#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>

Non-relativistic magnetizability tensor for DFT

[1] R. Cammi, J. Chem. Phys., 109, 3185 (1998)
[2] Todd A. Keith, Chem. Phys., 213, 123 (1996)

import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.scf import jk
from pyscf.dft import numint
from pyscf.prop.nmr import rks as rks_nmr
from pyscf.prop.magnetizability import rhf as rhf_mag

def dia(magobj, gauge_orig=None):
    mol = magobj.mol
    mf = magobj._scf
    mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
    mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
    mo_occ = mf.mo_occ
    orbo = mo_coeff[:,mo_occ > 0]
    dm0 = numpy.dot(orbo, orbo.T) * 2
    dm0 = lib.tag_array(dm0, mo_coeff=mo_coeff, mo_occ=mo_occ)
    dme0 = numpy.dot(orbo * mo_energy[mo_occ > 0], orbo.T) * 2

    e2 = rhf_mag._get_dia_1e(magobj, gauge_orig, dm0, dme0)

    if gauge_orig is not None:
        return -e2

    # Computing the 2nd order Vxc integrals from GIAO
    grids = mf.grids
    ni = mf._numint
    xc_code = mf.xc
    xctype = ni._xc_type(xc_code)
    omega, alpha, hyb = ni.rsh_and_hybrid_coeff(xc_code, mol.spin)

    make_rho, nset, nao = ni._gen_rho_evaluator(mol, dm0, hermi=1)
    ngrids = len(grids.weights)
    mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0]
    max_memory = max(2000, mf.max_memory*.9-mem_now)
    BLKSIZE = numint.BLKSIZE
    blksize = min(int(max_memory/12*1e6/8/nao/BLKSIZE)*BLKSIZE, ngrids)

    vmat = numpy.zeros((3,3,nao,nao))
    if xctype == 'LDA':
        ao_deriv = 0
        for ao, mask, weight, coords \
                in ni.block_loop(mol, grids, nao, ao_deriv, max_memory,
            rho = make_rho(0, ao, mask, 'LDA')
            vxc = ni.eval_xc(xc_code, rho, 0, deriv=1)[1]
            vrho = vxc[0]
            r_ao = numpy.einsum('pi,px->pxi', ao, coords)
            aow = numpy.einsum('pxi,p,p->pxi', r_ao, weight, vrho)
            vmat += lib.einsum('pxi,pyj->xyij', r_ao, aow)
            rho = vxc = vrho = aow = None

    elif xctype == 'GGA':
        ao_deriv = 1
        for ao, mask, weight, coords \
                in ni.block_loop(mol, grids, nao, ao_deriv, max_memory,
            rho = make_rho(0, ao, mask, 'GGA')
            vxc = ni.eval_xc(xc_code, rho, 0, deriv=1)[1]
            wv = numint._rks_gga_wv0(rho, vxc, weight)

            # Computing \nabla (r * AO) = r * \nabla AO + [\nabla,r]_- * AO
            r_ao = numpy.einsum('npi,px->npxi', ao, coords)
            r_ao[1,:,0] += ao[0]
            r_ao[2,:,1] += ao[0]
            r_ao[3,:,2] += ao[0]

            aow = numpy.einsum('npxi,np->pxi', r_ao, wv)
            vmat += lib.einsum('pxi,pyj->xyij', r_ao[0], aow)
            rho = vxc = vrho = wv = aow = None

        vmat = vmat + vmat.transpose(0,1,3,2)

    elif xctype == 'MGGA':
        raise NotImplementedError('meta-GGA')

    vmat = _add_giao_phase(mol, vmat)
    e2 += numpy.einsum('qp,xypq->xy', dm0, vmat)
    vmat = None

    e2 = e2.ravel()
    # Handle the hybrid functional and the range-separated functional
    if abs(hyb) > 1e-10:
        vs = jk.get_jk(mol, [dm0]*3, ['ijkl,ji->s2kl',
                       'int2e_gg1', 's4', 9, hermi=1)
        e2 += numpy.einsum('xpq,qp->x', vs[0], dm0)
        e2 -= numpy.einsum('xpq,qp->x', vs[1], dm0) * .25 * hyb
        e2 -= numpy.einsum('xpq,qp->x', vs[2], dm0) * .25 * hyb
        vk = jk.get_jk(mol, dm0, 'ijkl,jk->s1il',
                       'int2e_g1g2', 'aa4', 9, hermi=0)
        e2 -= numpy.einsum('xpq,qp->x', vk, dm0) * .5 * hyb

