# coding=utf-8
# flake8: noqa C901
# NOTE: Ignoring flake8 cyclomatic complexity in this file
This module defines the ArgparseCompleter class which provides argparse-based tab completion to cmd2 apps.
See the header of argparse_custom.py for instructions on how to use these features.

import argparse
import inspect
import numbers
import shutil
from collections import deque
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from . import ansi, cmd2, constants
from .argparse_custom import (
from .table_creator import Column, SimpleTable
from .utils import CompletionError, basic_complete

# If no descriptive header is supplied, then this will be used instead

# Name of the choice/completer function argument that, if present, will be passed a dictionary of
# command line tokens up through the token being completed mapped to their argparse destination name.
ARG_TOKENS = 'arg_tokens'

def _single_prefix_char(token: str, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> bool:
    """Returns if a token is just a single flag prefix character"""
    return len(token) == 1 and token[0] in parser.prefix_chars

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
def _looks_like_flag(token: str, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> bool:
    Determine if a token looks like a flag. Unless an argument has nargs set to argparse.REMAINDER,
    then anything that looks like a flag can't be consumed as a value for it.
    Based on argparse._parse_optional().
    # Flags have to be at least characters
    if len(token) < 2:
        return False

    # Flags have to start with a prefix character
    if not token[0] in parser.prefix_chars:
        return False

    # If it looks like a negative number, it is not a flag unless there are negative-number-like flags
    if parser._negative_number_matcher.match(token):
        if not parser._has_negative_number_optionals:
            return False

    # Flags can't have a space
    if ' ' in token:
        return False

    # Starts like a flag
    return True

class _ArgumentState:
    """Keeps state of an argument being parsed"""
    def __init__(self, arg_action: argparse.Action) -> None:
        self.action = arg_action
        self.min = None
        self.max = None
        self.count = 0
        self.is_remainder = (self.action.nargs == argparse.REMAINDER)

        # Check if nargs is a range
        nargs_range = getattr(self.action, ATTR_NARGS_RANGE, None)
        if nargs_range is not None:
            self.min = nargs_range[0]
            self.max = nargs_range[1]

        # Otherwise check against argparse types
        elif self.action.nargs is None:
            self.min = 1
            self.max = 1
        elif self.action.nargs == argparse.OPTIONAL:
            self.min = 0
            self.max = 1
        elif self.action.nargs == argparse.ZERO_OR_MORE or self.action.nargs == argparse.REMAINDER:
            self.min = 0
            self.max = constants.INFINITY
        elif self.action.nargs == argparse.ONE_OR_MORE:
            self.min = 1
            self.max = constants.INFINITY
            self.min = self.action.nargs
            self.max = self.action.nargs

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
class _UnfinishedFlagError(CompletionError):
    def __init__(self, flag_arg_state: _ArgumentState) -> None:
        CompletionError which occurs when the user has not finished the current flag
        :param flag_arg_state: information about the unfinished flag action
        error = "Error: argument {}: {} ({} entered)".\
                   generate_range_error(flag_arg_state.min, flag_arg_state.max),

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
class _NoResultsError(CompletionError):
    def __init__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, arg_action: argparse.Action) -> None:
        CompletionError which occurs when there are no results. If hinting is allowed, then its message will
        be a hint about the argument being tab completed.
        :param parser: ArgumentParser instance which owns the action being tab completed
        :param arg_action: action being tab completed
        # Check if hinting is disabled
        suppress_hint = getattr(arg_action, ATTR_SUPPRESS_TAB_HINT, False)
        if suppress_hint or arg_action.help == argparse.SUPPRESS:
            hint_str = ''
            # Use the parser's help formatter to print just this action's help text
            formatter = parser._get_formatter()
            hint_str = formatter.format_help()
        # Set apply_style to False because we don't want hints to look like errors
        super().__init__(hint_str, apply_style=False)

# noinspection PyProtectedMember
class ArgparseCompleter:
    """Automatic command line tab completion based on argparse parameters"""
    def __init__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, cmd2_app: cmd2.Cmd, *,
                 parent_tokens: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None) -> None:
        Create an ArgparseCompleter

