#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2019 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Authors: Sandeep Sharma <sanshar@gmail.com>
#          Sheng Guo
#          Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>

DMRG solver for CASCI and CASSCF.
import ctypes
import os
import sys
import struct
import time
import tempfile
from subprocess import check_call, check_output, STDOUT, CalledProcessError
import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import tools
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf import ao2mo
from pyscf import mcscf
from pyscf.dmrgscf import dmrg_sym
from pyscf import __config__

# Libraries
libunpack = lib.load_library('libicmpspt')

# Settings
    from pyscf.dmrgscf import settings
except ImportError:
    settings = lambda: None
    settings.BLOCKEXE = getattr(__config__, 'dmrgscf_BLOCKEXE', None)
            getattr(__config__, 'dmrgscf_BLOCKEXE_COMPRESS_NEVPT', None)
    settings.BLOCKSCRATCHDIR = getattr(__config__, 'dmrgscf_BLOCKSCRATCHDIR', None)
    settings.BLOCKRUNTIMEDIR = getattr(__config__, 'dmrgscf_BLOCKRUNTIMEDIR', None)
    settings.MPIPREFIX = getattr(__config__, 'dmrgscf_MPIPREFIX', None)
    settings.BLOCKVERSION = getattr(__config__, 'dmrgscf_BLOCKVERSION', None)
    if (settings.BLOCKEXE is None or settings.BLOCKSCRATCHDIR is None):
        sys.stderr.write('settings.py not found for module dmrgci.  Please create %s\n'
                         % os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'settings.py'))
        raise ImportError('settings.py not found')

class DMRGCI(lib.StreamObject):
    '''Block program interface and the object to hold Block program input parameters.

        outputlevel : int
            Noise level for Block program output.
        maxIter : int
        hf_occ : str
            The initial HF wave function occupancies, in spin orbital.

        approx_maxIter : int
            To control the DMRG-CASSCF approximate DMRG solver accuracy.
        twodot_to_onedot : int
            When to switch from two-dot algroithm to one-dot algroithm.
        nroots : int

        weights : list of floats
            Use this attribute with "nroots" attribute to set state-average calculation.
        restart : bool
            To control whether to restart a DMRG calculation.
        tol : float
            DMRG convergence tolerence
        maxM : int
            Bond dimension
        scheduleSweeps, scheduleMaxMs, scheduleTols, scheduleNoises : list
            DMRG sweep scheduler.  See also Block documentation
        wfnsym : str or int
            Wave function irrep label or irrep ID
        orbsym : list of int
            irrep IDs of each orbital
        groupname : str
            groupname, orbsym together can control whether to employ symmetry in
            the calculation.  "groupname = None and orbsym = []" requires the
            Block program using C1 symmetry.


    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='C 0 0 0; C 0 0 1')
    >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
    >>> mc = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 4, 4)
    >>> mc.fcisolver = DMRGCI(mol)
    >>> mc.kernel()
    def __init__(self, mol=None, maxM=None, tol=None, num_thrds=1, memory=None):
        self.mol = mol
        if mol is None:
            self.stdout = sys.stdout
            self.verbose = logger.NOTE
            self.stdout = mol.stdout
            self.verbose = mol.verbose
        self.outputlevel = 2
        self.hf_occ = 'integral'

        self.executable = settings.BLOCKEXE
        self.scratchDirectory = os.path.abspath(settings.BLOCKSCRATCHDIR)
        self.mpiprefix = settings.MPIPREFIX
        self.memory = memory

        self.integralFile = "FCIDUMP"
        self.configFile = "dmrg.conf"
        self.outputFile = "dmrg.out"
        if getattr(settings, 'BLOCKRUNTIMEDIR', None):
            self.runtimeDir = settings.BLOCKRUNTIMEDIR
            self.runtimeDir = '.'
        self.maxIter = 20
        self.approx_maxIter = 4
        self.twodot_to_onedot = 15
        self.dmrg_switch_tol = 1e-3
        self.nroots = 1
        self.weights = []
        self.wfnsym = 1
        self.extraline = []

        if tol is None:
            self.tol = 1e-8
            self.tol = tol/10
        if maxM is None:
            self.maxM = 1000
            self.maxM = maxM
        self.num_thrds= num_thrds
        self.startM =  None
        self.restart = False
        self.nonspinAdapted = False
        self.scheduleSweeps = []
        self.scheduleMaxMs  = []
        self.scheduleTols   = []
        self.scheduleNoises = []
        self.onlywriteIntegral = False
        self.spin = 0
        self.orbsym = []
        if mol is None:
            self.groupname = None
            if mol.symmetry:
                self.groupname = mol.groupname
                self.groupname = None
        # don't modify the following attributes, if you do not finish part of calculation, which can be reused.
        #DO NOT CHANGE these parameters, unless you know the code in details
        self.twopdm = True #By default, 2rdm is calculated after the calculations of wave function.
        self.block_extra_keyword = [] #For Block advanced user only.
        self.has_fourpdm = False
        self.has_threepdm = False
        self.has_nevpt = False
        # This flag _restart is set by the program internally, to control when to make
        # Block restart calculation.
        self._restart = False
        self.returnInt = False
        self._keys = set(self.__dict__.keys())

    def max_memory(self):
        if self.memory is None:
            return self.memory
        elif isinstance(self.memory, int):
            return self.memory * 1e3 # GB -> MB
        else:  # str
            val, unit = self.memory.split(',')
            if unit.trim().upper() == 'G':
                return float(val) * 1e3
            else: # MB
                return float(val)
    def max_memory(self, x):
        self.memory = x * 1e-3

    def threads(self):
        return self.num_thrds
    def threads(self, x):
        self.num_thrds = x

    def generate_schedule(self):
        if self.startM is None:
            if self.maxM < 200:
                self.startM = 50
                self.startM = 200
        if len(self.scheduleSweeps) == 0:
            startM = self.startM
            N_sweep = 0
            if self.restart or self._restart :
                Tol = self.tol / 10.0
                Tol = 1.0e-5
            Noise = Tol
            while startM < int(self.maxM):
                N_sweep += 4
                startM *= 2
            while Tol > float(self.tol):
                N_sweep += 2
                Tol /= 10.0
            N_sweep += 2
            self.twodot_to_onedot = N_sweep + 2
            self.maxIter = self.twodot_to_onedot + 12
        return self

    def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
        log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
        log.info('******** Block flags ********')
        log.info('executable             = %s', self.executable)
        log.info('Block version          = %s', block_version(self.executable))
        log.info('mpiprefix              = %s', self.mpiprefix)
        log.info('scratchDirectory       = %s', self.scratchDirectory)
        log.info('integralFile           = %s', os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.integralFile))
        log.info('configFile             = %s', os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.configFile))
        log.info('outputFile             = %s', os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.outputFile))
        log.info('maxIter                = %d', self.maxIter)
        log.info('scheduleSweeps         = %s', str(self.scheduleSweeps))
        log.info('scheduleMaxMs          = %s', str(self.scheduleMaxMs))
        log.info('scheduleTols           = %s', str(self.scheduleTols))
        log.info('scheduleNoises         = %s', str(self.scheduleNoises))
        log.info('twodot_to_onedot       = %d', self.twodot_to_onedot)
        log.info('tol                    = %g', self.tol)
        log.info('maxM                   = %d', self.maxM)
        log.info('dmrg switch tol        = %s', self.dmrg_switch_tol)
        log.info('wfnsym                 = %s', self.wfnsym)
        log.info('fullrestart            = %s', str(self.restart or self._restart))
        log.info('num_thrds              = %d', self.num_thrds)
        log.info('memory                 = %s', self.memory)
        return self

    # ABOUT RDMs AND INDEXES: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    #   There is two ways to stored an RDM
    #   (the numbers help keep track of creation/annihilation that go together):
    #     E3[i1,j2,k3,l3,m2,n1] is the way BLOCK and STACKBLOCK outputs text and bin files
    #     E3[i1,j2,k3,l1,m2,n3] is the way the tensors need to be written for SQA and ICPT
    #   --> See various remarks in the pertinent functions below.
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def make_rdm1s(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        # Ref: IJQC, 109, 3552 Eq (3)
        if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
            nelecb = (nelec-self.spin) // 2
            neleca = nelec - nelecb
        else :
            neleca, nelecb = nelec

        # DO NOT call self.make_rdm12. Calling DMRGCI.make_rdm12 instead of
        # self.make_rdm12 because self.make_rdm12 may be modified
        # by state-average mcscf solver (see function mcscf.addons.state_average).
        # When calling make_rdm1s from state-average FCI solver,
        # DMRGCI.make_rdm12 ensures that the basic make_rdm12 method is called.
        # (Issue https://github.com/pyscf/pyscf/issues/335)
        dm1, dm2 = DMRGCI.make_rdm12(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs)
        dm1n = (2-(neleca+nelecb)/2.) * dm1 - numpy.einsum('pkkq->pq', dm2)
        dm1n *= 1./(neleca-nelecb+1)
        dm1a, dm1b = (dm1+dm1n)*.5, (dm1-dm1n)*.5
        return dm1a, dm1b

    def trans_rdm1s(self, statebra, stateket, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        # Ref: IJQC, 109, 3552 Eq (3)
        if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
            nelecb = (nelec-self.spin) // 2
            neleca = nelec - nelecb
        else :
            neleca, nelecb = nelec
        dm1, dm2 = DMRGCI.trans_rdm12(self, statebra, stateket, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs)
        dm1n = (2-(neleca+nelecb)/2.) * dm1 - numpy.einsum('pkkq->pq', dm2)
        dm1n *= 1./(neleca-nelecb+1)
        dm1a, dm1b = (dm1+dm1n)*.5, (dm1-dm1n)*.5
        return dm1a, dm1b

    def make_rdm1(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        # Avoid calling self.make_rdm12 because it may be overloaded
        return DMRGCI.make_rdm12(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs)[0]

    def make_rdm12(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        nelectrons = 0
        if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
          nelectrons = nelec
          nelectrons = nelec[0]+nelec[1]

