# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2015-2016 MIT Probabilistic Computing Project

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at

#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import importlib
import itertools
import math
import warnings

from collections import defaultdict
from math import lgamma
from math import log

import numpy as np

from cgpm.utils import validation as vu

from cgpm.cgpm import CGpm
CGPM_SIMULATE_NARGS = CGpm.simulate.func_code.co_argcount

colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'magenta', 'orange', 'purple', 'brown',

def gen_rng(seed=None):
    if seed is None:
        seed = np.random.randint(low=1, high=2**31)
    return np.random.RandomState(seed)

def get_prng(seed=None):
    if seed is None:
        seed = np.random.randint(low=1, high=2**31)
    return np.random.RandomState(seed)

def curve_color(k):
    return (colors[k], .7) if k < len(colors) else ('gray', .3)

def merged(*dicts):
    result = {}
    for d in dicts:
    return result

def mergedl(dicts):
    return merged(*dicts)

def lchain(*args):
    return list(itertools.chain(*args))

def flatten_cgpms(cgpms, tpe):
    return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
        cgpm.cgpms if isinstance(cgpm, tpe) else [cgpm] for cgpm in cgpms

def is_disjoint(*args):
    return not set.intersection(*(set(a) for a in args))

def get_intersection(left, right):
    if right is None:
        return {} if isinstance(left, dict) else []
    if isinstance(right, dict):
        return {i: right[i] for i in right if i in left}
    elif isinstance(right, list):
        return [i for i in right if i in left]
        assert False, 'Unknown args type.'

def log_normalize(logp):
    """Normalizes a np array of log probabilites."""
    return np.subtract(logp, logsumexp(logp))

def normalize(p):
    """Normalizes a np array of probabilites."""
    return np.asarray(p, dtype=float) / sum(p)

def logp_crp(N, Nk, alpha):
    """Returns the log normalized P(N,K|alpha), where N is the number of
    customers and K is the number of tables.
    http://gershmanlab.webfactional.com/pubs/GershmanBlei12.pdf#page=4 (eq 8)
    return len(Nk)*log(alpha) + np.sum(lgamma(c) for c in Nk) \
        + lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(N+alpha)

def logp_crp_unorm(N, K, alpha):
    """Returns the log unnormalized P(N,K|alpha), where N is the number of
    customers and K is the number of tables. Use for effeciency to avoid
    computing terms that are not a function of alpha.
    return K*log(alpha) + lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(N+alpha)

def logp_crp_gibbs(Nk, Z, i, alpha, m):
    """Compute the CRP probabilities for a Gibbs transition of customer i,
    with table counts Nk, table assignments Z, and m auxiliary tables."""
    # XXX F ME
    K = sorted(Nk) if isinstance(Nk, dict) else xrange(len(Nk))
    singleton = Nk[Z[i]] == 1
    m_aux = m-1 if singleton else m
    p_table_aux = alpha/float(m)
    p_current = lambda : p_table_aux if singleton else Nk[Z[i]]-1
    p_other = lambda t : Nk[t]
    p_table = lambda t: p_current() if t == Z[i] else p_other(t)
    return [log(p_table(t)) for t in K] + [log(p_table_aux)]*m_aux

def logp_crp_fresh(N, Nk, alpha, m=1):
    """Compute the CRP probabilities for a fresh customer i=N+1, with
    table counts Nk, total customers N=sum(Nk), and m auxiliary tables."""
    log_crp_numer = np.log(Nk + [alpha/m]*m)
    logp_crp_denom = log(N + alpha)
    return log_crp_numer - logp_crp_denom

def log_pflip(logp, array=None, size=None, rng=None):
    """Categorical draw from a vector logp of log probabilities."""
    p = np.exp(log_normalize(logp))
    return pflip(p, array=array, size=size, rng=rng)

def pflip(p, array=None, size=None, rng=None):
    """Categorical draw from a vector p of probabilities."""
    if array is None:
        array = range(len(p))
    if len(p) == 1:
        return array[0] if size is None else [array[0]] * size
    if rng is None:
        rng = gen_rng()
    p = normalize(p)
    if 10.**(-8.) < math.fabs(1.-sum(p)):
        warnings.warn('pflip probability vector sums to %f.' % sum(p))
    return rng.choice(array, size=size, p=p)

def logsumexp(array):
    # https://github.com/probcomp/bayeslite/blob/master/src/math_util.py
    if len(array) == 0:
        return float('-inf')
    m = max(array)

    # m = +inf means addends are all +inf, hence so are sum and log.
    # m = -inf means addends are all zero, hence so is sum, and log is
    # -inf.  But if +inf and -inf are among the inputs, or if input is
    # NaN, let the usual computation yield a NaN.
    if math.isinf(m) and min(array) != -m and \
       all(not math.isnan(a) for a in array):
        return m

