# Copyright 2015 Tigera, Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import sys
import os
import errno
from pycalico import netns
from pycalico.ipam import IPAMClient
from pycalico.datastore import Rules, Rule
from pycalico.block import AlreadyAssignedError
from pycalico.datastore_errors import DataStoreError
from netaddr import IPAddress, AddrFormatError
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import traceback
import re
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
from netaddr import IPNetwork
import socket

LOGFILE = "/var/log/calico/isolator.log"

ERROR_MISSING_COMMAND = "Missing command"
ERROR_MISSING_CONTAINER_ID = "Missing container_id"
ERROR_MISSING_HOSTNAME = "Missing hostname"
ERROR_MISSING_PID = "Missing pid"
ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND = "Unknown command: %s"
ERROR_MISSING_ARGS = "Missing args"

datastore = IPAMClient()
_log = logging.getLogger("CALICOMESOS")

HOSTNAME = socket.gethostname()

def calico_mesos():
    Module function which parses JSON from stdin and calls the appropriate
    plugin function. Input JSON data looks like the following:
        "command": "allocate|isolate|reserve|cleanup",
        "args": {}

    Args will vary depending on which function is called. See the docstring
    of each of the listed command functions for accepted args.

    stdin_raw_data = sys.stdin.read()
    _log.info("Received request: %s" % stdin_raw_data)

    # Convert input data to JSON object
        stdin_json = json.loads(stdin_raw_data)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise IsolatorException(str(e))

    # Extract command
        command = stdin_json['command']
    except KeyError:
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_MISSING_COMMAND)

    # Extract args
        args = stdin_json['args']
    except KeyError:
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_MISSING_ARGS)

    # Labels are passed in as JSONified protobufs, which look like the following:
    # {
    #   "args": {
    #     ...
    #     "labels": [
    #       { "key": "mykey1", "value": "myvalue1" },
    #       { "key": "mykey2", "value": "myvalue2" }
    #     ]
    #   }
    # }
    # Update them to a more pythonic representation:
    # {
    #     "args": {
    #         ...
    #         "labels": {
    #             "mykey1": "myvalue1",
    #             "mykey2": "myvalue2"
    #         }
    #     }
    # }
    labels = args.get("labels")
    if labels:
        args['labels'] = {label['key']: label['value'] for label in labels}
        _log.info("Fixed request to be: %s" % str(args))

    # Call command with args
    _log.debug("Executing %s" % command)
    if command == 'isolate':
        return isolate(args)
    elif command == 'cleanup':
        return cleanup(args)
    elif command == 'allocate':
        return allocate(args)
    elif command == 'reserve':
        return reserve(args)
    elif command == 'release':
        return release(args)
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND % command)

def _setup_logging(logfile):
    # Ensure directory exists.
    except OSError as oserr:
        if oserr.errno != errno.EEXIST:

    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(process)d [%(levelname)s] '
                                  '%(name)s %(lineno)d: %(message)s')
    handler = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler(logfile,

def _validate_ip_addrs(ip_addrs, ip_version=None):
    if not isinstance(ip_addrs, list):
        raise IsolatorException(
            "IP addresses must be provided as JSON list, not: %s" %
    validated_ip_addrs = []
    for ip_addr in ip_addrs:
            ip = IPAddress(ip_addr)
        except AddrFormatError:
            raise IsolatorException("IP address could not be parsed: %s" %

        if ip_version and ip.version != ip_version:
            raise IsolatorException("IPv%d address must not be placed in IPv%d"
                                    " address field." %
                                    (ip.version, ip_version))
    return validated_ip_addrs

def _create_profile_for_host_communication(profile_name):
    Create a profile which allows traffic to and from the host.
    _log.info("Autocreating profile %s", profile_name)
    prof = datastore.get_profile(profile_name)

    host_net = str(_get_host_ip_net())
    _log.info("adding accept rule for %s" % host_net)
    allow_from_slave = Rule(action="allow", src_net=host_net)
    allow_to_slave = Rule(action="allow", dst_net=host_net)
    prof.rules = Rules(id=profile_name,

