    .. moduleauthor:: Edwin Tye <Edwin.Tye@phe.gov.uk>

    Module that is used to calculate the confidence interval
    given the estimated parameters


__all__ = [

import copy
import logging

import sympy
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.optimize import leastsq, minimize, root

from pygom.model._model_errors import EstimateError, InputError
from pygom.utilR.distn import qchisq, qnorm
from .ode_loss import NormalLoss, SquareLoss, PoissonLoss

def asymptotic(obj, alpha=0.05, theta=None, lb=None, ub=None):
    Finds the confidence interval at the :math:`\\alpha` level
    under the :math:`\\mathcal{X}^{2}` assumption for the

    obj: ode object
        an object initialized from :class:`BaseLoss`
    alpha: numeric, optional
        confidence level, :math:`0 < \\alpha < 1`.  Defaults to 0.05.
    theta: array like, optional
        the MLE parameters.  Defaults to None which then theta will be
        inferred from the input obj
    lb: array like, optional
        expected lower bound
    ub: array like, optional
        expected upper bound

    l: array like
        lower confidence interval
    u: array like
        upper confidence interval

    alpha, theta, lb, ub = _checkInput(obj, alpha, theta, lb, ub)

    H = obj.hessian(theta)
    if np.any(np.linalg.eig(H)[0] <= 0.0):
        H = obj.jtj(theta)
        ## H = obj.fisher_information(theta)

    I = np.linalg.inv(H)

    q = 0.5*qchisq(1 - alpha, df=1)
    xU = theta + np.sqrt(q*np.diag(I))
    xL = theta - np.sqrt(q*np.diag(I))

    return xL, xU

def bootstrap(obj, alpha=0.05, theta=None, lb=None, ub=None,
              iteration=0, full_output=False):
    Finds the confidence interval at the :math:`\\alpha` level
    via bootstrap

    obj: ode object
        an object initialized from :class:`BaseLoss`
    alpha: numeric, optional
        confidence level, :math:`0 < \\alpha < 1`. Defaults to 0.05.
    theta: array like, optional
        the MLE parameters
    lb: array like, optional
        upper bound for the parameters
    ub: array like, optional
        lower bound for the parameters
    iteration: int, optional
        number of bootstrap samples, defaults to 0 which is interpreted as
        :math:`min(2n, 100)` where :math:`n` is the number of data points.
    full_output: bool
        if the full set of estimates is required.

    l: array like
        lower confidence interval
    u: array like
        upper confidence interval
    alpha, theta, lb, ub = _checkInput(obj, alpha, theta, lb, ub)

    yhat = obj._getSolution(theta)
    if len(yhat.shape) > 1:
        if yhat.shape[1] == 1: yhat = yhat.flatten()

    r = obj.residual()
    p = len(theta)
    if len(r) == r.size:
        n, m = len(r), 1
        n, m = r.shape

    if iteration == 0:
        iteration = np.min(2*n, 100)
    if iteration < 100:
        logging.warning('Number of iterations ({}) is low. Consider using more.'

    setTheta = np.zeros((iteration, p))

    for i in range(iteration):
        ## TODO: parallel
        obj2 = copy.deepcopy(obj)
        obj2._y = yhat.copy()
        if m > 1:
            for j in range(m):
                obj2._y[:, j] += np.random.choice(r[:, j], n)
            obj2._y += np.random.choice(r, n)

        obj2._lossObj = obj2._setLossType()

            xhatT = obj2.fit(theta, lb, ub)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("WTF")

        setTheta[i] = xhatT.copy()

    # calculate the upper and lower bounds 
    xLB, xUB = np.quantile(setTheta, q=(alpha / 2.0, 1 - alpha / 2.0), axis=0)

    if full_output:
        return xLB, xUB, setTheta
        return xLB, xUB

def geometric(obj, alpha=0.05, theta=None,
              method='jtj', geometry='o',
    Finds the geometric confidence interval under profiling
    at the :math:`\\alpha` level the normal approximation

    obj: ode object
        an object initialized from :class:`BaseLoss`
    alpha: numeric
        confidence level, :math:`0 < \\alpha < 1`
    theta: array like, optional
        the MLE parameters.  When None given, it tries to estimate the
        optimal using methods provided by obj
    method: string
        construction of the covariance matrix.  jtj is the :math:`J^{\\top}`
        where :math:`J` is the Jacobian of the ode.  'hessian' is the hessian
        of the ode while 'fisher' is the fisher information found by
    geometry: string
        the two types of geometry defined in [Moolgavkar1987]_. c geometry uses
        the covariance at the maximum likelihood estimate
        :math:`\\hat{\\theta}`, while the 'o' geometry is the covariance
        defined at point :math:`\\theta`.
    full_output: bool, optional
        If True then both the l_path and u_path will be outputted, else only
        the point estimates of l and u

    l: array like
        lower confidence interval
    u: array like
        upper confidence interval
    l_path: list
        path from :math:`\\hat{\\theta}` to the lower :math:`1 - \\alpha/2`
        point for all parameters
    u_path: list
        same as l_path but for the upper confidence interval

    alpha, theta, lb, ub = _checkInput(obj, alpha, theta, None, None)

    p = len(theta)
    xU, xL = np.zeros(p), np.zeros(p)
    xLList, xUList = [], []

    for i in range(p):
        dfFunc = _geometricOde(obj, alpha, theta, i, method, geometry)
        solutionU = odeint(dfFunc, theta, np.linspace(0, 1, 101))
        solutionL = odeint(dfFunc, theta, np.linspace(0, -1, 101))

        if full_output:

        xU[i] = solutionU[-1][i]
        xL[i] = solutionL[-1][i]

    if full_output:
        return xL, xU, xLList, xUList
        return xL, xU

def _geometricOde(obj, alpha, xhat, i, method='jtj', geometry='o'):

    if method.lower() == 'jtj':
        cov = obj.jtj
    elif method.lower() == 'hessian':
        cov = obj.hessian
    elif method.lower() == 'fisher':
        cov = obj.fisher_information
        raise Exception("Input method not recognized")

    H0 = cov(xhat)
    p = len(xhat)
    setIndex = set(range(p))
    activeIndex = list(setIndex - set([i]))
    k = qnorm(1 - alpha/2)

    def F1(x, t):
        H = cov(x)
        tau = np.ones(p)
        dwdb = -np.linalg.lstsq(H[activeIndex][:,activeIndex],
                                rcond=None)[0] #To silence the FutureWarning
        tau[activeIndex] = dwdb
        if geometry.lower() == 'c':
            g = tau.T.dot(H0).dot(tau)
        elif geometry.lower() == 'o':
            g = tau.T.dot(H).dot(tau)
            raise Exception("Input geometry not recognized")

        df = np.ones(p)
        df[i] = k/np.sqrt(g)
        df[activeIndex] = dwdb * df[i]
        return df

    return F1

def profile(obj, alpha, theta=None, lb=None, ub=None, full_output=False):
    Finds the profile confidence interval at the
    :math:`\\alpha` level under the :math:`\\mathcal{X}^{2}`
    assumption for the likelihood

    obj: ode object
        an object initialized from :class:`BaseLoss`
    alpha: numeric
        confidence level, :math:`0 < \\alpha < 1`
    theta: array like, optional
        the MLE parameters.  When None given, it tries to estimate the
        optimal using methods provided by obj
    lb: array like, optional
        expected lower bound
    ub: array like, optional
        expected upper bound
    full_output: bool, optional
        if more output is desired

    l: array like
        lower confidence interval
    u: array like
        upper confidence interval
    alpha, theta, lb, ub = _checkInput(obj, alpha, theta, lb, ub)

    p = len(theta)
    xU, xL = np.zeros(p), np.zeros(p)
    xLList, xUList = [], []

    for i in range(p):
        xhatL, xhatU = _profileGetInitialValues(theta, i, alpha, obj,
                                                lb=lb, ub=ub)

        # define our functions: objective, gradient, hessian, and the
        # approximation to the hessian via Jacobian
        funcF = _profileF(theta, i, alpha, obj)
        funcFgradient = _profileFgradient(theta, i, alpha, obj)
        funcFhessian = _profileFhessian(theta, i, alpha, obj)

        lbT = np.ones(p)*-np.Inf if lb is None else lb.copy()
        ubT = np.ones(p)*np.Inf if ub is None else ub.copy()

        ubT[i] = theta[i]

            xTempL, outL = _profileObtainViaNuisance(xhatL, theta, i, alpha,
                                                     obj, lbT, ubT,
        except EstimateError:
            xTempL, outL = _profileObtainAndVerifyBounds(funcF,
                                                         xhatL, lbT, ubT, True)