    # Since m = max{a_0, a_1, ...}, it follows that a <= m for all a,
    # so a - m <= 0; hence exp(a - m) is guaranteed not to overflow.
    return m + math.log(sum(math.exp(a - m) for a in array))

def logmeanexp(array):
    # https://github.com/probcomp/bayeslite/blob/master/src/math_util.py
    inf = float('inf')
    if len(array) == 0:
        # logsumexp will DTRT, but math.log(len(array)) will fail.
        return -inf

    # Treat -inf values as log 0 -- they contribute zero to the sum in
    # logsumexp, but one to the count.
    # If we pass -inf values through to logsumexp, and there are also
    # +inf values, then we get NaN -- but if we had averaged exp(-inf)
    # = 0 and exp(+inf) = +inf, we would sensibly get +inf, whose log
    # is still +inf, not NaN.  So strip -inf values first.
    # Can't say `a > -inf' because that excludes NaNs, but we want to
    # include them so they propagate.
    noninfs = [a for a in array if not a == -inf]

    # probs = map(exp, logprobs)
    # log(mean(probs)) = log(sum(probs) / len(probs))
    #   = log(sum(probs)) - log(len(probs))
    #   = log(sum(map(exp, logprobs))) - log(len(logprobs))
    #   = logsumexp(logprobs) - log(len(logprobs))
    return logsumexp(noninfs) - math.log(len(array))

def logmeanexp_weighted(log_A, log_W):
    # https://github.com/probcomp/bayeslite/blob/master/src/math_util.py
    # Given log W_0, log W_1, ..., log W_{n-1} and log A_0, log A_1,
    # ... log A_{n-1}, compute
    #   log ((W_0 A_0 + ... + W_{n-1} A_{n-1})/(W_0 + ... + W_{n-1}))
    #   = log (exp log (W_0 A_0) + ... + exp log (W_{n-1} A_{n-1}))
    #     - log (exp log W_0 + ... + exp log W_{n-1})
    #   = log (exp (log W_0 + log A_0) + ... + exp (log W_{n-1} + log A_{n-1}))
    #     - log (exp log W_0 + ... + exp log W_{n-1})
    #   = logsumexp (log W_0 + log A_0, ..., log W_{n-1} + log A_{n-1})
    #     - logsumexp (log W_0, ..., log W_{n-1})
    # XXX Pathological cases -- infinities, NaNs.
    assert len(log_W) == len(log_A)
    return logsumexp([log_w + log_a for log_w, log_a in zip(log_W, log_A)]) \
        - logsumexp(log_W)

def log_linspace(a, b, n):
    """linspace from a to b with n entries over log scale."""
    return np.exp(np.linspace(log(a), log(b), n))

def log_nCk(n, k):
    """log(choose(n,k)) with overflow protection."""
    if n == 0 or k == 0 or n == k:
        return 0
    return log(n) + lgamma(n) - log(k) - lgamma(k) - log(n-k) - lgamma(n-k)

def simulate_crp(N, alpha, rng=None):
    """Generates random N-length partition from the CRP with parameter alpha."""
    if rng is None:
        rng = gen_rng()

    assert N > 0 and alpha > 0.
    alpha = float(alpha)

    partition = [0]*N
    Nk = [1]
    for i in xrange(1,N):
        K = len(Nk)
        ps = np.zeros(K+1)
        for k in xrange(K):
            ps[k] = float(Nk[k])
        ps[K] = alpha
        ps /= (float(i) - 1 + alpha)
        assignment = pflip(ps, rng=rng)
        if assignment == K:
        elif assignment < K:
            Nk[assignment] += 1
            raise ValueError("Invalid assignment: %i, max=%i" % (assignment, K))
        partition[i] = assignment

    assert max(partition)+1 == len(Nk)
    assert len(partition)==N
    assert sum(Nk) == N

    K = len(Nk)
    # if K > 1:
    #     rng.shuffle(partition)
    return partition

def simulate_crp_constrained(N, alpha, Cd, Ci, Rd, Ri, rng=None):
    """Simulates a CRP with N customers and concentration alpha. Cd is a list,
    where each entry is a list of friends. Ci is a list of tuples, where each
    tuple is a pair of enemies."""
    if rng is None:
        rng = gen_rng()

    vu.validate_crp_constrained_input(N, Cd, Ci, Rd, Ri)
    assert N > 0 and alpha > 0.