        # The 2RDMs written by "save_spatial_twopdm_text" in BLOCK and STACKBLOCK
        # are written as E2[i1,j2,k2,l1]
        # and stored here as E2[i1,l1,j2,k2] (for PySCF purposes)
        # This is NOT done with SQA in mind.
        twopdm = numpy.zeros( (norb, norb, norb, norb) )
        file2pdm = "spatial_twopdm.%d.%d.txt" %(state, state)
        with open(os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory, "node0", file2pdm), "r") as f:
            norb_read = int(f.readline().split()[0])
            assert(norb_read == norb)
            for line in f:
                linesp = line.split()
                i, k, l, j = [int(x) for x in linesp[:4]]
                twopdm[i,j,k,l] = 2.0 * float(linesp[4])

        # (This is coherent with previous statement about indexes)
        onepdm = numpy.einsum('ikjj->ki', twopdm)
        onepdm /= (nelectrons-1)
        return onepdm, twopdm

    def trans_rdm1(self, statebra, stateket, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        return DMRGCI.trans_rdm12(self, statebra, stateket, norb, nelec, link_index, **kwargs)[0]

    def trans_rdm12(self, statebra, stateket, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        nelectrons = 0
        if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
            nelectrons = nelec
            nelectrons = nelec[0]+nelec[1]

        writeDMRGConfFile(self, nelec, True,\
                          with_2pdm=False, extraline=['restart_tran_twopdm',
                                                      'specificpdm %d %d' % (statebra, stateket)])

        # The 2RDMs written by "save_spatial_twopdm_text" in BLOCK and STACKBLOCK
        # are written as E2[i1,j2,k2,l1]
        # and stored here as E2[i1,l1,j2,k2] (for PySCF purposes)
        # This is NOT done with SQA in mind.
        twopdm = numpy.zeros( (norb, norb, norb, norb) )
        file2pdm = "spatial_twopdm.%d.%d.txt" %(statebra, stateket)
        with open(os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory, "node0", file2pdm), "r") as f:
            norb_read = int(f.readline().split()[0])
            assert(norb_read == norb)
            for line in f:
                linesp = line.split()
                i, k, l, j = [int(x) for x in linesp[:4]]
                twopdm[i,j,k,l] = 2.0 * float(linesp[4])

        # (This is coherent with previous statement about indexes)
        onepdm = numpy.einsum('ikjj->ki', twopdm)
        onepdm /= (nelectrons-1)
        return onepdm, twopdm

    def make_rdm123(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        if self.has_threepdm == False:
            writeDMRGConfFile(self, nelec, True,\
                              with_2pdm=False, extraline=['restart_threepdm'])
            if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                inFile = os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.configFile)
                logger.debug1(self, 'Block Input conf')
                logger.debug1(self, open(inFile, 'r').read())

            start = time.time()
            end = time.time()
            print('......production of RDMs took %10.2f sec' %(end-start))

            if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                outFile = os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.outputFile)
                logger.debug1(self, open(outFile).read())
            self.has_threepdm = True

        nelectrons = 0
        if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
            nelectrons = nelec
            nelectrons = nelec[0]+nelec[1]

        # The 3RDMs written by "Threepdm_container::save_spatial_npdm_text" in BLOCK and STACKBLOCK
        # are written as E3[i1,j2,k3,l3,m2,n1]
        # and are also stored here as E3[i1,j2,k3,l3,m2,n1]
        # This is NOT done with SQA in mind.
        start = time.time()
        threepdm = numpy.zeros( (norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb) )
        file3pdm = "spatial_threepdm.%d.%d.txt" %(state, state)
        with open(os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory, "node0", file3pdm), "r") as f:
          norb_read = int(f.readline().split()[0])
          assert(norb_read == norb)
          for line in f:
              linesp = line.split()
              i,j,k, l,m,n = [int(x) for x in linesp[:6]]
              threepdm[i,j,k,l,m,n] = float(linesp[6])