        if abs(omega) > 1e-10:
            with mol.with_range_coulomb(omega):
                vs = jk.get_jk(mol, [dm0]*2, ['ijkl,jk->s1il',
                               'int2e_gg1', 's4', 9, hermi=1)
                e2 -= numpy.einsum('xpq,qp->x', vs[0], dm0) * .25 * (alpha-hyb)
                e2 -= numpy.einsum('xpq,qp->x', vs[1], dm0) * .25 * (alpha-hyb)
                vk = jk.get_jk(mol, dm0, 'ijkl,jk->s1il',
                               'int2e_g1g2', 'aa4', 9, hermi=0)
                e2 -= numpy.einsum('xpq,qp->x', vk, dm0) * .5 * (alpha-hyb)

        vj = jk.get_jk(mol, dm0, 'ijkl,ji->s2kl',
                       'int2e_gg1', 's4', 9, hermi=1)
        e2 += numpy.einsum('xpq,qp->x', vj, dm0)

    return -e2.reshape(3, 3)

def _add_giao_phase(mol, vmat):
    '''Add the factor i/2*(Ri-Rj) of the GIAO phase e^{i/2 (Ri-Rj) times r}'''
    ao_coords = rhf_mag._get_ao_coords(mol)
    Rx = .5 * (ao_coords[:,0:1] - ao_coords[:,0])
    Ry = .5 * (ao_coords[:,1:2] - ao_coords[:,1])
    Rz = .5 * (ao_coords[:,2:3] - ao_coords[:,2])
    vxc20 = numpy.empty_like(vmat)
    vxc20[0]  = Ry * vmat[2] - Rz * vmat[1]
    vxc20[1]  = Rz * vmat[0] - Rx * vmat[2]
    vxc20[2]  = Rx * vmat[1] - Ry * vmat[0]
    vxc20, vmat = vmat, vxc20
    vxc20[:,0]  = Ry * vmat[:,2] - Rz * vmat[:,1]
    vxc20[:,1]  = Rz * vmat[:,0] - Rx * vmat[:,2]
    vxc20[:,2]  = Rx * vmat[:,1] - Ry * vmat[:,0]
    vxc20 *= -1
    return vxc20

class Magnetizability(rhf_mag.Magnetizability):
    dia = dia
    get_fock = rks_nmr.get_fock
    solve_mo1 = rks_nmr.solve_mo1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pyscf import gto
    from pyscf import dft
    mol = gto.Mole()
    mol.verbose = 0
    mol.output = None

    mol.atom = [
        ['Ne' , (0. , 0. , 0.)], ]

    mf = dft.RKS(mol).run()
    mag = Magnetizability(mf).kernel()
    print(lib.finger(mag) - -0.30375149255154221)

    mf.set(xc = 'b3lyp').run()
    mag = Magnetizability(mf).kernel()
    print(lib.finger(mag) - -0.3022331813238171)

    mol.atom = [
        [1   , (0. , 0. , .917)],
        ['F' , (0. , 0. , 0.  )], ]
    mol.basis = '6-31g'

    mf = dft.RKS(mol).set(xc='lda,vwn').run()
    mag = Magnetizability(mf).kernel()
    print(lib.finger(mag) - -0.4313210213418015)

    mf = dft.RKS(mol).set(xc='b3lyp').run()
    mag = Magnetizability(mf).kernel()
    print(lib.finger(mag) - -0.42828345739100998)

    mol = gto.M(atom='''O      0.   0.       0.
                        H      0.  -0.757    0.587
                        H      0.   0.757    0.587''',
    mf = dft.RKS(mol)
    mf.xc = 'b3lyp'
    mag = Magnetizability(mf).kernel()
    print(lib.finger(mag) - -0.61042958313712403)