        ## re-adjust the bounds for the other side
        lbT = np.ones(p)*-np.Inf if lb is None else lb.copy()
        ubT = np.ones(p)*np.Inf if ub is None else ub.copy()

        lbT[i] = theta[i]

            xTempU, outU = _profileObtainViaNuisance(xhatU, theta, i, alpha,
                                                     obj, lbT, ubT,
        except EstimateError:
            xTempU, outU = _profileObtainAndVerifyBounds(funcF,
                                                         xhatU, lbT, ubT, True)
        ## now we have to store the values in one go.
        ## So we go L -> U -> U -> L and below is not a typo

        xU[i] = xTempU[i]
        xL[i] = xTempL[i]

    if full_output:
        return xL, xU, xLList, xUList
        return xL, xU

def _profileGetInitialValues(theta, i, alpha, obj, approx=True,
                             lb=None, ub=None):
    We would not use an approximation in general because if the input theta
    is an optimal value, then we would expect the Hessian to be a PSD matrix.
    p = len(theta)
    setIndex = set(range(p))

    H = obj.jtj(theta) if approx == True else obj.hessian(theta)
    # if approx:
    #     H = obj.jtj(theta)
    # else:
    #     H = obj.hessian(theta)

    activeIndex = list(setIndex - set([i]))
    tau = np.ones(p)
    dwdb = -np.linalg.lstsq(H[activeIndex][:, activeIndex],
                            H[i, activeIndex],
                            rcond=None)[0] #To silence the FutureWarning)[0]
    tau[activeIndex] = dwdb

    q = qchisq(1 - alpha, df=1)
    h = np.sqrt(q/(H[i, i] + (H[i, activeIndex].T).dot(dwdb)))

    # we only move a half step and not a full step as a more
    # conservative approach is less likely to have shoot out of bounds
    xhatU = theta + 0.5*h*tau
    xhatL = theta - 0.5*h*tau

    if lb is not None:
        for i, lb_i in enumerate(lb):
            if xhatL[i] <= lb_i: xhatL[i] = lb_i

    if ub is not None:
        for i, ub_i in enumerate(ub):
            if xhatU[i] >= ub_i: xhatU[i] = ub_i

    return xhatL, xhatU

def _profileOptimizeNuisance(theta, i, obj, lb, ub):
    Find the minimized nuisance parameters given the parameter of interest.

    theta: array like, optional
        current parameters values
    i: int
        index of the parameter of interest
    obj: ode object
        an object initialized from :class:`BaseLoss`
    lb: array like, optional
        expected lower bound
    ub: array like, optional
        expected upper bound

    s: array like
        optimal value
    p = len(theta)
    setIndex = set(range(p))
    activeIndex = list(setIndex - set([i]))

    if isinstance(obj, NormalLoss):
        lossF = NormalLoss
    elif isinstance(obj, SquareLoss):
        lossF = SquareLoss
    elif isinstance(obj, PoissonLoss):
        lossF = PoissonLoss
        raise Exception("Loss type not supported")

    if obj._targetParam is None:
        targetParam2 = obj._ode.param_list()
        targetParam2 = obj._targetParam

    # targetParam3 = list()
    # for i in activeIndex:
    #     targetParam3.append(targetParam2[i])
    targetParam3 = [targetParam2[i] for i in activeIndex]

    ode2 = copy.deepcopy(obj._ode)
    objSIR2 = lossF(copy.deepcopy(obj._theta[activeIndex]),

    boundsT = np.reshape(np.append(lb, ub), (len(lb), 2), 'F')

    res = minimize(fun=objSIR2.cost, jac=objSIR2.gradient,
                   method='L-BFGS-B') # , callback=objSIR2.thetaCallBack)

    return res['x']

def _profileObtainViaNuisance(theta, xhat, i, alpha, obj, lb, ub,
                              obtainLB=True, full_output=False):
    Find the profile likelihood confidence interval by iteratively minimizing
    over the nuisance parameters first then minimizing the parameter of
    interest, rather than tackling them all at the same time.
    xhatT = theta.copy()
    funcF = _profileF(xhat, i, alpha, obj)
    funcG = _profileG(xhat, i, alpha, obj)

    lbT, ubT = lb.copy(), ub.copy()
    # ubT = ub.copy()

    p = len(theta)
    setIndex = set(range(p))
    activeIndex = list(setIndex - set([i]))