        # (This is coherent with previous statement about indexes)
        twopdm = numpy.einsum('ijkklm->ijlm',threepdm)
        twopdm /= (nelectrons-2)
        onepdm = numpy.einsum('ijjk->ki', twopdm)
        onepdm /= (nelectrons-1)
        end = time.time()
        print('......reading the RDM took    %10.2f sec' %(end-start))
        return onepdm, twopdm, threepdm

    def _make_dm123(self, state, norb, nelec, link_index=None, **kwargs):
        r'''Note this function does NOT compute the standard density matrix.
        The density matrices are reordered to match the the fci.rdm.make_dm123
        function (used by NEVPT code).
        The returned "2pdm" is :math:`\langle p^\dagger q r^\dagger s\rangle`;
        The returned "3pdm" is :math:`\langle p^\dagger q r^\dagger s t^\dagger u\rangle`.
        onepdm, twopdm, threepdm = self.make_rdm123(state, norb, nelec, None, **kwargs)
        threepdm = numpy.einsum('mkijln->ijklmn',threepdm).copy()
        threepdm += numpy.einsum('jk,lm,in->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),numpy.identity(norb),onepdm)
        threepdm += numpy.einsum('jk,miln->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),twopdm)
        threepdm += numpy.einsum('lm,kijn->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),twopdm)
        threepdm += numpy.einsum('jm,kinl->ijklmn',numpy.identity(norb),twopdm)

        twopdm =(numpy.einsum('iklj->ijkl',twopdm)
               + numpy.einsum('li,jk->ijkl',onepdm,numpy.identity(norb)))

        return onepdm, twopdm, threepdm

    def make_rdm3(self, state, norb, nelec, dt=numpy.float64, filetype = "binary", link_index=None, restart=False, **kwargs):
        import os

        if self.has_threepdm == False:
            self.twopdm = False
            if restart == True:
            writeDMRGConfFile(self, nelec, restart)

            if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                inFile = self.configFile
                #inFile = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,self.configFile)
                logger.debug1(self, 'Block Input conf')
                logger.debug1(self, open(inFile, 'r').read())

            start = time.time()
            end = time.time()
            print('......production of RDMs took %10.2f sec' %(end-start))

            if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                outFile = self.outputFile
                #outFile = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,self.outputFile)
                logger.debug1(self, open(outFile).read())
            self.has_threepdm = True

        # The 3RDMS binary files written by STACKBLOCK and BLOCK
        # are written as E3[i1,j2,k3,l3,m2,n1]
        # and are stored here as E3[i1,j2,k3,n1,m2,l3]
        # This is done with SQA in mind.
        start = time.time()
        if (filetype == "binary") :
          # The binary files coming from STACKBLOCK and BLOCK are different
          # - STACKBLOCK uses the 6-fold symmetry, this must be unpacked
          #   using "libunpack.unpackE3" (see lib/icmpspt/icmpspt.c)
          # - BLOCK just writes a list of all values, this is directly read
          #   using "unpackE3_BLOCK" (see below)
          if block_version(self.executable).startswith('1.5'):
            print('Reading binary 3RDM from STACKBLOCK')
            fname = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,"node0", "spatial_threepdm.%d.%d.bin" %(state, state))
            fnameout = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,"node0", "spatial_threepdm.%d.%d.bin.unpack" %(state, state))
            libunpack.unpackE3(ctypes.c_char_p(fname.encode()), ctypes.c_char_p(fnameout.encode()), ctypes.c_int(norb))
            E3 = numpy.fromfile(fnameout, dtype=numpy.float64)
            E3 = numpy.reshape(E3, (norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb), order='F')
            print('Reading binary 3RDM from BLOCK')
            fname = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,"node0", "spatial_threepdm.%d.%d.bin" %(state, state))
            E3 = self.unpackE3_BLOCK(fname,norb)

        # The 3RDMs text files written by "Threepdm_container::save_spatial_npdm_text" in BLOCK and STACKBLOCK
        # are written as E3[i1,j2,k3,l3,m2,n1]
        # and are stored here as E3[i1,j2,k3,n1,m2,l3]
        # This is done with SQA in mind.
          print('Reading text-file 3RDM')
          fname = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,"node0", "spatial_threepdm.%d.%d.txt" %(state, state))
          f = open(fname, 'r')
          lines = f.readlines()
          E3 = numpy.zeros(shape=(norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb), dtype=dt, order='F')
          for line in lines[1:]:
            linesp = line.split()
            if (len(linesp) != 7) :
            a,b,c, d,e,f, integral = int(linesp[0]), int(linesp[1]), int(linesp[2]),\
                                     int(linesp[3]), int(linesp[4]), int(linesp[5]), float(linesp[6])
            self.populate(E3, [a,b,c,  f,e,d], integral)
        end = time.time()
        print('......reading the RDM took    %10.2f sec' %(end-start))
        return E3

    def make_rdm4(self, state, norb, nelec, dt=numpy.float64, filetype = "binary", link_index=None, restart=False, **kwargs):
        import os

        if self.has_fourpdm == False:
            self.twopdm = False
            self.threepdm = False
            self.twopdm = False
            if restart == True:
            writeDMRGConfFile(self, nelec, restart)

            if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
              inFile = self.configFile
              #inFile = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,self.configFile)
              logger.debug1(self, 'Block Input conf')
              logger.debug1(self, open(inFile, 'r').read())

            start = time.time()
            end = time.time()
            print('......production of RDMs took %10.2f sec' %(end-start))

            if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                outFile = self.outputFile
                #outFile = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,self.outputFile)
                logger.debug1(self, open(outFile).read())
            self.has_fourpdm = True
            self.has_threepdm = True

