import webbrowser as webbrowser
from urllib.parse import quote
    import Tkinter as Tk        # Python < 3.0
except ImportError:
    import tkinter as Tk        # Python >= 3.0

class Congratulations(object):
    """Displays a dialog congratulating the user for completing the challenge.

    Allows the user to share their accomplishment on various social media platforms [Twitter, Vkontakte, Facebook].

    TO DO:
        Allow the user to start up a new goal.    

    def __init__(self):
        """Open a Tkinter window with a congratulatory message.
        # Attributes
        self.root = Tk.Toplevel()
        self.challenge_duration = 100        # Set this manually for now. Pass it in as an argument later.
        self.challenge_hashtag = "#100DaysOfCode"

        CANVAS_WIDTH = 300
        CANVAS_HEIGHT = 250
        BTTN_WIDTH = 12
        self.canvas = Tk.Canvas(self.root, width = CANVAS_WIDTH, height = CANVAS_HEIGHT)

        # Text label
        lbl = Tk.Label(self.root, text="Congratulations!\nYou've reached the end of your challenge! You've earned the right to boast a little, so why not tell everyone about your accomplishment?",
        anchor=Tk.CENTER, justify=Tk.CENTER, wraplength=CANVAS_WIDTH-20, padx=10), rely=0.15)
        share_lbl = Tk.Label(self.root, text="Share on:", anchor=Tk.CENTER, justify=Tk.CENTER, wraplength=CANVAS_WIDTH-20, padx=125), rely=0.55)
        # Social media button + "NO Thanks" Button
        twitter_btn = Tk.Button(self.root, text="Twitter", command=self.open_twitter_browser, width=BTTN_WIDTH).pack(pady = 5)
        vk_btn = Tk.Button(self.root, text="Vkontakte", command=self.open_vk_browser, width=BTTN_WIDTH).pack(pady = 5)
        facebook_btn = Tk.Button(self.root, text="Facebook", command=self.open_facebook_browser, width=BTTN_WIDTH).pack(pady = 5)
        btn_quit = Tk.Button(self.root, text="No Thanks", compound=Tk.LEFT, command=self.close_Window, width=BTTN_WIDTH).pack(pady = 5)

        # Tkinter instantiation
    def open_facebook_browser(self):
        """Opens a new browser tab to the Facebook page for creating a post.

        Pre-populates the post with a stock message.
        msg = quote("I just completed my " + str(self.challenge_duration) + "-days challenge! "+ self.challenge_hashtag)
        webbrowser.open_new_tab("" + msg)

    def open_vk_browser(self):
        """Opens a new browser tab to the Vkontakte page for creating a post.

        Pre-populates the post with a stock message.
        msg = quote("I just completed my " + str(self.challenge_duration) + "-days challenge! "+ self.challenge_hashtag)
        webbrowser.open_new_tab("" + msg)

    def open_twitter_browser(self):
        """Opens a new browser tab to the Twitter page for creating a tweet.

        Pre-populates the tweet with a stock message.
        msg = quote("I just completed my " + str(self.challenge_duration) + "-days challenge! "+ self.challenge_hashtag)
        webbrowser.open_new_tab("" + msg)

    def close_Window(self):
        """Closes the celebratory window."""