import ast
import pseudo_python.env
from pseudo_python.builtin_typed_api import TYPED_API, ORIGINAL_METHODS
from pseudo_python.errors import PseudoPythonNotTranslatableError, PseudoPythonTypeCheckError, cant_infer_error, translation_error, type_check_error
from pseudo_python.api_translator import Standard, StandardCall, StandardMethodCall, FUNCTION_API, METHOD_API, OPERATOR_API
from pseudo_python.helpers import serialize_type, prepare_table

    'int':      'Int',
    'float':    'Float',
    'object':   'Object',
    'str':      'String',
    'list':     'List',
    'dict':     'Dictionary',
    'set':      'Set',
    'tuple':    'Tuple',
    'bool':     'Boolean',
    'SRE_Pattern': 'Regexp',
    'SRE_Match': 'RegexpMatch'

PSEUDON_BUILTIN_TYPES = {v: k for k, v in BUILTIN_TYPES.items()}

    'int':      'Int',
    'float':    'Float',
    'str':      'String',
    'bool':     'Boolean'

KEY_TYPES = {'str', 'int', 'float', 'bool'}

PSEUDO_KEY_TYPES = {'String', 'Int', 'Float', 'Bool'}

BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS = {'print', 'input', 'str', 'set', 'int', 'len', 'any', 'all', 'sum'}


ITERABLE_TYPES = {'String', 'List', 'Dictionary', 'Set', 'Array'}


INDEXABLE_TYPES = {'String', 'List', 'Dictionary', 'Array', 'Tuple'}

COMPARABLE_TYPES = {'Int', 'Float', 'String'}

TYPES_WITH_LENGTH = {'String', 'List', 'Dictionary', 'Array', 'Tuple', 'Set'}

NUMBER_TYPES = {'Int', 'Float'}

    ast.Add: '+',
    ast.Sub: '-',
    ast.Div: '/',
    ast.Mult: '*',
    ast.Pow: '**',

    ast.Eq: '==',
    ast.Lt: '<',
    ast.Gt: '>',
    ast.LtE: '<=',
    ast.GtE: '>=',
    ast.NotEq: '!=',
    ast.Mod: '%',

    ast.And: 'and',
    ast.Or:  'or',
    ast.Not: 'not',
    ast.BitAnd: '&',
    ast.BitOr: '|',
    ast.BitXor: '^'

class ASTTranslator:

    def __init__(self, tree, code):
        self.tree = tree
        self.in_class = False
        self.lines = [''] + code.split('\n') # easier 1based access with lineno
        self.type_env = pseudo_python.env.Env(dict(TYPED_API.items()), None)

    def translate(self):
        self.dependencies = []
        self.definitions = []
        self._definition_index = {'functions': {}}
        self.constants = []
        self.main = []
        self._exceptions = {'Exception'}
        self.custom_exceptions = []
        self._hierarchy = {}
        self._translated = {'functions': set()}
        self._attr_index = {}
        self._attrs = {}
        self._imports = set()
        self._typing_imports = set()
        self.current_class = None
        self._tuple_assigned = []
        self._tuple_used = []
        self.function_name = 'top level'
        self.type_env['functions'] = {}
        main = self._translate_main()
        definitions = self._translate_definitions()
        return {'type': 'module', 'dependencies': self.dependencies, 'custom_exceptions': self.custom_exceptions, 'constants': self.constants, 'definitions': definitions, 'main': main}

    def _translate_definitions(self):
        definitions = []
        for definition in self.definitions:
            if definition[0] == 'function':
                if not isinstance(self._definition_index['functions'][definition[1]], dict):
                    raise cant_infer_error(definition[1], self.lines[self._definition_index['functions'][definition[1]].lineno])

            elif definition[0] == 'class':  #inherited
                c = {'type': 'class_definition', 'name': definition[1], 'base': definition[2],
                     'attrs': [self._attr_index[definition[1]][a][0]
                               for a
                               in self._attrs[definition[1]] if not self._attr_index[definition[1]][a][1]], 'methods': [], 'constructor': None}
                for method in definition[3]:
                    m = self._definition_index[definition[1]][method]
                    if not isinstance(m, dict):
                        # input(self.type_env[definition[1]])
                        self._translate_hinted_fun(method, definition[1])
                    m = self._definition_index[definition[1]][method]
                    if not isinstance(m, dict):
                        raise cant_infer_error('%s#%s' % (definition[1], method), self.lines[m.lineno])

                    if method == '__init__':
                        c['constructor'] = m


        return definitions

    def _translate_main(self):
        self.current_class = None
        self.function_name = 'global scope'
        return self._translate_node(self.main)

    def _translate_top_level(self, node):
        nodes = node.body
        self.current_constant = None
        for z, n in enumerate(nodes): # placeholders and index
                                      # for function/class defs to be filled by type inference later
            if isinstance(n, ast.Import):
                if self.definitions or self.main:
                    raise translation_error('imports can be only on top', (n.lineno, n.col_offset), self.lines[n.lineno])

      ['_%s' % n.names[0].name],[n.names[0].name] =[n.names[0].name], 'library'

            elif isinstance(n, ast.ImportFrom):
                if self.definitions or self.main:
                    raise translation_error('imports can be only on top', (n.lineno, n.col_offset), self.lines[n.lineno])
                if n.module != 'typing' or any(al.asname for al in n.names):
                    raise translation_error('only import <x> and from typing import <type>.. supported', (n.lineno, n.col_offset), self.lines[n.lineno])

                self._typing_imports |= { for al in n.names}

            elif isinstance(n, ast.FunctionDef):
                self._definition_index['functions'][] = n
      ['functions'][] = ['Function'] + ([None] * len(n.args.args)) + [None]
      [] =['functions'][]
            elif isinstance(n, ast.ClassDef):
                self.assert_translatable('class', decorator_list=([], n.decorator_list))
                self._hierarchy[] = (None, set())
                if n.bases:
                    if len(n.bases) == 1 and isinstance(n.bases[0], ast.Name) and n.bases[0].id in self._exceptions:
                            'type': 'custom_exception',
                            'base': None if n.bases[0].id == 'Exception' else n.bases[0].id
                        self.type_env[] = 'ExceptionType'
                    elif len(n.bases) != 1 or not isinstance(n.bases[0], ast.Name) or n.bases[0].id not in self._definition_index:
                        raise translation_error(
                            'only single inheritance from an already defined class is supported',
                            (n.bases[0].lineno, n.bases[0].col_offset),

                    base = n.bases[0].id
          [] = {l: t for l, t in[base].items()}
                    self._attr_index[] = {l: [t[0], True] for l, t in self._attr_index[base].items()}
                    self._hierarchy[] = (base, set())
                    base = None
                    self._attr_index[] = {}
                    self.type_env[] = {}

                self.definitions.append(('class',, base, []))

                self._definition_index[] = {}
                self._attrs[] = []

                for y, m in enumerate(n.body):
                    if isinstance(m, ast.FunctionDef):
                        if not m.args.args or m.args.args[0].arg != 'self':
                            raise translation_error(
                                'only methods with a self arguments are supported(class %s)' %,
                                (m.lineno, m.col_offset + 4 + len( + 1),
                                'example: def method_name(self, x):')

                        self._definition_index[][] = m
              [][] = ['Function'] + ([None] * (len(m.args.args) - 1)) + [None]
                        raise translation_error('only methods are supported in classes',
                            (m.lineno, m.col_offset),

            elif isinstance(n, ast.Assign) and len(n.targets) == 1 and isinstance(n.targets[0], ast.Name):
                if n.targets[0].id[0].islower():
                elif any(letter.isalpha() and letter.islower() for letter in n.targets[0].id[1:]):
                    raise type_check_error(
                        'you make pseudo-python very pseudo-confused: please use only snake_case or SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for variables',
                        (n.targets[0].lineno, n.targets[0].col_offset),
                        suggestions='example:\ns = 2 # local\nK = 2 # constant')
                elif self.main:
                    raise translation_error(
                        'constants must be initialized before all other top level code',
                        (n.targets[0].lineno, n.targets[0].col_offset),
                        right='K = 2\ndef ..',
                        wrong='def ..\nK = 2')

                    raise translation_error(
                        "you can't override a constant in pseudo-python",
                        (n.targets[0].lineno, n.targets[0].col_offset),

                    self.current_constant = n.targets[0].id
                    init = self._translate_node(n.value)
                        'type': 'constant',
                        'constant': n.targets[0].id,
                        'init': init,
                        'pseudo_type': init['pseudo_type']
          [n.targets[0].id] = init['pseudo_type']
                    self.current_constant = None
                self.current_constant = None

    def _translate_node(self, node, in_call=False):
        if isinstance(node, ast.AST):
            if self.current_constant and type(node) not in [ast.Num, ast.Str, ast.List]:
                raise translation_error(
                    'You can initialize constants only with literals',
                    (node[0].lineno, node[0].col_offset),
                    right='K = [2, 4]',
                    wrong='K = [2, x]')

            fields = {field: getattr(node, field) for field in node._fields}
            l = getattr(node, 'lineno', None)
            if l:
                fields['location'] = l, node.col_offset
                fields['location'] = None
            if isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
                fields['in_call'] = in_call
            return getattr(self, '_translate_%s' % type(node).__name__.lower())(**fields)
        elif isinstance(node, list):
            results = []
            for n in node:
                x = self._translate_node(n)
                if isinstance(x, list):
            return results
        elif isinstance(node, dict):
            return {k: self._translate_node(v) for k, v in node.items()}
            return node

    def _translate_num(self, n, location):
        type = 'int' if isinstance(n, int) else 'float'
        return {'type': type, 'value': n, 'pseudo_type': type.title()}

    def _translate_name(self, id, ctx, location):
        if id[0].isupper():
            if id not in
                raise type_check_error(
                    'name %s is not defined' % id,
            id_type =[id]
            if isinstance(id_type, dict): # class
                id_type = id
            return {'type': 'typename', 'name': id, 'pseudo_type': id_type}
            id_type = self.type_env[id]
            if id_type is None:
                raise type_check_error(
                    '%s is not defined' % id,