        # The 4RDMS binary files written by STACKBLOCK and BLOCK
        # are written as E4[i1,j2,k3,l4,m4,n3,o2,p1]
        # and are stored here as E4[i1,j2,k3,l4,p1,o2,n3,m4]
        # This is done with SQA in mind.
        start = time.time()
        if (filetype == "binary") :
          # The binary files coming from STACKBLOCK and BLOCK are different:
          # - STACKBLOCK does not have 4RDM
          #   If it had, it would probably come in a 8-fold symmetr which must unpacked
          #   using "libunpack.unpackE4" (see lib/icmpspt/icmpspt.c)
          # - BLOCK just writes a list of all values, this is directly read
          #   using "unpackE4_BLOCK" (see below)
          if block_version(self.executable).startswith('1.5'):
            print('Reading binary 4RDM from STACKBLOCK')
            fname = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,"node0", "spatial_fourpdm.%d.%d.bin" %(state, state))
            fnameout = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,"node0", "spatial_fourpdm.%d.%d.bin.unpack" %(state, state))
            libunpack.unpackE4(ctypes.c_char_p(fname.encode()), ctypes.c_char_p(fnameout.encode()), ctypes.c_int(norb))
            E4 = numpy.fromfile(fnameout, dtype=numpy.float64)
            E4 = numpy.reshape(E4, (norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb), order='F')
            print('Reading binary 4RDM from BLOCK')
            fname = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,"node0", "spatial_fourpdm.%d.%d.bin" %(state, state))
            E4 = self.unpackE4_BLOCK(fname,norb)

        # The 4RDMs text files written by "Fourpdm_container::save_spatial_npdm_text" in BLOCK and STACKBLOCK
        # are written as E4[i1,j2,k3,l4,m4,n3,o2,p1]
        # and are stored here as E4[i1,j2,k3,l4,p1,o2,n3,m4]
        # This is done with SQA in mind.
            print('Reading text-file 4RDM')
            fname = os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory,"node0", "spatial_fourpdm.%d.%d.txt" %(state, state))
            f = open(fname, 'r')
            lines = f.readlines()
            E4 = numpy.zeros(shape=(norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb), dtype=dt, order='F')
            for line in lines[1:]:
              linesp = line.split()
              if (len(linesp) != 9) :
              a,b,c,d, e,f,g,h, integral = int(linesp[0]), int(linesp[1]), int(linesp[2]), int(linesp[3]),\
                                           int(linesp[4]), int(linesp[5]), int(linesp[6]), int(linesp[7]), float(linesp[8])
              self.populate(E4, [a,b,c,d,  h,g,f,e], integral)
        end = time.time()
        print('......reading the RDM took    %10.2f sec' %(end-start))
        return E4

    def populate(self, array, list, value):
        import itertools
        for t in itertools.permutations(range(dim), dim):
          updn=[up[i] for i in t]+[dn[i] for i in t]
          array[tuple(updn)] = value

    def unpackE3_BLOCK(self,fname,norb):
        # The 3RDMs written by "Threepdm_container::save_spatial_npdm_binary" in BLOCK
        # are written as E3[i1,j2,k3,l3,m2,n1]
        # and are stored here as E3[i1,j2,k3,n1,m2,l3]
        # This is done with SQA in mind.
        E3=numpy.zeros((norb,norb,norb,norb,norb,norb), order='F')
        print("[fil.seek(not_really_understood)]: HOW DANGEROUS IS THAT ???!?!?!?")
        #fil.seek(93) # HOW DANGEROUS IS THAT ???!?!?!?
        fil.seek(53)  # HOW DANGEROUS IS THAT ???!?!?!?
        for a in range(norb):
          for b in range(norb):
            for c in range(norb):
              for d in range(norb):
                for e in range(norb):
                  for f in range(norb):
                    E3[a,b,c,  f,e,d]=value
          print("MORE bytes TO READ!")
          print("AT LEAST, NO MORE bytes TO READ!")
        return E3

    def unpackE4_BLOCK(self,fname,norb):
        # The 4RDMs written by "Fourpdm_container::save_spatial_npdm_binary" in BLOCK
        # are written as E4[i1,j2,k3,l4,m4,n3,o2,p1]
        # and are stored here as E4[i1,j2,k3,l4,p1,o2,n3,m4]
        # This is done with SQA in mind.
        E4=numpy.zeros((norb,norb,norb,norb,norb,norb,norb,norb), order='F')
        print("[fil.seek(not_really_understood)]: HOW DANGEROUS IS THAT ???!?!?!?")
        fil.seek(109) # HOW DANGEROUS IS THAT ???!?!?!?
        for a in range(norb):
          for b in range(norb):
            for c in range(norb):
              for d in range(norb):
                for e in range(norb):
                  for f in range(norb):
                    for g in range(norb):
                      for h in range(norb):
                        E4[a,b,c,d,  h,g,f,e]=value
          print("MORE bytes TO READ!")
          print("AT LEAST, NO MORE bytes TO READ!")
        return E4