def _create_profile_for_netgroup(profile_name):
    Create a profile which allows traffic from other Endpoints in the same
    _log.info("Autocreating profile %s", profile_name)
    prof = datastore.get_profile(profile_name)
    allow_from_profile = Rule(action="allow", src_tag=profile_name)
    allow_to_all = Rule(action="allow")
    prof.rules = Rules(id=profile_name,

def _create_profile_for_public_communication(profile_name):
    Create a public profile which allows open traffic from all.
    _log.info("Creating public profile: %s", profile_name)
    prof = datastore.get_profile(profile_name)
    allow_all = Rule(action="allow")
    prof.rules = Rules(id=profile_name,

def _get_host_ip_net():
    Gets the IP Address of the host.

    Ignores Loopback and docker0 Addresses.
    IP_SUBNET_RE = re.compile(r'inet ((?:\d+\.){3}\d+\/\d+)')
    INTERFACE_SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r'(\d+:.*(?:\n\s+.*)+)')
    IFACE_RE = re.compile(r'^\d+: (\S+):')

    # Call `ip addr`.
        ip_addr_output = check_output(["ip", "-4", "addr"])
    except CalledProcessError, OSError:
        raise IsolatorException("Could not read host IP")

    # Separate interface blocks from ip addr output and iterate.
    for iface_block in INTERFACE_SPLIT_RE.findall(ip_addr_output):
        # Exclude certain interfaces.
        match = IFACE_RE.match(iface_block)
        if match and match.group(1) not in ["docker0", "lo"]:
            # Iterate through Addresses on interface.
            for address in IP_SUBNET_RE.findall(iface_block):
                ip_net = IPNetwork(address)
                if not ip_net.ip.is_loopback():
                    # Select just the host IP address, not the entire subnet
                    # it belongs, since we only want this host to communicate
                    # with the executor.
                    return IPNetwork(ip_net.ip)
    raise IsolatorException("Couldn't determine host's IP Address.")

def isolate(args):
    Toplevel function which validates and sanitizes json args into variables
    which can be passed to _isolate.

    "args": {
        "hostname": "slave-H3A-1",                              # Required
        "container_id": "ba11f1de-fc4d-46fd-9f15-424f4ef05a3a", # Required
        "ipv4_addrs": [""],                         # Not Required
        "ipv6_addrs": ["2001:3ac3:f90b:1111::1"],               # Not Required
        "netgroups": ["prod", "frontend"],                      # Required.
        "labels": {                                             # Optional.
            "rack": "3A",
            "pop": "houston"
    hostname = args.get("hostname")
    container_id = args.get("container_id")
    pid = args.get("pid")
    ipv4_addrs = args.get("ipv4_addrs", [])
    ipv6_addrs = args.get("ipv6_addrs", [])
    netgroups = args.get("netgroups", [])
    labels = args.get("labels")

    # Validate Container ID
    if not container_id:
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_MISSING_CONTAINER_ID)
    if not hostname:
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_MISSING_HOSTNAME)
    if not pid:
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_MISSING_PID)

    # Validate IPv4 Addresses
    ipv4_addrs_validated = _validate_ip_addrs(ipv4_addrs, 4)

    # Validate IPv6 Addresses
    ipv6_addrs_validated = _validate_ip_addrs(ipv6_addrs, 6)

    if not ipv4_addrs_validated + ipv6_addrs_validated:
        raise IsolatorException("Must provide at least one IPv4 or IPv6 address.")

    # Validate that netgroups are present
    if not isinstance(netgroups, list):
        raise IsolatorException("Must provide list of netgroups.")

    _isolate(hostname, pid, container_id, ipv4_addrs_validated, ipv6_addrs_validated, netgroups, labels)
    _log.debug("Request completed.")

def _isolate(hostname, ns_pid, container_id, ipv4_addrs, ipv6_addrs, profiles, labels):
    Configure networking for a container.

