cost=-power_benefit, domain=grid_domain)
    # Connect grid to river

    expected_requested = {'river': 0.0, 'grid': 0.0}
    expected_sent = {'river': power_demand*power_plant_flow_req, 'grid': power_demand}

    expected_node_results = {
        "Catchment": power_demand*power_plant_flow_req,
        "Reach": power_demand*power_plant_flow_req,
        "Abstraction": power_demand*power_plant_flow_req,
        "Power Plant": power_demand,
        "Transmission": power_demand,
        "Substation": power_demand,

    return model, expected_node_results

def test_two_domain_linear_model(two_domain_linear_model):

def two_cross_domain_output_single_input(request):
    Make a simple model with two domains. Thre are two Output nodes
    both connect to an Input node in a different domain.

    In this example the rivers should be able to provide flow to the grid
    with a total flow equal to the sum of their respective parts.

    Input -> Link -> Output  : river
                        | across the domain
                        Input -> Link -> Output : grid
                        | across the domain
    Input -> Link -> Output  : river

    river_flow = 10.0
    expected_node_results = {}

    model = pywr.core.Model()
    # Create grid network
    grid_inpt = pywr.core.Input(model, name="Input", domain='grid',)
    grid_lnk = pywr.core.Link(model, name="Link", cost=1.0, domain='grid')
    grid_otpt = pywr.core.Output(model, name="Output", max_flow=50.0, cost=-10.0, domain='grid')
    # Create river network
    for i in range(2):
        river_inpt = pywr.core.Input(model, name="Catchment {}".format(i), max_flow=river_flow, domain='river')
        river_lnk = pywr.core.Link(model, name="Reach {}".format(i), domain='river')
        river_otpt = pywr.core.Output(model, name="Abstraction {}".format(i), domain='river', cost=0.0)
        # Connect grid to river

            "Catchment {}".format(i): river_flow,
            "Reach {}".format(i): river_flow,
            "Abstraction {}".format(i): river_flow

        "Input": river_flow*2,
        "Link": river_flow*2,
        "Output": river_flow*2,

    return model, expected_node_results

def test_two_cross_domain_output_single_input(two_cross_domain_output_single_input):
    # TODO This test currently fails because of the simple way in which the cross
    # domain paths work. It can not cope with two Outputs connected to one
    # input.

def simple_linear_inline_model(request):
    Make a simple model with a single Input and Output nodes inline of a route.

    Input 0 -> Input 1 -> Link -> Output 0 -> Output 1

    model = pywr.core.Model()
    inpt0 = pywr.core.Input(model, name="Input 0")
    inpt1 = pywr.core.Input(model, name="Input 1")
    lnk = pywr.core.Link(model, name="Link", cost=1.0)
    otpt0 = pywr.core.Output(model, name="Output 0")
    otpt1 = pywr.core.Output(model, name="Output 1")

    return model

@pytest.mark.skipif(pywr.core.Model().solver.name == "glpk-edge", reason="Not valid for GLPK Edge based solver.")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("in_flow_1, out_flow_0, link_flow",
                         [(10.0, 10.0, 15.0),
                          (0.0, 0.0, 10.0)])
def test_simple_linear_inline_model(simple_linear_inline_model, in_flow_1, out_flow_0, link_flow):
    Test the test_simple_linear_inline_model with different flow constraints
    model = simple_linear_inline_model
    model.nodes["Input 0"].max_flow = 10.0
    model.nodes["Input 1"].max_flow = in_flow_1
    model.nodes["Link"].max_flow = link_flow
    model.nodes["Output 0"].max_flow = out_flow_0
    model.nodes["Input 1"].cost = 1.0
    model.nodes["Output 0"].cost = -10.0
    model.nodes["Output 1"].cost = -5.0

    expected_sent = min(link_flow, 10+in_flow_1)

    expected_node_results = {
        "Input 0": 10.0,
        "Input 1": max(expected_sent-10.0, 0.0),
        "Link": expected_sent,
        "Output 0": min(expected_sent, out_flow_0),
        "Output 1": max(expected_sent - out_flow_0, 0.0),
    assert_model(model, expected_node_results)

def bidirectional_model(request):
    Make a simple model with a single Input and Output.

    Input 0 -> Link 0 -> Output 0
               |   ^
               v   |
    Input 1 -> Link 1 -> Output 1

    model = pywr.core.Model()
    for i in range(2):
        inpt = pywr.core.Input(model, name="Input {}".format(i))
        lnk = pywr.core.Link(model, name="Link {}".format(i))
        otpt = pywr.core.Output(model, name="Output {}".format(i))

    # Create bidirectional link (i.e. a cycle)
    model.nodes['Link 0'].connect(model.nodes['Link 1'])
    model.nodes['Link 1'].connect(model.nodes['Link 0'])

    return model

def test_bidirectional_model(bidirectional_model):
    Test the simple_linear_model with different basic input and output values
    model = bidirectional_model
    model.nodes["Input 0"].max_flow = 10.0
    model.nodes["Input 1"].max_flow = 10.0
    model.nodes["Output 0"].max_flow = 10.0
    model.nodes["Output 1"].max_flow = 15.0
    model.nodes["Output 0"].cost = -5.0
    model.nodes["Output 1"].cost = -10.0
    model.nodes["Link 0"].cost = 1.0
    model.nodes["Link 1"].cost = 1.0

    expected_node_results = {
        "Input 0": 10.0,
        "Input 1": 10.0,
        "Link 0": 10.0,
        "Link 1": 15.0,
        "Output 0": 5.0,
        "Output 1": 15.0,
    assert_model(model, expected_node_results)

def make_simple_model(supply_amplitude, demand, frequency, initial_volume):
    Make a simple model,
        supply -> reservoir -> demand.

    supply is a annual cosine function with amplitude supply_amplitude and


    model = pywr.core.Model()

    S = supply_amplitude
    w = frequency

    class SupplyFunc(pywr.parameters.Parameter):
        def value(self, ts, si):
            # Take the mean flow of the day (i.e. offset by half a day)
            t = ts.dayofyear - 0.5
            v = S*np.cos(t*w)+S
            return v

    max_flow = SupplyFunc(model)
    supply = pywr.core.Input(model, name='supply', max_flow=max_flow, min_flow=max_flow)
    demand = pywr.core.Output(model, name='demand', max_flow=demand, cost=-10)
    res = pywr.core.Storage(model, name='reservoir', max_volume=1e6,

    supply_res_link = pywr.core.Link(model, name='link1')
    res_demand_link = pywr.core.Link(model, name='link2')


    return model

def test_analytical():
    Run the test model though a year with analytical solution values to
    ensure reservoir just contains sufficient volume.

    S = 100.0  # supply amplitude
    D = S  # demand
    w = 2*np.pi/365  # frequency (annual)
    V0 = S/w  # initial reservoir level

    model = make_simple_model(S, D, w, V0)

    T = np.arange(1, 365)
    V_anal = S*(np.sin(w*T)/w+T) - D*T + V0
    V_model = np.empty(T.shape)

    for i, t in enumerate(T):
        V_model[i] = model.nodes['reservoir'].volume[0]

    # Relative error from initial volume
    error = np.abs(V_model - V_anal) / V0
    assert np.all(error < 1e-4)