    def clearSchedule(self):
        self.scheduleSweeps = []
        self.scheduleMaxMs = []
        self.scheduleTols = []
        self.scheduleNoises = []

    def nevpt_intermediate(self, tag, norb, nelec, state, **kwargs):

        if self.has_nevpt == False:
            writeDMRGConfFile(self, nelec, True,
                              with_2pdm=False, extraline=['restart_nevpt2_npdm'])
            if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                inFile = os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.configFile)
                logger.debug1(self, 'Block Input conf')
                logger.debug1(self, open(inFile, 'r').read())
            if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
                outFile = os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.outputFile)
                logger.debug1(self, open(outFile).read())
            self.has_nevpt = True

        a16 = numpy.zeros( (norb, norb, norb, norb, norb, norb) )
        filename = "%s_matrix.%d.%d.txt" % (tag, state, state)
        with open(os.path.join(self.scratchDirectory, "node0", filename), "r") as f:
            norb_read = int(f.readline().split()[0])
            assert(norb_read == norb)

            for line in f:
                linesp = line.split()
                i, j, k, l, m, n = [int(x) for x in linesp[:6]]
                a16[i,j,k,l,m,n] = float(linesp[6])

        return a16

    def kernel(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, fciRestart=None, ecore=0, **kwargs):
        if self.nroots == 1:
            roots = 0
            roots = range(self.nroots)
        if fciRestart is None:
            fciRestart = self.restart or self._restart

        if 'orbsym' in kwargs:
            self.orbsym = kwargs['orbsym']
        writeIntegralFile(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, ecore)
        writeDMRGConfFile(self, nelec, fciRestart)
        if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
            inFile = os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.configFile)
            logger.debug1(self, 'Block Input conf')
            logger.debug1(self, open(inFile, 'r').read())
        if self.onlywriteIntegral:
            logger.info(self, 'Only write integral')
                calc_e = readEnergy(self)
            except IOError:
                if self.nroots == 1:
                    calc_e = 0.0
                else :
                    calc_e = [0.0] * self.nroots
            return calc_e, roots
        if self.returnInt:
            return h1e, eri

        if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
            outFile = os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.outputFile)
            logger.debug1(self, open(outFile).read())
        calc_e = readEnergy(self)

        return calc_e, roots

    def approx_kernel(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, fciRestart=None, ecore=0, **kwargs):
        fciRestart = True

        if 'orbsym' in kwargs:
            self.orbsym = kwargs['orbsym']
        writeIntegralFile(self, h1e, eri, norb, nelec, ecore)
        writeDMRGConfFile(self, nelec, fciRestart, self.approx_maxIter)
        if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
            inFile = os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.configFile)
            logger.debug1(self, 'Block Input conf')
            logger.debug1(self, open(inFile, 'r').read())
        if self.verbose >= logger.DEBUG1:
            outFile = os.path.join(self.runtimeDir, self.outputFile)
            logger.debug1(self, open(outFile).read())
        calc_e = readEnergy(self)

        if self.nroots==1:
            roots = 0
            roots = range(self.nroots)
        return calc_e, roots

    def restart_scheduler_(self):
        def callback(envs):
            if (envs['norm_gorb'] < self.dmrg_switch_tol or
                ('norm_ddm' in envs and envs['norm_ddm'] < self.dmrg_switch_tol*10)):
                self._restart = True
            else :
                self._restart = False
        return callback

# Block code also allows non-spin-adapted calculation. S^2 is not available in
# this type of calculation
    if 'spin_adapted' in settings.BLOCKEXE:
        def spin_square(self, civec, norb, nelec):
            if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
                nelecb = nelec//2
                neleca = nelec - nelecb
            else :
                neleca, nelecb = nelec
            s = (neleca - nelecb) * .5
            ss = s * (s+1)
            return ss, s*2+1

def make_schedule(sweeps, Ms, tols, noises, twodot_to_onedot):
    if len(sweeps) == len(Ms) == len(tols) == len(noises):
        schedule = ['schedule']
        for i, s in enumerate(sweeps):
            schedule.append('%d %6d  %8.4e  %8.4e' % (s, Ms[i], tols[i], noises[i]))
        if (twodot_to_onedot != 0):
            schedule.append('twodot_to_onedot %i'%twodot_to_onedot)
        return '\n'.join(schedule)

        return 'schedule default\nmaxM %s'%Ms[-1]

def writeDMRGConfFile(DMRGCI, nelec, Restart,
                      maxIter=None, with_2pdm=True, extraline=[]):
    confFile = os.path.join(DMRGCI.runtimeDir, DMRGCI.configFile)

    f = open(confFile, 'w')

