import abc
import asyncio
import logging
import typing as t
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial

from discord import Guild, HTTPException, Member, Message, Reaction, User
from discord.ext.commands import Context

from bot import constants
from bot.api import ResponseCodeError
from import Bot

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# These objects are declared as namedtuples because tuples are hashable,
# something that we make use of when diffing site roles against guild roles.
_Role = namedtuple('Role', ('id', 'name', 'colour', 'permissions', 'position'))
_User = namedtuple('User', ('id', 'name', 'discriminator', 'roles', 'in_guild'))
_Diff = namedtuple('Diff', ('created', 'updated', 'deleted'))

class Syncer(abc.ABC):
    """Base class for synchronising the database with objects in the Discord cache."""

    _CORE_DEV_MENTION = f"<@&{constants.Roles.core_developers}> "
    _REACTION_EMOJIS = (constants.Emojis.check_mark, constants.Emojis.cross_mark)

    def __init__(self, bot: Bot) -> None: = bot

    def name(self) -> str:
        """The name of the syncer; used in output messages and logging."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    async def _send_prompt(self, message: t.Optional[Message] = None) -> t.Optional[Message]:
        Send a prompt to confirm or abort a sync using reactions and return the sent message.

        If a message is given, it is edited to display the prompt and reactions. Otherwise, a new
        message is sent to the dev-core channel and mentions the core developers role. If the
        channel cannot be retrieved, return None.
        log.trace(f"Sending {} sync confirmation prompt.")

        msg_content = (
            f'Possible cache issue while syncing {}s. '
            f'More than {constants.Sync.max_diff} {}s were changed. '
            f'React to confirm or abort the sync.'

        # Send to core developers if it's an automatic sync.
        if not message:
            log.trace("Message not provided for confirmation; creating a new one in dev-core.")
            channel =

            if not channel:
                log.debug("Failed to get the dev-core channel from cache; attempting to fetch it.")
                    channel = await
                except HTTPException:
                        f"Failed to fetch channel for sending sync confirmation prompt; "
                        f"aborting {} sync."
                    return None

            message = await channel.send(f"{self._CORE_DEV_MENTION}{msg_content}")
            await message.edit(content=msg_content)

        # Add the initial reactions.
        log.trace(f"Adding reactions to {} syncer confirmation prompt.")
        for emoji in self._REACTION_EMOJIS:
            await message.add_reaction(emoji)

        return message

    def _reaction_check(
        author: Member,
        message: Message,
        reaction: Reaction,
        user: t.Union[Member, User]
    ) -> bool:
        Return True if the `reaction` is a valid confirmation or abort reaction on `message`.

        If the `author` of the prompt is a bot, then a reaction by any core developer will be
        considered valid. Otherwise, the author of the reaction (`user`) will have to be the
        `author` of the prompt.
        # For automatic syncs, check for the core dev role instead of an exact author
        has_role = any(constants.Roles.core_developers == for role in user.roles)
        return (
            and not
            and (has_role if else user == author)
            and str(reaction.emoji) in self._REACTION_EMOJIS

    async def _wait_for_confirmation(self, author: Member, message: Message) -> bool:
        Wait for a confirmation reaction by `author` on `message` and return True if confirmed.

        Uses the `_reaction_check` function to determine if a reaction is valid.

        If there is no reaction within `bot.constants.Sync.confirm_timeout` seconds, return False.
        To acknowledge the reaction (or lack thereof), `message` will be edited.
        # Preserve the core-dev role mention in the message edits so users aren't confused about
        # where notifications came from.
        mention = self._CORE_DEV_MENTION if else ""

        reaction = None
            log.trace(f"Waiting for a reaction to the {} syncer confirmation prompt.")
            reaction, _ = await
                check=partial(self._reaction_check, author, message),
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            # reaction will remain none thus sync will be aborted in the finally block below.
            log.debug(f"The {} syncer confirmation prompt timed out.")

        if str(reaction) == constants.Emojis.check_mark:
            log.trace(f"The {} syncer was confirmed.")
            await message.edit(content=f':ok_hand: {mention}{} sync will proceed.')
            return True
  "The {} syncer was aborted or timed out!")
            await message.edit(
                content=f':warning: {mention}{} sync aborted or timed out!'
            return False

    async def _get_diff(self, guild: Guild) -> _Diff:
        """Return the difference between the cache of `guild` and the database."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    async def _sync(self, diff: _Diff) -> None:
        """Perform the API calls for synchronisation."""
        raise NotImplementedError  # pragma: no cover

    async def _get_confirmation_result(
        diff_size: int,
        author: Member,
        message: t.Optional[Message] = None
    ) -> t.Tuple[bool, t.Optional[Message]]:
        Prompt for confirmation and return a tuple of the result and the prompt message.

        `diff_size` is the size of the diff of the sync. If it is greater than
        `bot.constants.Sync.max_diff`, the prompt will be sent. The `author` is the invoked of the
        sync and the `message` is an extant message to edit to display the prompt.