    # note that the bounds here needs to be reversed.
    if obtainLB:
        ubT[activeIndex] = xhat[activeIndex]
        lbT[activeIndex] = xhat[activeIndex]

    # define the corresponding objective function that minimizes the nuisance
    # parameters internally.
    def ABC1(beta):
        xhatT[i] = beta
        xhatT[activeIndex] = _profileOptimizeNuisance(xhatT, i, obj, lbT, ubT)
        return funcG(xhatT)[i]

    def ABCJac(beta):
        xhatT[0] = beta
        xhatT[activeIndex] = _profileOptimizeNuisance(xhatT, 0, obj, lb, ub)
        g = funcG(xhatT)
        return np.array([2*g[0]*obj.gradient()[0]])

        res = root(ABC1, xhatT[i])
    except Exception:
        raise EstimateError("Error in using the direct root finder")

    ## res1 = root(ABC1,xhatL[0],jac=ABCJac)
    ## res = scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(ABC,bounds=(?,?))

    if res['success'] == True:
        if obtainLB:
            # if we want the lower bound, then the estimate should not
            # be higher than the MLE
            if obj._theta[i] >= xhat[i]:
                raise EstimateError("Estimate higher than MLE")
            if obj._theta[i] <= xhat[i]:
                raise EstimateError("Estimate lower than MLE")

        res['method'] = 'Nested Minimization'
        if full_output is True:
            return obj._theta.copy(), res
            return obj._theta.copy()
        raise EstimateError("Failure in estimation of the profile likelihood: "
                            + res['message'])

def _profileObtainAndVerify(f, df, x0, full_output=False):
    Find the solution of the profile likelihood and check
    that the algorithm has converged.
    x, cov, infodict, mesg, ier = leastsq(func=f, x0=x0, Dfun=df,
                                          maxfev=10000, full_output=True)

    if ier not in (1, 2, 3, 4):
        raise EstimateError("Failure in estimation of the profile likelihood: "
                            + mesg)

    if full_output:
        output = dict()
        output['cov'] = cov
        output['infodict'] = infodict
        output['mesg'] = mesg
        output['ier'] = ier
        return x, output
        return x

def _profileObtainAndVerifyBounds(f, df, ddf, x0, lb, ub, full_output=False):
    res = minimize(fun=f, jac=df, # hess=ddf,
                   bounds=np.reshape(np.append(lb, ub), (len(lb),2), 'F'),

    if res["success"] == False:
        raise EstimateError("Failure in estimation of the profile " +
                            "likelihood: " + res['message'])
        res["method"] = "Direct Minimization"

    if full_output:
        return res['x'], res
        return res['x']

def _checkInput(obj, alpha, theta, lb, ub):

    if alpha is None:
        alpha = 0.05
    elif alpha > 1.0:
        raise InputError("Cannot have a confidence level higher than 1")
    elif alpha < 0.0:
        raise InputError("Cannot have a confidence level lower than 0")

    if lb is None or ub is None:
        if ub is None:
            ub = np.array([None]*len(theta))
        if lb is None:
            lb = np.array([None]*len(theta))
        if len(lb) != len(ub):
            raise InputError("Number of lower and upper bound must be equal")
        if len(lb) != len(theta):
            raise InputError("Number of box constraints must equal to the" +
                             " number of variables")

    if theta is None:
        if ub is not None and lb is not None:
            theta = obj.fit(lb + (ub - lb)/2, lb=lb, ub=ub)
            raise InputError("Expecting the estimated parameter when box" +
                             "constraints are not supplied")

    return alpha, theta, lb, ub

def _profileF(xhat, i, alpha, obj):
    c = obj.cost(xhat) + 0.5*qchisq(1 - alpha, df=1)
    def func(x):
        r = obj.gradient(x)
        r[i] = obj.cost(x) - c
        return (r**2).sum()

