""" gifmaker is for making gifs with pygame.

It relies on ffmpeg, or convert(from imagemagick being available):

    brew install imagemagick ffmpeg
    apt-get install imagemagick ffmpeg


    >>> from gifmaker import GifMaker
    >>> gifmaker = GifMaker(seconds=2)
    >>> gifmaker.update(events, screen)


import os
import subprocess
import time
import pygame as pg

# TODO: make it work on windows (tmp path handling fixes)
# TODO: try to use Pillow if imagemagik/ffmpeg is not installed?
# TODO: a backend for windows? Pure python gif saving? windows built in gif saving?
# TODO: ffmpeg backend to pipe data into ffmpeg rather than use tmp files.
# TODO: async operation for saving.
# TODO: scaling image to a smaller size.

def which(cmd):
    """ find an executable cmd.
    import shutil
    if hasattr(shutil, 'which'):
        return shutil.which(cmd)
    import distutils.spawn
    return distutils.spawn.find_executable(cmd)

class GifMaker:
    """ For making gif animation of a pygame.

    >>> gifmaker = GifMaker()
    >>> gifmaker.update(events, screen)

    Press K_g to start recording,
          K_g again to finish recording.

    Uses imagemagik 'convert' or ffmpeg tool for making the gif.

        brew install imagemagick ffmpeg
        apt-get install imagemagick ffmpeg


    Press the K_g key to record 2 second gif.

    >>> gifmaker = GifMaker(seconds=2)
    >>> gifmaker.update(events, screen)

    def __init__(self, path="/tmp/", fps=30, seconds=None):
        self.path = path
        self.start_saving = False
        self.finished_saving = False
        self.surfs = []
        self.fps = fps
        self.seconds = seconds

    def _convert(self, convert_path, image_paths, output_path):

        convert_path = which('convert')
        if convert_path is None:
            return False

        cmd = [
            "%s,1000" % (1000 // self.fps),
            "%sx%s" % (self.surfs[0].get_width(), self.surfs[0].get_height()),
        cmd += image_paths
        cmd += [output_path]
        return True

    def _ffmpeg(self, output_path):
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3688870/create-animated-gif-from-a-set-of-jpeg-images

        ffmpeg_path = which('ffmpeg')
        if ffmpeg_path is None:
            return False

        cmd = [
            os.path.join(self.path, "bla_%05d.png"),
            "-y", # overwrite output file without asking.
            "-filter_complex", # use a pallet for the gif for nicer image.
            "[0:v] split [a][b];[a] palettegen [p];[b][p] paletteuse",
        return True

    def finish(self):
        """ Called when finished with making the gifs.
        print("saving images for gif")
        output_path = "%s/anim.gif" % self.path
        image_paths = []
        for frame_idx, surf in enumerate(self.surfs):
            image_path = "%s/bla_%05d.png" % (self.path, frame_idx)
            pg.image.save(surf, image_path)

        if not self._ffmpeg(output_path):
            if not self._convert(image_paths, image_paths, output_path):
                raise ValueError('could not find convert or ffmpeg')

        for image_path in image_paths:

        print("%s saved" % output_path)

        self.finished_saving = False
        self.start_saving = False

    def update(self, events, screen):
        """ To integrate with the main program.

        Call it once per frame after drawing is done.
        for event in events:
            if event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pg.K_g and not self.start_saving:
                    self.start_saving = time.time()
                    self.finished_saving = False
                    print("recording surfs, press g")
                elif event.key == pg.K_g and self.start_saving:
                    self.start_saving = False
                    self.finished_saving = True

        if self.finished_saving:
        if self.start_saving:
            if self.seconds is not None:
                if time.time() - self.start_saving > self.seconds: