Copyright 2015 Planet Labs, Inc.
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import logging
import numpy

from osgeo import gdal

from radiometric_normalization import gimage
from radiometric_normalization import pif

def generate(candidate_path, reference_path,
             method='filter_alpha', method_options=None,
    ''' Generates psuedo invariant features as a mask

    :param str candidate_path: Path to the candidate image
    :param str reference_path: Path to the reference image
    :param str method: Which psuedo invariant feature generation method to use
    :param object method_options: A passthrough argument for any specific
        options for the method chosen:
            - Not applicable for 'filter_alpha'
            - The width of the filter for 'filter_PCA'

    :returns: A boolean array in the same coordinate system of the
        candidate/reference image (True for the PIF)
    if method == 'filter_alpha':
        _, c_alpha, c_band_count = _open_image_and_get_info(
            candidate_path, last_band_alpha)
        _, r_alpha, r_band_count = _open_image_and_get_info(
            reference_path, last_band_alpha)

        _assert_consistent(c_alpha, r_alpha, c_band_count, r_band_count)
        combined_alpha = numpy.logical_and(c_alpha, r_alpha)

        pif_mask = pif.generate_alpha_band_pifs(combined_alpha)
    elif method == 'filter_PCA':
        c_ds, c_alpha, c_band_count = _open_image_and_get_info(
            candidate_path, last_band_alpha)
        r_ds, r_alpha, r_band_count = _open_image_and_get_info(
            reference_path, last_band_alpha)

        _assert_consistent(c_alpha, r_alpha, c_band_count, r_band_count)
        combined_alpha = numpy.logical_and(c_alpha, r_alpha)

        if method_options:
            parameters = method_options
            parameters = pif.DEFAULT_PCA_OPTIONS

        pif_mask = numpy.ones(c_alpha.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
        for band_no in range(1, c_band_count + 1):
            logging.info('PIF: Band {}'.format(band_no))
            c_band = gimage.read_single_band(c_ds, band_no)
            r_band = gimage.read_single_band(r_ds, band_no)
            pif_band_mask = pif.generate_pca_pifs(
                c_band, r_band, combined_alpha, parameters)
            pif_mask = numpy.logical_and(pif_mask, pif_band_mask)

        no_total_pixels = c_alpha.size
        no_valid_pixels = len(numpy.nonzero(pif_mask)[0])
        valid_percent = 100.0 * no_valid_pixels / no_total_pixels
            'PIF: Found {} final pifs out of {} pixels ({}%) for all '
            'bands'.format(no_valid_pixels, no_total_pixels, valid_percent))
    elif method == 'filter_robust':
        c_ds, c_alpha, c_band_count = _open_image_and_get_info(
            candidate_path, last_band_alpha)
        r_ds, r_alpha, r_band_count = _open_image_and_get_info(
            reference_path, last_band_alpha)

        _assert_consistent(c_alpha, r_alpha, c_band_count, r_band_count)
        combined_alpha = numpy.logical_and(c_alpha, r_alpha)

        if method_options:
            parameters = method_options
            parameters = pif.DEFAULT_ROBUST_OPTIONS

        pif_mask = numpy.ones(c_alpha.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
        for band_no in range(1, c_band_count + 1):
            logging.info('PIF: Band {}'.format(band_no))
            c_band = gimage.read_single_band(c_ds, band_no)
            r_band = gimage.read_single_band(r_ds, band_no)
            pif_band_mask = pif.generate_robust_pifs(
                c_band, r_band, combined_alpha, parameters)
            pif_mask = numpy.logical_and(pif_mask, pif_band_mask)

        no_total_pixels = c_alpha.size
        no_valid_pixels = len(numpy.nonzero(pif_mask)[0])
        valid_percent = 100.0 * no_valid_pixels / no_total_pixels
            'PIF: Found {} final pifs out of {} pixels ({}%) for all '
            'bands'.format(no_valid_pixels, no_total_pixels, valid_percent))
        raise NotImplementedError('Only "filter_alpha", "filter_PCA" and '
                                  '"filter_robust" methods are implemented.')

    return pif_mask

def _open_image_and_get_info(path, last_band_alpha):
    gdal_ds = gdal.Open(path)
    alpha_band, band_count = gimage.read_alpha_and_band_count(
        gdal_ds, last_band_alpha=last_band_alpha)
    return gdal_ds, alpha_band, band_count

def _assert_consistent(c_alpha, r_alpha, c_band_count, r_band_count):
    assert r_band_count == c_band_count
    assert r_alpha.shape == c_alpha.shape