        If confirmed or no confirmation was needed, the result is True. The returned message will
        either be the given `message` or a new one which was created when sending the prompt.
        log.trace(f"Determining if confirmation prompt should be sent for {} syncer.")
        if diff_size > constants.Sync.max_diff:
            message = await self._send_prompt(message)
            if not message:
                return False, None  # Couldn't get channel.

            confirmed = await self._wait_for_confirmation(author, message)
            if not confirmed:
                return False, message  # Sync aborted.

        return True, message

    async def sync(self, guild: Guild, ctx: t.Optional[Context] = None) -> None:
        Synchronise the database with the cache of `guild`.

        If the differences between the cache and the database are greater than
        `bot.constants.Sync.max_diff`, then a confirmation prompt will be sent to the dev-core
        channel. The confirmation can be optionally redirect to `ctx` instead.
        """"Starting {} syncer.")

        message = None
        author =
        if ctx:
            message = await ctx.send(f"📊 Synchronising {}s.")
            author =

        diff = await self._get_diff(guild)
        diff_dict = diff._asdict()  # Ugly method for transforming the NamedTuple into a dict
        totals = {k: len(v) for k, v in diff_dict.items() if v is not None}
        diff_size = sum(totals.values())

        confirmed, message = await self._get_confirmation_result(diff_size, author, message)
        if not confirmed:

        # Preserve the core-dev role mention in the message edits so users aren't confused about
        # where notifications came from.
        mention = self._CORE_DEV_MENTION if else ""

            await self._sync(diff)
        except ResponseCodeError as e:
            log.exception(f"{} syncer failed!")

            # Don't show response text because it's probably some really long HTML.
            results = f"status {e.status}\n```{e.response_json or 'See log output for details'}```"
            content = f":x: {mention}Synchronisation of {}s failed: {results}"
            results = ", ".join(f"{name} `{total}`" for name, total in totals.items())
  "{} syncer finished: {results}.")
            content = f":ok_hand: {mention}Synchronisation of {}s complete: {results}"

        if message:
            await message.edit(content=content)

class RoleSyncer(Syncer):
    """Synchronise the database with roles in the cache."""

    name = "role"

    async def _get_diff(self, guild: Guild) -> _Diff:
        """Return the difference of roles between the cache of `guild` and the database."""
        log.trace("Getting the diff for roles.")
        roles = await'bot/roles')

        # Pack DB roles and guild roles into one common, hashable format.
        # They're hashable so that they're easily comparable with sets later.
        db_roles = {_Role(**role_dict) for role_dict in roles}
        guild_roles = {
            for role in guild.roles

        guild_role_ids = { for role in guild_roles}
        api_role_ids = { for role in db_roles}
        new_role_ids = guild_role_ids - api_role_ids
        deleted_role_ids = api_role_ids - guild_role_ids

        # New roles are those which are on the cached guild but not on the
        # DB guild, going by the role ID. We need to send them in for creation.
        roles_to_create = {role for role in guild_roles if in new_role_ids}
        roles_to_update = guild_roles - db_roles - roles_to_create
        roles_to_delete = {role for role in db_roles if in deleted_role_ids}

        return _Diff(roles_to_create, roles_to_update, roles_to_delete)

    async def _sync(self, diff: _Diff) -> None:
        """Synchronise the database with the role cache of `guild`."""
        log.trace("Syncing created roles...")
        for role in diff.created:
            await'bot/roles', json=role._asdict())

        log.trace("Syncing updated roles...")
        for role in diff.updated:
            await'bot/roles/{}', json=role._asdict())

        log.trace("Syncing deleted roles...")
        for role in diff.deleted:

class UserSyncer(Syncer):
    """Synchronise the database with users in the cache."""

    name = "user"

    async def _get_diff(self, guild: Guild) -> _Diff:
        """Return the difference of users between the cache of `guild` and the database."""
        log.trace("Getting the diff for users.")
        users = await'bot/users')

        # Pack DB roles and guild roles into one common, hashable format.
        # They're hashable so that they're easily comparable with sets later.
        db_users = {
            user_dict['id']: _User(
            for user_dict in users
        guild_users = {
                roles=tuple(sorted( for role in member.roles)),
            for member in guild.members

        users_to_create = set()
        users_to_update = set()

        for db_user in db_users.values():
            guild_user = guild_users.get(
            if guild_user is not None:
                if db_user != guild_user:

            elif db_user.in_guild:
                # The user is known in the DB but not the guild, and the
                # DB currently specifies that the user is a member of the guild.
                # This means that the user has left since the last sync.
                # Update the `in_guild` attribute of the user on the site
                # to signify that the user left.
                new_api_user = db_user._replace(in_guild=False)

        new_user_ids = set(guild_users.keys()) - set(db_users.keys())
        for user_id in new_user_ids:
            # The user is known on the guild but not on the API. This means
            # that the user has joined since the last sync. Create it.
            new_user = guild_users[user_id]

        return _Diff(users_to_create, users_to_update, None)

    async def _sync(self, diff: _Diff) -> None:
        """Synchronise the database with the user cache of `guild`."""
        log.trace("Syncing created users...")
        for user in diff.created:
            await'bot/users', json=user._asdict())

        log.trace("Syncing updated users...")
        for user in diff.updated:
            await'bot/users/{}', json=user._asdict())