        :param parser: ArgumentParser instance
        :param cmd2_app: reference to the Cmd2 application that owns this ArgparseCompleter
        :param parent_tokens: optional dictionary mapping parent parsers' arg names to their tokens
                              This is only used by ArgparseCompleter when recursing on subcommand parsers
                              Defaults to None
        self._parser = parser
        self._cmd2_app = cmd2_app

        if parent_tokens is None:
            parent_tokens = dict()
        self._parent_tokens = parent_tokens

        self._flags = []                      # all flags in this command
        self._flag_to_action = {}             # maps flags to the argparse action object
        self._positional_actions = []         # actions for positional arguments (by position index)
        self._subcommand_action = None        # this will be set if self._parser has subcommands

        # Start digging through the argparse structures.
        # _actions is the top level container of parameter definitions
        for action in self._parser._actions:
            # if the parameter is flag based, it will have option_strings
            if action.option_strings:
                # record each option flag
                for option in action.option_strings:
                    self._flag_to_action[option] = action

            # Otherwise this is a positional parameter
                # Check if this action defines subcommands
                if isinstance(action, argparse._SubParsersAction):
                    self._subcommand_action = action

    def complete_command(self, tokens: List[str], text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int) -> List[str]:
        Complete the command using the argparse metadata and provided argument dictionary
        :raises: CompletionError for various types of tab completion errors
        if not tokens:
            return []

        # Positionals args that are left to parse
        remaining_positionals = deque(self._positional_actions)

        # This gets set to True when flags will no longer be processed as argparse flags
        # That can happen when -- is used or an argument with nargs=argparse.REMAINDER is used
        skip_remaining_flags = False

        # _ArgumentState of the current positional
        pos_arg_state = None

        # _ArgumentState of the current flag
        flag_arg_state = None

        # Non-reusable flags that we've parsed
        matched_flags = []

        # Keeps track of arguments we've seen and any tokens they consumed
        consumed_arg_values = dict()  # dict(arg_name -> List[tokens])

        # Completed mutually exclusive groups
        completed_mutex_groups = dict()  # dict(argparse._MutuallyExclusiveGroup -> Action which completed group)

        def consume_argument(arg_state: _ArgumentState) -> None:
            """Consuming token as an argument"""
            arg_state.count += 1
            consumed_arg_values.setdefault(arg_state.action.dest, [])

        def update_mutex_groups(arg_action: argparse.Action) -> None:
            Check if an argument belongs to a mutually exclusive group and either mark that group
            as complete or print an error if the group has already been completed
            :param arg_action: the action of the argument
            :raises: CompletionError if the group is already completed
            # Check if this action is in a mutually exclusive group
            for group in self._parser._mutually_exclusive_groups:
                if arg_action in group._group_actions:

                    # Check if the group this action belongs to has already been completed
                    if group in completed_mutex_groups:

                        # If this is the action that completed the group, then there is no error
                        # since it's allowed to appear on the command line more than once.
                        completer_action = completed_mutex_groups[group]
                        if arg_action == completer_action:

                        error = ("Error: argument {}: not allowed with argument {}".
                        raise CompletionError(error)

                    # Mark that this action completed the group
                    completed_mutex_groups[group] = arg_action

                    # Don't tab complete any of the other args in the group
                    for group_action in group._group_actions:
                        if group_action == arg_action:
                        elif group_action in self._flag_to_action.values():
                        elif group_action in remaining_positionals:

                    # Arg can only be in one group, so we are done

        # Parse all but the last token
        for token_index, token in enumerate(tokens[1:-1], start=1):

            # If we're in a positional REMAINDER arg, force all future tokens to go to that
            if pos_arg_state is not None and pos_arg_state.is_remainder:

            # If we're in a flag REMAINDER arg, force all future tokens to go to that until a double dash is hit
            elif flag_arg_state is not None and flag_arg_state.is_remainder:
                if token == '--':
                    flag_arg_state = None

            # Handle '--' which tells argparse all remaining arguments are non-flags
            elif token == '--' and not skip_remaining_flags:
                # Check if there is an unfinished flag
                if flag_arg_state is not None and flag_arg_state.count < flag_arg_state.min:
                    raise _UnfinishedFlagError(flag_arg_state)

