import colorsys
import logging
import pprint
import textwrap
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from string import Template
from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Union

from discord import ChannelType, Colour, Embed, Guild, Member, Message, Role, Status, utils
from import GuildChannel
from discord.ext.commands import BucketType, Cog, Context, Paginator, command, group
from discord.utils import escape_markdown

from bot import constants
from import Bot
from bot.decorators import in_whitelist, with_role
from bot.pagination import LinePaginator
from bot.utils.checks import InWhitelistCheckFailure, cooldown_with_role_bypass, with_role_check
from bot.utils.time import time_since

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Information(Cog):
    """A cog with commands for generating embeds with server info, such as server stats and user info."""

    def __init__(self, bot: Bot): = bot

    def role_can_read(channel: GuildChannel, role: Role) -> bool:
        """Return True if `role` can read messages in `channel`."""
        overwrites = channel.overwrites_for(role)
        return overwrites.read_messages is True

    def get_staff_channel_count(self, guild: Guild) -> int:
        Get the number of channels that are staff-only.

        We need to know two things about a channel:
        - Does the @everyone role have explicit read deny permissions?
        - Do staff roles have explicit read allow permissions?

        If the answer to both of these questions is yes, it's a staff channel.
        channel_ids = set()
        for channel in guild.channels:
            if channel.type is ChannelType.category:

            everyone_can_read = self.role_can_read(channel, guild.default_role)

            for role in constants.STAFF_ROLES:
                role_can_read = self.role_can_read(channel, guild.get_role(role))
                if role_can_read and not everyone_can_read:

        return len(channel_ids)

    def get_channel_type_counts(guild: Guild) -> str:
        """Return the total amounts of the various types of channels in `guild`."""
        channel_counter = Counter(c.type for c in guild.channels)
        channel_type_list = []
        for channel, count in channel_counter.items():
            channel_type = str(channel).title()
            channel_type_list.append(f"{channel_type} channels: {count}")

        channel_type_list = sorted(channel_type_list)
        return "\n".join(channel_type_list)

    async def roles_info(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
        """Returns a list of all roles and their corresponding IDs."""
        # Sort the roles alphabetically and remove the @everyone role
        roles = sorted(ctx.guild.roles[1:], key=lambda role:

        # Build a list
        role_list = []
        for role in roles:
            role_list.append(f"`{}` - {role.mention}")

        # Build an embed
        embed = Embed(
            title=f"Role information (Total {len(roles)} role{'s' * (len(role_list) > 1)})",

        await LinePaginator.paginate(role_list, ctx, embed, empty=False)

    async def role_info(self, ctx: Context, *roles: Union[Role, str]) -> None:
        Return information on a role or list of roles.

        To specify multiple roles just add to the arguments, delimit roles with spaces in them using quotation marks.
        parsed_roles = []
        failed_roles = []

        for role_name in roles:
            if isinstance(role_name, Role):
                # Role conversion has already succeeded

            role = utils.find(lambda r: == role_name.lower(), ctx.guild.roles)

            if not role:


        if failed_roles:
            await ctx.send(
                ":x: I could not convert the following role names to a role: \n- "
                "\n- ".join(failed_roles)

        for role in parsed_roles:
            h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(*role.colour.to_rgb())

            embed = Embed(
                title=f"{} info",
            embed.add_field(name="ID",, inline=True)
            embed.add_field(name="Colour (RGB)", value=f"#{role.colour.value:0>6x}", inline=True)
            embed.add_field(name="Colour (HSV)", value=f"{h:.2f} {s:.2f} {v}", inline=True)
            embed.add_field(name="Member count", value=len(role.members), inline=True)
            embed.add_field(name="Position", value=role.position)
            embed.add_field(name="Permission code", value=role.permissions.value, inline=True)

            await ctx.send(embed=embed)

    @command(name="server", aliases=["server_info", "guild", "guild_info"])
    async def server_info(self, ctx: Context) -> None:
        """Returns an embed full of server information."""
        created = time_since(ctx.guild.created_at, precision="days")
        features = ", ".join(ctx.guild.features)
        region = ctx.guild.region

        roles = len(ctx.guild.roles)
        member_count = ctx.guild.member_count
        channel_counts = self.get_channel_type_counts(ctx.guild)

        # How many of each user status?
        statuses = Counter(member.status for member in ctx.guild.members)
        embed = Embed(colour=Colour.blurple())

        # How many staff members and staff channels do we have?
        staff_member_count = len(ctx.guild.get_role(constants.Roles.helpers).members)
        staff_channel_count = self.get_staff_channel_count(ctx.guild)

        # Because channel_counts lacks leading whitespace, it breaks the dedent if it's inserted directly by the
        # f-string. While this is correctly formated by Discord, it makes unit testing difficult. To keep the formatting
        # without joining a tuple of strings we can use a Template string to insert the already-formatted channel_counts
        # after the dedent is made.
        embed.description = Template(
                **Server information**
                Created: {created}
                Voice region: {region}
                Features: {features}

                **Channel counts**
                Staff channels: {staff_channel_count}

                **Member counts**
                Members: {member_count:,}
                Staff members: {staff_member_count}
                Roles: {roles}

                **Member statuses**
                {constants.Emojis.status_online} {statuses[]:,}
                {constants.Emojis.status_idle} {statuses[Status.idle]:,}
                {constants.Emojis.status_dnd} {statuses[Status.dnd]:,}
                {constants.Emojis.status_offline} {statuses[Status.offline]:,}
        ).substitute({"channel_counts": channel_counts})

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)

    @command(name="user", aliases=["user_info", "member", "member_info"])
    async def user_info(self, ctx: Context, user: Member = None) -> None:
        """Returns info about a user."""
        if user is None:
            user =

        # Do a role check if this is being executed on someone other than the caller
        elif user != and not with_role_check(ctx, *constants.MODERATION_ROLES):
            await ctx.send("You may not use this command on users other than yourself.")

        # Non-staff may only do this in #bot-commands
        if not with_role_check(ctx, *constants.STAFF_ROLES):
            if not == constants.Channels.bot_commands:
                raise InWhitelistCheckFailure(constants.Channels.bot_commands)

        embed = await self.create_user_embed(ctx, user)

        await ctx.send(embed=embed)

    async def create_user_embed(self, ctx: Context, user: Member) -> Embed:
        """Creates an embed containing information on the `user`."""
        created = time_since(user.created_at, max_units=3)

        # Custom status
        custom_status = ''
        for activity in user.activities:
            # Check activity.state for None value if user has a custom status set
            # This guards against a custom status with an emoji but no text, which will cause
            # escape_markdown to raise an exception
            # This can be reworked after a move to 1.3.0+, which adds a CustomActivity class
            if == 'Custom Status' and activity.state:
                state = escape_markdown(activity.state)
                custom_status = f'Status: {state}\n'

        name = str(user)
        if user.nick:
            name = f"{user.nick} ({name})"

        joined = time_since(user.joined_at, precision="days")
        roles = ", ".join(role.mention for role in user.roles[1:])

        description = [
                **User Information**
                Created: {created}
                Profile: {user.mention}
                ID: {}
                **Member Information**
                Joined: {joined}
                Roles: {roles or None}

        # Show more verbose output in moderation channels for infractions and nominations
        if in constants.MODERATION_CHANNELS:
            description.append(await self.expanded_user_infraction_counts(user))
            description.append(await self.user_nomination_counts(user))
            description.append(await self.basic_user_infraction_counts(user))

        # Let's build the embed now
        embed = Embed(

        embed.colour = user.top_role.colour if roles else Colour.blurple()

        return embed

    async def basic_user_infraction_counts(self, member: Member) -> str:
        """Gets the total and active infraction counts for the given `member`."""
        infractions = await
                'hidden': 'False',
                'user__id': str(

        total_infractions = len(infractions)
        active_infractions = sum(infraction['active'] for infraction in infractions)

        infraction_output = f"**Infractions**\nTotal: {total_infractions}\nActive: {active_infractions}"

        return infraction_output

    async def expanded_user_infraction_counts(self, member: Member) -> str:
        Gets expanded infraction counts for the given `member`.

        The counts will be split by infraction type and the number of active infractions for each type will indicated
        in the output as well.
        infractions = await
                'user__id': str(

        infraction_output = ["**Infractions**"]
        if not infractions:
            infraction_output.append("This user has never received an infraction.")
            # Count infractions split by `type` and `active` status for this user
            infraction_types = set()
            infraction_counter = defaultdict(int)
            for infraction in infractions:
                infraction_type = infraction["type"]
                infraction_active = 'active' if infraction["active"] else 'inactive'

                infraction_counter[f"{infraction_active} {infraction_type}"] += 1

            # Format the output of the infraction counts
            for infraction_type in sorted(infraction_types):
                active_count = infraction_counter[f"active {infraction_type}"]
                total_count = active_count + infraction_counter[f"inactive {infraction_type}"]

                line = f"{infraction_type.capitalize()}s: {total_count}"
                if active_count:
                    line += f" ({active_count} active)"


        return "\n".join(infraction_output)

    async def user_nomination_counts(self, member: Member) -> str:
        """Gets the active and historical nomination counts for the given `member`."""
        nominations = await
                'user__id': str(

        output = ["**Nominations**"]

        if not nominations:
            output.append("This user has never been nominated.")
            count = len(nominations)
            is_currently_nominated = any(nomination["active"] for nomination in nominations)
            nomination_noun = "nomination" if count == 1 else "nominations"

            if is_currently_nominated:
                output.append(f"This user is **currently** nominated ({count} {nomination_noun} in total).")
                output.append(f"This user has {count} historical {nomination_noun}, but is currently not nominated.")

        return "\n".join(output)

    def format_fields(self, mapping: Mapping[str, Any], field_width: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
        """Format a mapping to be readable to a human."""
        # sorting is technically superfluous but nice if you want to look for a specific field
        fields = sorted(mapping.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])

        if field_width is None:
            field_width = len(max(mapping.keys(), key=len))

        out = ''

        for key, val in fields:
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                # if we have dicts inside dicts we want to apply the same treatment to the inner dictionaries
                inner_width = int(field_width * 1.6)
                val = '\n' + self.format_fields(val, field_width=inner_width)

            elif isinstance(val, str):
                # split up text since it might be long
                text = textwrap.fill(val, width=100, replace_whitespace=False)

                # indent it, I guess you could do this with `wrap` and `join` but this is nicer
                val = textwrap.indent(text, ' ' * (field_width + len(': ')))

                # the first line is already indented so we `str.lstrip` it
                val = val.lstrip()

            if key == 'color':
                # makes the base 10 representation of a hex number readable to humans
                val = hex(val)

            out += '{0:>{width}}: {1}\n'.format(key, val, width=field_width)

        # remove trailing whitespace
        return out.rstrip()

    @cooldown_with_role_bypass(2, 60 * 3, BucketType.member, bypass_roles=constants.STAFF_ROLES)
    @in_whitelist(channels=(constants.Channels.bot_commands,), roles=constants.STAFF_ROLES)
    async def raw(self, ctx: Context, *, message: Message, json: bool = False) -> None:
        """Shows information about the raw API response."""
        # I *guess* it could be deleted right as the command is invoked but I felt like it wasn't worth handling
        # doing this extra request is also much easier than trying to convert everything back into a dictionary again
        raw_data = await,

        paginator = Paginator()

        def add_content(title: str, content: str) -> None:
            paginator.add_line(f'== {title} ==\n')
            # replace backticks as it breaks out of code blocks. Spaces seemed to be the most reasonable solution.
            # we hope it's not close to 2000
            paginator.add_line(content.replace('```', '`` `'))

        if message.content:
            add_content('Raw message', message.content)

        transformer = pprint.pformat if json else self.format_fields
        for field_name in ('embeds', 'attachments'):
            data = raw_data[field_name]

            if not data:

            total = len(data)
            for current, item in enumerate(data, start=1):
                title = f'Raw {field_name} ({current}/{total})'
                add_content(title, transformer(item))

        for page in paginator.pages:
            await ctx.send(page)

    async def json(self, ctx: Context, message: Message) -> None:
        """Shows information about the raw API response in a copy-pasteable Python format."""
        await ctx.invoke(self.raw, message=message, json=True)

def setup(bot: Bot) -> None:
    """Load the Information cog."""