    if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
        nelecb = (nelec-DMRGCI.spin) // 2
        neleca = nelec - nelecb
    else :
        neleca, nelecb = nelec
    f.write('nelec %i\n'%(neleca+nelecb))
    f.write('spin %i\n' %(neleca-nelecb))
    if DMRGCI.groupname is not None:
        if isinstance(DMRGCI.wfnsym, str):
            wfnsym = dmrg_sym.irrep_name2id(DMRGCI.groupname, DMRGCI.wfnsym)
            gpname = dmrg_sym.d2h_subgroup(DMRGCI.groupname)
            assert(DMRGCI.wfnsym in dmrg_sym.IRREP_MAP[gpname])
            wfnsym = DMRGCI.wfnsym
        f.write('irrep %i\n' % wfnsym)

    if (not Restart):
        #f.write('0 %6i  %8.4e  %8.4e \n' %(DMRGCI.maxM, 1e-5, 10.0))
        #f.write('1 %6i  %8.4e  %8.4e \n' %(DMRGCI.maxM, 1e-5, 1e-4))
        #f.write('10 %6i  %8.4e  %8.4e \n' %(DMRGCI.maxM, 1e-6, 1e-5))
        #f.write('16 %6i  %8.4e  %8.4e \n' %(DMRGCI.maxM, DMRGCI.tol/10.0, 0e-6))
        schedule = make_schedule(DMRGCI.scheduleSweeps,
        f.write('%s\n' % schedule)
    else :
        #if approx == True :
        #    f.write('0 %6i  %8.4e  %8.4e \n' %(DMRGCI.maxM, DMRGCI.tol*10.0, 0e-6))
        #else :
        #    f.write('0 %6i  %8.4e  %8.4e \n' %(DMRGCI.maxM, DMRGCI.tol, 0e-6))
        f.write('0 %6i  %8.4e  %8.4e \n' %(DMRGCI.maxM, DMRGCI.tol/10, 0e-6))
        f.write('onedot \n')

    if DMRGCI.groupname is not None:
        f.write('sym %s\n' % dmrg_sym.d2h_subgroup(DMRGCI.groupname).lower())
    f.write('orbitals %s\n' % DMRGCI.integralFile)
    if maxIter is None:
        maxIter = DMRGCI.maxIter
    f.write('maxiter %i\n'%maxIter)
    f.write('sweep_tol %8.4e\n'%DMRGCI.tol)

    f.write('outputlevel %s\n'%DMRGCI.outputlevel)
    f.write('hf_occ %s\n'%DMRGCI.hf_occ)
    if(with_2pdm and DMRGCI.twopdm):
        f.write('prefix  %s\n'%DMRGCI.scratchDirectory)
    if (DMRGCI.nroots !=1):
        f.write('nroots %d\n'%DMRGCI.nroots)
        if (DMRGCI.weights==[]):
            DMRGCI.weights= [1.0/DMRGCI.nroots]* DMRGCI.nroots
        f.write('weights ')
        for weight in DMRGCI.weights:
            f.write('%f '%weight)

    block_extra_keyword = DMRGCI.extraline + DMRGCI.block_extra_keyword + extraline
    if block_version(DMRGCI.executable).startswith('1.1'):
        for line in block_extra_keyword:
            if not ('num_thrds' in line or 'memory' in line):
        if DMRGCI.memory is not None:
            f.write('memory, %i, g\n'%(DMRGCI.memory))
        if DMRGCI.num_thrds > 1:
            f.write('num_thrds %d\n'%DMRGCI.num_thrds)
        for line in block_extra_keyword:
    #no reorder
    return confFile

def writeIntegralFile(DMRGCI, h1eff, eri_cas, ncas, nelec, ecore=0):
    if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)):
        neleca = nelec//2 + nelec%2
        nelecb = nelec - neleca
    else :
        neleca, nelecb = nelec

    # The name of the FCIDUMP file, default is "FCIDUMP".
    integralFile = os.path.join(DMRGCI.runtimeDir, DMRGCI.integralFile)
    if DMRGCI.groupname is not None and DMRGCI.orbsym is not []:
# First removing the symmetry forbidden integrals. This has been done using
# the pyscf internal irrep-IDs (stored in DMRGCI.orbsym)
        orbsym = numpy.asarray(DMRGCI.orbsym) % 10
        pair_irrep = (orbsym.reshape(-1,1) ^ orbsym)[numpy.tril_indices(ncas)]
        sym_forbid = pair_irrep.reshape(-1,1) != pair_irrep.ravel()
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(4, eri_cas, ncas)
        eri_cas[sym_forbid] = 0
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)
       #orbsym = numpy.asarray(dmrg_sym.convert_orbsym(DMRGCI.groupname, DMRGCI.orbsym))
       #eri_cas = pyscf.ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)
# Then convert the pyscf internal irrep-ID to molpro irrep-ID
        orbsym = numpy.asarray(dmrg_sym.convert_orbsym(DMRGCI.groupname, orbsym))
        orbsym = []
        eri_cas = ao2mo.restore(8, eri_cas, ncas)
    if not os.path.exists(DMRGCI.scratchDirectory):
    if not os.path.exists(DMRGCI.runtimeDir):