            # if isinstance(id_type, list):
            # id_type = tuple(['Function'] + id_type)
            if id == 'self':
                return {'type': 'this', 'pseudo_type': id_type}
                z = {'type': 'local', 'name': id, 'pseudo_type': id_type}
                if z in self._tuple_assigned:
                    if not any(a[0] == '_old_%s' % id for a in self._tuple_used):
                        self._tuple_used.append(('_old_%s' % id, z))
                    z = {'type': 'local', 'name': '_old_%s' % id, 'pseudo_type': id_type}
                return z

    def _translate_call(self, func, args, keywords, starargs=None, kwargs=None, location=None):
        self.assert_translatable('call', keywords=([], keywords), kwargs=(None, kwargs))
        # apparently you can't do e(*a, *a) in Python3.4 wtf
        initial_args = args[:]
        args = []
        if starargs: # python3.4
            initial_args.append(ast.Starred(starargs, None))

        for arg in initial_args:
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Starred):
                many_arg = self._translate_node(arg.value)
                if isinstance(many_arg['pseudo_type'], list) and many_arg['pseudo_type'][0] == 'Tuple':
                    args += [{
                        'type': 'index',
                        'sequence': many_arg,
                        'index': {'type': 'int', 'value': j, 'pseudo_type': 'Int'},
                        'pseudo_type': t
                    for j, t
                    in enumerate(many_arg['pseudo_type'][1:])]

                    raise translation_error("pseudo-python supports <call>(..*args) only for Tuple *args, because otherwise it doesn't know the exact arg count at compile time",
                            location, self.lines[location[0]],

        if isinstance(func, ast.Name) and in FORBIDDEN_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTIONS:
            raise translation_error('%s  supported only as list(%s)' % (,,
                location, self.lines[location[0]])
        elif isinstance(func, ast.Name) and == 'list':
            if len(args) != 1 or not isinstance(args[0], ast.Call) or not isinstance(args[0].func, ast.Name) or args[0] not in FORBIDDEN_TOP_LEVEL_FUNCTIONS:
                raise translation_error('list currently not supported',
                    location, self.lines[location[0]],
                    suggestions='list is currently only supported for list(filter)')
            if len(args[0].args) != 2:
                raise type_check_error('%s expects 2 arg, received %d args' % (args[0], len(args[0].args)),
                    location, self.lines[location[0]])
            receiver_node = self._translate_node(args[0].args[1])
            if self._general_type(receiver_node['pseudo_type']) != 'List':
                raise type_check_error('#%s currently works only' % args[0],
                    location, self.lines[location[0]],

            if isinstance(args[0].args[0], ast.Lambda):
                if len(args[0].args[0].args.args) != 1:
                    raise translation_error('lambda expected 1 arg, received %d' % len(args[0].args[0].args.args),
                        location, self.lines[location[0]])

                arg_nodes = [self._translate_functional_lambda(args[0].args[0], receiver_node['pseudo_type'][1])]
                arg_nodes = [self._translate_node(args[0].args.args[0], in_call=True)]

            if args[0] == 'map':
                return_type = ['List', arg_nodes[0]['pseudo_type'][-1]]
                if arg_nodes[0]['pseudo_type'][-1] != 'Boolean':
                    l = {'type': 'local', 'name': args[0].args[0].args.args[0].arg, 'pseudo_type': arg_nodes['pseudo_type'][-1]}
                    arg_nodes[0] = {
                        'type': 'anonymous_function',
                        'pseudo_type': ['Function', arg_nodes['pseudo_type'][-1], 'Boolean'],
                        'return_type': 'Boolean',
                        'params': [l],
                        'block': [self._testable({
                            'type': 'call',
                            'function': arg_nodes[0],
                            'args': [l],
                            'pseudo_type': arg_nodes[0]['pseudo_type'][-1]
                return_type = ['List', 'Boolean']
            return {
                'type': 'standard_method_call',
                'receiver': receiver_node,
                'message': args[0],
                'args': arg_nodes,
                'pseudo_type': return_type

        elif isinstance(func, ast.Name) and in BUILTIN_FUNCTIONS:
            if == 'set':
                if args:
                    raise translation_error('only set() supported', 
                        location, self.lines[location[0]],
                        suggestions='please use {} notation if a set has elements')
                return {
                    'type': 'set',
                    'pseudo_type': ['Set', None],
                    'elements': []

            elif in ['any', 'all', 'sum']:
                if len(args) != 1:
                    raise translation_error('%s expected 1 arg, not %d' % (, len(args)),
                            location, self.lines[location[0]])
                elif isinstance(args[0], ast.ListComp):
                    raise translation_error('%s expects a generator expression, not a list comprehension' %,
                            location, self.lines[location[0]])
                elif isinstance(args[0], ast.GeneratorExp):
                    return self._translate_generatorexp(args[0].generators, args[0].elt,, location)
                    arg_node = self._translate_node(args[0])
                    if != 'sum':
                        if arg_node['pseudo_type'] != ['List', 'Boolean']:
                            raise type_check_error('%s expected List[Boolean]' %,
                        message = 'boolean_%s?' %
                        return {
                            'type': 'standard_method_call',
                            'receiver': arg_node,
                            'message': message,
                            'args': [],
                            'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'
                        if arg_node['pseudo_type'] != ['List', 'Int'] and arg_node['pseudo_type'] != ['List', 'Float']:
                            raise type_check_error('%s expected List[Int] / List[Float]' %,
                        message =
                        _type = arg_node['pseudo_type'][1]
                        initial = 0.0 if _type == 'Float' else 0

                        return {
                            'type': 'standard_method_call',
                            'receiver': arg_node,
                            'message': 'reduce',
                            'args': [{
                                'type': 'anonymous_function',
                                'params': [
                                    {'type': 'local', 'name': 'memo', 'pseudo_type': _type},
                                    {'type': 'local', 'name': 'value', 'pseudo_type': _type}],
                                'pseudo_type': ['Function', _type, _type, _type],
                                'return_type': _type,
                                'block': [{
                                    'type': 'binary_op',
                                    'op': '+',
                                    'left': {'type': 'local', 'name': 'memo', 'pseudo_type': _type},
                                    'right': {'type': 'local', 'name': 'value', 'pseudo_type': _type},
                                    'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'
                            }, {
                                'type': _type.lower(),
                                'value': initial,
                                'pseudo_type': _type
                            'pseudo_type': _type
                arg_nodes = self._translate_node(args)
                return self._translate_builtin_call('global',, arg_nodes, location)

        arg_nodes = [arg if not isinstance(arg, ast.AST) else self._translate_node(arg) for arg in args]
        func_node = self._translate_node(func, in_call=True)

        if func_node['type'] == 'attr':
            if func_node['object']['pseudo_type'] == 'library': # math.log
                return self._translate_builtin_call(func_node['object']['name'], func_node['attr'], arg_nodes, location)
            elif self.current_class and self.current_class != 'functions' and isinstance(func.value, ast.Name) and == 'self':
                node_type = 'this_method_call'
            elif self.current_class and self.current_class != 'functions' and func_node['object']['type'] == 'instance_variable':
                node_type = 'this_method_call'
            elif self._general_type(func_node['object']['pseudo_type']) in PSEUDON_BUILTIN_TYPES: # [2].append
                return self._translate_builtin_method_call(self._general_type(func_node['object']['pseudo_type']), func_node['object'], func_node['attr'], arg_nodes, location)
                node_type = 'method_call'

            return self._translate_real_method_call(node_type, self._general_type(func_node['object']['pseudo_type']), func_node['object'], func_node['attr'], arg_nodes, location)
        elif func_node['type'] == 'instance_variable':

            return self._translate_real_method_call('this_method_call', self.current_class, {'type': 'this', 'pseudo_type': self.current_class}, func_node['name'], arg_nodes, location)
            if (func_node['type'] == 'local' or func_node['type'] == 'this') and func_node['pseudo_type'][-1] is None:
                return self._translate_real_method_call('call', 'functions', None, 'self' if func_node['type'] == 'this' else func_node['name'], arg_nodes, location)
            elif func_node['type'] == 'typename':
                return self._translate_init(func_node['name'], arg_nodes, location)
            elif func_node['type'] == 'library_function':
                return self._translate_builtin_call(func_node['library'], func_node['function'], arg_nodes, location)
                if self._general_type(func_node['pseudo_type']) != 'Function':
                    raise translation_error(
                        'only Function[..] type is callable',

                self._real_type_check(func_node['pseudo_type'], [arg_node['pseudo_type'] for arg_node in arg_nodes], (func_node['name'] if 'name' in func_node else func_node['type']))
                z = func_node['pseudo_type'][-1]
                return {'type': 'call', 'function': func_node, 'args': arg_nodes, 'pseudo_type': z}

    def _translate_init(self, name, params, location):

        # check or save with the params
        # translate this function and then the pure functions in class
        class_types =, None)
        if class_types is None:
            raise type_check_error(
                '%s is undefined' % name,
        init = class_types.get('__init__')
        if init is None and params:
            raise type_check_error(
                'constructor of %s didn\'t expect %d arguments' % (name, len(params)),

        if init:
            self._definition_index[name]['__init__'] = self._translate_function(self._definition_index[name]['__init__'], name, {'pseudo_type': name}, '__init__', [p['pseudo_type'] for p in params])
            init[-1] = name

        for label, m in self._definition_index[name].items():
            self._translate_hinted_fun(label, name)

        for label, m in self._definition_index[name].items():
            if len([name][label]) == 2 and label != '__init__':
                self._definition_index[name][label] = self._translate_function(m, name, {'pseudo_type': name}, label, [])

        return {
            'type': 'new_instance',
            'class_name': name,
            'args': params,
            'pseudo_type': name

    def _translate_real_method_call(self, node_type, z, receiver, message, params, location):
        c =[z]
        param_types = [param['pseudo_type'] for param in params]
        if message in c and len(c[message]) == 2 or len(c[message]) > 2 and c[message][1]:
            q = self._type_check(z, message, param_types)[-1]
            self._definition_index[z][message] = self._translate_function(self._definition_index[z][message], z, receiver, message, param_types)
            q = c[message][-1]

        if node_type == 'call':
            result = {'type': node_type, 'function': {'type': 'local', 'name': message, 'pseudo_type': c[message]}, 'args': params, 'pseudo_type': q}
            result = {'type': node_type, 'message': message, 'args': params, 'pseudo_type': q}
            if node_type == 'method_call':
                result['receiver'] = receiver
        return result

    def _translate_builtin_call(self, namespace, function, args, location):
        if namespace != 'global' and namespace not in self._imports:
            raise type_check_error(
                'module %s not imported: impossible to use %s' % (namespace, function),
                location, self.lines[location[0]],
                suggestions='a tip: pseudo-python currently supports only import, no import as or from..import')
        if not namespace in FUNCTION_API:
            raise translation_error(
                "pseudo-python doesn't support %s" % namespace,
                location, self.lines[location[0]],
                suggestions='pseudo-python supports methods from\n  %s' % ' '.join(
                  k for k in FUNCTION_API if k != 'global'))
        api = FUNCTION_API[namespace].get(function)
        if not api:
            raise translation_error(
                'pseudo-python doesn\'t support %s %s' % (namespace, function),
                location, self.lines[location[0]],
                suggestions='pseudo-python supports those %s functions\n  %s' % (
                    prepare_table(TYPED_API[namespace], ORIGINAL_METHODS.get(namespace)).strip()))

        if not isinstance(api, dict):
            return api.expand(args)
            for count,(a, b)  in api.items():
                if len(args) == count:
                    return b.expand(args)
            raise translation_error(
                'pseudo-python doesn\'t support %s%s with %d args' % (namespace, function, len(args)),
                location, self.lines[location[0]])

    def _translate_builtin_method_call(self, class_type, base, message, args, location):
        if class_type not in METHOD_API:
            raise translation_error(
                "pseudo-python doesn't support %s" % class_type,
                suggestions='pseudo-python support those builtin classes:\n%s' % ' '.join(
                    PSEUDON_BUILTIN_TYPES[k] for k in METHOD_API.keys()))

        api = METHOD_API.get(class_type, {}).get(message)
        if not api:
            raise translation_error(
                "pseudo-python doesn\'t support %s#%s"  % (serialize_type(class_type), message),
                location, self.lines[location[0]],
                suggestions='pseudo-python supports those %s methods:\n%s' % (
                    prepare_table(TYPED_API[class_type], ORIGINAL_METHODS.get(class_type)).strip()))

        if isinstance(api, Standard):
            return api.expand([base] + args)
            for count, b  in api.items():
                if len(args) == count:
                    return b.expand([base] + args)
            raise translation_error(
                'pseudo-python doesn\'t support %s%s with %d args' % (serialize_type(class_type), message, len(args)),
                location, self.lines[location[0]])

    def _translate_function(self, node, z, receiver, name, args):
            vararg=(None, node.args.vararg), kwonlyargs=([], node.args.kwonlyargs),
            kw_defaults=([], node.args.kw_defaults), defaults=([], node.args.defaults),
            decorator_list=([], node.decorator_list))

        node_args = node.args.args if z == 'functions' else node.args.args[1:]

        if args is not None and len(node_args) != len(args):
            raise translation_error('%s expecting %d, got %d args' % (, len(node_args), len(args)),
                (node.lineno, node.col_offset), self.lines[node.lineno])

        if z not in self._translated:
            self._translated[z] = set()

        # 0-arg functions are inferred only in the beginning

        if args != [] and name in self._translated[z]: #[z][name][1]:
            raise type_check_error(
                'please move recursion in a next branch in %s' %,
                location, self.lines[location[0]],
                suggestions='pseudo-python will detect non-recursive branches after the first one in v0.3',
                right='def lala(e):\n    if e == 0:\n        return 0\n   else:\n        return lala(e - 2)',
                wrong='def lala(e):\n    if e > 0:\n        return lala(e - 2)\n..')


        if args is not None:
            env = {a.arg: type for a, type in zip(node_args, args)}
            env = {a.arg: type for a, type in zip(node_args,[z][name][1:-1])}

        if receiver:
            env['self'] = receiver['pseudo_type']
        self.type_env, old_type_env =, self.type_env
        if args is not None:
  [z][name][1:-1] = args

        outer_current_class, self.current_class = self.current_class, z
        outer_function_name, self.function_name = self.function_name, name

        children = []
        self.is_last = False
        for j, child in enumerate(node.body):
            if j == len(node.body) - 1:
                self.is_last = True
            child_ = self._translate_node(child)
            if isinstance(child_, list):
            # print(args);input()
        self.function_name = outer_function_name
        self.current_class = outer_current_class

        self.type_env = old_type_env

        if z == 'functions':
            node_name = 'function_definition'
        elif name == '__init__':
            node_name = 'constructor'
            node_name = 'method_definition'

        q = {
            'type':   node_name,
            'name':   name,
            'params': [{'type': 'local', 'name': node_arg.arg, 'pseudo_type':[z][name][j]} for j, node_arg in enumerate(node_args)],
            'block': children
        if z != 'functions':
            q['this'] = {'type': 'typename', 'name': z}
            if name != '__init__':
                q['is_public'] = name[0] != '_'
        return q

    def _translate_expr(self, value, location):
        return self._translate_node(value)

    def _translate_return(self, value, location):
        value_node = self._translate_node(value)
        whiplash =[self.current_class][self.function_name]
        if value_node is None:
            raise type_check_error("expected a non-void return type for %s" % self.function_name, location, self.lines[location[0]], wrong_type='Void')
        elif whiplash[-1] and whiplash[-1] != value_node['pseudo_type']:
            raise type_check_error(
                "expected %s return type for %s" % (serialize_type(whiplash[-1]), self.function_name), location, self.lines[location[0]], wrong_type=value_node['pseudo_type'])
        elif whiplash[-1] is None:
            whiplash[-1] = value_node['pseudo_type']

        return {
            'type': 'explicit_return' if not self.is_last else 'implicit_return',
            'value': value_node,
            'pseudo_type': value_node['pseudo_type']

    def _translate_binop(self, op, left, right, location):
        op = PSEUDO_OPS[type(op)]
        left_node, right_node = self._translate_node(left), self._translate_node(right)
        binop_type = TYPED_API['operators'][op](left_node['pseudo_type'], right_node['pseudo_type'])[-1]
        if binop_type == 'Float' or binop_type == 'Int':
            if op == '**': # math:pow(left, right)
                return {
                    'type': 'standard_call',
                    'namespace': 'math',
                    'args': [left_node, right_node],
                    'pseudo_type': binop_type,
                    'function': 'pow'
                return {
                    'type': 'binary_op',
                    'op': op,
                    'left': left_node,
                    'right': right_node,
                    'pseudo_type': binop_type
            if left_node['pseudo_type'] == 'String' and op == '%':
                if left_node['type'] != 'string':
                    raise translation_error("pseudo expects a literal, it can't transform string interpolation to other languages if it doesn't have the original template string",
                        location, self.lines[location[0]])
                if right_node['pseudo_type'] == 'Array':
                    count = right_node['pseudo_type'][2]
                elif right_node['pseudo_type'] == 'Tuple':
                    count = len(right_node['pseudo_type']) - 1
                    elements = right_node['elements']
                    count = 1

                a = left_node['value'].count('%s') + left_node['value'].count('%d')
                if a != count:
                    raise type_check_error('% expected %d formatters, got %d' % (a, count),
                        location, self.location[lines[0]])

                if count > 1:
                    if right_node['type'] in ['array', 'tuple']:
                        elements = right_node['elements']
                        elements = [{
                            'type': 'index',
                            'sequence': right_node,
                            'index': {
                                'value': j,
                                'pseudo_type': 'Int',
                                'type': 'Int'
                            'pseudo_type': right_node['pseudo_type'][j + 1] if right_node['pseudo_type'][0] == 'Tuple' else right_node['pseudo_type'][1]
                        for j
                        in range(count)]
                    elements = [right_node]

                y, v = 0, 0
                words = []
                # even args of interpolation: strings
                # odd are placeholders
                for j in range(a):
                    while left_node['value'][y:y + 2] not in ['%s', '%d']:
                        y = left_node['value'].index('%', y)
                    words.append({'type': 'interpolation_literal', 'value': left_node['value'][v:y], 'pseudo_type': 'String'})
                    v = y + 2 #ves
                    if left_node['value'][y:v] == '%d':
                        if elements[j]['pseudo_type'] != 'Int':
                            raise type_check_error('%d expects an int',
                                location, self.lines[location[0]],
                        words.append({'type': 'interpolation_placeholder', 'value': elements[j], 'index': j, 'pseudo_type': elements[j]['pseudo_type']})
                    elif left_node['value'][y:y + 2] == '%s':
                        if elements[j]['pseudo_type'] != 'String':
                            raise type_check_error('%s expects an int',
                                location, self.lines[location[0]],
                        words.append({'type': 'interpolation_placeholder', 'value': elements[j], 'pseudo_type': elements[j]['pseudo_type'], 'index': j})
                words.append({'type': 'interpolation_literal', 'value': left_node['value'][v:], 'pseudo_type': 'String'})

                return {
                    'type': 'interpolation',
                    'args': words,
                    'pseudo_type': 'String'
                return {
                'type': 'standard_method_call',
                'receiver': left_node,
                'message': OPERATOR_API[self._general_type(left_node['pseudo_type'])][op],
                'args': [right_node],
                'pseudo_type': binop_type

    def _translate_unaryop(self, operand, op, location):
        value = operand
        if isinstance(op, ast.USub):
            value_node = self._translate_node(value)
            if value_node['pseudo_type'] != 'Int' and value_node['pseudo_type'] != 'Float':
                raise type_check_error('- expects Int or Float',
                    location, self.lines[location[0]],
            if value_node['type'] == 'int':
                return {
                    'type': 'int',
                    'value': -value_node['value'],
                    'pseudo_type': 'Int'
                return {
                    'type': 'unary_op',
                    'op': '-',
                    'value': value_node,
                    'pseudo_type': value_node['pseudo_type']
        elif isinstance(op, ast.Not):
            value_node = self._testable(self._translate_node(value))
            if value_node['type'] == 'standard_method_call' and value_node['message'] == 'present?':
                value_node['message'] = 'empty?'
                return value_node
                return {
                    'type': 'unary_op',
                    'op': 'not',
                    'value': value_node,
                    'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'
            raise translation_error('no support for %s as an unary op' % type(op).__name__,
                location, self.lines[location[0]],
                suggestions='not and - are supported')

    def _translate_boolop(self, op, values, location):
        op = PSEUDO_OPS[type(op)]
        right_node = self._testable(self._translate_node(values[0]))
        result = right_node
        for r in values[1:]:
            left_node, right_node = right_node, self._testable(self._translate_node(r))
            result = {
                'type': 'binary_op',
                'op':   op,
                'left': result,
                'right': right_node,
                'pseudo_type': left_node['pseudo_type']
        return result

    def _translate_in(self, element, sequence, location):
        sequence_node = self._translate_node(sequence)
        element_node = self._translate_node(element)
        if not (
            sequence_node['pseudo_type'] == 'String' and element_node['pseudo_type'] == 'String' or\
            isinstance(sequence_node['pseudo_type'], list) and sequence_node['pseudo_type'][0] != 'Tuple' and sequence_node['pseudo_type'][1] == element_node['pseudo_type']):
            raise type_check_error('expected the left side of in to has the element type of the sequence, in supported for string and sequences which are not tuples',
                    location, self.lines[location[0]],
        return {
            'type': 'standard_method_call',
            'receiver': sequence_node,
            'message': 'contains?',
            'args': [element_node],
            'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'

    def _translate_compare(self, left, ops, comparators, location):
        if isinstance(ops[0], ast.In) or isinstance(ops[0], ast.NotIn):
            if len(comparators) != 1:
                raise translation_error('only <element> [not] in <sequence> supported',
                    location, self.lines[location[0]],
                    suggestion='2 in [2] in [[2]] is cute, but it\'s not supported')
                in_node = self._translate_in(left, comparators[0], location)
                if isinstance(ops[0], ast.In):
                    return in_node
                    return {'type': 'unary_op', 'op': 'not', 'value': in_node, 'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'}

        op = PSEUDO_OPS[type(ops[0])]
        right_node = self._translate_node(comparators[0])
        left_node = self._translate_node(left)

        self._confirm_comparable(op, left_node['pseudo_type'], right_node['pseudo_type'], location)

        result = {
            'type': 'comparison',
            'op':   op,
            'left': left_node,
            'right': right_node,
            'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'
        if len(comparators) == 1:
            return result
            for r in comparators[1:]:
                left_node, right_node = right_node, self._translate_node(r)
                self._confirm_comparable(op, left_node['pseudo_type'], right_node['pseudo_type'], location)
                result = {
                    'type': 'binary_op',
                    'op': 'and',
                    'left': result,
                    'right': {
                        'type': 'comparison',
                        'op': op,
                        'left': left_node,
                        'right': right_node,
                        'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'
                    'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'
            return result

    def _confirm_index(self, index_type, expected, location, window):
        if index_type != 'Int':
            raise type_check_error(
                'expected Int for %s' % window,
                location, self.lines[location[0]],

    def _confirm_comparable(self, o, l, r, location):
        if o == '==' and l != r or o != '==' and (isinstance(l, list) or isinstance(r, list) or\
           l != r or l not in COMPARABLE_TYPES):
            raise type_check_error(
                '%s not comparable with %s' % (serialize_type(l), serialize_type(r)),
                location, self.lines[location[0]],
                suggestions='comparable types in pseudo-python: %s' % ' '.join(COMPARABLE_TYPES))

    def _translate_attribute(self, value, attr, ctx, location, in_call=False):
        value_node = self._translate_node(value)
        if not isinstance(value_node['pseudo_type'], str) and not in_call:
            raise type_check_error(
                "you can't access attr of %s, only of normal objects or modules" % serialize_type(value_node['pseudo_type']),
                (value.lineno, value.col_offset), self.lines[value.lineno],
                suggestions='[2].s is invalid',
                right='h = H()\nh.y',
                wrong='h = (2, H())\')

        if value_node['pseudo_type'] == 'library':
            if value_node['name'] == 'sys' and attr == 'argv':
                return {
                    'type': 'standard_call',
                    'namespace': 'system',
                    'function': 'args',
                    'args': [],
                    'pseudo_type': ['List', 'String'],
                    'special': None
                return {
                    'type': 'library_function',
                    'library': value_node['name'],
                    'function': attr,
                    'pseudo_type': 'library'
            value_general_type = self._general_type(value_node['pseudo_type'])
            attr_type = self._attr_index.get(value_general_type, {}).get(attr)

            if attr_type is None:
                m = METHOD_API.get(value_general_type, {}).get(attr)
                if m:
                    attr_type = m #'builtin_method[%s]' % serialize_type(m)
                    m =, {}).get(attr)
                    if m:
                        attr_type = m #'user_method[%s]' % serialize_type(m)

                if not m:
                    value_type = value_node['pseudo_type']
                    value_general_type = self._general_type(value_type)
                    show_type = serialize_type(TYPED_API.get('_generic_%s' % value_general_type, value_type))
                    raise translation_error(
                        "pseudo-python can\'t infer the type of %s#%s"  % (serialize_type(value_type), attr),
                        location, self.lines[location[0]],
                        suggestions='pseudo-python knows about those %s methods:\n%s' % (
                            prepare_table([value_general_type], ORIGINAL_METHODS.get(value_general_type))))

                attr_type = attr_type[0]['pseudo_type']

            if value_node['type'] == 'this':
                result = {
                    'type': 'instance_variable',
                    'name': attr,
                    'pseudo_type': attr_type
                if result in self._tuple_assigned:
                    if not any(a[0] == '_old_self_%s' % attr for a in self._tuple_used):
                        self._tuple_used.append(('_old_self_%s' % attr, result))

                    result = {'type': 'local', 'name': '_old_self_%s' % attr, 'pseudo_type': attr_type}
                return result
                result = {
                    'type': 'attr',
                    'object': value_node,
                    'attr': attr,
                    'pseudo_type': attr_type
                if result in self._tuple_assigned:
                    if not any(a[0] == '_old_%s' % attr for a in self._tuple_used):
                        self._tuple_used.append(('_old_%s' % attr, result))
                    result = {'type': 'local', 'name': '_old_%s' % attr, 'pseudo_type': attr_type}
                return result

    def _translate_assign(self, targets, value, location):
        if isinstance(value, ast.AST):
            value_node = self._translate_node(value)
            value_node = value
        if isinstance(targets[0], ast.Tuple):
            if not isinstance(value, ast.Tuple):
                raise translation_error(
                    'multiple return values assignment will be supported in v0.4',
                    location, self.lines[location[0]])

            if len(targets[0].elts) != len(value.elts):
                raise translation_error(
                    'expected %d number of values on right' % len(targets[0].elts),
                    location, self.lines[location[0]])

            rights = []
            used = []
            u = 0
            for t, child in zip(targets[0].elts, value.elts):
                child_node = self._translate_node(child)
                x = self._translate_node(t)
                for a in self._tuple_used[u:]:
                        'type': 'assignment',
                        'target': {'type': 'local', 'name': a[0], 'pseudo_type': a[1]['pseudo_type']},
                        'value': a[1],
                        'pseudo_type': 'Void'
                    self.type_env[a[0]] = a[1]['pseudo_type']
                u = len(self._tuple_used)
                    self._translate_assign([t], child_node, location))

            self._tuple_assigned = []
            self._tuple_used = []
            return used + rights

        elif isinstance(targets[0], ast.Name):
            name = targets[0].id
            e = self.type_env[name]
            if e:
                # raise ValueError(ast.dump(targets[0]))
                a = self._compatible_types(e, value_node['pseudo_type'], "can't change the type of variable %s in %s " % (name, self.function_name))
                a = value_node['pseudo_type']
            self.type_env[name] = a
            return {
                'type': 'assignment',
                'target': {
                    'type': 'local',
                    'name': name,
                    'pseudo_type': value_node['pseudo_type']
                'value': value_node,
                'pseudo_type': 'Void'
        elif isinstance(targets[0], ast.Attribute):
            z = self._translate_node(targets[0].value)
            if z['pseudo_type'] == 'library':
                raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError("pseudo-python can't redefine a module function %s" % z['name'] + ':' + targets[0].attr)

            is_public = not isinstance(targets[0].value, ast.Name) or targets[0] != 'self'

            if targets[0].attr in self._attr_index[z['pseudo_type']]:
                a = self._compatible_types(self._attr_index[z['pseudo_type']][targets[0].attr][0]['pseudo_type'],
                                           value_node['pseudo_type'], "can't change attr type of %s" % serialize_type(z['pseudo_type']) + '.' + targets[0].attr)
                self._attr_index[z['pseudo_type']][targets[0].attr][0]['pseudo_type'] = a
                if is_public:
                    self._attr_index[z['pseudo_type']][targets[0].attr][0]['is_public'] = True
                a = value_node['pseudo_type']
                self._attr_index[z['pseudo_type']][targets[0].attr] = [{
                    'type': 'class_attr',
                    'name':  targets[0].attr,
                    'pseudo_type': a,
                    'is_public': is_public,
                }, False]


            if z['type'] == 'this':
                return {
                    'type': 'assignment',
                    'target': {
                        'type': 'instance_variable',
                        'name': targets[0].attr,
                        'pseudo_type': value_node['pseudo_type']
                    'value': value_node,
                    'pseudo_type': 'Void'
            return {
                'type': 'assignment',
                'target': {
                    'type': 'attr',
                    'object': z,
                    'attr': targets[0].attr,
                    'pseudo_type': a
                'value': value_node,
                'pseudo_type': 'Void'
        elif isinstance(targets[0], ast.Subscript):
            z = self._translate_node(targets[0])
            if z['type'] == 'index':
                return {
                    'type': 'assignment',
                    'target': z,
                    'value': value_node,
                    'pseudo_type': 'Void'
            elif z['type'] == 'standard_method_call': # slice
                if z['pseudo_type'] != value_node['pseudo_type']:
                    raise type_check_error(
                        'expected %s' % serialize_type(z['pseudo_type']),
                        getattr(value, 'location', location), self.lines[location[0]],

                z['message'] = 'set_%s' % z['message']
                z['pseudo_type'] = 'Void'
                return z

    def _translate_augassign(self, target, op, value, location):
        return self._translate_assign([target], ast.BinOp(target, op, value), location)

    def _translate_if(self, test, orelse, body, location, base=True):
        test_node = self._testable(self._translate_node(test))
        block = self._translate_node(body)
        #block [self._translate_node(child) for child in body]
        if orelse and len(orelse) == 1 and isinstance(orelse[0], ast.If):
            otherwise = self._translate_if(orelse[0].test, orelse[0].orelse, orelse[0].body, location, False)
        elif orelse:
            otherwise = {
                'type': 'else_statement',
                'block': self._translate_node(orelse),
                #block [self._translate_node(node) for node in orelse],
                'pseudo_type': 'Void'
            otherwise = None

        return {
            'type': 'if_statement' if base else 'elseif_statement',
            'test': test_node,
            'block': block,
            'pseudo_type': 'Void',
            'otherwise': otherwise

    def _translate_while(self, body, test, orelse, location):
        self.assert_translatable('while', orelse=([], orelse))
        test_node = self._testable(self._translate_node(test))
        return {
            'type': 'while_statement',
            'test': test_node,
            'block': self._translate_node(body),
            #block [self._translate_node(node) for node in body],
            'pseudo_type': 'Void'

    def _testable(self, test_node):
        t = self._general_type(test_node['pseudo_type'])
        if t != TESTABLE_TYPE:
            if t in TYPES_WITH_LENGTH:
                return {
                    'type': 'standard_method_call',
                    'receiver': test_node,
                    'message': 'present?',
                    'args': [],
                    'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'
            elif t in NUMBER_TYPES:
                return {
                    'type': 'comparison',
                    'pseudo_type': 'Boolean',
                    'op': '>',
                    'left': test_node,
                    'right': {'type': 'int', 'pseudo_type': 'Int', 'value': 0}
            elif t == 'RegexpMatch':
                return {
                    'type': 'standard_method_call',
                    'pseudo_type': 'Boolean',
                    'receiver': test_node,
                    'message': 'has_match',
                    'args': []
            elif t == 'Void':
                return {
                    'type': 'not_null_check',
                    'value': test_node,
                    'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'
                raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('pseudo-python expects a bool or RegexpMatch test not %s' % serialize_type(test_node['pseudo_type']))
            return test_node

    def _translate_slice(self, receiver, upper, lower, step, location):
        self.assert_translatable('slice', step=(step, None))
        # for some reason python ast has location info for most elements
        # but not for Num.
        # that's possibly genius, inconsisten consistent fucking genius,
        # thank you python ast (almost wishing I've used redbaron)
        base = 'slice' if receiver['pseudo_type'] != 'String' else 'substr'
        if upper:
            upper_node = self._translate_node(upper)
            self._confirm_index(upper_node['pseudo_type'], 'Int', getattr(upper, 'location', location), 'slice index')
        if lower:
            lower_node = self._translate_node(lower)
            self._confirm_index(lower_node['pseudo_type'], 'Int', getattr(lower, 'location', location), 'slice index')
        if upper and lower:
            name = base
            values = [lower_node, upper_node]
        elif upper:
            name = '%s_to' % base
            values = [upper_node]
        elif lower:
            name = '%s_from' % base
            values = [lower_node]
            name = 'slice_'
            values = []
        return {
            'type': 'standard_method_call',
            'receiver': receiver,
            'message': name,
            'args': values,
            'pseudo_type': receiver['pseudo_type']

    def _translate_list(self, elts, ctx, location):
        if not elts:
            return {'type': 'list', 'elements': [], 'pseudo_type': ['List', None]}

        element_nodes, element_type = self._translate_elements(elts, 'list')

        return {
            'type': 'list',
            'pseudo_type': ['List', element_type],
            'elements': element_nodes

    def _translate_dict(self, keys, values, location):
        if not keys:
            return {'type': 'dictionary', 'pairs': [], 'pseudo_type': ['Dictionary', None, None]}

        pairs = [{'type': 'pair', 'key': self._translate_node(keys[0]), 'value': self._translate_node(values[0])}]
        key_type, value_type = pairs[0]['key']['pseudo_type'], pairs[0]['value']['pseudo_type']
        for a, b in zip(keys[1:], values[1:]):
            pairs.append({'type': 'pair', 'key': self._translate_node(a), 'value': self._translate_node(b)})
            key_type, value_type = self._compatible_types(key_type, pairs[-1]['key']['pseudo_type'], "can't use different types for keys of a dictionary"),\
                                   self._compatible_types(value_type, pairs[-1]['value']['pseudo_type'], "can't use different types for values of a dictionary")

        return {
            'type': 'dictionary',
            'pseudo_type': ['Dictionary', key_type, value_type],
            'pairs': pairs

    def _translate_set(self, elts, location):
        element_nodes, element_type = self._translate_elements(elts, 'set')

        return {
            'type': 'set',
            'pseudo_type': ['Set', element_type],
            'elements': element_nodes

    def _translate_tuple(self, elts, ctx, location):
        element_nodes, accidentaly_homogeneous, element_type = self._translate_elements(elts, 'tuple', homogeneous=False)
        return {
            'type': 'array' if accidentaly_homogeneous else 'tuple',
            'pseudo_type': ['Array', element_type, len(elts)] if accidentaly_homogeneous else ['Tuple'] + element_type,
            'elements': element_nodes

    def _translate_elements(self, elements, kind, homogeneous=True):
        element_nodes = self._translate_node([elements[0]])
        #block [self._translate_node(elements[0])]
        element_type = element_nodes[0]['pseudo_type']
        if not homogeneous:
            element_types = [element_type]
        accidentaly_homogeneous = True
        for j, element in enumerate(elements[1:]):
            # print(self._hierarchy)
            if homogeneous:
                element_type = self._compatible_types(element_nodes[-1]['pseudo_type'], element_type, "can't use different types in a %s" % kind)
                if accidentaly_homogeneous:
                    element_type = self._compatible_types(element_type, element_nodes[-1]['pseudo_type'], '', silent=True)
                    accidentaly_homogeneous = element_type is not False

        return (element_nodes, element_type) if homogeneous else (element_nodes, accidentaly_homogeneous, element_type if accidentaly_homogeneous else element_types)

    def _translate_subscript(self, value, slice, ctx, location):
        value_node = self._translate_node(value)
        value_general_type = self._general_type(value_node['pseudo_type'])
        if value_general_type not in INDEXABLE_TYPES:
            raise type_check_error('pseudo-python can use [] only on String, List, Dictionary or Tuple',
                location, self.lines[location[0]],

        if isinstance(slice, ast.Index):
            z = self._translate_node(slice.value)
            if value_general_type in ['String', 'List', 'Tuple'] and z['pseudo_type'] != 'Int':
                raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('a non int index for %s %s' % (value_general_type, z['pseudo_type']))

            if value_general_type == 'Dictionary' and z['pseudo_type'] != value_node['pseudo_type'][1]:
                raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('a non %s index for %s %s' % (value_node['pseudo_type'][1], value_general_type, z['pseudo_type']))

            if value_general_type == 'String':
                pseudo_type = 'String'
            elif value_general_type == 'List' or value_general_type == 'Array':
                pseudo_type = value_node['pseudo_type'][1]
            elif value_general_type == 'Tuple':
                if z['type'] != 'int':
                    raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('pseudo-python can support only literal int indices of a heterogenous tuple ' +
                                                     'because otherwise the index type is not predictable %s %s ' % (serialize_type(value_node['pseudo_type']), z['type']))

                elif z['value'] > len(value_node['pseudo_type']) - 2:
                    raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('%s has only %d elements' % serialize_type(value_node['pseudo_type']), len(value_node['pseudo_type']))

                pseudo_type = value_node['pseudo_type'][z['value'] + 1]

                pseudo_type = value_node['pseudo_type'][2]

            if 'special' in value_node: # sys.argv[index]
                if z['pseudo_type'] != 'Int':
                    raise type_check_error('pseudo-python supports only int indices for sys.argv',
                        location, self.lines[location[0]],
                return {
                    'type': 'standard_call',
                    'namespace': 'system',
                    'function': 'index',
                    'args': [z],
                    'pseudo_type': 'String'
            result = {
                'type': 'index',
                'sequence': value_node,
                'index': z,
                'pseudo_type': pseudo_type
            if result in self._tuple_assigned:
                j = z.get('value', z.get('name', z.get('attr', '_x')))
                k = value_node.get('value', value_node.get('name', value_node.get('attr', '_y')))
                # i kno c:
                if not any(a[0] == '_old_%s_%s' % (j, k) for a in self._tuple_used):
                    self._tuple_used.append(('_old_%s_%s' % (j, k), result))
                result = {'type': 'local', 'name': '_old_%s_%s' % (j, k), 'pseudo_type': pseudo_type}
            return result
            return self._translate_slice(receiver=value_node, upper=slice.upper, step=slice.step, lower=slice.lower, location=location)

    def _translate_str(self, s, location):
        return {'type': 'string', 'value': s.replace('\n', '\\n'), 'pseudo_type': 'String'}

    def _translate_try(self, orelse, finalbody, body, handlers, location):
        self.assert_translatable('try', else_=([], orelse), finally_=([], finalbody))

        return {
            'type': 'try_statement',
            'pseudo_type': 'Void',
            'block': self._translate_node(body),
            #block [self._translate_node(node) for node in body],
            'handlers': self._translate_node(handlers)
            #block [self._translate_handler(handler) for handler in handlers]

    def _translate_raise(self, exc, cause, location):
        self.assert_translatable('raise', cause=(None, cause))
        if not isinstance(exc.func, ast.Name) or not in self._exceptions:
            raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('pseudo-python can raise only Exception or custom exceptions: %s ' % ast.dump(exc.func))

        return {
            'type': 'throw_statement',
            'pseudo_type': 'Void',
            'value': self._translate_node(exc.args[0])

    def _translate_with(self, items, body, location):
        if len(items) != 1 or not isinstance(items[0].context_expr, ast.Call) or not isinstance(items[0].context_expr.func, ast.Name) or items[0] != 'open':
            raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('pseudo-python supports with only for opening files')
        elif not isinstance(items[0].optional_vars, ast.Name):
           raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('pseudo-python needs exactly one name var for with statements' )
        optional_vars = items[0].optional_vars
        items = [items[0].context_expr]

        if len(body) == 1 and len(items[0].args) > 1:
            arg_node = self._translate_node(items[0].args[0])
            if arg_node['pseudo_type'] == 'String' and isinstance(body[0], ast.Assign) and len(body[0].targets) == 1 and\
               isinstance(items[0].args[1], ast.Str) and 'r' in items[0].args[1].s and\
               isinstance(body[0].value, ast.Call) and isinstance(body[0].value.func, ast.Attribute) and isinstance(body[0].value.func.value, ast.Name) and body[0] == and body[0].value.func.attr == 'read' and not body[0].value.args:
                return self._translate_assign(targets=body[0].targets, value= {
                    'type': 'standard_call',
                    'namespace': 'io',
                    'function': 'read_file',
                    'args': [arg_node],
                    'pseudo_type': 'String'
                }, location=(body[0].lineno, body[0].col_offset))
            elif arg_node['pseudo_type'] == 'String' and isinstance(body[0], ast.Call) and isinstance(body[0].func, ast.Attribute) and isinstance(body[0].func.value, ast.Name) and body[0] == and body[0].func.attr == 'write':
                z == self._translate_node(body[0].func.args[0], in_call=True)
                return {
                    'type': 'standard_call',
                    'namespace': 'io',
                    'function': 'write_file',
                    'args': [arg_node, z],
                    'pseudo_type': 'Void'

        raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('the supported format for with requires exactly one line in body which is [<name> =] <handler>.read/write(..)')

    def _translate_handler(self, handler):
        if not isinstance(handler.type, ast.Name) or not in self._exceptions:
            raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('%s' % str(ast.dump(handler.type)))
        h = self.type_env[]
        if h and h != 'Exception':
            raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError("can't change the type of exception %s to %s" % (, serialize_type(h)))
        self.type_env[] = 'Exception'
        return {
            'type': 'exception_handler',
            'pseudo_type': 'Void',
            'is_builtin': == 'Exception',
            'block': self._translate_node(handler.body)
            #block [self._translate_node(z) for z in handler.body]

    def _translate_nameconstant(self, value, location):
        if value == True or value == False:
            return {'type': 'boolean', 'value': str(value).lower(), 'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'}
        elif value is None:
            return {'type': 'null', 'pseudo_type': 'Void'}

    def _translate_functional_lambda(self, l, arg_type):

        params = [{'type': 'local', 'name': l.args.args[0].arg, 'pseudo_type': arg_type}]
        self.type_env = self.type_env.child_env({l.args.args[0].arg: arg_type})
        old_f, self.function_name = self.function_name, 'lambda'
        node = self._translate_node(l.body)
        nodes = [{
            'type': 'implicit_return',
            'pseudo_type': node['pseudo_type'],
            'value': node
        self.function_name = old_f
        self.type_env = self.type_env.parent
        return {
            'type': 'anonymous_function',
            'params': params,
            'block': nodes,
            'pseudo_type': ['Function', arg_type, node['pseudo_type']],
            'return_type': node['pseudo_type']

    def _translate_lambda(self, body, args, location):

    def _translate_listcomp(self, generators, elt, location):
        if isinstance(generators[0].target, ast.Name):
            sketchup, env = self._translate_iter(generators[0].target, generators[0].iter)

        self.type_env = self.type_env.child_env(env)

        old_function_name, self.function_name = self.function_name, 'list comprehension'

        sketchup['type'] = 'standard_iterable_call' + sketchup['type']

        if not generators[0].ifs:
            if 'index' not in sketchup and self._general_type(sketchup['sequences']['type']) == 'for_sequence':
                elt = self._translate_node(elt)
                self.function_name = old_function_name
                return {
                    'type': 'standard_method_call',
                    'receiver': sketchup['sequences']['sequence'],
                    'message': 'map',
                    'args': [{
                        'type': 'anonymous_function',
                        'params': [sketchup['iterators']['iterator']],
                        'pseudo_type': ['Function', sketchup['iterators']['iterator']['pseudo_type'],
                        'return_type': elt['pseudo_type'],
                        'block': [{
                            'type': 'implicit_return',
                            'value': elt,
                            'pseudo_type': elt['pseudo_type']
                    'pseudo_type': ['List', elt['pseudo_type']]

                sketchup['function'] = 'map'
            test_node = self._testable(self._translate_node(generators[0].ifs[0]))
            sketchup['function'] = 'filter_map'
            sketchup['test'] = [test_node]

        elt_node = self._translate_node(elt)

        self.function_name = old_function_name
        sketchup['block'] = [elt_node]
        sketchup['pseudo_type'] = ['List', elt_node['pseudo_type']]
        return sketchup

    def _translate_generatorexp(self, generators, elt, x, location):
        if len(generators) != 1 or generators[0].ifs or not isinstance(generators[0].target, ast.Name):
            raise translation_error('support for more complicated generator expressions in v0.4',
                location, self.lines[location[0]])

        iter_node = self._translate_node(generators[0].iter)
        if not isinstance(iter_node['pseudo_type'], list) or iter_node['pseudo_type'][0] != 'List':
            raise type_check_error('generator expression expected a List sequence, not %s' % serialize_type(iter_node['pseudo_type']),
                location, self.lines[location[0]])
        elt_type = iter_node['pseudo_type'][1]
        self.type_env = self.type_env.child_env()
        self.type_env[generators[0]] = elt_type
        old_function, self.function_name = self.function_name, 'generator expr'
        block = self._translate_node(elt)
        self.function_name = old_function
        self.type_env = self.type_env.parent

        # x can be 'any' 'all' or 'sum'
        if x == 'any' or x == 'all':
            return {
                'type': 'standard_method_call',
                'receiver': iter_node,
                'message': '%s?' % x,
                'args': [{
                    'type': 'anonymous_function',
                    'params': [{'type': 'local', 'name': generators[0], 'pseudo_type': elt_type}],
                    'block': [Node('implicit_return', value=self._testable(block), pseudo_type='Boolean')],
                    'pseudo_type': ['Function', elt_type, 'Boolean'],
                    'return_type': 'Boolean'
                'pseudo_type': 'Boolean'
        else: # sum
            if block['pseudo_type'] != 'Int' and block['pseudo_type'] != 'Float':
                raise type_check_error('sum expected a generator expression producing Int / Float',
                            location, self.lines[location[0]],

            initial = 0.0 if block['pseudo_type'] == 'Float' else 0
            return {
                'type': 'standard_method_call',
                'receiver': iter_node,
                'message': 'reduce',
                'args': [{
                    'type': 'anonymous_function',
                    'params': [{'type': 'local', 'name': 'memo', 'pseudo_type': block['pseudo_type']}, {'type': 'local', 'name': generators[0], 'pseudo_type': elt_type}],
                    'block': [{
                        'type': 'implicit_return',
                        'value': {
                            'type': 'binary_op',
                            'op': '+',
                            'left': {'type': 'local', 'name': 'memo', 'pseudo_type': block['pseudo_type']},
                            'right': block,
                            'pseudo_type': block['pseudo_type']
                        'pseudo_type': block['pseudo_type']
                    'return_type': block['pseudo_type'],
                    'pseudo_type': ['Function', block['pseudo_type'], elt_type, block['pseudo_type']],
                }, {
                    'type': block['pseudo_type'].lower(),
                    'value': initial,
                    'pseudo_type': block['pseudo_type']
                'pseudo_type': block['pseudo_type']

    def _translate_iter(self,target, k):
        # fix short names when not 5 am
        if isinstance(k, ast.Call) and isinstance(k.func, ast.Name):
            if == 'enumerate':
                if len(k.args) != 1 or not isinstance(target, ast.Tuple) or len(target.elts) != 2:
                    raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('enumerate expected one arg not %d and two indices' % len(k.args))
                return self._translate_enumerate(target.elts, k.args[0])
            elif == 'range':
                if isinstance(target, ast.Name):
                    return self._translate_range([target], k.args)
                elif not isinstance(target, (ast.Name, ast.Tuple)) or isinstance(target, ast.Tuple) and len(target.elts) != 2:
                    raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('range expected two indices')
                elif not k.args or len(k.args) > 3:
                    raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('range expected 1 to 3 args not %d' % len(k.args))
                return self._translate_range(target.elts, k.args)
            elif == 'zip':
                if len(k.args) < 2 or not isinstance(target, ast.Tuple) or len(k.args) != len(target.elts):
                    raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('zip expected 2 or more args and the same number of indices not %d' % len(k.args))
                return self._translate_zip(target.elts, k.args)

        sequence_node = self._translate_node(k)

        if isinstance(target, ast.Tuple):
            raise PseudoPythonNotTranslatableError("pseudo doesn't support tuples yet")

        elif not isinstance(target, ast.Name):
            raise PseudoPythonNotTranslatableError("pseudo doesn't support %s as an iterator" % sequence_node['type'])

        target_pseudo_type = self._element_type(sequence_node['pseudo_type'])
        return {
            'type': '',
            'sequences': {'type': 'for_sequence', 'sequence': sequence_node},
            'iterators': {
                'type': 'for_iterator',
                'iterator': {
                    'type':       'local',
                    'pseudo_type': target_pseudo_type,
        }, { target_pseudo_type}

    def _translate_enumerate(self, targets, sequence):
        sequence_node = self._translate_node(sequence)

        if not isinstance(targets[0], ast.Name) or not isinstance(targets[1], ast.Name):
            raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('expected a name for an index not %s' % type(targets[0]).__name__)

        if self._general_type(sequence_node['pseudo_type']) == 'Dictionary':
            q = 'items'
            k = 'key'
            v = 'value'
            q = 'index'
            k = 'index'
            v = 'iterator'
        iterator_type = self._element_type(sequence_node['pseudo_type'])
        return {
            'type': '',
            'sequences': {'type': 'for_sequence_with_' + q, 'sequence': sequence_node},
            'iterators': {'type': 'for_iterator_with_' + q,
                k: {
                    'type': 'local',
                    'pseudo_type': 'Int',
                    'name': targets[0].id
                v: {
                    'type': 'local',
                    'pseudo_type': iterator_type,
                    'name': targets[1].id
            }, {targets[0].id: 'Int', targets[1].id: iterator_type}

    def _translate_range(self, targets, range):
        if len(range) == 1:
            start, end, step = {'type': 'int', 'value': 0, 'pseudo_type': 'Int'}, self._translate_node(range[0]), {'type': 'int', 'value': 1, 'pseudo_type': 'Int'}
        elif len(range) == 2:
            start, end, step = self._translate_node(range[0]), self._translate_node(range[1]), {'type': 'int', 'value': 1, 'pseudo_type': 'Int'}
            start, end, step = tuple(map(self._translate_node, range[:3]))

        for label, r in [('start', start), ('end', end), ('step', step)]:
            if r['pseudo_type'] != 'Int':
                raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('expected int for range %s index' % label)

        if not isinstance(targets[0], ast.Name):
            raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('index is not a name %s' % type(targets[0]).__name__)

        return {
            'type': '_range',
            'start': start,
            'end': end,
            'step': step,
            'index': {
                'type': 'local',
                'pseudo_type': 'Int',
                'name': targets[0].id
        }, {targets[0].id: 'Int'}

    def _translate_zip(self, targets, sequences):
        sequence_nodes = []
        sketchup = {'type': '', 'iterators': {'type': 'for_iterator_zip', 'iterators': []}}
        env = {}
        for s, z in zip(sequences, targets):
            if not isinstance(z, ast.Name):
                raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('index is not a name %s' % type(z).__name__)
            z_type = self._element_type(sequence_nodes[-1]['pseudo_type'])
                'type': 'local',
                'pseudo_type': z_type,
            env[] = z_type

        sketchup['sequences'] = {'type': 'for_sequence_zip', 'sequences': sequence_nodes}
        return sketchup, env

    def _confirm_iterable(self, sequence_type):
        sequence_general_type = self._general_type(sequence_type)
        if sequence_general_type not in ITERABLE_TYPES:
            raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError('expected an iterable type, not %s' % serialize_type(sequence_type))

    def _element_type(self, sequence_type):
        if isinstance(sequence_type, list):
            if sequence_type[0] == 'Dictionary':
                return sequence_type[2]
            elif sequence_type[0] == 'List':
                return sequence_type[1]
        elif sequence_type == 'String':
            return 'String'

    def assert_translatable(self, node, **pairs):
        for label, (expected, actual) in pairs.items():
            if actual != expected:
                raise PseudoPythonNotTranslatableError("%s in %s is not a part of pseudo-translatable python" % (label if label[-1] != '_' else label[:-1], node))

    def _translate_pure_functions(self):
        for f in self.definitions:
            if f[0] == 'function' and len(self.type_env['functions'][f[1]]) == 2:
                self._definition_index['functions'][f[1]] = self._translate_function(self._definition_index['functions'][f[1]], 'functions', None, f[1], [])

    def _translate_hinted_functions(self):
        for f in self.definitions:
            if f[0] == 'function':
                self._translate_hinted_fun(f[1], 'functions')

    def _translate_hinted_fun(self, f, namespace):
        # print(namespace, self.type_env[namespace])
        if isinstance(self._definition_index[namespace][f], dict):
        if namespace == 'functions':
            args = self._definition_index[namespace][f].args.args
            args = self._definition_index[namespace][f].args.args[1:]
        if len(self.type_env[namespace][f]) > 2 and args[0].annotation:
            types = []
            for h in args:
                if h.annotation:
                    raise translation_error('expected annotations for all args, no annotation for %s' % h.arg,
                            (h.lineno, h.col_offset), self.lines[h.lineno])

            return_annotation = self._definition_index[namespace][f].returns
            if return_annotation:
                return_type = self._hint(return_annotation)
                return_type = 'Void' # None
            self.type_env[namespace][f][1:] = types + [return_type]
            self._definition_index[namespace][f] = self._translate_function(self._definition_index[namespace][f], namespace, None, f, None)

    def _hint(self, x):
        if isinstance(x, (ast.Name, ast.Str)):
            name = if isinstance(x, ast.Name) else x.s
            if name in BUILTIN_SIMPLE_TYPES:
                return BUILTIN_SIMPLE_TYPES[name]
            elif name in
                return name
        elif isinstance(x, ast.Subscript) and isinstance(x.value, (ast.Name, ast.Str)):
            name = if isinstance(x.value, ast.Name) else x.value.s
            if name in ['List', 'Set', 'Dict', 'Tuple', 'Callable']:
                if name not in self._typing_imports:
                    raise translation_error('please add\nfrom typing import %s on top to use it\n' % name, (x.value.lineno, x.value.col_offset), self.lines[x.value.lineno])
                if not isinstance(x.slice, ast.Index):
                    raise translation_error('invalid index', (x.value.lineno, x.value.col_offset), self.lines[x.lineno])
                index = x.slice.value
                if name in ['List', 'Set']:
                    if not isinstance(index, (ast.Name, ast.Subscript)):
                        raise type_check_error('%s expects one valid generic arguments' % name, (x.value.lineno, x.value.col_offset), self.lines[x.value.lineno])
                    return [name, self._hint(index)]
                elif name == 'Tuple':
                    if not isinstance(index, ast.Tuple) or any(not isinstance(y, (ast.Name, ast.Subscript)) for y in index.elts):
                        raise type_check_error('Tuple expected valid generic arguments', (x.value.lineno, x.value.col_offset), self.lines[x.value.lineno])
                    return ['Tuple'] + [self._hint(y) for y in index.elts]
                elif name == 'Dict':
                    if not isinstance(index, ast.Tuple) or len(index.elts) != 2 or not isinstance(index.elts[1], (ast.Name, ast.Subscript)):
                        raise type_check_error('Dict expected 2 valid generic arguments', (x.value.lineno, x.value.col_offset), self.lines[x.value.lineno])
                    if not isinstance(index.elts[0], ast.Name) or index.elts[0].id not in KEY_TYPES:
                        raise type_check_error('type not supported as a dictionary key type', (x.value.lineno, x.value.col_offset), self.lines[x.value.lineno],
                            suggestions='only those types are supported:\n  %s  ' % '\n  '.join(PSEUDO_KEY_TYPES),
                            right='  Dict[str, List[int]]',
                            wrong='  Dict[List[int], Tuple[int]]')
                    return ['Dictionary', self._hint(index.elts[0]), self._hint(index.elts[1])]
                    if not isinstance(index, ast.Tuple) or len(index.elts) != 2 or not isinstance(index.elts[0], ast.List) or not isinstance(index.elts[1], (ast.Name, ast.Subscript)) or any(not isinstance(y, (ast.Name, ast.Subscript)) for y in index.elts[0].elts):
                        raise type_check_error('Callable expected valid generic arguments of the form Callable[[<arg_type>, <arg_type>*], <return>]', (x.value.lineno, x.value.col_offset), self.lines[x.value.lineno])
                    return ['Function'] + [self._hint(y) for y in index.elts[0].elts] + [self._hint(index.elts[1])]
        raise type_check_error('type not recognized',
            (x.lineno, x.col_offset), self.lines[x.lineno],
            suggestions='supported type hints are:\n  ' + '\n  '.join(
                ['int', 'float', 'str', 'bool',
                 'List[<element_hint>]', 'Dict[<key_hint>, <value_hint>]', 'Tuple[<element_hints>..]', 'Set[<element_hint>]', 'Callable[[<arg_hint>*], <return_hin>]'
                 'your class e.g. Human']))

    def _translate_for(self, iter, target, body, orelse, location):
        self.assert_translatable('for', orelse=([], orelse))
        sketchup, env = self._translate_iter(target, iter)
        for label, value in env.items():
            if self.type_env[label]:
                raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError("pseudo-python forbirds %s shadowing a variable in for" % label)
            self.type_env[label] = value
        self.in_for = True
        sketchup['block'] = self._translate_node(body)
        # [self._translate_node(z) for z in body]
        sketchup['type'] = 'for' + sketchup['type'] + '_statement'
        sketchup['pseudo_type'] = 'Void'
        return sketchup

    def _type_check(self, z, message, types):
        g =, {}).get(message)
        if not g:
            raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError("%s is not defined" % message)

        return self._real_type_check(g, types, '%s#%s' % (z, message))

    def _real_type_check(self, g, types, name):
        if len(g) - 2 != len(types):
            raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError("%s expected %d args" % (message, len(g) - 2))

        for j, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(g[1:-1], types)):
            general = self._compatible_types(b, a, "can't convert %s %dth arg" % (name, j))

        return g

    def _compatible_types(self, from_, to, err, silent=False):
        if isinstance(from_, str):
            if not isinstance(to, str):
                if silent:
                    return False
                    raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError(err + ' from %s to %s' % (serialize_type(from_), serialize_type(to)))

            elif from_ == to:
                return to

            elif from_ in self._hierarchy:
                if to in self._hierarchy:
                    if to in self._hierarchy[from_][1]:
                        return from_

                    base = to
                    while base:
                        if from_ in self._hierarchy[base][1]:
                            return base
                        base = self._hierarchy[base][0]

                if silent:
                    return False
                    raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError(err + ' from %s to %s' % (serialize_type(from_), serialize_type(to)))

            elif from_ == 'Int' and to == 'Float':
                return 'Float'

            elif silent:
                return False
                raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError(err + ' from %s to %s' % (serialize_type(from_), serialize_type(to)))
            if not isinstance(to, list) or len(from_) != len(to) or from_[0] != to[0]:
                if silent:
                    return False
                    raise PseudoPythonTypeCheckError(err + ' from %s to %s' % (serialize_type(from_), serialize_type(to)))

            for f, t in zip(from_[1:-1], to[1:-1]):
                self._compatible_types(f, t, err)

            return to

    def _general_type(self, t):
        if isinstance(t, list):
            return t[0]
            return t