# Copyright Contributors to the Pyro project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import functools
import inspect
import re
import os

import numpy as np

_FUNSOR_BACKEND = os.environ.get("FUNSOR_BACKEND", "numpy")
_JAX_LOADED = True if _FUNSOR_BACKEND == "jax" else False

class lazy_property(object):
    def __init__(self, fn):
        self.fn = fn
        functools.update_wrapper(self, fn)

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
        if obj is None:
            return self
        value = self.fn(obj)
        setattr(obj, self.fn.__name__, value)
        return value

def getargspec(fn):
    Similar to Python 2's :py:func:`inspect.getargspec` but:
    - In Python 3 uses ``getfullargspec`` to avoid ``DeprecationWarning``.
    - For builtin functions like ``torch.matmul`` or ``numpy.matmul``, falls back to
      attempting to parse the function docstring, assuming torch-style or numpy-style.
    assert callable(fn)
        args, vargs, kwargs, defaults, _, _, _ = inspect.getfullargspec(fn)
    except TypeError:
        # Fall back to attempting to parse a PyTorch/NumPy-style docstring.
        match = re.match(r"\s*{}\(([^)]*)\)".format(fn.__name__), fn.__doc__)
        if match is None:
        parts = re.sub(r"[[\]]", "", match.group(1)).split(", ")
        args = [a.split("=")[0] for a in parts if a not in ["/", "*"]]
        if not all(re.match(r"^[^\d\W]\w*\Z", arg) for arg in args):
        vargs = None
        kwargs = None
        defaults = ()  # Ignore defaults.
    return args, vargs, kwargs, defaults

def quote(arg):
    Serialize an object to text that can be parsed by Python.

    This is useful to save intermediate funsors to add to tests.
    out = []
    _quote_inplace(arg, 0, out)
    lines = []
    for indent, line in out:
        if indent + len(line) >= 80:
            line += "  # noqa"
        lines.append(' ' * indent + line)
    return '\n'.join(lines)

def pretty(arg, maxlen=40):
    Pretty print an expression. This is useful for debugging.
    out = []
    _quote_inplace(arg, 0, out)
    fill = u'   \u2502' * 100
    lines = []
    for indent, line in out:
        if len(line) > maxlen:
            line = line[:maxlen] + "..."
        lines.append(fill[:indent] + line)
    return '\n'.join(lines)

def _quote_inplace(arg, indent, out):
    line = re.sub('\n\\s*', ' ', repr(arg))
    out.append((indent, line))

quote.inplace = _quote_inplace
quote.register = _quote_inplace.register

def _(arg, indent, out):
    if not arg:
        out.append((indent, "()"))
    for value in arg[:1]:
        temp = []
        quote.inplace(value, indent + 1, temp)
        i, line = temp[0]
        temp[0] = i - 1, "(" + line
        i, line = out[-1]
        out[-1] = i, line + ','
    for value in arg[1:]:
        quote.inplace(value, indent + 1, out)
        i, line = out[-1]
        out[-1] = i, line + ','
    i, line = out[-1]
    out[-1] = i, line + ')'

def _quote(arg, indent, out):
    Work around NumPy ndarray not supporting reproducible repr.
    out.append((indent, f"np.array({repr(arg.tolist())}, dtype=np.{arg.dtype})"))

def broadcast_shape(*shapes, **kwargs):
    Similar to ``np.broadcast()`` but for shapes.
    Equivalent to ``np.broadcast(*map(np.empty, shapes)).shape``.
    :param tuple shapes: shapes of tensors.
    :param bool strict: whether to use extend-but-not-resize broadcasting.
    :returns: broadcasted shape
    :rtype: tuple
    :raises: ValueError
    strict = kwargs.pop('strict', False)
    reversed_shape = []
    for shape in shapes:
        for i, size in enumerate(reversed(shape)):
            if i >= len(reversed_shape):
            elif reversed_shape[i] == 1 and not strict:
                reversed_shape[i] = size
            elif reversed_shape[i] != size and (size != 1 or strict):
                raise ValueError('shape mismatch: objects cannot be broadcast to a single shape: {}'.format(
                    ' vs '.join(map(str, shapes))))
    return tuple(reversed(reversed_shape))

def set_backend(backend):
    Set backend for Funsor. Currently, only three backends are supported:
    "numpy", "torch", and "jax". And Funsor only runs with one backend
    at a time.

    The default backend will be "numpy". We can change the default backend
    by specifying a new one in the environment variable `FUNSOR_BACKEND`,
    e.g. `FUNSOR_BACKEND=torch`.

    .. note: When `jax` backend is set, we cannot revert back to the default
    `numpy` backend because we dispatch to using `jax.numpy` all ops with
    `numpy.ndarray` or `numpy.generic` inputs.

    :param str backend: either "numpy", "torch", or "jax".

    if backend == "numpy":
        if _JAX_LOADED:
            raise ValueError("Cannot revert back to NumPy backend when JAX backend has been set.")
            _FUNSOR_BACKEND = "numpy"
    elif backend == "torch":
        _FUNSOR_BACKEND = "torch"

        import torch  # noqa: F401
        import funsor.torch  # noqa: F401
    elif backend == "jax":
        _FUNSOR_BACKEND = "jax"
        _JAX_LOADED = True

        import jax  # noqa: F401
        import funsor.jax  # noqa: F401
        raise ValueError("backend should be either 'numpy', 'torch', or 'jax'"
                         ", got {}".format(backend))

def get_backend():
    Get the current backend of Funsor.

    :return: either "numpy", "torch", or "jax".
    :rtype: str
    return _FUNSOR_BACKEND

def get_tracing_state():
    if _FUNSOR_BACKEND == "torch":
        import torch

        return torch._C._get_tracing_state()
        return None

def is_nn_module(x):
    if _FUNSOR_BACKEND == "torch":
        import torch

        return isinstance(x, torch.nn.Module)
    return False