"""Utility functions for PyPPL"""
import re
from os import path, walk
from copy import deepcopy
from queue import PriorityQueue
from threading import Thread
import shutil
import cmdy
from transitions import Transition, Machine
from liquid.stream import safe_split
from . import _fsutil as fs

def name2filename(name):
    Convert any name to a valid filename
        name (str): The name to be converted
        (str): The converted name
    name = re.sub(r'[^\w_]+', '_', name)
    name = re.sub(r'_+', '_', name)
    return name.strip('_')

def log_msg_len(procid='', # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    Get the progress bar size (length) according to the terminal width
        procid (str): The process id
        joblen (int): The number of jobs
        fallback (int): The value to return if we fail
        adjust (int): Adjust the length to get the length of message with
                      or without proc id and/or job index indicators
            - `with-pbar`: return the progress bar size with everything
            - `with-nothing`: return the length without process id nor job
                              index indicator
            - `with-proc`: return the length of message with proc id only
            - `with-job`: return the length of message with proc id and
                          job index indicator
        maxlen (int): The maximum length of returned length
        minlen (int): The minimum length of returned length
        (int): The progress bar size
    # pylint: disable=line-too-long
    # calculate # chars other than the pbar
    # typically:
    # [05-27 17:59:58    MAIN.JOBDONE] pProcess: [3/3] [ ...pbar... ] Done: 100.0% | Running: 0
    # ---------------------------------<procid>---j-j---............--------------------------j
    # pylint: enable=line-too-long
    proclen = len(procid)
    jobidlen = len(str(joblen))

    if ret == 'with-pbar':
        nonpbar_len = (33 + # logformat
                       proclen+2 + # proc id
                       1+jobidlen+1+jobidlen+2 + # job index indicator
                       1 + # [
                       2 + # ]<space>
                       24+jobidlen) # Done ...
    elif ret == 'with-nothing':
        nonpbar_len = 33
    elif ret == 'with-proc':
        nonpbar_len = 33 + proclen+2
    elif ret == 'with-job':
        nonpbar_len = 33 + proclen+2 + 2*jobidlen+4

    total_fallback = nonpbar_len + fallback

        total_width = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns - 1
    except (OSError, AttributeError): # pragma: no cover
        total_width = total_fallback

    if not isinstance(total_width, int) or total_width <= nonpbar_len:
        total_width = total_fallback
    return max(minlen, min(maxlen, total_width - nonpbar_len))

def format_secs(seconds):
    Format a time duration
        `seconds`: the time duration in seconds
        The formated string.
        For example: "01:01:01.001" stands for 1 hour 1 min 1 sec and 1 minisec.
    minute, sec = divmod(seconds, 60)
    hour, minute = divmod(minute, 60)
    return "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03.0f" % (hour, minute, sec, 1000 *
                                      (sec - int(sec)))

def filesig(filepath, dirsig=True):
    Generate a signature for a file
        `dirsig`: Whether expand the directory? Default: True
        The signature
    if not filepath:
        return ['', 0]
    if not fs.exists(filepath):
        return False

    getmtime = path.getmtime
    if dirsig and fs.isdir(filepath):
        mtime = getmtime(filepath)
        for root, dirs, files in walk(filepath):
            for directory in dirs:
                mtime2 = getmtime(path.join(root, directory))
                mtime = max(mtime, mtime2)
            for filename in files:
                # links to non-existent files
                if not fs.exists(path.join(root, filename)):
                mtime2 = getmtime(path.join(root, filename))
                mtime = max(mtime, mtime2)
        mtime = getmtime(filepath)
    return [str(filepath), int(mtime)]

def funcsig(func):
    Get the signature of a function
    Try to get the source first, if failed, try to get its name,
    otherwise return None
        `func`: The function
        The signature
    if callable(func):
            from inspect import getsource
            sig = getsource(func).strip()
        except (TypeError, ValueError):  # pragma: no cover
            sig = func.__name__
        sig = 'None'
    return sig

def always_list(data, trim=True):
    Convert a string or a list with element
        `data`: the data to be converted
        `trim`: trim the whitespaces for each item or not. Default: True
        data = ["a, b, c", "d"]
        ret  = always_list (data)
        # ret == ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
        The split list
    if isinstance(data, str):
        return safe_split(data, ',', trim=trim)
    if isinstance(data, list):
        return sum(
            (always_list(dat, trim) if isinstance(dat, (str, list)) else [dat]
             for dat in data), [])
    raise ValueError('Expect str/list to convert to list, but got %r.' %

def try_deepcopy(obj, depth=3):
    Try do deepcopy an object. If fails, just do a shallow copy.
        obj (any): The object
        depth (int): A flag to avoid deep recursion
        (any): The copied object
    if depth <= 0:
        return obj
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        # do a shallow copy first
        # we don't start with an empty dictionary, because obj may be
        # an object from a class extended from dict
        ret = obj.copy()
        for key, value in obj.items():
            ret[key] = try_deepcopy(value, depth - 1)
        return ret
    if isinstance(obj, list):
        ret = obj[:]
        for i, value in enumerate(obj):
            ret[i] = try_deepcopy(value, depth - 1)
        return ret
        return deepcopy(obj)
    except BaseException:
        return obj

