# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import collections
import os
import re
import subprocess
import zipfile

from gi.repository import GLib

from sqlalchemy import select, func
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError

from pychess.Utils.const import NORMALCHESS, RUNNING, DRAW, WHITEWON, BLACKWON
from pychess.Variants import name2variant
from pychess.System.Log import log
from pychess.System import download_file
from pychess.System.protoopen import protoopen, protosave, PGN_ENCODING
from pychess.Database.model import event, site, player, game, annotator, tag_game, source
# from pychess.System import profile_me

# Editable (on game info dialog) tags
dedicated_tags = ('Event', 'Site', 'Date', 'Round', 'White', 'Black', 'WhiteElo', 'BlackElo')

# Other tags stored in game table
other_game_tags = ('Result', 'SetUp', 'FEN', 'ECO', 'Variant', 'PlyCount', 'Annotator', 'offset', 'offset8')

TAG_REGEX = re.compile(r"\[([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s+\"(.*)\"\]")


removeDic = {
    ord(u"'"): None,
    ord(u","): None,
    ord(u"."): None,
    ord(u"-"): None,
    ord(u" "): None,

pgn2Const = {"*": RUNNING,
             "?": RUNNING,
             "1/2-1/2": DRAW,
             "1/2": DRAW,
             "1-0": WHITEWON,
             "0-1": BLACKWON}

class PgnImport():
    def __init__(self, chessfile, append_pgn=False):
        self.chessfile = chessfile
        self.append_pgn = append_pgn
        self.cancel = False

    def initialize(self):
        self.db_handle = self.chessfile.handle
        self.engine = self.chessfile.engine
        self.conn = self.engine.connect()
        self.CHUNK = 1000

        self.count_source = select([func.count()]).select_from(source)

        self.ins_event = event.insert()
        self.ins_site = site.insert()
        self.ins_player = player.insert()
        self.ins_annotator = annotator.insert()
        self.ins_source = source.insert()
        self.ins_game = game.insert()
        self.ins_tag_game = tag_game.insert()

        self.event_dict = {}
        self.site_dict = {}
        self.player_dict = {}
        self.annotator_dict = {}
        self.source_dict = {}

        self.next_id = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

        self.next_id[GAME] = self.ini_names(game, GAME)
        self.next_id[EVENT] = self.ini_names(event, EVENT)
        self.next_id[SITE] = self.ini_names(site, SITE)
        self.next_id[PLAYER] = self.ini_names(player, PLAYER)
        self.next_id[ANNOTATOR] = self.ini_names(annotator, ANNOTATOR)
        self.next_id[SOURCE] = self.ini_names(source, SOURCE)

    def get_id(self, name, name_table, field, info=None):
        if not name:
            return None

        orig_name = name
        if field == EVENT:
            name_dict = self.event_dict
            name_data = self.event_data
        elif field == SITE:
            name_dict = self.site_dict
            name_data = self.site_data
        elif field == ANNOTATOR:
            name_dict = self.annotator_dict
            name_data = self.annotator_data
        elif field == SOURCE:
            name_dict = self.source_dict
            name_data = self.source_data
        elif field == PLAYER:
            name_dict = self.player_dict
            name_data = self.player_data
            name = name.title().translate(removeDic)

        if name in name_dict:
            return name_dict[name]

        if field == SOURCE:
            name_data.append({'name': orig_name, 'info': info})
            name_data.append({'name': orig_name})
        name_dict[name] = self.next_id[field]
        self.next_id[field] += 1
        return name_dict[name]

    def ini_names(self, name_table, field):
        if field != GAME and field != STAT:
            s = select([name_table])
            name_dict = dict([(n.name.title().translate(removeDic), n.id)
                              for n in self.conn.execute(s)])

            if field == EVENT:
                self.event_dict = name_dict
            elif field == SITE:
                self.site_dict = name_dict
            elif field == PLAYER:
                self.player_dict = name_dict
            elif field == ANNOTATOR:
                self.annotator_dict = name_dict
            elif field == SOURCE:
                self.source_dict = name_dict

        s = select([func.max(name_table.c.id).label('maxid')])
        maxid = self.conn.execute(s).scalar()
        if maxid is None:
            next_id = 1
            next_id = maxid + 1

        return next_id

    def do_cancel(self):
        GLib.idle_add(self.progressbar.set_text, "")
        self.cancel = True

    # @profile_me
    def do_import(self, filename, info=None, progressbar=None):
        self.progressbar = progressbar

        orig_filename = filename
        count_source = self.conn.execute(self.count_source.where(source.c.name == orig_filename)).scalar()
        if count_source > 0:
            log.info("%s is already imported" % filename)

        # collect new names not in they dict yet
        self.event_data = []
        self.site_data = []
        self.player_data = []
        self.annotator_data = []
        self.source_data = []

        # collect new games and commit them in big chunks for speed
        self.game_data = []
        self.tag_game_data = []

        if filename.startswith("http"):
            filename = download_file(filename, progressbar=progressbar)
            if filename is None:
            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                log.info("Can't open %s" % filename)

        if filename.lower().endswith(".zip") and zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
            with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, "r") as zf:
                path = os.path.dirname(filename)
                files = [os.path.join(path, f) for f in zf.namelist() if f.lower().endswith(".pgn")]
            files = [filename]

        for pgnfile in files:
            base_offset = self.chessfile.size if self.append_pgn else 0

            basename = os.path.basename(pgnfile)
            if progressbar is not None:
                GLib.idle_add(progressbar.set_text, _("Reading %s ..." % basename))
                log.info("Reading %s ..." % pgnfile)

            size = os.path.getsize(pgnfile)
            handle = protoopen(pgnfile)

            # estimated game count
            all_games = max(size / 840, 1)

            get_id = self.get_id

            # use transaction to avoid autocommit slowness
            # and to let undo importing (rollback) if self.cancel was set
            trans = self.conn.begin()
                i = 0
                for tags in read_games(handle):
                    if not tags:
                        log.info("Empty game #%s" % (i + 1))

                    if self.cancel:

                    fenstr = tags["FEN"]

                    variant = tags["Variant"]
                    if variant:
                        if "fischer" in variant.lower() or "960" in variant:
                            variant = "Fischerandom"
                            variant = variant.lower().capitalize()

                    # Fixes for some non statndard Chess960 .pgn
                    if fenstr and variant == "Fischerandom":
                        parts = fenstr.split()
                        parts[0] = parts[0].replace(".", "/").replace("0", "")
                        if len(parts) == 1:
                        fenstr = " ".join(parts)

                    if variant:
                        if variant not in name2variant:
                            log.info("Unknown variant: %s" % variant)
                        variant = name2variant[variant].variant
                        if variant == NORMALCHESS:
                            # lichess uses tag [Variant "Standard"]
                            variant = 0
                        variant = 0

                    if basename == "eco.pgn":
                        white = tags["Opening"]
                        black = tags["Variation"]
                        white = tags["White"]
                        black = tags["Black"]

                    event_id = get_id(tags["Event"], event, EVENT)

                    site_id = get_id(tags["Site"], site, SITE)

                    date = tags["Date"]

                    game_round = tags['Round']

                    white_id = get_id(white, player, PLAYER)
                    black_id = get_id(black, player, PLAYER)

                    result = tags["Result"]
                    if result in pgn2Const:
                        result = pgn2Const[result]
                        result = RUNNING

                    white_elo = tags['WhiteElo']
                    black_elo = tags['BlackElo']

                    time_control = tags["TimeControl"]

                    eco = tags["ECO"][:3]

                    fen = tags["FEN"]

                    board_tag = int(tags["Board"]) if "Board" in tags else 0

                    annotator_id = get_id(tags["Annotator"], annotator, ANNOTATOR)

                    source_id = get_id(orig_filename, source, SOURCE, info=info)

                    ply_count = tags["PlyCount"] if "PlyCount" in tags else 0

                    offset = base_offset + int(tags["offset"])

                        'offset': offset,
                        'offset8': (offset >> 3) << 3,
                        'event_id': event_id,
                        'site_id': site_id,
                        'date': date,
                        'round': game_round,
                        'white_id': white_id,
                        'black_id': black_id,
                        'result': result,
                        'white_elo': white_elo,
                        'black_elo': black_elo,
                        'ply_count': ply_count,
                        'eco': eco,
                        'fen': fen,
                        'variant': variant,
                        'board': board_tag,
                        'time_control': time_control,
                        'annotator_id': annotator_id,
                        'source_id': source_id,

                    for tag in tags:
                        if tag not in dedicated_tags and tag not in other_game_tags and tags[tag]:
                                'game_id': self.next_id[GAME],
                                'tag_name': tag,
                                'tag_value': tags[tag],

                    self.next_id[GAME] += 1
                    i += 1

                    if len(self.game_data) >= self.CHUNK:
                        if self.event_data:
                            self.conn.execute(self.ins_event, self.event_data)
                            self.event_data = []

                        if self.site_data:
                            self.conn.execute(self.ins_site, self.site_data)
                            self.site_data = []

                        if self.player_data:
                            self.player_data = []

                        if self.annotator_data:
                            self.annotator_data = []

                        if self.source_data:
                            self.conn.execute(self.ins_source, self.source_data)
                            self.source_data = []

                        if self.tag_game_data:
                            self.conn.execute(self.ins_tag_game, self.tag_game_data)
                            self.tag_game_data = []

                        self.conn.execute(self.ins_game, self.game_data)
                        self.game_data = []

                        if progressbar is not None:
                            GLib.idle_add(progressbar.set_fraction, i / float(all_games))
                            GLib.idle_add(progressbar.set_text, _(
                                "%(counter)s game headers from %(filename)s imported" % ({"counter": i, "filename": basename})))
                            log.info("From %s imported %s" % (pgnfile, i))

                if self.event_data:
                    self.conn.execute(self.ins_event, self.event_data)
                    self.event_data = []

                if self.site_data:
                    self.conn.execute(self.ins_site, self.site_data)
                    self.site_data = []

                if self.player_data:
                    self.conn.execute(self.ins_player, self.player_data)
                    self.player_data = []

                if self.annotator_data:
                    self.conn.execute(self.ins_annotator, self.annotator_data)
                    self.annotator_data = []

                if self.source_data:
                    self.conn.execute(self.ins_source, self.source_data)
                    self.source_data = []

                if self.tag_game_data:
                    self.conn.execute(self.ins_tag_game, self.tag_game_data)
                    self.tag_game_data = []

                if self.game_data:
                    self.conn.execute(self.ins_game, self.game_data)
                    self.game_data = []

                if progressbar is not None:
                    GLib.idle_add(progressbar.set_fraction, i / float(all_games))
                    GLib.idle_add(progressbar.set_text, _(
                        "%(counter)s game headers from %(filename)s imported" % ({"counter": i, "filename": basename})))
                    log.info("From %s imported %s" % (pgnfile, i))

                if self.append_pgn:
                    # reopen database to write
                    with protosave(self.chessfile.path, self.append_pgn) as self.db_handle:
                        log.info("Append from %s to %s" % (pgnfile, self.chessfile.path))

                    if self.chessfile.scoutfish is not None:
                        # create new .scout from pgnfile we are importing
                        from pychess.Savers.pgn import scoutfish_path
                        args = [scoutfish_path, "make", pgnfile, "%s" % base_offset]
                        output = subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode()

                        # append it to our existing one
                        if output.find("Processing...done") > 0:
                            old_scout = self.chessfile.scoutfish.db
                            new_scout = os.path.splitext(pgnfile)[0] + '.scout'

                            with open(old_scout, "ab") as file1, open(new_scout, "rb") as file2:

                self.chessfile.handle = protoopen(self.chessfile.path)

            except SQLAlchemyError as e:
                log.info("Importing %s failed! \n%s" % (pgnfile, e))

def read_games(handle):
    """Based on chess.pgn.scan_headers() from Niklas Fiekas python-chess"""

    in_comment = False

    game_headers = None
    game_pos = None

    last_pos = 0
    line = handle.readline()

    # scoutfish creates game offsets at previous game end
    line_end_fix = 2 if line.endswith("\r\n") else 1

    while line:
        # Skip single line comments.
        if line.startswith("%"):
            last_pos += len(line)
            line = handle.readline()

        # Reading a header tag. Parse it and add it to the current headers.
        if not in_comment and line.startswith("["):
            tag_match = TAG_REGEX.match(line)
            if tag_match:
                if game_pos is None:
                    game_headers = collections.defaultdict(str)
                    game_pos = last_pos

                tag_value = tag_match.group(2)
                tag_value = tag_value.replace("\\\"", "\"")
                tag_value = tag_value.replace("\\\\", "\\")

                if handle.pgn_encoding != PGN_ENCODING:
                    tag_value = tag_value.encode(PGN_ENCODING).decode(handle.pgn_encoding)
                game_headers[tag_match.group(1)] = tag_value

                last_pos += len(line)
                line = handle.readline()

        # Reading movetext. Update parser state in_comment in order to skip
        # comments that look like header tags.
        if (not in_comment and "{" in line) or (in_comment and "}" in line):
            in_comment = line.rfind("{") > line.rfind("}")

        # Reading movetext. If there were headers, previously, those are now
        # complete and can be yielded.
        if game_pos is not None:
            game_headers["offset"] = max(0, game_pos - line_end_fix)
            yield game_headers
            game_pos = None

        last_pos += len(line)
        line = handle.readline()

    # Yield the headers of the last game.
    if game_pos is not None:
        game_headers["offset"] = max(0, game_pos - line_end_fix)
        yield game_headers