                # Otherwise end the current flag
                    flag_arg_state = None
                    skip_remaining_flags = True

            # Check the format of the current token to see if it can be an argument's value
            if _looks_like_flag(token, self._parser) and not skip_remaining_flags:

                # Check if there is an unfinished flag
                if flag_arg_state is not None and flag_arg_state.count < flag_arg_state.min:
                    raise _UnfinishedFlagError(flag_arg_state)

                # Reset flag arg state but not positional tracking because flags can be
                # interspersed anywhere between positionals
                flag_arg_state = None
                action = None

                # Does the token match a known flag?
                if token in self._flag_to_action:
                    action = self._flag_to_action[token]
                elif self._parser.allow_abbrev:
                    candidates_flags = [flag for flag in self._flag_to_action if flag.startswith(token)]
                    if len(candidates_flags) == 1:
                        action = self._flag_to_action[candidates_flags[0]]

                if action is not None:
                    if isinstance(action, (argparse._AppendAction,
                        # Flags with action set to append, append_const, and count can be reused
                        # Therefore don't erase any tokens already consumed for this flag
                        consumed_arg_values.setdefault(action.dest, [])
                        # This flag is not reusable, so mark that we've seen it

                        # It's possible we already have consumed values for this flag if it was used
                        # earlier in the command line. Reset them now for this use of it.
                        consumed_arg_values[action.dest] = []

                    new_arg_state = _ArgumentState(action)

                    # Keep track of this flag if it can receive arguments
                    if new_arg_state.max > 0:
                        flag_arg_state = new_arg_state
                        skip_remaining_flags = flag_arg_state.is_remainder

            # Check if we are consuming a flag
            elif flag_arg_state is not None:

                # Check if we have finished with this flag
                if flag_arg_state.count >= flag_arg_state.max:
                    flag_arg_state = None

            # Otherwise treat as a positional argument
                # If we aren't current tracking a positional, then get the next positional arg to handle this token
                if pos_arg_state is None:
                    # Make sure we are still have positional arguments to parse
                    if remaining_positionals:
                        action = remaining_positionals.popleft()

                        # Are we at a subcommand? If so, forward to the matching completer
                        if action == self._subcommand_action:
                            if token in self._subcommand_action.choices:
                                # Merge self._parent_tokens and consumed_arg_values
                                parent_tokens = {**self._parent_tokens, **consumed_arg_values}

                                # Include the subcommand name if its destination was set
                                if action.dest != argparse.SUPPRESS:
                                    parent_tokens[action.dest] = [token]

                                completer = ArgparseCompleter(self._subcommand_action.choices[token], self._cmd2_app,
                                return completer.complete_command(tokens[token_index:], text, line, begidx, endidx)
                                # Invalid subcommand entered, so no way to complete remaining tokens
                                return []

                        # Otherwise keep track of the argument
                            pos_arg_state = _ArgumentState(action)

                # Check if we have a positional to consume this token
                if pos_arg_state is not None:

                    # No more flags are allowed if this is a REMAINDER argument
                    if pos_arg_state.is_remainder:
                        skip_remaining_flags = True

                    # Check if we have finished with this positional
                    elif pos_arg_state.count >= pos_arg_state.max:
                        pos_arg_state = None

                        # Check if the next positional has nargs set to argparse.REMAINDER.
                        # At this point argparse allows no more flags to be processed.
                        if remaining_positionals and remaining_positionals[0].nargs == argparse.REMAINDER:
                            skip_remaining_flags = True

        # We have parsed all but the last token and have enough information to complete it

        # Check if we are completing a flag name. This check ignores strings with a length of one, like '-'.
        # This is because that could be the start of a negative number which may be a valid completion for
        # the current argument. We will handle the completion of flags that start with only one prefix
        # character (-f) at the end.
        if _looks_like_flag(text, self._parser) and not skip_remaining_flags:
            if flag_arg_state is not None and flag_arg_state.count < flag_arg_state.min:
                raise _UnfinishedFlagError(flag_arg_state)
            return self._complete_flags(text, line, begidx, endidx, matched_flags)

        completion_results = []