def chmod_x(filepath):
    Convert file1 to executable or add extract shebang to cmd line
        filepath (path): The file path
        (list): with or without the path of the interpreter as the first element
        and the script file as the last element
    from stat import S_IEXEC
    from os import chmod, stat
    filepath = str(filepath)
    if not fs.isfile(filepath):
        raise OSError('Unable to make {} as executable'.format(filepath))
    # in case it's a Path-like object
    ret = [filepath]
        chmod(filepath, stat(filepath).st_mode | S_IEXEC)
    except (OSError, PermissionError):
        shebang = None
        with open(filepath) as fsb:
                shebang = fsb.readline().strip()
            except (OSError, PermissionError, UnicodeDecodeError):
                # may raise UnicodeDecodeError for python3

        if not shebang or not shebang.startswith('#!'):
            raise OSError(
                'Unable to make {} as executable by chmod '
                'and detect interpreter from shebang.'.format(filepath))
        ret = shebang[2:].strip().split() + [filepath]
    return ret

def brief_list(blist, base=0):
    Briefly show an integer list, combine the continuous numbers.
        blist: The list
        (str): The string to show for the briefed list.
    if not blist:
        return "[]"
    blist = [b + base for b in blist]
    if len(blist) == 1:
        return str(blist[0])
    blist = sorted(blist)
    groups = [[]]
    ret = []
    for i in range(0, len(blist) - 1):
        ele0 = blist[i]
        ele1 = blist[i + 1]
        if ele1 - ele0 > 1:
    for group in groups:
        if len(group) == 1:
        elif len(group) == 2:
            ret.append(str(group[0]) + '-' + str(group[-1]))
    return ', '.join(ret)

class ThreadEx(Thread):
    A thread able to send exception to main thread
    thread.ex will hold the exception.
    def __init__(self,
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        Thread.__init__(self, group, target, name, args or (), kwargs or {})
        self.daemon = True
        self.ex = None

    def run(self):
        except cmdy.CmdyReturnCodeException:
            #from traceback import format_exc
            self.ex = RuntimeError('cmdy.CmdyReturnCodeException')
        except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            #from traceback import format_exc
            self.ex = ex

class ThreadPool:  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    A thread manager for ThreadEx.
    def __init__(self, nthread, initializer=None, initargs=None):
        self.threads = []
        if not isinstance(initargs, list):
            initargs = [(initargs, ) if initargs else ()] * nthread
        for i in range(nthread):
            thread = ThreadEx(target=initializer, args=initargs[i])

    def join(self, interval=1, cleanup=None):
        Try to join the threads, able to respond to KeyboardInterrupt
            `interval`: The interval/timeout to join every time.
            `cleanup` : The cleanup function
            while True:
                threads_alive = 0
                for thread in self.threads:
                    # check if the thread is done
                    if thread.ex:
                        # exception raised, try to quit and cleanup
                        if not callable(cleanup):
                            raise thread.ex
                        threads_alive = 0
                    if thread.is_alive():
                        threads_alive += 1
                if threads_alive == 0:
        except KeyboardInterrupt as ex:  # pragma: no cover
            if callable(cleanup):

class PQueue(PriorityQueue):
    A modified PriorityQueue, which allows jobs to be submitted in batch

    # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
    def __init__(self, maxsize=0, batch_len=None):
        A Priority Queue for PyPPL jobs
            0                             0 done,           wait for 1
              1       start 0    1        start 1           start 2
                2     ------>  0   2      ------>    2      --------->
                  3                  3             1   3                    3
                    4                  4                 4                2   4
            maxsize  : The maxsize of the queue. Default: None
            batch_len: What's the length of a batch
        if not batch_len:
            raise ValueError('`batch_len` is required for PQueue.')
        PriorityQueue.__init__(self, maxsize)
        self.batch_len = batch_len

    def put_next(self, item, batch):
        Put item to next batch
            item (any): item to put
            batch (int): current batch
        self.put(item, batch + 2)

    def put(self, item, batch=None):
        Put item to any batch
            item (any): item to put
            batch (int): target batch
        batch = batch or item
        PriorityQueue.put(self, item + batch * self.batch_len)

    def get(self):
        Get an item from the queue
            (int, int): The index of the item and the batch of it
        item = PriorityQueue.get(self)
        batch, index = divmod(item, self.batch_len)
        return index, batch

class _MultiDestTransition(Transition):
    """Transition with multiple destination"""

    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    def __init__(self,
        self._result = self._dest = None
        super().__init__(source, dest, conditions, unless, before, after,
        if isinstance(dest, dict):
            self._func = kwargs.pop('depends_on', None)
            if not self._func:
                raise AttributeError(
                    "A multi-destination transition requires a 'depends_on'")
            # use base version in case transition does not need special handling
            self.execute = super().execute

    def execute(self, event_data):  # pylint: disable=method-hidden
        """Excute the function"""
        func = self._func if callable(self._func) else getattr(
            event_data.model, self._func)
        self._result = func()

    def dest(self):
        """Get the destination"""
        return self._dest[
            self._result] if self._result is not None else self._dest

    def dest(self, value):
        self._dest = value

class StateMachine(Machine):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
    """StateMachine with multiple destination support"""
    transition_cls = _MultiDestTransition