    tools.fcidump.from_integrals(integralFile, h1eff, eri_cas, ncas,
                                 neleca+nelecb, ecore, ms=abs(neleca-nelecb),
    return integralFile

def executeBLOCK(DMRGCI):

    inFile  = DMRGCI.configFile
    outFile = DMRGCI.outputFile
        cmd = ' '.join((DMRGCI.mpiprefix, DMRGCI.executable, inFile))
        cmd = "%s > %s 2>&1" % (cmd, outFile)
        check_call(cmd, cwd=DMRGCI.runtimeDir, shell=True)
    except CalledProcessError as err:
        logger.error(DMRGCI, cmd)
        outFile = os.path.join(DMRGCI.runtimeDir, outFile)
        DMRGCI.stdout.write(check_output(['tail', '-100', outFile]).decode())
        raise err

def readEnergy(DMRGCI):
    file1 = open(os.path.join(DMRGCI.scratchDirectory, "node0", "dmrg.e"), "rb")
    format = ['d']*DMRGCI.nroots
    format = ''.join(format)
    calc_e = struct.unpack(format, file1.read())
    if DMRGCI.nroots == 1:
        return calc_e[0]
        return numpy.asarray(calc_e)

def DMRGSCF(mf, norb, nelec, maxM=1000, tol=1.e-8, *args, **kwargs):
    '''Shortcut function to setup CASSCF using the DMRG solver.  The DMRG
    solver is properly initialized in this function so that the 1-step
    algorithm can be applied with DMRG-CASSCF.


    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='C 0 0 0; C 0 0 1')
    >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol).run()
    >>> mc = DMRGSCF(mf, 4, 4)
    >>> mc.kernel()
    if getattr(mf, 'with_df', None):
        mc = mcscf.DFCASSCF(mf, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
        mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, norb, nelec, *args, **kwargs)
    mc.fcisolver = DMRGCI(mf.mol, maxM, tol=tol)
    mc.callback = mc.fcisolver.restart_scheduler_()
    if mc.chkfile == mc._scf._chkfile.name:
        # Do not delete chkfile after mcscf
        mc.chkfile = tempfile.mktemp(dir=settings.BLOCKSCRATCHDIR)
        if not os.path.exists(settings.BLOCKSCRATCHDIR):
    return mc

def dryrun(mc, mo_coeff=None):
    '''Generate FCIDUMP and dmrg config file'''
    if mo_coeff is None:
        mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
    mc.fcisolver.onlywriteIntegral, bak = True, mc.fcisolver.onlywriteIntegral
    mc.fcisolver.onlywriteIntegral = bak

def block_version(blockexe):
    version = getattr(settings, 'BLOCKVERSION', None)
    if isinstance(version, str):
        return version

        msg = check_output([blockexe, '-v'], stderr=STDOUT).decode()
        version = '1.1.0'
        for line in msg.split('\n'):
            if line.startswith('Block '):
                version = line.split()[1]
        return version
    except CalledProcessError:
        f1 = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        f1.write('memory 1 m\n')
            msg = check_output([blockexe, f1.name], stderr=STDOUT).decode()
        except CalledProcessError as err:
            if 'Unrecognized option :: memory' in err.output:
                version = '1.1.1'
            elif 'need to specify hf_occ' in err.output:
                version = '1.5'
                raise err
        return version

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pyscf import gto
    from pyscf import scf
    settings.MPIPREFIX =''
    b = 1.4
    mol = gto.Mole()
        verbose = 7,
        output = 'out-dmrgci',
        atom = [['H', (0.,0.,i-3.5)] for i in range(8)],
        basis = {'H': 'sto-3g'},
        symmetry = True
    m = scf.RHF(mol)

    mc = DMRGSCF(m, 4, 4)
    mc.fcisolver.tol = 1e-9
    emc_1 = mc.mc2step()[0]

    mc = mcscf.CASCI(m, 4, 4)
    mc.fcisolver = DMRGCI(mol)
    mc.fcisolver.scheduleSweeps = []
    emc_0 = mc.casci()[0]

    b = 1.4
    mol = gto.Mole()
        verbose = 7,
        output = 'out-casscf',
        atom = [['H', (0.,0.,i-3.5)] for i in range(8)],
        basis = {'H': 'sto-3g'},
        symmetry = True
    m = scf.RHF(mol)

    mc = mcscf.CASSCF(m, 4, 4)
    emc_1ref = mc.mc2step()[0]

    mc = mcscf.CASCI(m, 4, 4)
    emc_0ref = mc.casci()[0]

    print('DMRGCI  = %.15g CASCI  = %.15g' % (emc_0, emc_0ref))
    print('DMRGSCF = %.15g CASSCF = %.15g' % (emc_1, emc_1ref))