        # Check if we are completing a flag's argument
        if flag_arg_state is not None:
            completion_results = self._complete_for_arg(flag_arg_state.action, text, line,
                                                        begidx, endidx, consumed_arg_values)

            # If we have results, then return them
            if completion_results:
                return completion_results

            # Otherwise, print a hint if the flag isn't finished or text isn't possibly the start of a flag
            elif flag_arg_state.count < flag_arg_state.min or \
                    not _single_prefix_char(text, self._parser) or skip_remaining_flags:
                raise _NoResultsError(self._parser, flag_arg_state.action)

        # Otherwise check if we have a positional to complete
        elif pos_arg_state is not None or remaining_positionals:

            # If we aren't current tracking a positional, then get the next positional arg to handle this token
            if pos_arg_state is None:
                action = remaining_positionals.popleft()
                pos_arg_state = _ArgumentState(action)

            completion_results = self._complete_for_arg(pos_arg_state.action, text, line,
                                                        begidx, endidx, consumed_arg_values)

            # If we have results, then return them
            if completion_results:
                return completion_results

            # Otherwise, print a hint if text isn't possibly the start of a flag
            elif not _single_prefix_char(text, self._parser) or skip_remaining_flags:
                raise _NoResultsError(self._parser, pos_arg_state.action)

        # Handle case in which text is a single flag prefix character that
        # didn't complete against any argument values.
        if _single_prefix_char(text, self._parser) and not skip_remaining_flags:
            return self._complete_flags(text, line, begidx, endidx, matched_flags)

        return completion_results

    def _complete_flags(self, text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int, matched_flags: List[str]) -> List[str]:
        """Tab completion routine for a parsers unused flags"""

        # Build a list of flags that can be tab completed
        match_against = []

        for flag in self._flags:
            # Make sure this flag hasn't already been used
            if flag not in matched_flags:
                # Make sure this flag isn't considered hidden
                action = self._flag_to_action[flag]
                if action.help != argparse.SUPPRESS:

        return basic_complete(text, line, begidx, endidx, match_against)

    def _format_completions(self, action, completions: List[Union[str, CompletionItem]]) -> List[str]:
        # Check if the results are CompletionItems and that there aren't too many to display
        if 1 < len(completions) <= self._cmd2_app.max_completion_items and \
                isinstance(completions[0], CompletionItem):

            # If the user has not already sorted the CompletionItems, then sort them before appending the descriptions
            if not self._cmd2_app.matches_sorted:
                self._cmd2_app.matches_sorted = True

            # If a metavar was defined, use that instead of the dest field
            destination = action.metavar if action.metavar else action.dest

            desc_header = getattr(action, ATTR_DESCRIPTIVE_COMPLETION_HEADER, None)
            if desc_header is None:
                desc_header = DEFAULT_DESCRIPTIVE_HEADER

            # Calculate needed widths for the token and description columns of the table
            token_width = ansi.style_aware_wcswidth(destination)
            desc_width = ansi.style_aware_wcswidth(desc_header)

            for item in completions:
                token_width = max(ansi.style_aware_wcswidth(item), token_width)
                desc_width = max(ansi.style_aware_wcswidth(item.description), desc_width)

            # Create a table that's over half the width of the terminal.
            # This will force readline to place each entry on its own line.
            min_width = int(shutil.get_terminal_size().columns * 0.6)
            base_width = SimpleTable.base_width(2)
            initial_width = base_width + token_width + desc_width

            if initial_width < min_width:
                desc_width += (min_width - initial_width)

            cols = list()
            cols.append(Column(destination.upper(), width=token_width))
            cols.append(Column(desc_header, width=desc_width))

            hint_table = SimpleTable(cols, divider_char=None)
            self._cmd2_app.completion_header = hint_table.generate_header()
            self._cmd2_app.display_matches = [hint_table.generate_data_row([item, item.description]) for item in completions]

        return completions

    def complete_subcommand_help(self, tokens: List[str], text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int) -> List[str]:
        Supports cmd2's help command in the completion of subcommand names
        :param tokens: command line tokens
        :param text: the string prefix we are attempting to match (all matches must begin with it)
        :param line: the current input line with leading whitespace removed
        :param begidx: the beginning index of the prefix text
        :param endidx: the ending index of the prefix text
        :return: List of subcommand completions
        # If our parser has subcommands, we must examine the tokens and check if they are subcommands
        # If so, we will let the subcommand's parser handle the rest of the tokens via another ArgparseCompleter.
        if self._subcommand_action is not None:
            for token_index, token in enumerate(tokens[1:], start=1):
                if token in self._subcommand_action.choices:
                    completer = ArgparseCompleter(self._subcommand_action.choices[token], self._cmd2_app)
                    return completer.complete_subcommand_help(tokens[token_index:], text, line, begidx, endidx)
                elif token_index == len(tokens) - 1:
                    # Since this is the last token, we will attempt to complete it
                    return basic_complete(text, line, begidx, endidx, self._subcommand_action.choices)
        return []

    def format_help(self, tokens: List[str]) -> str:
        Supports cmd2's help command in the retrieval of help text
        :param tokens: command line tokens
        :return: help text of the command being queried
        # If our parser has subcommands, we must examine the tokens and check if they are subcommands
        # If so, we will let the subcommand's parser handle the rest of the tokens via another ArgparseCompleter.
        if self._subcommand_action is not None:
            for token_index, token in enumerate(tokens[1:], start=1):
                if token in self._subcommand_action.choices:
                    completer = ArgparseCompleter(self._subcommand_action.choices[token], self._cmd2_app)
                    return completer.format_help(tokens[token_index:])
        return self._parser.format_help()

    def _complete_for_arg(self, arg_action: argparse.Action,
                          text: str, line: str, begidx: int, endidx: int,
                          consumed_arg_values: Dict[str, List[str]]) -> List[str]:
        Tab completion routine for an argparse argument
        :return: list of completions
        :raises: CompletionError if the completer or choices function this calls raises one
        # Check if the arg provides choices to the user
        if arg_action.choices is not None:
            arg_choices = arg_action.choices
            arg_choices = getattr(arg_action, ATTR_CHOICES_CALLABLE, None)

        if arg_choices is None:
            return []

        # If we are going to call a completer/choices function, then set up the common arguments
        args = []
        kwargs = {}
        if isinstance(arg_choices, ChoicesCallable):
            if arg_choices.is_method:

            # Check if arg_choices.to_call expects arg_tokens
            to_call_params = inspect.signature(arg_choices.to_call).parameters
            if ARG_TOKENS in to_call_params:
                # Merge self._parent_tokens and consumed_arg_values
                arg_tokens = {**self._parent_tokens, **consumed_arg_values}

                # Include the token being completed
                arg_tokens.setdefault(arg_action.dest, [])

                # Add the namespace to the keyword arguments for the function we are calling
                kwargs[ARG_TOKENS] = arg_tokens

        # Check if the argument uses a specific tab completion function to provide its choices
        if isinstance(arg_choices, ChoicesCallable) and arg_choices.is_completer:
            args.extend([text, line, begidx, endidx])
            results = arg_choices.to_call(*args, **kwargs)

        # Otherwise use basic_complete on the choices
            # Check if the choices come from a function
            if isinstance(arg_choices, ChoicesCallable) and not arg_choices.is_completer:
                arg_choices = arg_choices.to_call(*args, **kwargs)

            # Since arg_choices can be any iterable type, convert to a list
            arg_choices = list(arg_choices)

            # If these choices are numbers, and have not yet been sorted, then sort them now
            if not self._cmd2_app.matches_sorted and all(isinstance(x, numbers.Number) for x in arg_choices):
                self._cmd2_app.matches_sorted = True

            # Since choices can be various types like int, we must convert them to strings
            for index, choice in enumerate(arg_choices):
                if not isinstance(choice, str):
                    arg_choices[index] = str(choice)

            # Filter out arguments we already used
            used_values = consumed_arg_values.get(arg_action.dest, [])
            arg_choices = [choice for choice in arg_choices if choice not in used_values]

            # Do tab completion on the choices
            results = basic_complete(text, line, begidx, endidx, arg_choices)

        return self._format_completions(arg_action, results)