    # Initial partition.
    Z = [-1]*N

    # Friends dictionary from Cd.
    friends = {col: block for block in Cd for col in block}

    # Assign customers.
    for cust in xrange(N):
        # If the customer has been assigned, skip.
        if Z[cust] > -1:
        # Find valid tables for cust and friends.
        assert all(Z[f] == -1 for f in friends.get(cust, [cust]))
        prob_table = [0] * (max(Z)+1)
        for t in xrange(max(Z)+1):
            # Current customers at table t.
            t_custs = [i for i,z in enumerate(Z) if z==t]
            prob_table[t] = len(t_custs)
            # Does f \in {cust \union cust_friends} have an enemy in table t?
            for tc in t_custs:
                for f in friends.get(cust, [cust]):
                    if not vu.check_compatible_customers(Cd,Ci,Ri,Rd,f,tc):
                        prob_table[t] = 0
        # Choose from valid tables using CRP.
        assignment = pflip(prob_table, rng=rng)
        for f in friends.get(cust, [cust]):
            Z[f] = assignment

    # At most N tables.
    assert all(0 <= t < N for t in Z)
    assert vu.validate_crp_constrained_partition(Z, Cd, Ci, Rd, Ri)
    return Z

def simulate_crp_constrained_dependent(N, alpha, Cd, rng=None):
    """Simulates a CRP with N customers and concentration alpha. Cd is a list,
    where each entry is a list of friends. Each clique of friends are
    effectively treated as one customer, since they are assigned to a table

    Note that this prior is different than simulate_crp_constrained, where
    (unlike this function) clique of customers are not treated as a single
    customer when computing the table probability.
    if rng is None:
        rng = gen_rng()

    vu.validate_dependency_constraints(N, Cd, [])
    assert N > 0 and alpha > 0

    # Find number of effective customers to simulate.
    num_simulate = get_crp_constrained_num_effective(N, Cd)

    # Simulate a CRP based on the block structure.
    crp_block = simulate_crp(num_simulate, alpha, rng=rng)

    # Prepare the overall partition of length N.
    partition = [-1] * N

    # Assign constrained customers based on crp_block[:num_blocks].
    for i, block in enumerate(Cd):
        # Find the assignment for this block.
        assignment = crp_block[i]
        for customer in block:
            partition[customer] = assignment

    # Assign unconstrained customers based on crp_block[num_blocks:].
    num_blocks = len(Cd)
    unused_assignments = iter(crp_block[num_blocks:])
    for customer, assignment in enumerate(partition):
        if assignment == -1:
            partition[customer] = next(unused_assignments)

    return partition

def logp_crp_constrained_dependent(Z, alpha, Cd):
    """Compute logp of CRP simulated by simulate_crp_constrained_dependent.

    Z is a map from each customer to the table assignment. Cd is a list, where
    each entry is a list of friends. Each clique of friends are effectively
    treated as one customer, since they are assigned to a table jointly.
    if not vu.validate_crp_constrained_partition(Z, Cd, [], [], []):
        return -float('inf')

    assert alpha > 0

    # Get the effective number of customers.
    num_simulate = get_crp_constrained_num_effective(len(Z), Cd)

    # Get the effective counts.
    counts = get_crp_constrained_partition_counts(Z, Cd)
    Nk = counts.values()
    assert sum(Nk) == num_simulate

    return logp_crp(num_simulate, Nk, alpha)

def get_crp_constrained_num_effective(N, Cd):
    """Compute effective number of customers given dependence constraints.

    N is the total number of customers, and Cd is a list of lists encoding
    the dependence constraints.
    num_customers = N
    num_blocks = len(Cd)
    num_constrained = sum(len(block) for block in Cd)
    assert num_constrained <= num_customers
    assert num_blocks <= num_customers
    num_effective = (num_customers - num_constrained) + num_blocks
    return num_effective

def get_crp_constrained_partition_counts(Z, Cd):
    """Compute effective counts at each table given dependence constraints.

    Z is a dictionary mapping customer to table, and Cd is a list of lists
    encoding the dependence constraints.
    # Compute the effective partition.
    counts = defaultdict(int)
    seen = set()
    # Table assignment of constrained customers.
    for block in Cd:
        customer = block[0]
        table = Z[customer]
        counts[table] += 1
    # Table assignment of unconstrained customers.
    for customer in Z:
        if customer in seen:
        table = Z[customer]
        counts[table] += 1
    return counts

def build_rowid_blocks(Zvr):
    A = np.asarray(Zvr).T
    U = map(tuple, A)
    return {u:np.where(np.all(A==u, axis=1))[0] for u in U}

def simulate_many(simulate):
    """Simple wrapper for a cgpm `simulate` method to call itself N times."""
    def simulate_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if len(args) == CGPM_SIMULATE_NARGS:
            N = args[-1]
            N = kwargs.get('N', None)
        if N is None:
            return simulate(*args, **kwargs)
        return [simulate(*args, **kwargs) for _i in xrange(N)]
    return simulate_wrapper

def build_cgpm(metadata, rng):
    modname, attrname = metadata['factory']
    module = importlib.import_module(modname)
    builder = getattr(module, attrname)
    return builder.from_metadata(metadata, rng)