    return func

def _profileG(xhat, i, alpha, obj):
    c = obj.cost(xhat) + 0.5*qchisq(1 - alpha, df=1)
    def func(x):
        r = obj.gradient(x)
        r[i] = obj.cost(x) - c
        return r

    return func

def _profileGSecondOrderCorrection(xhat, i, alpha, obj, approx=True):
    Finds the correction term when approximating the gradient to
    second order [Venzon1988]_, i.e. :math:`\\delta^{\\top} D(\\theta) \\delta`
    in [Venzon1988]_.  If the system
    of non-linear equations is a, then we return :math:`a + s`
    instead of :math:`G^{-1}a`, i.e. we have incorporated the correction
    into the gradient

    x: array like
        current value of the parameters
    xhat: array like
        parameters at MLE
    i: int
        our target variable
    alpha: numeric
        confidence level, between :math:`(0,1)`
        ode object
    approx: bool, optional
        default is True.

    g: array like
        corrected set of non-linear equations

    s = sympy.symbols('s')
    c = obj.cost(xhat) + 0.5*qchisq(1 - alpha, df=1)
    D0 = obj.hessian(xhat)

    def func(x):
        # first, we obtain all the necessary information.
        # We use the notation in the original paper.
        # so that G is the derivative of the systems of
        # equations and JTJ is D(\theta)
        if approx:
            H,output = obj.jtj(x, full_output=True)
            H, output = obj.hessian(x, full_output=True)

        g = output['grad']
        G = H.copy()
        G[i] = g
        lvector = g.copy()
        lvector[i] = obj.cost(x) - c

        # computing the inverse, even though it is less
        # accurate then doing a least squares, we are saving
        # a lot of computation time here
        invG = np.linalg.inv(G)
        v = invG.dot(lvector)

        sTemp = v + sympy.Matrix(invG[:,i])*s
        RHS = (sTemp.T*sympy.Matrix(H)*sTemp)[0]
        sRoots = sympy.solve(sympy.Eq(2*s, RHS), s)
        abc = sympy.lambdify((),sympy.Matrix(sRoots), 'np')
        sRootsReal = np.asarray(abc()).real
        rootsSize = sRootsReal.size

        if rootsSize > 0:
            distL = np.zeros(len(sRootsReal))
            for j in range(rootsSize):
                vTemp = v.copy() + sRootsReal[j]*invG[:,i]
                distL[j] = vTemp.T.dot(D0.dot(vTemp))
                # finish finding the distance
            index = distL.argmin()
            lvector[i] += sRootsReal[index]
            return lvector
            return lvector

    return func

def _profileH(xhat, i, alpha, obj, approx=True):
    def func(x):
        if approx:
            H, output = obj.jtj(x, full_output=True)
            H, output = obj.hessian(x, full_output=True)

        H[i] = output['grad']
        return H

    return func

def _profileFgradient(xhat, i, alpha, obj, approx=True):
    c = obj.cost(xhat) + 0.5*qchisq(1 - alpha, df=1)

    def func(x):
        if approx:
            H, output = obj.jtj(x, full_output=True)
            H, output = obj.hessian(x, full_output=True)

        g = output['grad']
        G = H.copy()
        G[i] = g.copy()
        lvector = g.copy()
        lvector[i] = obj.cost(x) - c
        # note that now G is the Jacobian of the objective function
        # so we need a transpose
        return G.T.dot(2*lvector)

    return func

def _profileFhessian(xhat, i, alpha, obj, approx=True):
    c = obj.cost(xhat) + 0.5*qchisq(1 - alpha, df=1)

    def func(x):
        if approx:
            H, output = obj.jtj(x, full_output=True)
            H, output = obj.hessian(x, full_output=True)

        g = output['grad']
        G = H.copy()
        G[i] = g.copy()
        lvector = g.copy()
        lvector[i] = obj.cost(x) - c
        A = 2*G.T.dot(G)
        if not approx:
            for s in lvector:
                A += s*H
        return A

#         if approx:
#             return 2*G.T.dot(G)
#         else:
#             A = 2*G.T.dot(G)
#             ## here we assume that only the second derivative is
#             ## significant.
#             for s in lvector:
#                 A += s*H
#             ## return np.diag(lvector).dot(H) + 2 * G.T.dot(G)
#             ## return 2 * G.T.dot(G)
#             return A

    return func