    This function performs the following steps:
    1.) Create endpoint in memory
    2.) Fill endpoint with data
    3.) Configure network to match the filled endpoint's specifications
    4.) Write endpoint to etcd

    :param hostname: Hostname of the slave which the container is running on
    :param container_id: The container's ID
    :param ipv4_addrs: List of desired IPv4 addresses to be assigned to the endpoint
    :param ipv6_addrs: List of desired IPv6 addresses to be assigned to the endpoint
    :param profiles: List of desired profiles to be assigned to the endpoint
    :param labels: TODO
    :return: None
    _log.info("Preparing network for Container with ID %s", container_id)
    _log.info("IP: %s, Profile %s", ipv4_addrs, profiles)

    # Exit if the endpoint has already been configured
    if len(datastore.get_endpoints(hostname=HOSTNAME,
                                   workload_id=container_id)) == 1:
        raise IsolatorException("This container has already been configured "
                                "with Calico Networking.")

    # Create the endpoint
    ep = datastore.create_endpoint(hostname=HOSTNAME,

    # Create any profiles in etcd that do not already exist
    assigned_profiles = []
    _log.info("Assigning Profiles: %s" % profiles)
    # First remove any keyword profile names
    except ValueError:
        _log.info("Assigning Public Profile")
        if not datastore.profile_exists("public"):

    # Assign remaining netgroup profiles
    for profile in profiles:
        if not datastore.profile_exists(profile):
            _log.info("Assigning Netgroup Profile: %s" % profile)

    # Insert the host-communication profile
    default_profile_name = "default_%s" % hostname
    _log.info("Assigning Default Host Profile: %s" % default_profile_name)
    if not datastore.profile_exists(default_profile_name):
    assigned_profiles.insert(0, default_profile_name)

    # Call through to complete the network setup matching this endpoint
    ep.profile_ids = assigned_profiles
        ep.mac = ep.provision_veth(netns.PidNamespace(ns_pid), "eth0")
    except netns.NamespaceError as e:
        raise IsolatorException(e.message)

    _log.info("Finished networking for container %s", container_id)

def cleanup(args):
    hostname = args.get("hostname")
    container_id = args.get("container_id")

    if not container_id:
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_MISSING_CONTAINER_ID)
    if not hostname:
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_MISSING_HOSTNAME)

    _cleanup(hostname, container_id)

def _cleanup(hostname, container_id):
    _log.info("Cleaning executor with Container ID %s.", container_id)

        endpoint = datastore.get_endpoint(hostname=HOSTNAME,
    except KeyError:
        raise IsolatorException("No endpoint found with container-id: %s" % container_id)

    # Release IP addresses.
    ips = {net.ip for net in endpoint.ipv4_nets | endpoint.ipv6_nets}
    _log.info("%s | Release IPs %s", container_id, ips)

    # Remove the endpoint
    _log.info("Removing veth for endpoint %s", endpoint.endpoint_id)

    # Remove the container from the datastore.
    _log.info("Cleanup complete for container %s", container_id)

def reserve(args):
    Toplevel function which validates and sanitizes dictionary of  args
    which can be passed to _reserve. Calico's reserve does not make use of
    netgroups or labels, so they are ignored.

    "args": {
		"hostname": "slave-0-1", # Required
		# At least one of "ipv4_addrs" and "ipv6_addrs" must be present.
	 	"ipv4_addrs": [""],
		"ipv6_addrs": ["2001:3ac3:f90b:1111::1", "2001:3ac3:f90b:1111::2"],
		"uid": "0cd47986-24ad-4c00-b9d3-5db9e5c02028",
	 	"netgroups": ["prod", "frontend"], # Optional.
	 	"labels": {  # Optional.
	 		"rack": "3A",
	 		"pop": "houston"
    hostname = args.get("hostname")
    ipv4_addrs = args.get("ipv4_addrs", [])
    ipv6_addrs = args.get("ipv6_addrs", [])
    uid = args.get("uid")

    # Validations
    if not uid:
        raise IsolatorException("Missing uid")
        # Convert to string since libcalico requires uids to be strings
        uid = str(uid)
    except ValueError:
        raise IsolatorException("Invalid UID: %s" % uid)

    if hostname is None:
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_MISSING_HOSTNAME)

    # Validate IP addresses
    ipv4_addrs_validated = _validate_ip_addrs(ipv4_addrs, 4)
    ipv6_addrs_validated = _validate_ip_addrs(ipv6_addrs, 6)

    if not ipv4_addrs_validated + ipv6_addrs_validated:
        raise IsolatorException("Must provide at least one IPv4 or IPv6 address.")

    return _reserve(hostname, uid, ipv4_addrs_validated, ipv6_addrs_validated)

def _reserve(hostname, uid, ipv4_addrs, ipv6_addrs):
    Reserve an IP from the IPAM.
    :param hostname: The host agent which is reserving this IP
    :param uid: A unique ID, which is indexed by the IPAM module and can be
    used to release all addresses with the uid.
    :param ipv4_addrs: List of IPAddress objects representing requested IPv4
    :param ipv6_addrs: List of IPAddress objects representing requested IPv6
    _log.info("Reserving. hostname: %s, uid: %s, ipv4_addrs: %s, ipv6_addrs: %s" % \
              (HOSTNAME, uid, ipv4_addrs, ipv6_addrs))
    assigned_ips = []
        for ip_addr in ipv4_addrs + ipv6_addrs:
            datastore.assign_ip(ip_addr, uid, {}, host=HOSTNAME)
            # Keep track of succesfully assigned ip_addrs in case we need to rollback
    except (RuntimeError, ValueError, AlreadyAssignedError):
        failed_addr = ip_addr
        _log.error("Couldn't reserve %s. Attempting rollback." % (ip_addr))
        # Rollback assigned ip_addrs
        raise IsolatorException("IP '%s' already in use." % failed_addr)

def allocate(args):
    Toplevel function which validates and sanitizes json args into variables
    which can be passed to _allocate.

    args = {
        "hostname": "slave-0-1", # Required
        "num_ipv4": 1, # Required.
        "num_ipv6": 2, # Required.
        "uid": "0cd47986-24ad-4c00-b9d3-5db9e5c02028", # Required
        "netgroups": ["prod", "frontend"], # Optional.
        "labels": {  # Optional.
            "rack": "3A",
            "pop": "houston"

    hostname = args.get("hostname")
    uid = args.get("uid")
    num_ipv4 = args.get("num_ipv4")
    num_ipv6 = args.get("num_ipv6")
    netgroups = args.get("netgroups")
    labels = args.get("labels", {})

    # Validations
    if not uid:
        raise IsolatorException("Missing uid")
        # Convert to string since libcalico requires uids to be strings
        uid = str(uid)
    except ValueError:
        raise IsolatorException("Invalid UID: %s" % uid)

    if hostname is None:
        raise IsolatorException(ERROR_MISSING_HOSTNAME)
    if num_ipv4 is None:
        raise IsolatorException("Missing num_ipv4")
    if num_ipv6 is None:
        raise IsolatorException("Missing num_ipv6")

    if not isinstance(num_ipv4, (int, long)):
            num_ipv4 = int(num_ipv4)
        except TypeError:
            raise IsolatorException("num_ipv4 must be an integer")

    if not isinstance(num_ipv6, (int, long)):
            num_ipv6 = int(num_ipv6)
        except TypeError:
            raise IsolatorException("num_ipv6 must be an integer")

    # Check if the user has requested a specific IP via label
    # Note: this will be deprecated once marathon provides the ipv4_addrs
    # field which will trigger netmodules' 'reserve'.
    # This implementation replaces the requested IPAM IP with the static IP.
    # i.e. If a user requests 1 IP, and specifies one specific IP in the
    # ipv4_addr label, they will receive 1 IP back - the one they specified.
    ipv4_addrs = []
    if labels.has_key("ipv4_addrs"):
            ipv4_addrs = eval(labels['ipv4_addrs'])
        except SyntaxError:
            raise IsolatorException("Calico detected a malformed ipv4_addrs "
                    "field. Ensure you've specified a string representation "
                    "of a list of strings.")
        # 'reserve' will sanitize the IP Addresses for us
        reserve({"hostname": hostname,
                 "ipv4_addrs": ipv4_addrs,
                 "ipv6_addrs": [],
                 "uid": uid,
                 "netgroups": netgroups,
                 "labels": labels})

    # Decrement how many IPAM'd IPs they will be getting by how many they
    # requested by label.
    num_ipv4 = max(num_ipv4 - len(ipv4_addrs), 0)

    result = _allocate(num_ipv4, num_ipv6, hostname, uid)
    result['ipv4'] += ipv4_addrs
    return json.dumps(result)

def _allocate(num_ipv4, num_ipv6, hostname, uid):
    Allocate IP addresses from the data store.
    :param num_ipv4: Number of IPv4 addresses to request.
    :param num_ipv6: Number of IPv6 addresses to request.
    :param hostname: The hostname of this host.
    :param uid: A unique ID, which is indexed by the IPAM module and can be
    used to release all addresses with the uid.
    :return: Dictionary of the result in the following format:
        "ipv4": [""],
        "ipv6": ["2001:3ac3:f90b:1111::1", "2001:3ac3:f90b:1111::2"],
        "error": None  # Not None indicates error and contains error message.
    result = datastore.auto_assign_ips(num_ipv4, num_ipv6, uid, {},
    ipv4_strs = [str(ip) for ip in result[0]]
    ipv6_strs = [str(ip) for ip in result[1]]
    return {"ipv4": ipv4_strs,
            "ipv6": ipv6_strs,
            "error": None}

def release(args):
    Toplevel function which validates and sanitizes json args into variables
    which can be passed to _release_uid or _release_ips.

    args: {
        "uid": "0cd47986-24ad-4c00-b9d3-5db9e5c02028",
        # OR
        "ips": ["", "2001:3ac3:f90b:1111::1"] # OK to mix 6 & 4

    Must include a uid or ips, but not both.  If a uid is passed, release all
    addresses with that uid.

    If a list of ips is passed, release those IPs.
    uid = args.get("uid")
    ips = args.get("ips")

    if uid is None:
        if ips is None:
            raise IsolatorException("Must supply either uid or ips.")
            ips_validated = _validate_ip_addrs(ips)
            return _release_ips(set(ips_validated))

        # uid supplied.
        if ips is not None:
            raise IsolatorException("Supply either uid or ips, not both.")
            if not isinstance(uid, (str, unicode)):
                raise IsolatorException("uid must be a string")
            # uid validated.
            return _release_uid(uid)

def _release_ips(ips):
    Release the given IPs using the data store.

    :param ips: Set of IPAddress objects to release.
    :return: None
    # release_ips returns a set of addresses that were already not allocated
    # when this function was called.  But, Mesos doesn't consume that
    # information, so we ignore it.
    _ = datastore.release_ips(ips)

def _release_uid(uid):
    Release all IP addresses with the given unique ID using the data store.
    :param uid: The unique ID used to allocate the IPs.
    :return: None
    _ = datastore.release_ip_by_handle(uid)

def _error_message(msg=None):
    Helper function to convert error messages into the JSON format.
    return json.dumps({"error": msg})

class IsolatorException(Exception):

if __name__ == '__main__':
        response = calico_mesos()
    except IsolatorException as e:
    except DatastoreError as e:
        # Encountered an etcd error
        # Try to give a more helpful error message depending on whether or not
        # the user has set ETCD_AUTHORITY
            etcd_authority = os.environ['ETCD_AUTHORITY']
            error_message = "Failed to communicate with etcd at '%s'. " \
                    "Ensure that it is up and running or change ETCD_AUTHORITY" \
                    " environment variable used by the meoss-agent process." % \
        except KeyError:
            error_message = "Failed to communicate with etcd. ETCD_AUTHORITY " \
                    "is not set for this agent process."
    except Exception as e:
        sys.stdout.write(_error_message("Unhandled error %s\n%s" %
                         (str(e), traceback.format_exc())))
        if response == None:
            response = _error_message(None)
        _log.info("Request completed with response: %s" % response)